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[原创]GBA 1312 模拟人生 The Sims-Bustin'out全資料圖文攻略

发表于 2003-12-18 05:00:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
■  ■┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅★
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The Sims-Bustin'out 全攻略


      還是追加篇遊戲介紹吧...這算是一款育成遊戲, 主角在暑假期間去了simvalley(模擬狹谷?!)這個城鎮暫住叔叔家.在那裡開始學習照顧自己-包括飲食,休息,睡眠,個人衛生,也包括娛樂及和人接觸. 認識市鎮上的人-一方面和其他人友人, 另一方面也提升知名度開拓新的工作. 提升自己的能力, 再找工作賺錢從而建立自己的家...除了飲食要自己付錢外, 日後還要賺錢交租搬新屋, 也可以自己賺錢添置新傢俱,設計自己的新屋.

↑↓←→ : 一般移动
↑↓←→ + b:加速移动, 加速移动
A        : 決定
B        : 取消   
L        : 在放置家具時,改變方向, 隱藏或回復狀態表(8項指標)
R        : 在放置家具時,改變方向, 當站在某些如沙發或沙包等物品前可改變顏色(感謝jimmytcl提供)

SELECT   : Game Paused(見選單)
START    : 也是選單 (見選單)

移動至家具前, 如果家具上方出現黃色箭頭, 一般出現:
Turn on/ Turn off 開/關
Move 移動
Put in Pocket 放進口袋(帶走用)


其他物品也會有 Put in Pocket 選項

'Hop On' 騎上
'repaint' 轉顏色
'Hop On' 騎上後, 按'A'開動, 再按左或右轉方向, 按'B'下車

Show Map(顯示地圖)
-music volume
-sfx volume
Save Game(記錄)
Quit Game(離開)

01.Bucki Brock

02.Chet R Chase

03.Claire Clutterbell

04.Daddy Bigbucks

05.Daschell Swank

06.Det Dan D Mann

07.Duane Doldrum

08.Dusty Hogg

09.Eddie Renalin

10.Ephram Earl(鬼...goal 4-1 後出現)

11.Giuseppi Mezzoalto

12.Hester Pimm

13.Lottie Cash

14.Mad Willy Hurtzya

15.Maximilan Moore

16.Mel Odious

17.Misty Waters

18.Nicki Knack

19.Nora Zeal-Ott

20.O Phil McClean

21.Olde Salty

22.Uncle Hayseed

23.Vera Vex

24.Vernon Peeve

1.Mower Madness
開放時間: 5am-7pm
操作方法: 按住'A' 開車,再按左或右

心得: 建議長按'A'直衝吧!!!

第一級是Lawn Dude
時間 1 小時
鏟除了 1.-$5
鏟除了 2.+$1
鏟中了 3.浪費時間, 不扣錢
mechanical skill: 1
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 50

第二級是Grass Gobbler
時間 1 小時
鏟除了 1.-$10
鏟除了 2.+$2
鏟中了 3.浪費時間, 不扣錢

mechanical skill: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 150

第三級 是Green Thumb
時間 1 小時
鏟除了 1.-$20
鏟除了 2.+$4
鏟中了 3.浪費時間, 不扣錢
mechanical skill: 3
body skill: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 300

第四級 是Lord of the Lawn
時間 1 小時
鏟除了 1.-$35
鏟除了 2.+$7
鏟中了 3.浪費時間, 不扣錢
mechanical skill: 4
body skill: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 600

第五級 是 master mower
鏟除了 1.-$50
鏟除了 2.+$10
鏟中了 3.浪費時間, 不扣錢
有雞出現, 每殺一隻 Uncle Hayseed 友好度 -4

2.Smoothie Slider
開放時間: 8pm-11pm

操作方法: 圖3看見方向指標按'A'決定,圖4看見力量指標按'A'決定
決不會蝕本的工作, 但也不易賺錢...

更正...除了被拒絕外, 如果太大力推了下桌也會算作被拒絕數目
也可以集中在左方3人, 近距離及快速,只要盡量不被拒絕,應該可以賺錢的...

分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 75

第二級是Bar Back
Cooking skill needed: 2
Charisma skill needed: 1
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 250

第三級是 Shake Slinger
Cooking skill needed: 2
Charisma skill needed: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 450

第四級是 Drink Master
Cooking skill needed: 2
Charisma skill needed: 5
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 900

第五級是 Sultan Smoothie

3.Bait Flinger
開放時間: 3am-3pm

操作方法: 選擇魚鈎後按'A' 出現方向指標按'A'決定,看見力量指標再按'A'決定魚鈎便會拋出, 有上釣便不斷按'A'直至上釣,如果魚出現左右擺動掙扎, 可以按'下'把魚拋魚出水面, 再繼續按'A', 沒上釣便按'A'回收魚鈎,一次最多釣上5尾魚便結束...

心得: 完成沒難度...選適當的魚鈎, 練習幾次便不成問題
如果是太小的魚, 放棄魚鈎算了吧
我覺得最容易賺錢, 也是最快完成的工作

第一級是Bait King
Mechanical skill Needed: 1
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 70
魚鈎分配: 5 5 0

Mechanical skill needed: 2
Body skill needed: 1
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 150
魚鈎分配: 3 3 3

第三級是 Salty Jr.
Mechanical skill needed: 4
Body skill needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 300
魚鈎分配: 3 3 2

第四級是 Fisher King
Mechanical skill needed: 6
Body skill needed: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 500
魚鈎分配: 3 3 2

第五級是 Cappy
魚鈎分配: 2 2 2


開放時間: 3PM-5PM
操作方法: 看圖解吧...

心得: 記得手指休息夠才開始, 注意一定不可中途停手

Body skill Needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 50
70KG 完成 $20
75KG 完成 $25
80KG 完成 $30
85KG 完成 $30
全部完成未失敗過 BONUS + $30
開始失敗 $2, 中途失敗 $5

Body skill needed: 4
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 150
90KG 完成 $40
95KG 完成 $45
100KG 完成 $50
105KG 完成 $55
全部完成未失敗過 BONUS + $60
開始失敗 $4, 中途失敗 $?(忘了留意)

第三級是 Strongman
Body skill needed: 7
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 450
110KG 完成 $95
120KG 完成 $100
130KG 完成 $105
140KG 完成 $110
全部完成未失敗過 BONUS + $90
開始失敗 $6, 中途失敗 $15

第四級是 Ironman
Body skill needed: 10
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 800
150KG 完成 $170
160KG 完成 $175
170KG 完成 $180
180KG 完成 $185
全部完成未失敗過 BONUS + $120
開始失敗 $8, 中途失敗 $18

第五級是 Mega-Hulk!

190KG 完成 $250
210KG 完成 $255
230KG 完成 $260
250KG 完成 $265
全部完成未失敗過 BONUS + $150
開始失敗 $10, 中途失敗 $25

5.Jam Session

開放時間: 7PM-2AM
操作方法: 右方會不停上升要按鍵的指示, 要在上升至藍色的位置時按, 如何再準確點在方格中按中會比較多錢的...

心得: 不要太貪心, 按中次數比按準確在方格中好,因為時間比較易控制!!!

Creativity skill Needed: 2
Charisma skill Needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 80

第二級是 Strummer
Creativity skill Needed: 4
Charisma skill Needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 130

第三級是 DJ ($5 or$10)
Creativity skill Needed: 6
Charisma skill Needed: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 400

第四級是 Rock Star
Creativity skill Needed: 8
Charisma skill Needed: 4
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 690

第五級 The King
(註:我太早mastered, 所以沒機會詳細研究)

6.Pizza Pandemonium
開放時間: 11AM-10PM
操作方法: '左'右'移動手上那個pizza, 'L' 'R'決定那件pizza要加料, 再按'A' 把pizza拋高接下材料, 直至和樣本一樣.選錯材料只要再次蓋上其他材料便可.一個八件.

心得: 每個'完成品'才有錢收的, 最好不要左右移動, 留在中間等最安全!!!
唉...每升一級加一種新材料, 而且速度快, 比舉重更難!!!

時間: 1小時
Cooking skill Needed: 3
Charisma skill Needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 100

第二級是 Doughey
時間: 1小時15分鐘
Cooking skill Needed: 5
Charisma skill Needed: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 200

第三級是 Cook
時間: 1小時30分鐘
Cooking skill Needed: 7
Charisma skill Needed: 4
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 350

第四級是 Head Chef
時間: 1小時45分鐘
Cooking skill Needed: 9
Charisma skill Needed: 5
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 1100

第五級 Celebrity Cook

7.Cliff Diver X
開放時間: 9AM-4PM
操作方法: 按'A' 從山崖上跳下後, 再按'↑↓←→'做出動作, 在入水後即按'上'便可順利完成動作, 3次機會...

Body skill Needed: 3
Creativity skill Needed: 2
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 90
失敗或沒動作: $1
↑: $16
↓: $4
←: $24
→: $8
↑↑: $32
←←: $52
↓↓: $6
→→: $16
↑←: $56
↑↓: $24
↑→: $32
←↑: $56
←↓: $34
←→: $42
↓↑: $24
↓←: $34
↓→: $14
→↑: $32
→←: $42
→↓: $14
↑↑↑: 失敗$2
←←←: 失敗$22
↓↓↓: $9
↓↓↓↓: $9
↓↓↓↓↓: $9
→→→: $22
→→→→: $27
→→→→→ :$29

第二級是 Daredevil
Body skill Needed: 4
Creativity skill Needed: 3
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 180
↑←↑: $103
←↑←: $120
←↑→→: $124

第三級是 Plummeter
Body skill Needed: 5
Creativity skill Needed: 4
分數(應該是一次賺取的金額): 425

第四級是 Head Chef
Body skill Needed:
Creativity skill Needed:

第五級 Celebrity Cook

8.Lab Technician
地上撿,不斷出現, 可賣至VirtuChem, 更正價格是浮動的,以下價格只供參考
Aluminum Cans $9
Old Glass Jars $6
Mechanical Clogs $9
Nuclear Fuel Rods $139
3-Eared Mice $126

1. Hayseed 家
開放時間: 無
2. The barn (最初的家)
開放時間: 無

3. Burning Spoke Biker Bar
開放時間: 10am-2am

4. General Store
開放時間: 5am-7pm

5. Imperial Estates

6. Flex-Dome Fitness Center
開放時間: 4am-8pm

7. Clock Tower(第二個家)
開放時間: 無

8. Boat Docks
開放時間: 無

9. Cheatum and Howe's Retail
開放時間: 9am-10pm

10.Dockside Diner
開放時間: 11am-11pm

11.SimValley Jail
開放時間: 無

12.SimValley General Hospital
開放時間: 無

13.Pet Pals Amimal Shelter
開放時間: 9am-6pm

14.Waterfront Villa

15.Dr.Turing Memorial Park
開放時間: 無

16.The Turing Labyrinth
開放時間: 無

17.VirtuChem Labs
開放時間: 8pm-8am

18.Public Library
開放時間: 9am-5pm (需要完成goal 3-3)
電腦中有'link to gba',因模擬器我不能測試

19.Country Cafe

20.Club Rubb
21.Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac

22.Someshine Sands Beach
開放時間: 無

還有一兩車,(是Giuseppi Mezzoalto的贼車?)在晚上出現在Cheatum and Howe's Retail背後有貨品賣...而且比較平(9成是贓物)

1.Cooking 烹飪
免費地點: 圖書館

2.Mechanical 機械工程
工具: Tune-up
免費地點: 圖書館, Uncle Hayseed 屋(不過暫時得2次)

3.Creativity 創作
工具: Paint
免費地點: 圖書館, The Turing Labyrinth

4.Body 健身
工具: Punch
免費地點: 圖書館, Flex-Dome Fitness Center
買入: Iron Might Canvas Punching Bag $575

5.Logic 邏輯
工具: Do Research
免費地點: 圖書館
買入: Moneywell BSC-100 Computer舊電腦 $550, 新電腦$2500(?忘了)

6.Charisma 氣質
工具: Perform Soliloquy
免費地點: 圖書館, Flex-Dome Fitness Center

1. 如果趕不及去厠所, 會被送至監獄
在裡面可以舉重+body, 一天便放出
2. 遊戲中,隨機碰上'鬥雞'(圖)??

記得速逃!!!碰到它會'passed out'暈倒入醫院的!!!


先補一個小發現, 可以不停提升友好度(應該也有可能下降):
在主線對話中, 有時出現對方回答後加友好度如:
完成goal 2-5之後...
1. You rode a Scooter?(友好度+2)
2. WoW! Thanks!(友好度-4)
當然選 1.吧
Dusty Hogg:
Hey man! You gotta walk before you can crawl! Besides, those little machines get a bad rap! They have a lot of zip!And they handle like a dream....(友好度+2)
Uh-huh....I see.

那紅色說話之後按'B'離開,不要按'A'回答 'Uh-huh...I see.'
再和Dusty Hogg對話, 他又會重複那說話並加友好度, 因此,可能不斷重複騙'友好度'

我在可行的回覆後加上 *
就是簡單的用電話'call friends'
雖然只是問出地點, 但是卻每次 +1 友好度, 也沒有限次數
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-18 05:04:54 | 显示全部楼层
開始遊戲後, 按start開始進入選單

1. 創造新人物
2. 讀出人物
3. options
-music volume
-sfx volume

選1. 創造新人物並選擇名字後, 便決定人物造型



- 凌亂 <-> 整齊
- 害羞 <-> 外向
- 懶惰 <-> 積極
- 嚴肅 <-> 好遊玩
- 刻薄 <-> 親切

一切決定好後, 遊戲開始:


跟Uncle Hayseed 對話(要按'下'直至看到按'A'顯示, 如果對話未完成按了'B'會重新開始)
Uncle Hayseed:
Well hello there, dzerox, you made it! Idon't doubt that
you're going to have a great time here in SimValley.
Before you get all settled in, do you want any HELP playing the game.
1.Yeah, actually.
2.Nope, I know all about it!
Uncle Hayseed:
Dang, I have such a smart family! And speaking of family, didn't your
mother send you here with a little GIFT for me? And didn't she tell you to
GET ACQUAINTED with me before running off and making new friends?
1.Give you a gift? Get acquainted? How?
2.Ok, I think I know what I'm doing.
Uncle Hayseed:
Well I guess we'll see, won't we?
之後出現一般對話,不同選擇會影響 '友好度'
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 1-1
Befriend your Uncle (Relationship 30)---提升Uncle Hayseed '友好度' 至30
Give Uncle Family Photo Album---把相簿給Uncle Hayseed

和Uncle Hayseed 對話, 選'I've got something for you!', 選'Family Album',完成.
再和Uncle Hayseed 對話,小心選擇對話主題, 可先save  試試,完成.

Nice place you have here, Uncle Hayseed.
Uncle Hayseed:
Why thanks a bunch dzerox! I try to keep a cozy home. Are you getting used to you surroundings?
1.Oh yeah. All settled. No problems here.
2.Uh,not really.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
Wonderful. Just make yourself at home. Grab something at EAT at my place, get some REST, and CLEAN YOURSELF UP! You smell like old dust and new hay. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some topsoil to turn.
(如果已食了, 睡覺了, 淋浴了會跳至'All clean up'
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 1-2
Find Something to Eat
Take a Nap
Take a shower


和Uncle Hayseed 對話,
All cleaned up!
Uncle Hayseed:
Hey, you look like a thousand Simoleons! I think it's time you moved into the BARN- it's all yours now. When you're ready, MOVE everything in my BACKYARD to your new place.
2.Where is your backyard?
選 1.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
No problem. If you need to talk, just look for me somewhere around the farm.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 1-3
Decorate the Barn with the Wood Chicken
Bring Uncle's Broken TV to the Barn
Bring Uncle's Broken Fridge to the Barn
Move the Old Couch into the Barn
Move the Bed into the Barn

把屋後的五件東西搬入自己家上層放好, 完成!
和Uncle Hayseed 對話,
All settled, Uncle.
Uncle Hayseed:
Good to hear. In fact, you look so refreshed, I bet you won't mind me telling you that the TELEVISION and REFRIGERATOR I gave you could use a little tweaking.
1.You mean you just gave me a bunch of junk?
2.What do you mean 'tweaking?'
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
What I mean is.. they're just plain broken. So why don't you see if you can FIX them up? And while you're in a fixing mood, TUNE UP my old TRACTOR too. You OK with all that?
1.I think I need another nap first..(友好度-1)
2. No problem.(友好度+1)
選 2.吧
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goal 1-4
Tune up the Tractor
Fix the Old Refrigerator
Fix the Old Television

屋前的車TUNE UP(1次或次2次)
修理(REPAIR)剛才搬的電視和雪櫃, 完成

和Uncle Hayseed 對話,

Everything is running smoothly now.
Uncle Hayseed:
dzerox, you've been such a help! Would you mind learning how to use my LAWNMOWER? The weeds on my field are almost a mile high. I'll pay you to cut it. If you get really good, I may give you a promotion.
1.Sure, I can do that.
2.Do I have time for another shower?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Excellent. Keep in mind though, you can only mow the lawn between 5am and 7pm each day, on account of my grumpy neighbors. Oh, how did I ever run this farm without you, dzerox?
Can't talk! Have to peel!
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goal 1-4
Mow the Lawn
Get a Promotion

註:記得入屋食飽, 休息夠...最最最緊要食飽, 開工後再要食東西是要錢的!!!

完成工作及升級後,回去和Uncle Hayseed 對話:
Uncle Hayseed:
Holy sheep fleece!My lawn looks like a golf course now!Unfortunately, I don't have time to admire it...someone has let all my CHICKENS loose!This is the sixth time this month!
1.Uh oh.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Uncle Haysee:
I know! It's terrible. Those chickens are my most precious animals. If you'll help me get them back, I'll make it worth your while. Will you?
1. Sure, I'll help.
2. How do I catch a chicken?
選 1 一口答應吧...
Uncle Hayseed:
Alright! Run around the neighborhood and PICK UP any chickens you see. Whenever you find one. GIVE it to me. I think I'm missing 8 total. And while you're at it, try to find out who is behind this mischief!
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goal 2-1
Bring 8 chickens to your Uncle
Find Detective Dan
幫忙捉回 8 隻雞
找Detective Dan 問出兇手

8 隻雞的位置(之前一隻也沒捉):
1.The Bard 下層
2.The Bard 上層
4.Hayseed 門前2隻
5.Burning Spoke Biker Bar 上方空地
6.Burning Spoke Biker Bar 中
7.General Store 旁
8.General Store 下方空地
和 Dan 對話:

Hi!My name is dzerox.
Detective Dan D. Mann at your service, dzerox. If you're ever in need of a police officer, I'm your Mann!
Do you know who keeps hiding my Uncle's chickens?
I'm afraid I do,kid.It was done by the VELOCI-ROOSTER, an abomination! Lab accident #24601! I've been trying to catch him my whole life with no success.
回去和 Hayseed 對話:

Mission accomplished. It was the Veloci-Rooster.
Uncle Hayseed:
No! I thought he was just a legend! Well, well. I guess you're free to spruce up your own place now.
1.Does 'sprucing up' involve more chores?
2.It's so small...where do I start?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
I suggest getting rid of that ugly sofa to make way for a new one. It's not mine anyway...so you'll have to SELL it to the Bartender at the Burning Spoke. And you'll need to BUY and INSTALL a shower so's you aren't hogging mine all the time. You OK with that?
2.I don't mind using your shower.(友好度-1)
選 1.吧

按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 2-2
Sell the Old Couch to the Bartender
Buy a Shower
Place Shower in the Barn

去Burning Spoke Biker Bar賣掉舊沙發
去general store 買新淋浴

買了後把新淋浴貼牆壁裝在'the barn' 下層 完成

和 Hayseed 對話:

I now have a working shower!
Uncle Hayseed:
Excellent! Isn't it nice to have your own place to shower and sleep?
1.Yes it is.(友好度+3)
2.Not really.(友好度-3)
選 1.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
Great! Well I was talking to Detective DAN about you and I think he had a favor to ask of you. Why don't you go and find him.
按'B'離開並去找Detective Dan對話 :

Whoa. Hey, Ihear you had a favor to ask?
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Sure do! Have you met my beautiful niece, Nora?
1. Yes, I have.
2. I don't think I've met her yet.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Oh, well , you should find her. She's a sweet girl, a bit....odd. Life changed for her after she lost her mother to the Veloci-Rooster. Anyway, she needs a FRIEND. Maybe you two could become pals?
Sure. By the way, is crime a problem in these parts, Detective?
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Other than Veloci-Rooster? Why yes....one of my informants told me that something fishy is going on at the local AUCTIONS. Do you know about the auctions?
No, I don't.
Det. Dan D. Mann:
It's a SimValley tradition. Every day from 5pm to 7pm the big stores auction off their extra merchandise. Would you mind checking one out for me?
Well, I'm a little low on Simoleons, but sure!
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Excellent!Report back to me after your first auction.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 2-3
Become Pals with Nora (Relationship 10)
Attend General Store Auction - 5pm to 7pm

Hi!My name is dzerox.
Nore Zeal-Ott:
Pleased to meet you,dzerox. I'm Nora Zeal-Ott-Miss SimValley three years running and candidate for the Assistant Associate Treasurer position in this year's election. I hope I can count on your vote.
Hi....Um....Detective Dan told me to talk to you.
Nore Zeal-Ott:
My uncle's always trying to get me friends!Isn't he sweet in that creepy kind of way ?
i try not to call police officers creepy.
Nore Zeal-Ott:
Me too!That's totally against my stance on the issue!
之後出現一般對話, 小心對話內容, 升至10
5pm至7pm去General Store 看一次拍賣, 沒錢的話看看也可以
回去找Dan 對話:

i checked out the auction for you, Detective!
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Good work, deputy. Anything suspicious going on?
Not really.
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Hmmm....Well, keep an eye open. I have a suspicion there's a big crime ring in this little town.
按'B' 離開對話, 回去找Hayseed:

I met a girl named Nora. She's uh....interesting!
Uncle Hayseed:
I'd love to hear all about it, dzerox but there's a problem. I've got a shipment of apples I need to get to a market in SimCity. Problem is, this gang of BIKERS has rolled into town and blocked the road with their cycles. Maybe you could ask them to, uh, leave.
按'B' 離開對話, 去找Dusty Hogg:

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Dusty Hogg:
And I'm Dusty Hogg, the meanest man on two wheels from here to SimCity. So why are you bugging me kid?
1.Is something bothering you sir?(友好度不變)
2.So what's eating you?(友好度+2)
選 2.吧
Dusty Hogg:
i don't know, dude. Something just snapped when I was riding out of Death Valley, I think, and it just got worse with every mile. I was lucky to make it here....Until I lost my helmet! So I'm stuck in this mud-hole until further notice.
1. I can fix your bike.
2. Why don't you buy a new helmet?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Dusty Hogg:
Ha ha ha! You look like you'd have trouble fixing breakfast, much less a chopper like mine! But if you want to try, good luck kid.
1. If I help will you move your friend's bikes?(友好度-3)
2. If I help you, those bikes better disappear quick.(友好度+3)
選 2.吧,
Dusty Hogg:
Hey man, cool off. I hear ya, I hear ya.. Just stay out of my personal space.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 2-4
Calm Dusty Hogg (Relationship 25)
Return Dusty Hogg's missing Helmet
Fix Dusty Hogg's Bike

最難便是和Dusty Hogg 友好度25, 頭盔狂General Store 下方空地找到完成,
電單車在 Burning Spoke Biker Bar 旁邊修理一次完成(友好度+3),
再找Dusty Hogg對話至 友好度25完成

You're all set.
Dusty Hogg:
Hey, my helmet, my bike! Dang, and here I haven't even finished drinking my smoothie. You didn't break anything else I hope.
1.Do I look like I'm incompetent, buddy?(友好度+4),
2.I don't think so.(友好度-2)
選 1.吧,
Dusty Hogg:
Well alright, man. Stay cool, stay calm. I didn't mean anything by it. thanks anyway.
So If everything is fixed, what are you waiting for?
Dusty Hogg:
My buddy over at ' BURNING SPOKE'....well see, with all the people stuck here, he has too much business to handle by himself, so i told him I'd find somebody to HELP him out.
1. What's in it for you?(友好度+1),
2. I could help....(友好度-1)
選 1.吧,
Dusty Hogg:
Free drink, buddy! And all the Biker Bratwursts I can eat.... not a bad racket if you ask me! Come to think of it, you're pretty handy. Why don't you go HELP him out?
OK, what do I do?
Dusty Hogg:
Just go behind the BAR between 8PM and 11PM, he'll leave the gate open. I'll tell him you're coming by. Good luck, man.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 2-5
Tend Bar at the Burning Spoke

去Burning Spoke Biker Bar 做一次, 升不升級不緊要, 完成任務回去跟Dusty Hogg 對話:
So how'd I do?
Dusty Hogg:
Not bad, not bad! You could use a little practice, but you didn't get anything thrown at you, so that's a start!(友好度+2)
Pretty soon, I'll be a Biker like you!
Dusty Hogg:
HA HA HA! you need WHEELS first, buddy! you can't be out running down the road! It just isn't done!(友好度+3)
Well, maybe I can buy one.... How much was yours?
Dusty Hogg:
Man, you'd have to work forever to get a 'hawg' like mine! It's a custom job! But I'll tell you what, you HELP me out, and I'll give you my old training scooter....
1. You rode a Scooter?(友好度+2)
2. WoW! Thanks!(友好度-4)
當然選 1.吧
Dusty Hogg:
Hey man! You gotta walk before you can crawl! Besides, those little machines get a bad rap! They have a lot of zip!And they handle like a dream....(友好度+2)
Uh-huh....I see.
Dusty Hogg:
Anyway, see all those CANS lying about? BRING 5 of them over to the VIRTUCHEM LAB, keep SERVING drinks at the 'Burning Spoke' and .... um.... REPAINT my bike!
Repaint your bike?
Dusty Hogg:
Yeah man, I need to make sure you can handle the upkeep of this fine piece of machinery!Now hop to it, I don't have all day here!
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 2-5
Tend Bar at the Burning Spoke
Paint Dusty Hogg's Bike
Collect 5 Aluminum Cans
Bring Cans to VirtuChem

幫Dusty Hogg 電單車油漆(repaint)不難,
如果之前一直有撿收集品應該也不止5個(general store 下方空地經常出現),
只需要去VirtuChem賣出5個 Aluminum Cans完成

回去和'Dusty Hogg' 對話:

That's everything!
Dusty Hogg:
Yeah, man!Maybe you do have potential! Your scooter will be waiting out in front of your place!
1. What did you need those cans for anyway?(友好度-2)
2. Maybe we could race(友好度+6)

選2吧...對話結束, 回去找uncle hayseed對話:
回去已看見那scooter,'Hop On!'-騎上開動,'repaint'-轉顏色

Ok, I've taken care of everything.
Uncle Hayseed:
Bless you, dzerox. I would have had a word with those bikers myself, but, uh, I had some manure to spread. You understand....(友好度+1)
1. I understand.
2. Manure?!I risked my teeth for you....(友好度-2)
選 1.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
Well, dzerox. I hope you don't take this the wrong way....but you're too talented to stick around here for long. Why don't you spend some time in town, make some FRIENDS and look for another place to live. If you PAY me for this month's rent, we'll call it a done deal.
1. Sounds good.
2. But I like living in a barn!
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Uncle Hayseed:
Don't fret, dzerox. I see fine things in you'll excuse me I have some pondering to do.
So what do I need to do?
Uncle Hayseed:
Take care of things in town, and then seek out GIUSEPPI. He'll 'help' you move your things....He tends to stulk around the Burning Spoke when he's not working by the docks.
對話結束發現有'New Goals-Press Start'
Get help from Giuseppi Mezzoalto
Make 1 Friend (Relationship 50)
Give &#036;500 for Rent to your Uncle
Earn A Second Job Promotion

贼Uncle表露出本性了, 竟然要收500租...
註:再和uncle hayseed 對話會一直出現至交了&#036;500

1.I don't quite have the money yet.(友好度-1)
2.I've got the rent, Uncle.(友好度+1)
沒錢的要按'B'離開, 不要選 1.
另一之工作升級, 一是升Mower Madness至Green Thumb, 一是升Smoothie Slider至Bar Back 沒有分別...建議升Green Thumb, 升級後&#036;500比較易賺, 不過我升了Bar Back.
&#036;500也繳了, 去Burning Spoke Biker Bar找GIUSEPPI吧(7pm後幾天便會出一次)...

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Hey Hey. I'm Giuseppi Mezzoalto, business man and family guy. You need something, anything at all,I can get it....even if it belongs to someone else.
Can you help me move?
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Can I? Or will I? Two very different questions, bro. Sure I CAN, but unless you got some simoleons, I won't. Assuming you do though, let's get crackin'!
I don't mean right this second...
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Cool bro, whatever, you come TALK when you're serious....I might even stick around. Now scarm.
1. OK, I am ready.
2. I'm almost ready but....(友好度-1)
選 2...對話結束,任務似完成實際要再選1, 再對話回到已上問題
選 1

Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Rock and roll. Everything will be waitin' for you in the CLOCK TOWER. Now, you can keep that CRATE for as long as you want and I'll nab it when you're done... but the SLOWER you move, the MORE it will cost, you dig?

入新居去那 CRATE 選' Open the Crate' 把所有東西轉至手中
再選 'Return the Crate' 退回,此箱便消失了...
佈置一下, 便外出...
找了大部份舊人對話也沒有新任務, 便開始找新人...

Olde Salty(碼頭)---goals 3-1
Vernon Peeve(路上)---goals 3-2
Hester Primm(VirtuChem Labs中, fitnes 中)---goals 3-3
Giuseppi Mezzoalto(晚上或深夜cheatum and howe's retail後方,夜間有車)---goals 3-5
Bucki Brock(日間hayseed門前,晚上或深夜Library)---goal 3-4
可以選擇一個一個接, 也可以一次接5個一同完成
先找Olde Salty...

Hi! My name is dzcrox.
Olde Salty:
Yar!I'm Olde Salty, sail of seven seas, conqueror of continents, giver of riches to poor folk, and owner of this here Fish-and-Chips stand.
Are you hiring?
No, sorry. Business if a little too slow to justify hiring a second person. Have you tried asking around the fishing DOCKS? They always need an extra line cast down there.
1.No, I haven't.(友好度不變)
2.Yes, but they haven't offered anything. (之後他回覆時友好度+5)
當場選 2 吧
Olde Salty:
Go down there again and tell them OLDE SALTY sent you. They'll hook you up,so to speak, if you mention my name because they know I pay good prices for the fish they catch. Of course, there may be a few conditions first*
1. Conditions?
2. Can't I just fish on my own?(友好度-6)
只好選 1 了
Olde Salty:
Sure. You're got to have a POLE, that's obvious. And you have to improve your MECHANICAL skill so I suggest the library. And of course you'll need to get an O.Phil McClean's GOOD SIDE, 'cause he's the best fisherman in SimValley. Otherwise you don't stand a chance.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 3-1
Impress the Fisherman(Relationship 40)
Earn Mechanical 2
Buy a Fishing Pole
Buy a Good Fishing Book

升mechanical 2, 買魚竿, 買學釣魚的書...

找O.Phil McClean對話:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
O.Phil McClean:
My given name is O. Phil McClean, but most everyone around here call me 'That Crazy Old Squid For Brains Fisherman.' That's why I don't like most everyone.
Are the fish biting?
O.Phil McClean:
All the dang fish must be dead in the polluted ocean. I don't know why I bother sitting here. Haven't caught so much as a cold these past few weeks.
Mind if I join you?
O.Phil McClean:
If you're going to stand around here n' bother me with inane chatter, you might as well get yourself a fishing POLE.No point wasting my time if you're wasting yours too.
1. Any fishing hints, sir?
2. I 've never fished before in my life!
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧(其實有分別)
O.Phil McClean:
Tips? No kid. A person's got to fish for decades before understanding the secret rhythms of the sea... Or you could buy my cousin's BOOK, 'Fishing for Fun or Profit.' He's a little hard up for cash right now.
1.So why doesn't he 'Fish for Fun And Profit?' (選 1,友好度-7, 選2, 友好度-6)
2.Thanks for the advice. (友好度不變)
3.Cool! I already have that book.  (選 1,友好度+7, 選2, 友好度+6)
O.Phil McClean:
You do!? Well dang, looks like at least one of my family isn't wasting his life staring at the endless horizon.

之後出現一般對話,把友好度加至40吧, 完成一項
'fishing pole' 在general store 賣&#036;105完成
雖然Olde Salty說去圖書館升mechanical skill, 不過圖書館還未開, 所以回uncle hayseed 屋前TUNE-UP那剪草車吧, 完成
找了很久終於在Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac買到'Fishing for Fun or Profit.'&#036;20(&#036;15?)
回去找O.Phil McClean '

This fishing thing isn't so hard.
O.Phil McClean:
Look at you now, bah! You young folks have one lucky day and you think you're ready to go pro! Just keep your hook away from my bobber and I might not push you in the ocean.
之後出現一般對話, 工作bait flinger開放
註: 釣魚書被拿走了,不過得到魚鈎....
Goal 3-1 完成, 找Vernon Peeve 開始3-2 吧

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Vernon Peeve:
I'm Vernon Peeve. OK?
Are you making fun of me or something? Arg! I should probable be at word instead of talking to YOU. My boss is going to KILL me!
You look a little angry, what's wrong?
Vernon Peeve:
Angry? I'm not angry. I don't get angry! There's no point!None! There's no point doing anything in life wwhen arrogant jerks like that meathead of the Gym insult you for being short and out of shape! Ok fine, so I'm no weightlifter! Why do you think I 'm at the gym!I want to work out! Oh the nerve of some people!
1. Did you try to join the gym?
2. Maybe if you where a little less confrontational...(友好度-1)
選 2 吧
Vernon Peeve:
Yes, but he wanted 200 SIMOLEONS and I told him, 200 simoleons, I said, that's insane, 200 simoleons! I make 6 simoleons an hour(poor,遊戲中我好像賺多好多), how am I suppose to afford 200, I said, and he said, I don't know buddy. Oh the nerve of him!
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 3-2
Earn Body 2
Impress Eddie Renalin (Relationship 40)
Pay the Membership Fee of &#036;200

先去 Flex-Dome Fitness Center打沙包 Body 升2
再找 Eddie Renalin 對話 友好度升至40+

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Eddie Renalin:
I've heard of you. Haven't you heard of me? Eddie Renalin, the strongest, handsomest, most buffed-up beefcake the world has ever seen.
I 'd like to join the Gym.
Eddie Renalin:
Super, just super, dzerox. Your days of flabby, weak-kneed mediocrity are over. The best 200 simoleon decision you ever made... You do have 200 don't you?*(友好度+8,)
1. No.(友好度-3)
2.Yeah, I can pay.(這便是繳&#036;200)
Eddie Renalin:
That's what I like to see. You're on the ball. You have that get-up-and-go. Once you bring the SIMOLEONS to me you can jump in there and start lifting those
WEIGHTS, ok? So what are you 'weighting' for ? Ha ha! I just made that up! Beautiful.(友好度+3)

如果已友好度40, 直接跳至以下對話, 否則之後出現一般對話'
Check out these biceps.
Eddie Renalin:
Whoa. ho! Is that you dzercx. I that realy you ? Holy flyweights, kid. For a second I thought someone had stuck a mirror down in front of me! But hey, look at you now! Alright!?*(友好度+4)
Pretty soon I'll be as big as you!
Eddie Renalin:
Let's not get crazy here, but you're on your way! You look so good you should enter the 'NewRaging Chicken Weightlifting Competitionwise'!Right upstairs, near the pool! We compete every day from 3PM to 5PM! I 'll sponsor you! And don't you worry, I only judge it!

之後出現一般對話, 工作Powerlifter開放
註: Flex-Dome Fitness Center 升降機開放可上樓做Powerlifter或鍛鍊....
Goal 3-2 完成, 找 Hester Primm 開始 3-3 吧

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Hester Primm:
It is so delightful to meet you, dzerox. I'm Hester Primm. I run the SimValley library, so stop by for a visit any time. But be sure to wash your hands if you plan to touch any books.
Will the library be open soon?
Hester Primm:
That, my young friend, is a super question. Thank you for asking.
1. So...what's the answer?(友好度-2)
2. Thank you for thanking me.
Hester Primm:
Oh such good manners! Your Uncle must be proud. Unfortunately, the library won't be open for some time. I'm afraid it has a rather disgusting book-worm infestation.*(友好度+4)
1.I'll squash those bugs,ma'am!
2.Can we call an exterminator?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Hester Primm:
Would you? That's just super! So many people in SimValley still have books checked out and have library fees to pay that we can't afford an exterminator. But if you can get people to RETURN their BOOKS, SQUASH the BOOKWORMS and...UM, READ one chapter in MY new COOKBOOK, then I'll set you up with a library card on the spot!
1. What the heck does cooking have to do with this?
2.Whatever you say, ma'am!
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2吧
Hester Primm:
So polite!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 3-3
Destroy all 15 Bookworms
Get 3 Books from other Sims
Return 3 Books to Hester
Learn Cooking

進入圖書館後看見滿地'書虫',只要走去踏便能殺死, 15隻死後完成

遇見Claire Clutterbell:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Claire Clutterbell:
Is it? That's such a wonderful name! So expressive and colorful and fitting, just like my name: Claire Clutterbell.A lovely name for a poet, don't you think?
Do you have a library book checked out?
Claire Clutterbell:
Why I sure do! I haven't returned it yet as little Pooky likes it so much! Why just the other day he...
Claire Clutterbell:
Why no silly! Cats can't read...well anyway, here you go!
遇見Nicki Knack:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Nicki Knack:
Pleased to meet you dzerox. I'm Nicki Knack, owner and manager of Nicki Knack's Bric-a-Brac trinket shop. If you ever need anything you don't really need, you come see me.
Do you have any overdue library books?
Nicki Knack:
Well this is just so embarrassing, sugar. I meant to return it, I really did, but... anyway, be a dear and bring it to Hester for me, will you?
遇見Misty Waters:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Misty Waters:
Hey, what's UP?My name's Misty Waters. I'm SimValley's best and only lifeguard, which means I get a lot of sun, but not a lot of swimming practice.
I am looking for overdue library books. Do you have any checked out?
Misty Waters:
Why sure! I have plenty! Books on fitness, Marine Biology, David Hass...
Ok! Can I bring one of them back to the Library for you?
Misty Waters:
Sure thing! Take this one, I never even opened it!
終於收集齊3本,拿去還Hester Primm吧
(I've got something for you 交還)
(註: Mad WIlly Hurtzya, Daddy Bigbucks  好像也有...因為之後遇見他們都可取得欠書)
學習cooking 可在圖書館樓上書櫃找, 只需學一級, 回去找Hester Primm吧...

All clear, ma'am!
Hester Primm:
Bless you! Now we can continue to nurture the young minds of this town! The library is open from 9AM to 5PM everyday. Anytime you want to study a book, just come on by!
圖書館櫃全面開放, 所有技能都可以在圖書館中提升!!!

Goal 3-3 完成, 找 Bucki Brock 開始 3-4 吧

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Bucki Brock:
Howdy, dzerox. I'm Bucki Brock, the only Sim in the SimValley to last longer than 8 seconds on the dreaded mechanical bull. Impressive. yeah?
Do you ride bulls for a living?
Bucki Brock:
I do now . It pays the bills OK but it keeps me away from my first love.
1. Your first love?
2. What was that, Hog-tying? (友好度-3)
選 1 吧
Bucki Brock:
I used to spin polka records at the old dance club by the water. But they shut that place down last year. Legal troubles and such.
Legal troubles?
Bucki Brock:
The owner owed about 10new00 simoleons in taxes and was having a hard time getting people to show up to gigs. He didn't advertise well.
1. Or maybe because polka is so lame?(友好度-5)
2. Too bad, I love polka!
選 2 吧
Bucki Brock:
Yee Haw, buddy! I know everybody secretly loves polka. But the owner of the club, he owed 10wise00 simoleons in taxes and wasn't advertising our gigs very well, so nobody showed up. It sure wasn't polka's fault.*(友好度+5)
1. I could re-open the club.(友好度+2)
2. Do you think it will ever reopen? (友好度不變)
選 1 吧
Bucki Brock:
Really? that would be so groovy. If you can find the orginal owner, pay the taxes, advertise for the first show and convince the police that you mean business, it just might work.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 3-4
Get permission from the Original Owner
Befriend the Cop that Closed the Club(Relationship 30)
Pay S1000 in back taxes
Distribute 10 Flyers to other Sims

先找Det.Dan D Mann吧,唯一的警察:
Did you close down Club Rubb?
Det.Dan D Mann:
Aw heck yeah. A sad case, that one. The guy running the place owed back taxes galore. I can't abide a lawbreaker, no matter how much the people love to boogie. But if some honest citizen wanted to reopen the place, I'd consider it.
1.What would it take to reopen the club? (友好度不變)
2.I could run the place myself! (友好度+1)
選 1 吧
Det.Dan D Mann:
Hey, sure! that's a fine idea. Wonder why I didn't think of it myself. Only hitch is, the mayor won't RENEW the LICENSE because of the 1000 Simoleons owed in back taxes. Like I said, the last owner was a bit of a weasel.
1000 Simoleons? I can get that.
1000 Simoleons? Is that fee negotiable? (友好度-4)
選 1 吧
Det.Dan D Mann:
Great! This'll help fund the new ferry-line the mayor is building Once you GIVE me the money, you're going to have to PROMOTE your first party, otherwise no one will show up. Buy some FLIERS or something and pass them around.(友好度+2)
(有錢的繼續對話, 沒錢的按'B'離開)
1. I'm still a little short...(友好度-1)
2. Here's the 1000 Simoleons!(交&#036;1000...心痛)
Det.Dan D Mann:
Thank you...I'll just take that downtown.

到Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac 買傳單吧
&#036;2一張一共10張,因為最多只可攜帶8件物品, 所以一定要走幾次

Maximilan Moore便是owner:
Are you the owner of Cub Rubb?
Maximilan Moore:
1. I heard you closed it donw last year.
2. I was looking to re-open it.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選2吧
Maximilan Moore:
Is that so? Yes it was closed down and repossessed by the authorities last year. So what makes you think you can waltz in and pick up where the most successful businessman in SimValley's history left off? Are you really that brave, or just mad?
1. This town needs fresh talent like me, buddy. (友好度-3)
2. I hope only to live up to your original vision,sir.(友好度+3)
Maximilan Moore:
I suppose no harm could come of it, seeing as how the bank owns the place right now. Better you than those money grubbers. Good luck.(友好度+3)
按'B' 離開對話, 去找Det. Dan D. Mann'

Taxes paid and fliers made!
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Hot dog! You're a born businessman. I'll radio one of my boys to head over to the club and unlock the doors for you. The place hasn't been used much so don't expect to be throwing a party right away. Good luck!
Club Rubb 重開

Goal 3-4 完成, 找 Giuseppi Mezzoalto 開始 3-5 吧
晚上去找Giuseppi Mezzoalto 對話:

Sure would be nice to have a car in this town.
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Nicer still to have a kickin' Van like mine, bro, but we can't all be so lucky can we? But hey, if you're looking to get somewhere quick, you should find one of the entrances, to the STEAM TUNNELS running beneath the city.
1. Steam tunnels?
2. A 'boss van'?
選 2 吧,因為之後友好度+4
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
If you're thinking of buying one like this, forget it man. This town's not big enough to hold two vans as boss as mine. And neither is this game-cartridge.(友好度+4, 無限+4)
1. How do I open the tunnels?
2. Are you just messing with me?(友好度-4)
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
I don't know, bro. You probably need a CROWBAR and the city BLUEPRINTS to find you way around. They used to keep city documents in the old CLOCK TOWER. Probably under some trap door you never noticed until now. I know your type.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 3-5
Acquire a Crowbar
Find the City Blueprints
Lower the Maintenance Ladders
Give Blueprints to Giuseppi

回去找Uncle Hayseed:
Hey, do you have a crowbar I can borrow?
Uncle Hayseed:
A crowbar?Hmmmmm...Let me check my pockets here...got some pocket lint, a peppermint candy, a few pennies, a couch and...oh LOOK-a crowbar! Here you go. Just bring it back when you're finished.

回去clock tower發現上樓樓梯前的地上可以打開...入內取得blueprint

進去後踏上右方的黑色按鈕, 又完成一任務

I opened the steam tunnels. Thanks!
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Excellent! I'll talk to my guys and get those tunnel barricades removed. Now you can get from one end of this town quickly and easily, without being seen and-Hey...that gives me an idea. *snicker* Beat it!I have work to do.

現在所有地下水道都打通了, 只要在路上的水道蓋上按'A'便可以下去...
有時間可以回去把Crowbar鐵撬交還uncle hayseed, 反正也沒用,也會加友好度
尋找了很久, 終於遇到nicki knack 有新對話:
Hey Nicki, how's business?
Nicki Knack:
I'm holding up, but ever since the economy went funny, I haven't been able to find anyone to rent my lovely waterfront villa. If I don't get a tenant soon, I may have to sell it.
1. Which waterfront villa?
2. Why don't you live there?
選 1 或 2 也沒有分別, 選 1 吧...
Nicki Knack:
You mean you haven't admired my little Villa from afar? It's the charming split level house due East of here. Maybe you'd like to live there for a while?
1.I'd love to!
2.Can I think about it for a few days?
選2的話雖然對話後有任務, 但是友好度-3, 選 1 吧
Nicki Knack:
Wonderful!dzerox to the rescue! So long as you have 4 FRIENDS to vouch for you character, and you have earned TWO PROMOTIONS at different jobs, you can pay me a one-time &#036;3000 rent fee, and move in right away!
按'A' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'
Goals 3-5
Make 4 Friends
Earn &#036;3000 for Rent
Earn 2 promotions (Bait Flinger or Powerlifting)

反正也要錢, 工作升級先吧, 可以釣魚連升2級或舉重連升2級, 也可以每個升1級,個人建議升釣魚2級, 因為容易,賺錢快, 舉重卻超難也很花時間!!!
交4位朋友...實際要 4 位 友好度 50, 之前有4位已提高至30-40, 一點也不難,
回去找Nicki Knack 交 &#036;3000(心痛)吧

1. I'll have the &#036;30new00 soon.
2. I can pay the &#036;30wise00 now.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 有錢便選 2 吧...
Nicki Knack:
Super-duper!I just know you're going to love that little place!
任務完成後要找Giuseppi Mezzoalto:你:
I need your help again.
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
What? You're moving again? Already? Gal you must be rolling in Simoleons or something, yeah?
1. No.I'm still moving on up.
2. Yeah, you could say I'm doing well.
選 2 吧,
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Really? I'll have to stop by sometimg... when you aren't home! HAHAHA I'm kidding, man, seriously. Anyway, you know the drill. The CRATE stays at your place, at your expense, until you say so. Let me know when you are ready to roll...
1. OK, I am ready
2. I'm almost ready but...
選 1 便可搬屋...
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Rock and roll. Everything will be waitin' for you in the WATERFRONT VILLA. Now, you can keep that CRATE for as long as you want and I'll nab it when you're done...but the SLOWER you move, the more it will cost, you dig?

入新居去那 CRATE 選' Open the Crate' 把所有東西轉至手中
再選 'Return the Crate' 退回,此箱便消失了...幸好窮人沒什麼東西,佈置一下再出去找人對話, 開始goals 4 吧

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-18 05:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
Claire Clutterbell---goal 4-1
Daschell Swank---goal 4-2
Mel Odious---goal 4-3
Lottie Cash---goal 4-4
Daddy Bigbucks---goal 4-5

找Claire Clutterbell開始吧:
You look a little pale- Are you OK?
Claire Clutterbell:
No I'm not OK!...I'm as gleeful as a dandelion seed on a warm wind! Do you know what I just saw? Do you know what we have in this town? Do you realize the profound spiritual and artistic implications this has for poets like me?
1. What the heck are you talking about?
2. That doesn't change the fact that you look pale. (友好度-3)
3. Poets like you? (友好度+3)
Claire Clutterbell:
Weren't you aware, dzerox? Everybody knows I'm the SimValley poet laureate. And now, so does the ghost living in the abandoned stack east of here. The instant I saw him I bowed and greeted him with a poem from my latest volume, 'SimValley Nocturne.'
1. Are you getting enough sleep?
2. What did the ghost say?
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 2 問隻鬼說什麼吧!
Claire Clutterbell:
He told me in words so jumbled and lovely that he hoped someone would help him will a few earthy matters so that he might one day rest in peace and quiet. At least, I think that's what he said. He's a little wacko.
1. What are these 'earthy matters?'
2. Sounds chilling, what do I do?
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 2 問一下要做什麼吧!
Claire Clutterbell:
One, you'll need to find the urn containing his ashes. Two you'll need to improve your LOGIC skill in order to understand him better so you don't screw up number three:
answering five of his RIDDLES. Unfortunately, the house he's haunting has been locked since I was last there.
1. Thanks for the hints.
2. Why aren't you helping the ghost?
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 1 吧...
Claire Clutterbell:
No problem dzerox. And good luck. Next time we talk I should have a poem to read you about this whole dixzing experience. Bon Voyage!

Goals 4-1
Pick the Rusty Lock
Find a Ghostly Gift
Learn 'Crazy Talk' (Logic 4)
Answer the Ghost's Riddles

有電腦的回家提升logic最方便, 否則便去圖書館升 4 級 不過也要走幾次...
由於只有mechanical 2是不用開鬼屋的鎖,在圖書館升多一級吧!!!
在地下水道找到了urn 骨灰缸

由地下水道中的約左下方一條樓梯去了鬼屋, 開鎖後進去
半夜12點鐘(其他時間好像不見他, 可早點去,在那裡睡一會)

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Ephram Earl:
dzerox? dzerox? dzerox? dzerox? What kind of name is dzerox? My name, Ephram Earl, is much nicer. Do you want mine? I don't really need it. I've had it for almost 200 years... and I 'm dead.
Can I ask you a question?
Ephram Earl:
Ask! Call that asking! Question ! Call that a question!Excellent! Yes? What is it you would like to know, if you know. Do you know if you know? Otherwise, therefore, if no I can give you a topic or two.
1. What are you doing here?
2. Why don't you go back to your grave? (友好度-3)
選 1 吧
Ephram Earl:
I guard these halls. I prevent people outside from going access within. And vice versa, and verse-vicea..
1.But you seem so illogical...(友好度+1)
2.You are on odd apparition.(友好度-1)
Ephram Earl:
And I'll dash a vermilion gash across this great old plain of ours, see if I don't.
I think I know how to decipher your crazy talk.
Ephram Earl:
Crazy talk? I am a perfectly elegant interlocutor, child. What do you mean by crazy talk?(友好度-2)
1.Why are you talking so clearly now?
2.Are you telling me you have no idea how weird you are? (友好度-5)
Ephram Earl:
Am I? Haven't I always been an excellent speaker? Or...has that bratty politician lady been spreading rumors about me?
1. Is all this furniture and stuff yours?
2. Can I have some of the things in this house?
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 1 吧...
Ephram Earl:
Yes, that it is. But being dead I have no real use for any of this. Perhaps you might find a better use for it. Just for fun, how about I let you keep it all for yourself if you manage to answer five RIDDLES? Sound good?
1.  I'm not up for riddles right now. (友好度-4)
2.  I'm ready. Lay those riddles on me.
準備好便選2吧, 未準備好按'B'吧...(答錯會pass out 入醫院的)
Ephram Earl:
Grand! Here is this first:
'How many sides does a circle have?'
1. none
2. 1
3. 2.
4. 360
2. 2
Ephram Earl:
Yes, the inside and the outside!:
Here is the second riddle
'which does not belong in this group: Apple, Grape, Banana, or Pear?'
1. Apple
2. Grape
3. Banana.
4. Pear
3. Banana.
Ephram Earl:
Right! The banana is the only one you must peel!
Now the third:
'how many letters are in THE ALPHABET?'
1. 29
2. 26
3. 19
4. 11.
4. 11
EPhram Earl:
Yes! The phrase 'The Alphabet' has 11 letters!
Here is the fourth:
'What other letter fits in the following series: B C D E I K O X ?'
1. H.
2. S
3. V
4. L
1. H
Ephram Earl:
Right! Because it can be flipped upside down without changing it !

'When I am filled I can point the way. When I am empty, nothing moves me. I have two skins- One without and one within. What am I?
1. A shirt
2. A glove.
3. A scarecrow
4. A brain
2. A glove

Ephram Earl:
Excellent! Congratulations! You are much smarter than I first suspected.
選'I've got something for you!'把 urn 給他
Ephram Earl:
A screaming comes across my throat!
Have I done enough to allow you some peace and quiet?
Ephram Earl:
You have, dzerox. As a token of my thanks, you may have anything you like in my secret cellar! Look carefully...you may find some very interesting items.

suit of armor, zen fountain, prognoss family sized crystal ball, venus fly trap, mummy sarcophagus. 

找Daschell Swank 繼續goals 4-2

Hi! My name is dzerox.
Daschell Swank:
Greetings my good Sim. I am Daschell Swank-art aficianado and esteemed university professor, though not necessarily in that order.
Seen any good exhibitions latery?
Daschell Swank:
In this town? Are you kidding me? I've been trying to convince the mayor to open a public gallery for years, but he's got his mind on other, more lucrative projects. The least he could do is start a program to foster local artistic talent. THAT would be something.
1. SimValley isn't so bad
2. What do you mean by local talent?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Daschell Swank:
No, no, of course not. I wouldn't live here otherwise. It's got some of the most beautiful natural scenery for hundreds of miles. I just wish we had some talented painters or photographers to capture and communicate this beauty to others.
1. Which parts of SimValley were you thinking of?
2. Natural Beauty? You mean the Burning Spoke Tavern?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Daschell Swank:
There are numerous beauty spots around here...the beach, your uncle's farm, but I'm thinking specifically of Lover's Leap, a beautiful area at the end of a hidden hedge maze in the park.
1. I'll paint it - I know exactly where that is.
2. I'll try painting it - as soon as I find it.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Daschell Swank:
Would you? Don't you think that is the most picturesque place in the whole town? Well I won't keep you from your creative duties dzercx. Come talk to me when you've got a masterpiece on your hands.
按'A' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 4-2
Navigate the Maze to 'Lover's Leap'
Paint a Beautiful Seascape
Sell Your Masterpiece to Daschell

去The Turing Labyrinth 盡頭找畫板開始畫吧
完成第一級便有了, 任務'navigate the maze to'lover's leap'應該便完成...不過繼續畫...(因為開始4-2之前已升了一級,開始時任務'navigate the maze to'lover's leap'便完成'
第1-4級都是'Less than Grand Painting', 可以給Daschell Swank提高友好度...
4級之後便是'paint masterpiece', 升第5級時我得到'object d'arte'
拿去給Daschell Swank吧!
你給他'object d'arte'

Daschell Swank:
Thank you, dzerox.
So how much is a painting like that worth?
Daschell Swank:
Such striking use of color, such intuitive understanding of light and shadow, such a mature and melancholy rumination on life itself! This is truly a masterpiece, dzerox. How much do YOU think it's worth?
1. Uh...200Simoleons?
2. How about 400 Simoleons?
3. I couldn't ask for less than 1000 Simoleons.
4. 1,000,000 Simoleons, and that's final!
選那個也沒關係, 選...4 吧 haha
Daschell Swank:
Just a tad out of my range...So 5000 Simoleons it shall be! Now, you just wait. In a few months our mayor will be the biggest art patron since the Medici family.
1. Thank you so much.
2. 5000 Simoleons? That's it?
也是沒分別的答覆, 1. 吧...
Daschell Swank:
No thank you dzerox for showing the world something beautiful and true. If you ever paint any other pieces, show them to me and if they're good, I might take them off your hands.

按'A' 離開對話, 又完成4-2

找 Mel Odious 進行goal 4-3吧:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Mel Odious:
Hey dude. My name's Mel Odious. I'm usually pretty chilled out, but don't mind me if I get a little ANGRY...I'm still working through some issues.
Hey Mel, what's the word on the street.
Mel Odious:
I'm so bummed, dude. Totally bummed. Words and images cannot describe or relate the depths of my bummedness.
1. The way you describe it, it sounds like the world is ending.
2. It's probably not as bad as you think.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 2 吧
Mel Odious:
No its worse! I had a chance to join a local band and I totally blew it. That's been my dream since I was a little...well, since last week. But now that the chance is gone, I just want to go cry or sleep or both.
1. Who's band?
2. I'm sure you'll get another chance.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 2 吧
Mel Odious:
Not in this place. The band leader, Vera Vex, she's the only one with ambition and drive in this town. She demands that all band members be well connected, have a style of their own, and be GOOD MUSICIANS. I don't qualify for any of those. I mean, I can whistle, but that's about it.
1. What is Vera Vex looking for?
2. Why didn't she want you?
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 1 吧
Mel Odious:
Specifically? Well, the band needs a place to practice, and they need to have lots of FRIENDS, you know, to get noticed. And the new guitarist has to be pretty POPULAR around SimValley and needs to have a good GUITAR of his or her own. And of course, you have to get on Vera's good side. Otherwise she'll kick you in the teeth.
1. Thanks for the information. Mel.
2. Cheer up, I'm sure you'll figure something out.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 選 2 吧
Mel Odious:
Yeah, thanks. I just bought one of thouse lollypops with a built-in whistle...I'll to learn how to play that and audition again tomorrow.
Do you know where a band can jam or where I can get a cooool guitar?
Mel Odious:
Nope, sorry.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goal 4-3
Find a place to Jam
Get Noticed (Pop.25)
Develop a Look(Creative 3/Charisma 2)
Acquire One Cool Guitar
Impress the Local Band Leader

先找地方吧...回去問Uncle Hayseed...
Do you know where a band can jam or where I can get a cool guitar?
Uncle Hayseed:
Can you what?! Well absolutely not, dzerox, what kind of ... wait one second. That's not a bad idea. Much better than my plan for a backpackers hotel. You could fix up the place and when you're done I could start charging ludicrous hourly rates to aspiring local bands. It's perfect, it's infallible, it's Ahem.Ah, so , yes, Be my guest.
Where can I find a cool guitar?
Uncle Hayseed:
I have no idea.
完成一項, 之後出現一般對話
按'B' 離開對話

問了一些人後, 遇到Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Where can I find a cool guitar?
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
I think I can get a guitar for you... check the back of my van.
按'B' 離開對話,等晚上再去買,又完成一項
如果先完成4-2 便不用再升creative
不過popularity 25 十分難
算法是 24人的友好度總和/24

如果之前一直只達到完成任務, 現在只有 pop 10-12(我也只有14...)
(註:升友好度 不要升misty water 和 O.Phil.McClean)

找the Local Band Leader --Vera Vex談話吧:

Can I join your band?
Vera Vex:
Can you what?! You must be out of your head. Can you even play an instrument?
I'm a song and dance man.
Vera Vex:
You and everybody else. But in my band we only play rock-solid rock-and-roll with heart and soul. But if you got your own GUITAR on you, I wouldn't mind you sitting in a session with us. You just make sure you have everything else sorted out before I tell you where we're practicing next.
I play guitar, and it plays me.
Vera Vex:
Cut the sentimental stuff, man. I only play rock solid rock and roll with heart and soul. But if you got your own GUITAR on you, I wouldn't mind you SITTING IN on a session with us.
之後出現一般對話, 要Vera Vex 對你好印象需要 友好度 50, 也很難,不過也完成一項,按'B' 離開對話
完成全部後再和Vera Vex對話:

I took care of everything. I'm ready to join the band.
Vera Vex:
Insane, man. ALl that work just for us? Dang! Well,all your hard work has finally paid off. Meet us for practice at Club Rubb between the hours of 7PM and 2 AM. Remember to bring your rhythm and your attitude.

又一份工作出現-jam session
goal 4-3 完成

剛巧在club rubb 碰到 Lottie Cash, 又開始 goal 4-4了:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Lottie Cash:
Hey there. I'm Lottie Cash. I don't do much apart from spending my enormous inheritance and talking about the experience. Which reminds me, I just saw the most awesome pair of boots...
What's the word on the street?
Lottie Cash:
Oh. Hi dzerox, I've got this huge problem hanging over my head. I 'd ask you for help but you don't look like someone who knows much about money. Am I right?
1.I know how to save money... (友好度-1)
2.I know how to spend money...(友好度+1)
3.Could you be more specific?
選 2 吧!!!
Lottie Cash:
Is that right? Maybe you can help. It's like this: I can't decide whether I want to donate money to the new Pizza Pandemonium television show they''re taping over at the restaurant, or if I should just buy the whole restaurant.
1. Pizza Pandemonium?!Tell me more!
2. Donate the money until the show is a success.(友好度-4)
3. Go ahead and buy the dang show. (友好度+2)
選 3 吧...
Lottie Cash:
Yeah! I think I will! I like your spirit! In fact, you'd be perfect for the show yourself.Why don't you sign up,dzerox?
1.Sure, what do I have to do?
2.I don't know, sounds weird. (友好度-5)
只好選 1 吧...
Lottie Cash:
Plenty of training first. They don't just take any old person. You'll need to BEFRIEND the head Chef, help him run some ERRANDS, improve your cooking skill significantly, and pay me the 2500 SIMOLEON entry fee. Do all that and you can volunteer.
1. I could handle that.
2. Sounds amazing!(友好度+1)
選 1 吧...
Lottie Cash:
It is ! Now, before I start writing checks, I want to see if this venture is legitimate, and you're the one who's going to help me. So hop to it.
1. Sorry. I don't have 2500 Simoleons yet.
2. I can pay the 2500 Simoleons now.
有錢的便來選 2 吧,按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 4-4
Befriend the Cook (Relationship 60)
Prove Your Worth (Cooking 5)
Pay the Show Entry Fee(&#036;2500)

廚師 Chet R Chase 經常在 Dockside Diner 出現,
把友好度升至60 後回去給 Lottie Cash &#036;2500

I can pay the 2500 Simoleons now.
Lottie Cash:
Awesome! This may seem like a lot, but you'll forget all about it when you're the greater televioion pizza-cook in SimValley.
I got on the show! I'm a contender!
Lottie Cash:
That is so awesome dzerox! Because I just bought the restaurant AND the television station! What a totally weird cincidence. I suppose I get to make all the rules now...So lets say that we'll film the show every day from 11AM to 10PM. Sound good? You're welcome to complete anytime between those hours.
Pizza Pandemonium 開放了, 不錯的工作
再去找那大有錢人Daddy Bigbuck 繼續 goal 4-5:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Daddy Bigbuck :
Wonderful to meet you dzerox. People around here call me Daddy Bigbucks. If you like what you see in SimValley, it's a good bet I own it.
I need a book to help rebuild the library, can you help me out?
Daddy Bigbuck :
Always willing to help out a cause! They make for great Tax write-offs! I'll just give you one from my personal collection, which luckily I keep in my pocket!
A fine day to you, Mister Bigbucks.
Daddy Bigbuck:
Quite, dzerox. Quite a splendiferous day in fact. And how are you finding my little- heh- OUR little town? Known the world over to all those who matter, as SimValley: The City of Subdued Enlightenment!
1. I'm have a great time! (友好度+5)
2. Just hanging out... you know. (友好度-1)
3. Actually, I'm a little bored.
Daddy Bigbucks:
Of course you are! And do you know why that is...? Because I'm the one responsible for every amusing thing that happens in this town. I financed most of the building projects, I helped pave most of the roads, and I commisioned that music you're hearing right now.
1.Sounds like you are a busy man.
2.Is there anything you don't do?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Daddy Bigbucks:
I certainly am. In fact, right now I'm spending all my time and energy into hosting the first annual SimValley TRIATHLON. We've got the events all sorted out, but we don't have a venue or the mayor's blessing so it's been an uphill battle.
1. The SimValley Triathlon?
2. Why won't the mayor help?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Daddy Bigbucks:
Oh, that old-fashioned geezer isn't convinced our events are exciting enough. But what, I ask you, isn't exciting about CHICKEN WRANGLING, BULL RIDING, and BOXING! If only there was some way we could prove him wrong...
1. Can I help in some way?(友好度+2)
2. Is this sly way of getting me to volunteer for something?
選 1.吧
Daddy Bigbucks:
Can you...? Say may be you CAN. If you could test out our theory... you know, run through EACH of the THREE EVENTS and then REPORT to me with a glowing review, it might sway the mayor's opinion.
1. OK, sounds good.
2. A brilliant idea.(友好度+1)
Daddy Bigbucks:
Of course it is ! Remember, the two main events are: Beat the Bull Riding Record and Knock out the Boxer. You're also got to do what everyone says can't be done...catch the Veloci-Rooster! You'll want to buff up your BODY a bit. I don't want you looking flabby for the performance, you got that?
按'A' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 4-5
Catch the Veloci-Rooster
Beat Bullriding Record(Body 6, lots of rest!)
Knock out 'Mad'Willie Hurtzya

走遍全鎮, 終於把那隻惡雞捉了...

我把 body升滿後及休息夠後, 在 Flex-Dome Fitness Center的擂台把 Mad Willie Hurtzya打倒...
到Country Cafe 騎假牛

也是需要body + 充足休息的, 如果破了記錄, 會有'mission completed'
回去報告Daddy Bigbucks:

I did it! All three events are complete!
Daddy Bigbucks:
I KNEW you could do it, dzerox! Here's 1000 Simoleons for all your effort. And thanks to you, SimValley will soon be holding its first annual SimValley Extreme Games! Excellent work my friend, excellent work.
If I said I wanted to move to a bigger house, what would you say?
Daddy Bigbucks:
I'd say I that's a fine idea, dzerox. And I'd tell you that I'd be willing to rent you my summer mansion, if you were interested. I just need to check your character. You need at least 8 friends, good gob standing, and &#036;10000.
1.I'll have the &#036;10000 soon.
2.I can pay the &#036;10000 now.
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 有錢便選 2 吧...

Goals 4-5
Make 8 Friends
Earn &#036;10,000 for a Down Payment
3 promotions (Jam Session or Pizza Chef)

由於之前pop要求25 已升了不少友好度, 8 friends 早已完成,估計8位友好度50...
3 promotions 應該也可以一個工作連升3級, 或分開升(建議升3級jam session)...
&#036;10000 絕對不是大問題了...
去找Daddy Bigbucks:

I can pay the 10000 Simoleons now.
Daddy Bigbucks:
Wonderful! We can now close this deal! Just go find Giuseppi to transport your belongings.
之後又去找Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
I'm moving to the mansion!
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Are you kidding me!? Now I KNOW you're livin' large, dzerox! Don't deny it. (友好度+2)
1. No way, I can barely pay my bills.
2. Heck yeah! Now I'm richer than Daddy Bigbucks!(友好度+1)
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
No kidding?! Well alright. I hope you'll invite your dear friend Giuseppi over when you're all moved in.Yeah? Anyway, I'll be around when you are ready...
1. OK, I am ready
2. I'm almost ready but...
選 1 吧, 也沒有什麼要做...
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
Rock and roll. Everything will be waitin' for you in the IMPERIAL ESTATES. Now, you can keep that CRATE for as long as you want and I'll nab it when you're done...but the SLOWER you move, the MORE it will COST, you dig?

入新居去那 CRATE 選' Open the Crate' 把所有東西轉至手中
再選 'Return the Crate' 退回,此箱便消失了...
佈置一下, 便外出...

Det. Dan D. Mann--- goals 5-1
Duane Doldrum--- goals 5-2
Nora Zeal-Ott--- goals 5-3
Maximilian Moore--- goals 5-4
Vera Vex goal--- goals 5-5

general store 前遇到Det. Dan D. Mann:
Hello Detective, what's the word on the street.
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Hi dzerox. Everything is pretty calm cool and quiet in SimValley. Couldn't ask for a better beat if I had three wishes! How are you doing?
1. I'm just looking for something to do.
2. I'm pretty busy with living and working, you know?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Are you now? Well I got just the thing for you: The mayor has put me in charge of a public works project that I haven't been able to start. Could you help me with it?
1. What's the project?
2. This mayor is busy doing everything but running the town.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Det. Dan D. Mann:
The mayor wants me to figure out a cheap way to make a STATUE from aluminum cans. I think he wants to get a whole series made for his family. I don't know why but that's his business, I guess. Anyway, I need to find a sculptor to complete the project.
1. If you're really busy, I'll help you out.
2. Where can you find a sculptor?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Would you? that would ease my burden considerably! First you need to ask around... see if anyone is a sculptor or knows one . Then you'll have to collect about 30 CANs and make sure your POPULARITY is high... otherwise it probably won't be worth the sculptor's time and energy.
按'A' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 5-1
Find Sculptor's Number
Hire a Sculptor
Collect 30 Aluminum Cans
Gain Popularity 50

看見這些goal 有點想哭...
我pop才25, aluminum cans 10個,怎樣也好,花了不少時間終於完成
路上碰到Daschell Swank:

(註:升友好度 不要升misty water 和 O.Phil.McClean)
Do you know any sculptors?
Daschell Swank:
Sure I do, but he lives in SimCity. Why don't you give him a call? I'll just add his number to your PHONE SERVICES list.
回家用電話->make a call->call service->sculptor:
'OK, you got the cans and the popularity! I'll get right to work'
終於全部完成, 回去找Det. Dan D. Mann:
Have you seen the new statue?
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Indeed I have, dzerox, and if it wasn't such an amazing work of craftsmanship I would tear it down in an instant. who do you think you are allowing a statue of yourself to dominate the skyline of this humble city. You're got a lot of nerve. (友好度-3)
1. But it was the sculptor's idea. He said I had 'presence.'(友好度-4)
2. No one has to know it's me.
只好選 2 否認說你不知道是你...
Det. Dan D. Mann:
Hmmmmm. Maybe you're right. Maybe we could add a little plaque with a different name and call it a statue of one of SimValley's founders. An excellent plan!

完成 goals 5-1

在 country cafe 找到 Duane Doldrum:
Hi! My name is dzerox.
Duane Doldrum:
Hey, I'm Duane Doldrum. Someday I'm going to  be the most famous Sim in the world... just as soon as I figure out how and why.
Hey Duane. Feeling better than usual, I hope.
Duane Doldrum:
I feel no better or worse than yesterday. in fact, I don't feel much at all, which I prefer. Thanks for asking. Now if you'll excuse, me I'm trying to solve a mystery.
1. What kind of mystery?
2. Are you close to solving it?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Duane Doldrum:
It's a simple mystery, one barely worth mentioning. It's so insignificant I feel ashamed to have dwelt on it this long. But here we are: I'm wondering where all the Loony Lemmings have gone?
1. Loony?
2. Lemmings?
3. Loony Lemmings?
1, 2 or 3 沒有分別...選 3.吧
Duane Doldrum:
Yes, Loony Lemmings. Only, not of the crazy, rodent-like kind. The Loony Lemmings are an exclusive cliff-diving club. They used to meet at the top of a sea-side cliff, but no one has seen them for months. I wonder why?
1. Do you want to join their club?
2. Sounds interesting. I'd like to join.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Duane Doldrum:
You? Oh please. You'd never make the cut. This is one exclusive club, man. But even if you wanted to join, there's another problem. Misty Waters, the lifeguard, is refusing to let anyone dive these days. She says it's too dangerous. Just ask her.
1. When do they meet?
2. Where do they meet?
3. Why do they meet?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Duane Doldrum:
Somewhere by a body of water, that's all I can remember. I don't know where and I don't know when.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 5-2
Find the Cliffs
Pester the Lifeguard(Relationship -50)

氣死我了, 剛剛才升 Misty Waters 友好度至100
現在又要減至 -50(我要-150...算了有s/l)

Would you judge my cliff-diving skills?
Misty Waters:
Oh, not you too! I 've had it with you Loony Lemming Cliff-diving wackos! I'm not judging anything and you're not jumping so much as an inch while I'm here.
1. Please?
2. Pretty Please?
3. Pretty Please with sugar on top?
簡單的選1 吧
Misty Waters:
No way. I know you haven't been in town long so you probably think the Loony Lemming Club is something cool and exclusive. Well its not! It's just a bunch of nuts who get together and laugh in the face of death.
1. If you put it that way...(友好度-2)
2. I like living on the edge. (友好度+3)
現在當然選 1
Misty Waters:
Exactly. It's a ridiculous hobby. And I'm not letting another person jump so long as I have legs to stand and a mouth to yell with.
之後回到一般對話, 努力減友好度吧!
如果出現'Don't start with me! I'm not talking to you anymore.'
-50後去country cafe 右邊查看

路障已除去, 嘗試通過會出現對白叫你再找misty waters:

Hey! I'm an official Loony Lemming now!
Misty Waters:
I'd rather not be talking to you, dzerox, for mean things you said to me; but I must admit, you've got really good form...Now get out of here!
工作Cliff Diver x 開放, goals 5-2完成

在general store 碰到 Nora Zeal-Ott 開始goal 5-3
Hey Nora, how are-
Nora Zeal-Ott:
Hi, dzerox. Did I mention last time we talked that if I am elected I  will bring positive leadership to the SimValley community? Remember my new slogan ' Whether you're informed or not, vote for Nora Zeal-Ott!'
1. You're running for what position?
2. What sets you apart from the other candidates?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Nora Zeal-Ott:
Assistant Associate Treasurer. It's a new position this year. The Associate Treasurer decided to open the position because the person who usually does the job has been sick for a while. I think he had to go to the vet or something.
1.So you must know a lot about politics and law.
2.What are some of your campaign issues?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Nora Zeal-Ott:
I am SO glad you asked. First I would like to make postage stamps less gross to lick. Then I want to give everybody free shoelaces because everyone needs more shoelaces. And lastly, I want to overturn the law with a loophole that allows any citizen in SimValley to hold a mayoral election whenever they want.
1. You mean I could ask for election right now?
2. You mean I could run for mayor right now?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Nora Zeal-Ott:
Yeah, you could. Except O.Phil McClean beat you to it. He thinks the current mayor is doing terrible job, so he decided to hold a new election. So far he's the only candidate for the position, which is a little sad.
1.O.PHIL is not quite the 'Mayor' type.
2. Why aren't you running for mayor?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Nora Zeal-Ott:
The title just isn't long enough. 'Assistant Associate Treasurer' has a nicer ring to it. But since nobody is running against me, if you wanted to run for mayor I'd run your campaign. Just raise 10000 SIMOLEONS, get your POPULARITY up, and see if you can scare off O.PHIL McCLEAN.
1. My campaign contributions are still low...
2. I have raised the %10000!
選 1 或 2 沒有分別, 有錢便回來選 2 吧...
現在先按'B', 出現新goals

Goals 5-3
Give &#036;10000 Fee to Nora
Gain Popularity 60
Persuade O.Phil McClean to Drop Out(-50)

先加popularity 60吧, 反正超過一次60再去減O.Phil McClean 至-50會容易一點
如果出現'If I had my way, I'd use you for shark bait! I'm not talking to you anymore.' 等一天便可再對話...

I think I'm going to run for mayor too, Mister McClean.
O.Phil McClean:
YOU'RE WHAT?! Who told you I was running in the first place? There's no way I can beat you. You're an expert mudslinger! Get off my dock, kid. You just ruined my day.
達到目標後 回去找 Nora 繳交&#036;10000
I have raised the &#036;10,000!
Nora Zeal-Ott:
Fantastic! So we'll devote &#036;1000 to advertising, &#036;50 to speech craft, my 80% manager fee...
Thanks for the advice, Nora. Soon I'll be SimValley's New MAYOR!
Nora Zeal-Ott:
Excellent!Now that you're the only candidate, you should have no problem. Aren't elections easier when we don't have much of a choice?

又完成5-3, 找Maximilian Moore 開始5-4:
Hello Docter, where are you going?
Maximilian Moore:
I'm not going anywhere -I'm coming from the ViruChem lab where I just saw a fascination demonstration on the various industrial uses of hydrogen peroxide. Fascinating stuff, just fascinating. You should see for yourself.
1. Would I be allowed inside?
2. Why would I want to learn about Hydrogen Peroxide?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Maximilian Moore:
VirtuChem is a members-only organization, but if you can help them secure a funding grant and make a significant scientific discovery,they'd let you join. FOR example, they let ME join after I donated 10000 simoleons and invented a cure for happiness.
1. Where would I find grant money?
2. Even if I became a member, what then?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Mister Cash-Cow himself, naturally. Hit up Daddy Bigbucks for a few pennies. Sure you'll have to be more persuasive then you ever have before, but he'll eventually cave-in. He always does. You won't be disappointed, I promise.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 5-4
Make a Significant Scientific Discovery
Get a Grant from Daddy Bigbucks (Relationship 80)
Earn Logic 7

從簡單的開始吧, 先升logic 7
再找Daddy Bigbucks 支助吧, 需要升至80友好度...
見到Daddy Bigbucks(註:我友好度已90)

So how would you like to fund a little science experiment for me?
Daddy Bigbucks:
For my new best friend, dzerox? Anything for you, buddy! Where's my checkbook? Have you seen my- Ah here we go... ' Pay to the order of...'
1. Also, could I borrow a significant scientific discovery?
2. And where I can make a significant scientific discovery?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Daddy Bigbucks:
Are you trying to join the elite of VirtuChem? Hmmmmm. I know a meteor crashed near here some years ago...nearly hit the north part of town. But when people went to see the crater, someone had already taken the meteor! Maybe you can find it?
之後出現一般對話, 按'B' 離開...有了頭緒找科學發現...
去北方途中, 正想回去uncle hayseed 屋休息, 發現舊屋沒有了剪草車擋住
進去下層發現原本有草堆的地方出現了秘道, 當然進去看看

竟然有支火箭, 有得選'repair', 'put in pocket', 'move',
選'put in pocket'後,會有對白說回去找Maximilian Moore:
不過也跟uncle hayseed 說一下:

Why was there a rocket beneath the barn?!
Uncle Hayseed:
You found the -uh, I mean, what rocket? I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe the previous owners put it there. Now, uh, if you'll excuse me, I have to do something over there...
找到Maximilian Moore:

Thanks for the VirtuChem tip, Dr. Moore.
Maximilian Moore:
Don't mention it. Good luck and be careful...we wouldn't want you do come down with some mysterious(but ultimately non-lethal) disease.
又完成了 goals 5-4, 只剩2 個goals, 找Vera Vex:
Are you going to band practice tomorrow?
Vera Vex:
What did you say to me? Are you trying to be funny or something?
1. Um....no.Why?
2. Un, sure...HA HA HA, silly old me, always joking around.
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Vera Vex:
Ah, sorry about that. I'm a bit on edge. My guitar was stolen this morning, and I know exacty who did it. Only problem is, I can't convince the cops because they trust me less than they trust the guy that did it.
1. Who stole your guitar?
2. Oh, let me guess, let me guess!
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 1.吧
Vera Vex:
That snake Giuseppi Mezzoalto who sells hot property out of his car. I 'll bet he's selling my guitar as we talk.I'm gonna find him and smash his windows.
1. What should we do?
2. Can I help?
1 or 2 沒有分別...選 2.吧
Vera Vex:
Yeah, sure. I guess you could get a CAMERA and snap a PHOTO of him stealing something. And you'll have to convince Detective DAN D. MANN to join you, otherwise it won't be legal.
按'B' 離開對話, 發現有'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 5-5

Convince Det. Dan to Set Up Sting ( Rel 60)
Acquire the Camera
Get a Picture of the Crime

先找Det. Dan D, Mann(友好度98)
Detective, that Giuseppi Mezzoalto is up to no good!
Det. Dan D, Mann:
Is he? I had a feeling he would come to no good. What's he up to?
1. Theft!
2. Larceny!
3. Stealing!
三個也差不多意思, 也是偷...不過 2 好像正確點...
Det. Dan D, Mann:
I KNEW it! Ah, but this is a very seriuos accusation, dzerox. I can't arrest him without solid proof. If you can CATCH him doing an evil deed, then we can nab him. If you get a PHOTOGRAPH, I'll take it from there!
按'B' 離開對話
到Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac可買到相機'FotoFlash Camera' &#036;670
碰巧又想回uncle hayseed 家休息, 竟碰見Giuseppi Mezzoalto偷竊, 而且還很誇張...
找Giuseppi Mezzoalto對話:

1. smile!
2. Say Cheese!
3. Can I take your picture?
Giuseppi Mezzoalto:
What the -? Hey kid, give me that camera!
不用再回答, 警察已來了
回去找Vera Vex:

We caught Giuseppi Mezzoalto in the act!
Vera Vex:
You did? Is my guitar safe? If that two-timing sleaze ball did anything to my guitar I'm going to break into jail just to break his arms! goals 5-4 完成!!!

按'B' 離開對話, 發現有最後一次'New Goals-Press Start'

Goals 5-5
Make 13 Friends
3 Promotions (Mad Scientist or Cliff Diver)
Repair the Rocket
Move the Rocket to the Mansion

13 個friends 應該早已完成
火箭還在口袋中, 回家放好在屋後並修理好(我mechanical 4也可以完成)

只剩工作升級...Petri Dish 比  Cliff Diver X 容易, 但第3級也很難升
最好Petri Dish 2級,  Cliff Diver X  1級吧

全部完成後 出現對白去找Uncle Hayseed
回去uncle hayseed 家...鎖了沒人,
去打電話又只說near farm house...

Uncle Hayseed, what are you doing away from the farm?
Uncle Hayseed:
Well, dzerox, summer's over. Sure went fast, didn't it?
As fast as the Veloci-Rooster!
Uncle Hayseed:
And you, on the ballot for Mayor of SimValley! you made me proud, kid.
Thanks, Uncle Hayseed!
Uncle Hayseed:
And this rocket you restored. You're one of a kind, dzerox. but it's time for you to leave SimValley.
But...I don't want to leave. I love it here! It's my home.
Uncle Hayseed:
No, dzerox, it's not. Not anymore. It never was...your mother never told you how I found you in that cornfield all those years ago. You repairing this rocket isn't coincidence. It's time for you to really go home, kid.
Uncle Hayseed:
If that rocket leaves the ground and you're not with it, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. Goodbye, dzerox. Perhaps I'll see you again someday.
I understand.
Uncle Hayseed:


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-18 06:37:53 | 显示全部楼层
由於沒有2週目,爆機後完全沒有特別,也不能把舊記錄在完成遊戲後繼續 十分可惜
有很多工作也還未花時間研究, 也跳了所以小任務, 只有重新開始

由於避免抄襲, 我完成沒有上網找資料
現在完成主線劇情, 詳細看了vv2003的那份攻略,

全鎮地圖 + 全地下水道圖...再等候

手上 8 張大結局圖片(.gif 或.png), 希望有人幫忙合成一張'活動'的.gif
沒人幫我便全貼出來(縮小版) [wdb1]

使用道具 举报

jimmytcl 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-12-22 18:37:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

小小心 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-12-30 11:57:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-12-30 12:06:30 | 显示全部楼层
有雞出現, 還未看出有什麼影響

殺了會減Uncle Hayseed的友好度

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-30 15:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
有雞出現, 還未看出有什麼影響

殺了會減Uncle Hayseed的友好度
原來是減Uncle Hayseed的友好度


要看看我的進度, 如果有時間便加上翻譯...

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-12-30 21:19:46 | 显示全部楼层

help me!!!!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-31 06:33:22 | 显示全部楼层

help me!!!!
應該是你 make a call->call service-> pair man
現在去上班, 回來再試試其他方法吧...
暫時沒有辨法,有其他人成功解決這bugs嗎? 請其他玩家幫忙尋找
真的沒辦法便只有重玩了... [wdb2]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-1-6 21:02:24 | 显示全部楼层
这是根据完成Move the Rocket to the Mansion任务后火箭所在位置查找到的Repair地址,如果火箭放在其他地方,代码就不准确了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-1 19:18:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-4 23:28:58 | 显示全部楼层
还有一个'灯神',我碰到过,也会跳出来,主角也会PASS OUT,被送医院

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-5 14:39:27 | 显示全部楼层
还有一个'灯神',我碰到过,也会跳出来,主角也会PASS OUT,被送医院&nbsp;
未見過灯神, 不過應該沒有吧...會不會是修理時暈倒?
因為不論理由, PASS OUT都會有出現


使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-5 19:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
是啊,是修理冰箱的时候,出来一个兰色的人,象阿拉订的灯神.就PASS OUT了



哦~还有个问题,如何和OLDSALTY关系不好了怎么办?已经-19了.他说:不想和你说话了,my shark is even better than you

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-6 01:54:51 | 显示全部楼层
是啊,是修理冰箱的时候,出来一个兰色的人,象阿拉订的灯神.就PASS OUT了



哦~还有个问题,如何和OLDSALTY关系不好了怎么办?已经-19了.他说:不想和你说话了,my shark is hfgthfgeven better than you

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-6 21:54:51 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-6 21:55:46 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

幻彩天使 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-5-22 17:22:40 | 显示全部楼层




[ Last edited by terryfly on 2005-5-23 at 00:57 ]

使用道具 举报

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