Booster has now updated to PSP Device Hook Sample Launcher v0.41 which, according to a rough translation, appears to include full 2.50 Firmware support (you don't have to replace that reboot.bin file from 2.00 to 2.50) now! However, this version doesn't seem to work with WiFi and you can't use your Network Settings, so -for the moment anyway- using a pure 2.50 FW dump doesn't appear practical. In related news, Booster has also shared PSP NAND Flash Dumper v1.01 today with us!
PSP Device Hook Sample Launcher v0.40 A nice way to start out the new week- today Booster has released PSP Device Hook Sample Launcher v0.40. It includes a DevHook v0.40 Firmware Installer (essentially PSAR Dumper v0.2B For PSP) and redirects flash access to the PSP Memory Stick. For those who are interested, a v0.40 FULL version is also available which includes the required PSP FW files.
Current new PSP titles now compatible/working include:
* Breath Of Fire 3 (with Save working)
* Capcom Collection WiFi (with 2.0 PRX files)
* GTA Multi-Player WiFi (no errors now, from iSO and UMD- remember you're not using your flash1 setting, so you'll have to make a new connection)
* FIFA Street
* FIFA Street 2
* Fight Night (remove update, and compress to CSO format via CiSO v1.00- you can leave it as .cso too, no need to rename back to .iso)
* Gottlieb Pinball Classics
* Initial D: Street Stage
* Lemmings (EUR)
* MX vs ATV: Unleashed (with Save working and Sound)
* NeoPets, Pinball: Hall Of Fame
* SOCOM (New Campaign Mode and Save now work)
* Street Fighter Alpha 3 WiFi (with Save working)
* Street Riders
* The Sims (with Save working)
* Vulcanus: Seek And Destroy (KOR)
All of the above games tested using the same settings as follows: UMD Select: Select Your iSO File, UMD Mount: ISO ANYUMD (set it), Firmware: 2.50+2.00 (set it), Boot Select: Reboot XMB (set it), UMD Version: 2.XX -> 2.00 (set it, or you will get a 2.6 error), and CPU Clock: 333 MHz / 166 MHz. As always, for the latest information please check our PSP Compatibility List and also the PSP Chat Forum.
Finally, try this one: If you have more than one iSO on your Memory Stick, start emulating the Firmware and go to the UMD Icon under GAME. Your selected iSO should appear now (like you've done before). Now, press HOME + R-Trigger.. and the next iSO will be selected and shown as UMD. Pressing HOME + L-Trigger selects the other iSO. Cool feature, and more to come soon!
某人发布了devhook0.41 利用它可以运行很多2.5FW的游戏 西卡西 不能很好的支持联机(看原文好像说不能联机 可是下面的列表中好像有GTA的联机模式)
原本给出的这个需要玩家自己进行一下Flash0 flash1的操作 我已经把弄好的包整出 目前上传中 很快给出下载
* Breath Of Fire 3 (with Save working)
* Capcom Collection WiFi (with 2.0 PRX files)
* GTA Multi-Player WiFi (no errors now, from iSO and UMD- remember you're not using your flash1 setting, so you'll have to make a new connection)
* FIFA Street
* FIFA Street 2
* Fight Night (remove update, and compress to CSO format via CiSO v1.00- you can leave it as .cso too, no need to rename back to .iso)
* Gottlieb Pinball Classics
* Initial D: Street Stage
* Lemmings (EUR)
* MX vs ATV: Unleashed (with Save working and Sound)
* NeoPets, Pinball: Hall Of Fame
* SOCOM (New Campaign Mode and Save now work)
* Street Fighter Alpha 3 WiFi (with Save working)
* Street Riders
* The Sims (with Save working)
* Vulcanus: Seek And Destroy (KOR)
使用设定 需UMD!
UMD Select: Select Your iSO File
Firmware: 2.50+2.00
Boot Select: Reboot XMB
UMD Version: 2.XX -> 2.00 (set it, or you will get a 2.6 error)
CPU Clock: 222 MHz /111MHz(介样才能联机)
设定好之后START 然后系统会重启 紧接着便进入游戏了
设定好之后START 然后系统会重启 紧接着便进入游戏了 似乎是通过模拟到2.5的fw来运行游戏的 Home推出之后 会回到2.5的FW 在2.5FW下 按home+R 可以在你的多个ISO之间切换
刚刚运行MHP 发现联线酒馆可进 WIFI的绿灯可亮 似乎可以调用WIFI模块。所以我以为可联机的可能性很大 期待达人测试!
-------已确定可联机 (须将主频调置222/111才可联机BY月神侠)
希望更多站友加入到测试iso的行列中来 给出更多可运行iso的名单。
EVA2刚试完,完美,比原来流畅多了(感谢sub-zero )
352ND和交响诗篇(感谢sub-zero )
狗狗也有声了(感谢sub-zero )
http下载 ...
这个是已经整合好 Flash0 flash1的版本(美版 以后有机会再看我来做个日版的) 里面也已经被我替换成devhook0.41
[ 本帖最后由 复读机 于 2006-6-6 19:52 编辑 ] |