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发表于 2007-8-6 13:06:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ O$ `; R6 j: Y4 k0 q6 j8 E
■  ■┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅★
( i! K$ {) M6 A■● ■   www.NewWise.com
* H& C! ]7 q! A6 Q4 P■ ●■   站友月神侠原创
/ ~% E! I: s: ^8 G: d0 h■  ■┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅★% ^- |' S& z5 W$ G' _
8 }" e( q/ u5 b4 M

9 s' H6 `: G8 L( m今天刚刚才介绍过,PSP 3.50 降级程序最新版将要发布,而且支持韩版Lumines,没想到晚上就出炉了。这样这个降级程序支持了:日版,美版,韩版,欧版 Lumines 正版UMD光盘。1 J) U  j6 C# q+ P0 Z& o, _7 f
; R# O7 w3 t$ G6 U! ~" V
下载:) f* F3 y- P$ O1 W+ g
1_070720172640.zip (359.1 KB)- z( E1 T& ?& S( c

. J  W1 X: k4 g; I==============新版3.50降级程序/HEN发布(支持韩版Lumines光盘引导)============" t. i3 S( A3 Q& ?
( E8 [. E. Y. G9 l1 b. b
大家都知道现在的3.50降级程序是使用欧版/美版的Lumines的,现在Noobz team 发布最新的降级程序,支持日版的ULJS00005 (最初日版) 和 ULJS19005 ('廉价版).各位如果之前买不到美版/欧版或者太贵的玩家,现在就去抢先入手日版吧,速度就是金钱,不然又要狂涨了.$ P  }* a1 H  a* \

, ^9 Q. U  @' o$ p  k8 S& x& N下载:新版3.50降级程序/HEN
( |/ X* z9 U: e6 Q" x" _- L! j) b
7 b5 r' ~' _5 T2 }==============新版3.50降级程序/HEN发布(支持日版Lumines光盘引导)============! l2 f; I9 j7 i

$ u" ]$ R; x. }1 \; d& [
, F9 U/ f) d# Z" I( nAnd here it is, team Noobz' PSP downgrader for v3.50 firmware PSP's, that's the latest revision on the market! The downgrader for v3.50 firmware includes a port of the homebrew enabler for firmware v3.50 and automatically detects all known PSP motherboards and conducts the approrpriate steps to ensure a safe downgrade. The Noobz team also welcome donations, so you all know what to do!
% ?) F4 `  {7 b# t) b* k4 o' e' a, e# K' e( c* P" q+ U& t0 \6 O8 ?
To use this downgrader, you will need the following:
9 o5 E8 P! e/ m  P: Z" q( q1 E6 x: k8 a) f: c3 e: X, ?
- A PSP, upgraded to the official Sony v3.50 firmware. You should also set your language settings to "English".
; @( |" `4 @4 A) M! ~, n1 N0 t( u
- A legal Lumines UMD, either the EU (ULES00043) or US (ULUS10002) version. The original, Platinum, or Greatest Hits versions are all fine. Support for the Japanese version will come soon.& `9 g+ I- v4 h+ V; y* v
2 F; N% Y5 X0 T8 s/ K
- Sufficient intelligence and english language skills to be able to carefully and throroughly read the instructions.
* ~. f2 U/ O. L  @: _% D, |0 S+ [- W" E$ ?4 q5 E( N5 p
- It would also help if you've previously run the Illuminati Hello World, so that you're familiar with how to run the Illuminati exploit. 1 {. s" y9 k# k, G$ Z
For instructions on how to run the downgrader, see the Downgrader_HOWTO.txt file in the ZIP.
8 }; ]5 t9 c# e. y. O% ?) U% I, S( l+ b5 {7 ]
Future plans? Firstly, we intend to provide a solution for people who are stuck on firmware 3.10 or 3.11, unable to upgrade to 3.50 due to the new Sony checks. The exact format of that solution is still to be decided. We also intend to develop an eLoader for v3.50 HEN, so that those who do not want to downgrade will still be able to run some homebrew.

% a1 H. y6 |) U$ I' {; R( g降级前你必须有这些东西:7 J- M( n; D- J

5 @$ u) Y! n6 N8 w1.正版的《音乐方块》UMD(美版或者欧版,日版暂时不行,但是因为老外手里没有日版的,所以没有对应日版的程序)
' A$ u2 E% V6 ]' U( f' A: d  n  r% e: N; C  L. L. f
2.3.50降级程序1 o0 r9 d  H* O* w2 h
6 F/ F% X7 K# w, H0 [7 V
下载:$ g( a% V, y+ b1 Y' @# \
Downgrader350.rar (958.68 KB)( T) N0 [/ c( t7 b. V
- {9 X  Y; m& k7 A+ |% j9 {
3.1.50升级程序2 r, Q/ k- }8 A9 b
1.5升级程序(解压密码是www.emu-zone.org- b3 t  v' d5 A4 B3 t" z
, T) e0 H8 A4 j4 V& w0 G
4.3.50升级程序(如果你是PSP 3.10-3.40的话) 5 M* N3 x4 R7 {) r8 n, G9 l5 U
5 C9 F) l; d& _8 a5 G1 _8 R: w% e
' n& B- W8 d! y! n% y% Y1 p* d) W1 K% Z7 c9 t3 _) H; N
Here are the steps to downgrade any 3.50 PSP to 1.50:3 l+ c9 i: ]" K. b2 n, L2 J
$ N3 m% ]: a7 ?0 j% B& N  i0 w1  - If you have a 3.50 PSP skip to step 6. J* ~& B# u) u& |
7 z  _0 ]6 {5 {+ |" R! h/ u% l
9 b3 ^3 e* Q5 A5 Y* @6 H2  - Download 3.50 update from here:
9 J$ Y# {9 i8 F( V* o( @        http://dl.qj.net/PSP-Firmware-3.50-(North-America)-PSP/pg/12/fid/13840/catid/163* _- @# {0 N0 m. f/ c- H
      下载3.50固件 http://dl.qj.net/PSP-Firmware-3.50-(North-America)-PSP/pg/12/fid/13840/catid/1636 B8 Q. b4 c; Y1 e. d
3  - Unzip and place the file in <pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE* n$ |& R1 j! x" |
      解压并放入记忆棒的 <pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE  文件夹内
9 q: k- d/ N# {4  - On the PSP, run the 3.50 update from the memory stick under the Game menu./ [, D# P  @+ |
0 ~; B! X' j) c$ i
5  - Delete <pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE
- D  w- |! @4 |; s" c( x( l      升级完成后删除3.50的升级程序1 J- t! `$ \( X7 F% i) f( z
6  - Copy the contents of the folder MS_ROOT from the 3.50 downgrader ZIP to
7 @, ~/ a6 K5 \5 ]8 i4 G     the memory stick
% X+ @; |& M) O* U. b     复制降级包中的MS_ROOT文件夹内的PSP文件夹到记忆棒根目录(最好事先把记忆棒先格式化下,但不是必须。)3 }9 Y6 ^0 ?  s" C& f2 S' J+ G
7  - Unzip the 1.50 update to a temporary folder. Rename the EBOOT.PBP to
! r! Z" y+ p+ I0 b' ]& J     UPDATE.PBP and copy it to <pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/ .   DO NOT, A8 `. [$ w  S( v8 x
     解压1.50的升级程序到一个临时文件夹,并把EBOOT.PBP 更名为UPDATE.PBP,
0 X" m! O3 {  g! K; N4 b6 {0 Y    然后复制到<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/
9 k, K6 h5 N: q7 `! c9 ~    不要覆盖 PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP文件  切记要改名
0 C' K9 O7 Z& T& _8 t" I- X3 ?9 E
8  - Load Lumines and press x to start the game+ L& a  v: M- c
      运行音乐方块游戏1 i2 Z4 b& l1 i' B
9  - The screen will clear to black and fill with a light blue colour, then. B- R' g# Y6 P
     the PSP will reset itself1 ?& L4 I3 I* [
7 Q8 z8 V: x0 C. Y' y7 y. A6 t10 - Check that HEN is running by going to system settings, then to
$ ~# E' ]; M+ v1 F     "System Information" and it should show up as system version
9 m3 {: ~2 V# E/ C! ~- n     350 HEN1 y6 H( Q8 K; P  ^' V5 o
     检查系统信息 中的系统版本是否是 350 HEN/ v1 L4 ]* `$ e. f4 [
2 {2 v! D# ?, Z' _( _4 v
11 - If it is showing up as HEN then go to the memory stick and
9 @2 C: Y/ F  ~# C9 b     run the x.yz update% n5 ?0 Z% H) o+ Z- F$ {
     如果上步没有出错,运行游戏下的 x.yz update 程序
# U5 I" V. w) ?1 S
12 - If you have an unpatched TA-082 or higher motherboard, you will be
* E5 X1 l1 s. z0 S     prompted to allow the downgrader to patch your motherboard so it4 U2 w4 P: f$ v& n% X1 f
     can be safely downgraded.  The downgrader will not let you proceed6 d) k: s# x' q
     without patching, if your motherboard requires it.+ t0 ]  ^# m, l% d
     如果你是一个TA-082或者更高级的主板,你将被程序引导为你的主板打补丁来更安全的降级; I. _3 \# G, E  K4 B1 _5 u% o
13 - Before the downgrader does anything to your PSP it will ask7 h3 e. Q1 o8 q1 e- ?
     for you to agree to what it is doing, if you no longer want to2 q+ q' D& {/ R* a! \. l
     continue press the Right Shoulder Button (R-TRIGGER).
$ g: Y9 s0 S! Q( X; s     在降级之前,程序将询问你是否确定要降级,如果不同意,请按R-TRIGGER( s3 I; I% u* w" f. X" B1 g
14 - Once you have agreed to start the downgrade do not unplug the
  \, i7 \0 @/ v! ^  M# u# E# P& u     PSP, or try and restart it+ O& e$ b" t$ d
7 d2 s' W# }5 [7 w6 [6 h, P! k
15 - Once finished the PSP will ask you to press X, and reset itself
3 j, X4 ]( N5 P. G; |       降级完成后程序将要求你按X键来从起PSP& N& z# l4 H0 n2 D- Z/ r/ T+ t
16 - If it comes up saying that the settings are corrupt, press x
; d+ s8 i. {( b8 w' G     to continue, this will mean you will need to re-enter the& ~$ f# m+ O) s+ O2 h
     settings for network connections into your PSP, otherwise go to
% m9 O3 Z. z, L+ M4 l8 F/ v" {     step 187 m4 c2 ~2 z* v% O% g! Y) B
     如果提醒设置破损,按X继续,这意味着你将从新设置你的PSP 网络连接设置。9 p+ h6 r4 z; B7 G* X
     如果没有提示  直接进入18步
* j- {  P8 W# ?, g8 m% f17 - Load the included NetConfigBackup application in your PSP, and select to
: M+ O& w) h. D# E9 H1 I( I  |* e     restore, this will take the backup that was done of the network config+ E% ~, B% W7 R7 r% {' E3 M- j
     that was done automatically during the downgrade.# M6 {3 F1 [; l/ Q8 Z
     运行NetConfigBackup 程序在PSP上,选择 restore 来修复 你的PSP网络设置
! c$ ~, Y% T/ e; f/ N6 C5 ^18 - All done now :-)  Hopefully you now have a 1.50 PSP.  Enjoy it responsibly.5 E) B0 d+ x$ S+ A
      所有降级步骤完成,您现在已经有了一个固件版本为1.50的PSP,Enjoy it 。. c* @6 D( Q. _/ k. m8 O

6 y2 n% h  ?; V) B- M1 Z4 m8 U) y" n8 E$ Q% i6 c
如果你没那么多东西的话也没关系,这里有傻瓜包, _" F- V- r1 a8 I. y% l

7 i4 \. b4 q6 r$ X; N6 T4 Q, H* O( e( z. U0 g7 H
3 f8 g8 ^& a5 d8 @: F2 [0 t$ J2 A  n2 h7 j5 N+ h
4 Y) F4 @# Z  T3 K1 |8 Y% Z9 f9 V9 \* V0 ]6 J/ y7 p! y
1.此降级需要一片Lumines 美版or欧版的UMD盘(日版的Noobz小组说即将发布)
4 `. t3 u+ i8 F
9 E) K  B9 m0 _9 p* L2.支持TA-079~TA-086的主版,没有限定区域版本0 n' k  i) r9 v& W/ m6 g% b
; N# b* z3 \) `, w6 ^; }  d
" R  p/ V$ Q9 y" f& Z* Q
7 c- M& R# B, a+ y) W* J9 d6 ?4.电力需求75%以上(必须),并且插上AC电源(非必要)) i& T8 N% W2 ?' r& X) o
" n- P  N+ @. C" f: O+ }# s# a
: v8 z; n  h4 a) x" I- w# A9 }  P4 A
8 j5 ^+ B, |# J$ l2 _: K  V, b
# T! H6 w+ Y+ N7 o' H/ i% y
使用方法:' T  U2 s1 `+ I
7 a) V: |/ ]6 [/ s0 D
1.下载此傻瓜包,将PSP文件夹拷贝到记忆棒跟目录下覆盖即可5 `! t+ |% c+ F% s

! E  x+ R6 s% g! F+ s$ H2.放入Lumines 美版or欧版的UMD盘后在PSP上运行此光盘
) d* H: g3 {; {  g* o  i" b' T" @: I! U$ t( H
3.按X开始游戏后,一会儿会出现蓝屏,结束后会自动跳回XMB: @, |+ D  J1 h
/ D( X3 P" O" D5 Z$ F4 x1 b
4.此时系统版本会显示350 HEN ,证明加载成功,然后运行 PSP Update ver X.YZ
5 g3 l8 `$ h% b2 d: n$ k[quote]友情提示:当PSP主板是TA-082/TA-086,程序会要求进行主板Patch才能降级,请按X键进行Patch的动作
% _+ r3 H( _; w& c9 i$ Y/ U# X

$ i0 h! ]* ^" Y4 o! M) w) h3 P5.一会儿出现免责声明(就好几行红字),按X键开始进行降级(按R键可以跳出程序)
1 e$ `6 X# d8 K3 h
" ]" }& K5 O2 b2 e% t( w5 l7 Q6.降级完成后会出现下列提示,请按X键自动重新启动PSP, _- w4 ?" C  i  z- j2 h5 ?
Process finished# |9 m( P$ s9 C) `8 t
Press X to restart the PSP
7 ]# K1 k; ]5 W- c7 m" e. q

4 p) ~) A( e" I# v/ w7.可能会出现蓝底白字,不要紧,请按O键修复即可,此时系统版本会显示1.50,恭喜你降级成功[/quote]
" g( x2 }, o+ p8 A/ E  P, F& e4 X0 g/ j
[ 本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2007-8-6 13:15 编辑 ]

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