不仅冲击150失败 而且太大意错一堆…………
可恶的老美 居然只给75分钟 平均3分钟一题 虽然都是雷顿教授级题目也不够时间做啊!
PS 这里有人上100的么?
Vertex of equilateral is in the interior of unit square . Let be the region consisting of all points inside and outside whose distance from is between and . What is the area of ?
算了一般就选了A了 没把另一半算上 = =
A circle has a radius of and a circumference of . What is ?
很好 我换底公式写反了
A rectangular floor measures by feet, where and are positive integers with .An artist paints a rectangle on the floor with the sides of therectangle parallel to the sides of the floor. The unpainted part of thefloor forms a border of width foot around the painted rectangle and occupies half of the area of theentire floor. How many possibilities are there for the ordered pair ?
A function is defined by for all complex numbers , where and are complex numbers and . Suppose that and are both real. What is the smallest possible value of
做了12A那道复数方程解的旋转变换心理还有阴影 这就是国力的差距体现么
Michael walks at the rate of feet per second on a long straight path. Trash pails are located every feet along the path. A garbage truck travels at feet per second in the same direction as Michael and stops for seconds at each pail. As Michael passes a pail, he notices the truckahead of him just leaving the next pail. How many times will Michaeland the truck meet?
看红字 果然要下个雷顿教授美版玩一下才行
Two circles of radius 1 are to be constructed as follows. The center of circle is chosen uniformly and at random from the line segment joining and . The center of circle is chosen uniformly and at random, and independently of the first choice, from the line segment joining to . What is the probability that circles and intersect?
几何概型 不知道为什么当时算错的 囧
A parking lot has 16 spaces in a row. Twelve cars arrive, each of whichrequires one parking space, and their drivers chose spaces at randomfrom among the available spaces. Auntie Em then arrives in her SUV,which requires 2 adjacent spaces. What is the probability that she isable to park?
古典概型 不知道怎么算的 囧
The sum of the base- logarithms of the divisors of is . What is ?
文字陷阱 divisor改成factor就会做了
Let . Distinct points lie on the -axis, and distinct points lie on the graph of . For every positive integer , is an equilateral triangle. What is the least for which the length ?
画了图 patterns也看破了 列错式子 |