本帖最后由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2009-11-13 21:28 编辑
Absolute Powerforce Release: 16.02.2010
The power to win more Duels than ever can now be yours with Absolute Powerforce booster packs.
Look for your own copy of Jack Atlas’ “Majestic Red Dragon” – the latest and greatest upgrade for The Five Dragons. You can also Summon Yusei’s “Drill Synchron” to let all your Warriors inflict piercing Battle Damage and let you draw a card every turn!
These incredible new cards used by The Signers, and many more, are matched (possibly out-matched!) in Absolute Powerforce by the latest monsters of The Dark Signers. Leading the charge are Rex Goodwin’s Dragons of the Sun and Moon – Inti and Quilla – used in his climactic Duel against Yusei, Jack, and Crow. You can also find Goodwin’s whole supporting cast of ancient Inca cards, including “Oracle of the Sun,” “Temple of the Sun,” and “Apocatequil.”
Absolute Powerforce also includes 2 of the dastardly Dark Synchro Monsters: “Underground Arachnid” and “Zeman the Ape King.” On TV, Dark Synchro Monsters have special rules requiring negative monster Levels, but these special versions have been converted into the standard Synchro Monster rules, to make them easier for you to Summon!
From the current battles between The Signers and The Dark Signers, Absolute Powerforce also reaches back in time to bring you two of Yugi’s most beloved monsters from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City storyline: “Berfomet” and “Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast.” Never before released, you can at last add these monsters to your collection of Yugi’s favorite cards.
Are you tired of having your monsters, Spells, and Traps destroyed by your opponent, leaving you open to a direct attack? No longer! With Absolute Powerforce, you don’t have to rely just on the cards on your field for defense. “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” and “Battle Fader” can be Special Summoned directly from your hand when your opponent attacks you directly. “Battle Fader” will even end the Battle Phase the moment it’s Summoned, giving you complete protection from attack.
In addition to all of that, Absolute Powerforce contains new Koa’ki Meiru, X-Sabers, Ritual Monster cards, Reptiliannes, Spellcasters, Machines, and more. And in a special treat for long-time Duelists, an old favorite has returned: It’s time to dust off your “Necrovalley” and add 4 brand new cards to your Gravekeeper’s Deck!
This booster set absolutely has more power than any set should ever have. Don’t miss out!
Absolute Powerforce contains 100 cards:
48 Common Cards (8:1)
20 Rare Cards (1:1)
14 Super Rare Cards (1:5)
10 Ultra Rare Cards (1:12)
Duelist Pack – Yusei 2 –
Duelist Pack – Yusei 2 – is an easy and affordable way to get your hands on some of Yusei’s favorite cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s TV show!
This 30-card Duelist Pack set includes 5 brand new cards: “Junk Archer,” “Gauntlet Warrior,” “Eccentric Boy,” “Scrubbed Raid,” and “Tuner’s Barrier.” These exciting new cards are mixed with 25 other favorites from Yusei’s Deck, like “Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode” and “Hyper Synchron,” making it easier than ever to build Yusei’s Deck for your very own!
Check out “Junk Archer,” the latest of Yusei’s scrap metal Synchro Monsters, with the power to make an opponent’s monster vanish every turn. And “Eccentric Boy” makes Synchro Summoning easier than ever, by letting you use monsters from your hand to do it!
Every pack also contains 1 Strategy Tip Card, to help you find ways to use these cards in new combinations to beat your opponents.
Duelist Pack – Yusei 2 – contains 30 cards:
* 17 Common Cards (4:1)
* 7 Rare Cards (1:1)
* 4 Super Rare Cards (1:5)
* 2 Ultra Rare Cards (1:15)
* Plus 1 Strategy Tip Card in every pack!
Duelist PortfolioNow you can store and display your cards in this new Duelist Portfolio, featuring Yusei and his “Majestic Star Dragon” from Stardust Overdrive.
This 10-page, 9-pocket-per-page card portfolio is a great way to show off and trade your favorite cards. By placing cards front-to-back, you can showcase up to 180 cards from the latest sets.
Stand out in the crowd and show all the other Duelists that you know what’s up, with the Yusei & “Majestic Star Dragon” Duelist Portfolio!