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Dark_AleX 发布 PSP 2.71 TA-082 软件降级程序

发表于 2007-8-6 13:01:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创于NWBBS,未经原作者同意,严禁任何形式转载,违者将负法律责任!  H$ \* x) G# p5 K7 D; x2 ~: V/ \! k
■  ■┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅★
* H/ S' c, S" b# r6 o■● ■   www.NewWise.com
8 Q. n6 T7 p/ _- O2 ?5 ~( T' B* v■ ●■   站友月神侠原创
4 X# Y1 A6 z+ t■  ■┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅★
6 o4 ?1 a- f. [3 E- S  T% f7 K4 l2 q+ L4 k6 u; J/ z0 s
! Q( g# H: h' Z" d
- U0 f* q6 H+ t2 @
& d- ~3 o2 c9 a: x  L1 t, B
TA-082 FW 2.71 Hen-d downgrader by Dark_AleX/Mathieulh/Harleyg.
# ^+ A6 B- w$ R; Q4 y! H8 t, H4 h5 T5 r
慎用,Readme里面说他们测试了5台都成功了,但还是提醒大家谨慎!必需:TA-082主板,2.71系统版本,运行HEND。降级前最好要恢复系统初始设置,并且把系统语言设置为英语!! 9 f  |, Y1 j7 V) e; g5 W

* h. W. B2 ~% Z' v2 _9 W' Y! ]论坛里有海量同学反映刷机成功,但也有几位变砖的同学,请详细看每一位玩家的回复。6 e; e! O% u, i- c3 \. w. y
: J3 H5 |" L; g( _  L) ?6 q# g
9 M2 X' t9 u$ K0 V; W0 _- ~4 |4 ^9 k2 @  G

  e; x! y8 \- ?- Z( f) M4 b8 ?
8 |% M% Y- N8 v必备的1.5固件下载: 点我下载3 Z* @& c4 Z. M% C4 P

; I3 Q: Z% ]8 P. U& I: Q. a/ A6 o
-======================以下是官方的使用教学,EZ原创翻译,转载注明出处=======================- \% ?9 ?3 h1 }* F, \/ N
-把文件夹里面的 UPDATE 跟 idstoragechange 文件夹放在 /PSP/GAME/ 目录里, B9 F7 H+ o4 L
8 x9 ~& h! Z. n# F5 a# D
-把1.5的升级程序放在 /PSP/GAME/UPDATE 目录里并改名为 UPDATE.PBP& M0 X2 X; I  T
2 `2 z8 {1 @9 P* I% B/ ^. r2 Q
-运行 HEN-D
* y3 S& J7 Y8 J) S! b" w* N. y, q$ P9 ]4 J
-运行 idstoragechange,需要75%以上的电量(译者注:建议插充电器)
0 U# }% h( n0 u+ w
' A+ o" _. L; t-程序会退回XMB,现在运行降级程序,在XMB里会显示为“Update X.YX”
8 R% f; C2 S6 t3 V* o7 q1 V9 P. B5 d& V9 K, E
5 ]% i2 j9 G  C6 ~- D, ]4 A) U3 n6 g
-最后会提示你按“X”重启PSP% C- X# O* C* |

4 v- d: f9 u- B1 l-如果一切正常的话,会出现一个蓝屏提示你按“O",欢迎你,TA-082的1.5 PSP
& v/ J) s/ D! \9 f: F. F0 x
+ n; Z: U# o6 F, G2 D2 O-如果不成功的话,现在你将得到一块SONY牌砖头6 B  C0 y8 h3 H
( R$ \6 [, v9 n9 m! f& J9 N  A

4 x: u9 t1 k' Z- M
; I4 \0 L: K. [============================================  }4 `3 B( v% `$ n
以下是官方原文:& A) O$ z5 J9 E$ b. A( ]
7 D8 n7 _' i) ]6 \; S6 w7 q' z3 i" z
TA-082 downgrader by Dark_AleX/Mathieulh/Harleyg' l8 H. |* u0 d

( g2 s7 s4 `! l$ T$ \# l% }5 k7 iThis is an application to downgrade a ta-082 unit running 2.71 firmware and HEN-D
) o3 j! G" F# h7 W* Y/ ]0 Z: lto 1.50, although teoretically can downgrade to any version, but only 1.50 has been tested.
1 f/ t: N$ W+ }/ ~& R; Z; L$ w( U" L7 R2 l1 c
The application, at the moment of writing this readme was tested in 5 psp's, with 5 success.
# S  W4 o* o/ |- r9 N/ \As always, this kind of application have risks, this one in concrete write to idstorage area1 K4 @/ g4 ^) z  V# d" \- z
of nand.. @$ T$ G" x5 r9 q& y  J" x: b; J0 C) G

; Y) B) k3 X( j7 \4 E( l+ a8 pThe authors don't get responsabilized of any damage that may happen by the use of this/ g# i2 v2 m7 j1 L; S: G- [
unlicensed software. You are on your own when doing it.
9 L8 U- ^9 u( ^5 |& h+ }* y! G$ i1 I0 ~) e! }* P
The method of ta-082 downgrade is based on research on hardware-downgraded ta-082 selled in ebay.
1 a/ E/ n. f) Z' d. CWe realized that the process was not very complex, and easy to imitate by software.- @. f! O6 r6 W' t
3 e9 f3 k+ P/ j% A/ x

( P2 U7 D$ B" LInstructions6 q' z* o5 C, P' |2 O) X
* M& w( G) i6 s1 Q  c) b5 K- Copy the UPDATE and idstoragechange folders into /PSP/GAME/ - Get the official sony 1.50 eboot and put it in the /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder with the name of
+ u0 k" ]' ^/ aUPDATE.PBP# E( C5 j9 y! s

. i  Z8 u- U* V- Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.
# p. x% a; R7 s  S+ D! m2 N& p
% E. n: R- K/ b, g- Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery.
5 A. j% r  |! T) WIt will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.
& f/ H9 ], O/ X6 S' t
0 s6 K: h, A! M5 }; ?3 _4 h9 W- The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb
3 E. v) [" N. ]' ?0 G$ J1 mas "Update X.YX" in the psp language.
# `" j. x% l( i! D  ?
4 M: Z& k4 b3 }8 C/ P0 |5 Y; F( ]& \- The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.
1 y9 [3 ~1 S. d; S, ~6 G( z/ i9 z" ?$ |& X- Y4 _. x# {
- At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it. ' W; e$ Y4 @# [  ?
. D! S  H1 a, O" A
- If all went fine, you'll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings.
- r8 ~7 R/ _- P1 a/ {( ]1 OWelcome to 1.50.6 J, r9 J* C1 \5 p1 `, f9 I

) j( E7 f# u9 `& c! D) c/ c1 T7 f- If things didn't go that fine, you'll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.
2 K- H/ n  z2 q* ?+ T/ uYou accepted that risk, remember.: e3 v* m) ?$ x1 h2 L  e+ D+ L+ }
" p4 }1 u! P  f  S) A$ i
Many thanks to the betatesters3 a' m) @" [/ J' e7 W
$ M6 I3 P1 J( A. K* U& D
Caramona, Serge, Lagon, Marcos, Combes and Marco Antonio Paulino.
1 I1 B5 l6 l( I( i# ?
/ c0 c9 G4 f: b7 C3 v" j" ]; ^' A. IBtw, We are sad that yoshihiro left the scene, he is a great dev and will be missed. Thanks for all!


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