Interview Survey for the course of INTRODUCTION OF COLLABORATIVE SYSTEM
by Mao Chenxi (Student No.10479475) &
Deliver date: August 21st, 2006
Chapter 1: Baisc statistical information
Number of surveys: 5.
Gender information: Two female & Three males.
Web Links: No, all surveys done by paperwork.
Chapter 2: Brief analysis and conclusions from survey data
Duo to the limited number of survey samples, most of the data collected should not be considered to be carried on with any statistical meaning that repersents a group of individuals from a larger scale. In other words, the samples only provided us with individually real thinking and believing of the concept of Collaborative System.
The questionary(presented in appendix1)is designed to reflex the aspects of what a real Collaborative System is out of peoples' hearts by a certain sequence of questions.
Question1 is to help people to get a closer consideration what the definition of Collaborative System is. The answers varyed from person to person but most of which roughly got the core of defining a Collaborative System, thus I reckon people do hold clear points of view upon Collaborative Systems despite of the unfamiliar word "Collaborative".
Question2 and question3 are to help people to get their most familiar Collaborative Systems out of their lives. According to the answers, people don't share a common belief what the most important Collaborative System is, which makes quite sense. However, from their various answers we may have the feeling that these people are self-centered, dedicated people so concentrated in their own works or lives that barely have consciousness of the responsibility in communities or even larger scale social groups.
And the variety of answers in question2 and question3 illustrates the complexity of modern urban lives. One of them told me the most important Collaborative System of his was a "virtual" community existed only on the Internet which had no real social contact at all. Therefore traditional means of communication should ceased to be the only key functions of getting individuals collaborated.
From question4 to question7 we tried to figure out the functions of those particular Collaborative Systems that affected these informants' lives. And the answers give us a clear view that most of the Collaborative Systems are small scale, profit-oriented and hierachical parties, most of which are companies. It is qite easy to draw this conclusion that companies play an important role in peoples' daily lives.
The purpose of setting question8 and question9 is to know how people make desicions where conflicts are inevitable. I found the answers largely depended on whether this Collaborative System was profit-oriented or not. Among those benefit-free Collaborative Systems, people don't take much care about the consequences of the processes while in those profit-oriented ones the majority and minority must find a way of solving conflicts in between, which are often carried through democratic processes.
Setting question10 is to see if the informants got the knowledgement of the stages in a group life-cycle. From the answers we knew they barely got aware of that. Ironically some of them did describe the very stage they underwent therefore we could indicate which particular stage did this person have from this typical "forming-storming-norming-performing-termination" life-span instructed in the referrence materials in this course.
Question11 is to determine the evaluation of this Collaborative System. Most answers were to judge of the accomplishments of the Collaborative Systems, say, the amount of profits in the case of a company. Quite realistic but it spoke the truth.
Question12 is to demonstrate the link from personal benefits to group profits. Those positive answers proved that it was better to have a shared goal towards common benefits inside a Collaborative System which would make the system architecture more stabilized.
以上为第一部分,例证这种参与调查的人还是非常有意思的,再次BS某些不合作的淫,假装自己25能死啊! |