There are some sellers on ebay, advertising Tactical Evolution boxes with this:
Pack-front monster "Rainbow Dragon" is featured in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and debuts an all-new rarity and foil technology. (全新的旱贵,难道真的有HR啊= =)
Set consists of 90 different cards - the largest booster set in over three years - including ten cards never seen before. Not even in Japan! -----10张新卡,而且连日本都没的,这不是在开玩笑吧??????太乱来了= =
Gemini Monsters, a new type of monster card with amazing effects, make their debut. (双子座,可惜没介绍效果)
Exciting cards for Elemental Heroes, Neo-Spacians, and the new "Venom" theme draw directly from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX animated series!
Legacy support for established Decks like Cyberdarks, Zombies, Aliens, and Normal monsters engages existing players."
A UK site is saying this also:新闻连接= =
[ 本帖最后由 雅克 于 2007-6-6 10:21 编辑 ] |