E3 2006: Square Shuns Xbox 360
The RPG giant made some major announcements, just not for Microsoft.
by Charles Onyett 翻译squall8112
作出DQ和FF系列这样伟大作品的厂商SE在他们的E32006业界发表会上投下了几个重磅炸弓单。首先,DQ系列将在Wii登场。《DQ Swords: 面具王后和镜之塔》将运用Wii独特手柄设计,更让人吃惊的是还在Wii的首发阵容内。第二,SE发布了一系列FF13的标题,总名为Fabula Nova Crystallis(星云新星水晶)。在这个大标题下有三个游戏:PS3上的Final Fantasy XIII和Final Fantasy Versus XIII,以及Final Fantasy Agito,平台是……别倒,手机。
注意到什么吗?关于360什么都没有。尽管SE简要提到并展示了一段《FF11:亚特乌尔刚的密宝》的demo。现有平台包括Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3和手机上都有SE的游戏,不幸的是除了360。
SE总裁Yoichi Wada强调 FFXIII Fabula Nova Crystallis project是公司向次世代主机转型并保证利润的基础。听到360不是SE计划的一部分实在让人失望,特别是考虑到FF13的演示多么让人难忘。在发表会上FF Versus XIII的部分似乎暗示360最终会得到一个标题。但直到CG展示结束,"PlayStation 3"以金色文本在屏幕显著位置出现,这种期待都变成了浮云。
SE强调 FFXIII 是PS3的独占作品,而FF Versus XIII 只提到将在PS3出现。再深入想这些可能会很愚蠢,然而,特别是当我们看到FF Versus XIII的导演野村哲也先生是用日文发言的时候,微软会不会有可能阻止SE在发表会上透露自己的信息呢?虽然这貌似很不可能。发表会最终,SE的未来方向是跟SONY,NINTENDO和手机联系在一起的,已经很清楚了。
May 8, 2006 - SquareEnix, purveyors of such franchises as Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, held their annual E3 2006 press conference and dropped some bombshell announcements. First, the Dragon Quest series will be making appearances on Wii. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and Tower of Mirrors will take advantage of Wii's unique controller design and, more surprisingly, will be available at the Wii's launch. Next, Square announced a massive Final Fantasy XIII project, called Fabula Nova Crystallis. Under this project title sits three games: Final Fantasy XIII for PS3, Final Fantasy Versus XIII for PS3, and Final Fantasy Agito for, brace yourselves, mobile platforms.
Notice anything? Nothing was mentioned for the 360. Though Square did briefly mention and show a demo for Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan, nothing else Microsoft-related was mentioned. Every other platform in existence, including the Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and mobile devices will be receiving Square games except for, unfortunately, the Xbox 360.
Yoichi Wada, President of SquareEnix, emphasized the FFXIII Fabula Nova Crystallis project as a cornerstone for transitioning to the next generation while keeping the company profitable. It's disappointing, therefore, to hear that the Xbox 360 isn't part of Square's plans, especially considering how impressive FFXIII trailer was. In the FF Versus XIII portion of the presentation, it seemed as though the Xbox 360 might finally receive a title. After an entirely CG trailer, there was a tantalizing pause before the screen displayed "PlayStation 3" in prominent, gold text.
While FFXIII was emphasized as exclusively for the PS3, FF Versus XIII was only mentioned as coming to the PS3. Reading any further into this could very well be folly, however, especially since we were reading the translation off the screen while Tetsuya Nomura, Director of FF Versus XIII, was speaking in Japanese. Could Microsoft have possibly prevented SquareEnix from making an announcement at their conference to save it for their own? Possibly, but very far from likely. At the conference's end, it was clear Square's direction for the future was with Sony, Nintendo, and cell phones.
[ 本帖最后由 squall8112 于 2006-5-9 13:23 编辑 ] |