MirageDestiny (Destiny CUSTOMED)
Throughout the <GUNDAM SEED---Destiny>,except the Strike,Impulse,I think the best one is Destiny.Though the comprehension of Strike and Impulse is good and can adapt to all kinds of battle situations,yet they have some disadvantages.
Strike has three equipment transformed system.It can substitue packages to adapt all kinds of battle situations.But when it was substituing the package, the enemy could attack it with the chance. As this, the Strike would collapse.In addtion, its ps armor (phase shit armor) can’t hold ontoo long time.(because of energy lack).Without the support of the mainship (the Arch—Angel),its battle function will lose much.
Secondly ,the Impulse which inherit the advantages of Strike and was improved.Nevertheless,the performing like transformers of it is great funny.Like Strike,the enemy would shoot it off when it was trasforming.(What an unlucky Shin aska)Compared with Strike ,its fire power system is power up.(In the TV edition,it plunged into the Freedom with his excalibur ).In general, the function of this ms is good, but whick is bad with its Silhouette system.
Last but not least,let me introduce the best ms —Destiny to yu.It is the final ms of Shin aska(The director took pity on him.)It is called the general use ms which is similar to EVA. Like its name ,with the well designed of ZAFT mechanics, the Destiny don’t lose our condience. In its first battle,it plunged into the Zaku of Athron.To adapt to all kinds of battle situation ,all the weapons are linked in the body of it naturally.It has a long sword which canslash large ship and two beam darts which are eqiped in its two shoulders.It also has a powerful long distance cannon which is not worse than SF(srike Freedom).The best design is its wing which called light— wing .To match with the high mobile equipment, it has a interesting designed equipment — gun in hand which can kill the enemy with one hit inclose distance. With the perfect weapon system, its defend system is also not weak. Two light— shields are equiped on the two hands and it also has a high mobile real shield to match the light—wing.What a perfect MS!In the energy side, it is equiped with nuclear power .The energy is close to infinite.After all, Destiny is a perfect MS.(I can’t help respecting the idea of the MS designer.)
But to make it more perfect ,Ihave some improved advis.First, it canabsolutely equip the Miragesystem, like Blitz, to have a raid.Second, its real shield can be substituted with the special shield of IJ (Infinite Justice).It has a beam saber, aspread light shield and a rocket anchor .(to catch the enemy)
O.K. This is my design of Mriage Destiny .This is my first time to do this work. Just have a try. Please criticize it for me . Happy New Year.
地球连合军和ZAFT在第2次jachin=due攻防战后签订了停战条约。 可是自然人和调整者之间的斗争的火种并没有消失。 C.E.73年10月。 成为奥布的代表首长的カガリ在アスラン陪同下来到ZAFT位于L4的殖民卫星“Armory One”。 因为担忧两边阵营不稳定的行动再次开始冒起硝烟,所以就与PLANT最高评议会议长ギルバート·デュランダル进行秘密会谈。
事情追溯到2年前。 当时地球连合军对中立国奥布进行武力侵占。 被突然的战火卷进而四处逃窜的市民们。 在战斗进行到最高潮时,有一位在眼前失去了父母和妹妹的少年。 当这位少年紧紧地握着妹妹的遗物:手机时,一台Gundam飞越头上……..他加入ZAFT,在内心发誓。 力量…如果没有力量是不行的”2年之后,当时的那位少年シン已经成为ZAFT的红衣精英,担任最高评议会议长ギルバート·デュランダル的护卫,并且成为最新型Gundam:ZGMF-X56S Impulse的正式驾驶员。当他护送ギルバート来到殖民卫星“Armory One”参加秘密会谈时,在同一个地方准备举行的ZAFT的最新型宇宙战舰“密涅瓦”的下水仪式的前一晚,Armory One突然遭到了袭击!为了保护议长,シン使Gundam站了起来……投身于ZAFT的男人和舍弃了ZAFT的男人。从2个人道路的交错的地方,这个故事开始了
ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam/冲击高达
额头记号X56S SEI在《尤利乌斯条约》缔结后,PLANT开发的ZAFT军最新锐机体。根据条约,因为禁止使用NJC,所以装载着新猹发的能源供给系统“デュートリオンビーム供电系统”。 这个是可以远隔无线电供给能源的机构,只要母舰存在能源耗尽就不复存在了(基本来说)。因为这个的缘故,PS装甲必须维持很大的能源供给这个最大的缺点被消除了。搭载这个系统,是5架“次世代”MS共通的特征。本机X56S考虑到机体的扩张性,由3个单元构成。那个的核心是被称作Core Splendor的战斗机。Core Splendor搭载了变形机构,能变形成独立型的驾驶舱单元。以其为核心,和作为上半身的Chest Flyer,以及作为下半身的Leg Flyer合为一体构成这个MS。X56S是以富有泛用性为基本的机体,基本武装是腰两侧装甲里装备着的对装甲小刀“M71-AAK 折叠剃刀(Folding Razor)”。本机的最大特征是拥有名为“Silhouette系统”的武装换装机构。最大限度地活用这个机构的话 X56S能按照各种各样的战局,瞬间使战术与之对应。基本准备的Silhouette有3种。以高速战斗、高机动型、光束兵装为基调的“Force Silhouette”,装备了对舰激光刀“石中剑(Excalibur)”和光束回旋镖的接近战斗型“Sword Silhouette”,装备了大型光束炮和导弓单发射器、磁轨炮、光束标木仓的长距离炮击型“Blast Silhouette”。特别是安装了Sword和Blast时机体的VPS的特性变化,Sword变成红色,Blast以深绿色作为基调的色彩配合是各自的特征与作为正式驾驶员的真·飞鸟一起成为了最新的战舰“密涅瓦”所属的本机,展开与3架G激烈的战斗。
MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS X 2
M71-AAK 对装甲小刀“折叠剃刀(Folding Razor/フォールディングレイザー)”X 2
MA-BAR72 高能量光束来福木仓
MMI-RG59V 机动防盾
ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
Impulse装备重视高机动战的Silhouette“Force Silhouette”的形态,主要武器是光束步木仓和光束军刀。Force Silhouette本身能独立飞行。
光束军刀:MA-M941 “金刚(Vajra/ヴァジュラ)” 光束军刀 X2
ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam
Impulse装备重视近距离格斗战的Silhouette“Sword Silhouette”的形态,主要武器是斩舰刀“石中剑”和光束回旋镖。两把斩舰刀还能将刀柄接起来成为双头刀。
对舰刃:MMI镭射对舰刃“石中剑(Excalibur/エクスカリバー)” X2,可组合
光束回旋镖:RQM60光束回旋镖“闪刃(乱译.......Flash Edge/フラッシュエッジ)” X 2
ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam
Impulse装备重视中长距离炮击战的Silhouette“Blast Silhouette”的形态,主要武器是大型光束炮和导弓单发射器、磁轨炮、光束标木仓。
背部光束炮:M2000F 高能量长距离光束炮“地狱守门犬基路比罗斯(Cerberos/Kerberos,三头犬)” X 2
背部磁轨炮:MMI-M16XE2“施洪者(乱译.......Deluger/デリュージー)”超高初速磁轨炮 X 2
背部导弓单荚仓:GMF-39 4连装导弓单发射器 X 2
导弓单的名称:AGM141诱导导弓单“萤火虫(Firefly /ファイヤーフライ)”
光束标木仓:MA-M80光束标木仓“挑衅(Defiant/デファイアント)” X2,平时收藏在光束炮内可组合
ZGMF-1000 ザクウォーリア(Zaku Warrior) 扎古战士
ZAFT军停战后开发的新世代MS“新千禧年系列”的第一期型为了对应各式各样的战局,能更换追加装备和武装是ZAFT军下期主力 MS 绿色是制式颜色,红色是露娜玛利亚的专色
光束突击木仓:MMI-M633 光束突击木仓
手榴弓单? X4
ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner Zaku Warrior 炮击型扎古战士
Zaku Warrior的炮战模式。高能源长射程光束炮“M1500 欧鲁特洛斯(Orthros,三头三身。地狱守门犬基路比罗斯的兄弟)”。背部装备着大容量能源仓。
ZGMF-1001 Slash Zaku Phantom 斩击型扎古幽灵
Zaku Warrior的上位机。指挥官级搭乘。舰长和王牌驾驶员被允许涂装个人颜色,因此有各种丰富颜色的机体存在。“Slash”是白兵战型本机两肩装备格林光束炮,腰部装备了巨型光斧
ZGMF-1001 Blaze Zaku Phantom 瞬发型扎古幽灵
Zaku Phantom的众多换装派生机的其中1个。
シン·アスカ(Shin Asuka)
逃出奥布后移居到PLANT,志愿加入重新组编的ZAFT军,成为ZAFT的精英驾驶员(红衣服),崭露头角的他得到了PLANY新议长的提携,选拔为最新型机Impluse Gundam的驾驶员。作为デュランダル的护卫来到アーモリーワン。 到底他自己将战斗作为寻找通向和平的道路,还是作为憎恶地球连合和奥布的事情呢?不久之后就会在故事中被谈及吧!
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