Even if the recovery firm doesn't work because it is based in 1.50 kernel, which is old and may not support the new hardware, as soon as the wlan and ms led
are on, it would mean that our code got executed, as we make those light on by software at the beginning of ipl.
If that happens, then it will be hacked soon or later with "true custom firmwares", which would be custom firmwares that would start from 3.XX ipl directly as ofw, without using 1.50 kernel+ipl at all. (the bad thing about it is that homebrew made for 1.5 wouldn't work)
恢复模式不能解决问题是因为恢复模式是基于1.5核心的, 它对于新的硬件来说太老了所以可能不支持, 但是只要无线和记忆棒灯亮起来, 就说明我们的程序被执行了,是我们用软件让这两个灯在执行(神奇电池的恢复模式)开始之前亮的
如果是这样的话, 那它早晚就会被"真正的自制固件"破解, 它将是直接作为ofw从3.xx ipl开始.而不用1.5核心+ipl
还有,最初的PSP版本是1.0 |