Nw BBS 壬天堂世界

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发表于 2004-1-10 11:27:03 | 显示全部楼层
我玩到第20关,紫水晶已拿到,可走到右边尽头什么也没有, 就是找不到过关出口。请达人指点。不甚感激!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-1-11 08:51:32 | 显示全部楼层

7.4.5 Level 20 Final Countdown

Sapphire: 2:30:40     My best time: 1:49:80
Gold: 2:13:80
Platinum: 1:58:20     Best reader's time: 2:11:10- Crocomire
                                          1:57:20- Josher1212

Checkpoint Check

First: 10 boxes     Second: 26 boxes     third: 27 boxes     fourth: 118 boxes
Bonus: 44 boxes     End: 134 boxes

Get the boxes in front of you, then jump on the ? box, and ride the boxes down.
Go right, and double-jump over the nitro stacks.  Take out the robot, and
continue.  Jump over the laser, and take out the UFO.  Go right, and get
another mask.  Carefully jump over two lasers, while not hitting the one in
between and above them.  Double-jump right, and take out another UFO.  Jump
onto the rotating platform when it is safe, then hit the first checkpoint.

Take out the enemies, then use the arrows to go up.  Get past another robot,

and keep going.  Take out two groups of TNT, and fall down the hole.  Slide
right, and KEEP down, lest you be victim of another nitroglycerin accident.
Dart past the piston, and slide.  Again, jump on the platform when it is time,
and repeat until you reach solid ground again.  Take out the enemies when it is
safe, and jump over the lasers.  Continue.  Take out more TNT and enemies, and
you will reach an arrow.  Keep jumping up and down until the timing is right to
go onto the platform to the right.  Jump right, and take out the armored spike,
if you can.  Hit the second checkpoint.

Use the floater to cross over the armor, and slide under the low-hanging
ceiling.  Go past the piston, and slide again.  Notice the 1-up above the
nitro.  We'll be back, o yes we will.  Fall down, but don't shatter any of the
bouncy boxes.  Go past the pistons, and super-spin right.  Continue right, and
hit the third checkpoint.  Stand as far to the right as you can, while being
left of the iron and steel boxes.  Body-slam, and you will take out the TNT
without making one of Crash's lives commit suicide.  Get the 1 remaining box,
and go right.  Take the arrows up, and you will see the next checkpoint.  Don't
get it yet.  If you are going for the yellow gem, then read-on.  If not, then
skip ahead.


Stand at the very left edge of the platform, and you can see a platform
spinning near the top of the screen.  As soon as it turns red, jump over the
checkpoint, and onto the spinner.  Push left for the entire time you are in the
air, and you will land on the platform when it is green.  Quickly jump to the
box to the right.  From there, jump to an arrow.  When you are on the arrow,
hold jump to go as high as possible, and double-jump super-spin left.  From
that platform, slide-jump left, and you will get the yellow gem.  Now go right,

on the ground, until you reach the arrows.  Stand next to the checkpoint, but
don't get it yet.


Instead of getting the checkpoint, wait for the spikes to the right to go out,
then ride the spinning platform.  By the time you land, the spikes will have
retracted.  Go right, and slide under the low ceilings, and jump over the
lasers.  Hop on the bonus track.


Get the boxes, and continue right.  Get the 1-up, then detonate the TNT. Hit
the next TNT, and it will activate a ! box.  Jump right, and land exactly on
the TNT.  After that, go right.  Jump over the nitro.  Let the fruit be your
guide, and jump.  Go right, and take out the bouncy boxes.  Slide-super-spin
jump over the nitro.  Take out the boxes, and jump over the exit platform.  Get
the nitro ! in the pit, then exit.


If you are going for the box gem, then read on, if you aren't going for it,
then skip this paragraph.  Backtrack past the lasers, and go up.  Continue past
the checkpoint, which should still be there hole.  Go left, to the platforms
that move.  Double-jump, super-spin left, then carefully go past the pistons.
Climb up using the bouncy boxes.  Get the life-up, then go down, and shatter
the bouncy boxes.  Make sure not to fall off of the edge to the left.  Go
forward, past the pistons, and double-jump, super-spin right again.  Go past
the used up checkpoint, and use the arrows to reach another one.  Hit it.
Proceed right, back past the lasers, to where the bonus platform was.


Go slightly forward when you drop down, or you will fall in a pit.  Jump over
the laser, and destroy the bouncy box.  Shatter the UFO, and jump over another
laser.  Jump to the next platform when it is level, then jump between the
lasers to get the crystal.  Jump to the next platform only when the spikes are
retracted.  Go right and exit, maybe with a gem.


Destroy two boxes, then hit the clock.  Now it is safe to get the mask.  Spin
through the 1 second box, then go right.  Double-jump over the nitro, then jump
over the robot.  Spin through the UFO, then get the box with the mask.
Navigate through the lasers, then go right.  You can just make it past the
platform before it turns.  Double-jump over the armored spike, and onto the
middle arrow.  Slide out the robot, and go through the UFO.  Bounce over the
armor, and fall down.  Slide, and use up a mask on the nitro to save several
seconds.  Go past the piston, then ignore the 1 second box.  In the time it
takes you to get it, you will miss your opportunity at the platform.

Ride the first platforms, then use the arrow to quickly go right.  Take out the
enemies as needed, and continue right.  Use the super-spinner to go over the
armored spike, then slide right.  Again, use a mask on nitro, then go down.  Go
past the pistons, and continue right.  Super-spin-jump right.  Do that again
while standing on TNT to get across the nitro.  Use the spinner to go over the
nitro, then continue right.  Jump over each of the lasers.  Carefully jump over
the lasers, and to the platform when it is safe.  Continue to the end.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-11 11:21:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-1-11 11:30:52 | 显示全部楼层
别客气~ 盈儿喜欢帮助人~

对了,你马上就要通关了呢~ 能否拜托你写份简单的攻略为大家推荐一下这个游戏呢 [wdb8]
这里的精华区内并没有这个游戏的攻略哪 [wdb11]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-1-11 17:24:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

lct0811 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-11-7 07:57:55 | 显示全部楼层
有一关 2-1(up the creek)不知道应该怎么过去,主人公 站在一个木头上,两边都是流水,怎么过呢?

使用道具 举报

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