原帖由 迪芙 于 2009-1-31 21:29 发表 
King Magnun's guardian. Long ago, Magnun fused with his guardian, but the aftereffects drove the king crazy, creating Infinimora. Voltanis was destroyed because his master was imprisoned in his own Guardian stone by Kara, Mel, and Flinch. With the stone occupied, Voltanis got banished from the stone and could no longer exist.
Voltanis is capable of firing bandages at others, incredible strength and spits acid. Voltanis seems a lot bulkier when fused with Magnun but when separated, the guardian is like a skeleton/mummy.
Voltanis's stone is bound to a henge of Yin and Ogama (Yin's top ends cut through Ogama via the left and right middle. This henge is not engraved on Voltanis or Infinimora). This stone was then destroyed by Nazmul after he communicated with Magnun.
Di-Gata Defenders里面的一个人物。当然K社给卡片命名不一定会在历史或者神话里面有起源。这里纯粹当一个名字理解就可以了。 |