CSOS is out in SG...
Heal Weaver is 001
009 has 1.2k atk and its lvl 4
016has 1.4k atk and lvl3 and has some effect of "when a defence positin monster is destroyed in battle, inflict 500 damage to opp"
022 is Super Rare
CSOC-JP027 Cursed Fig is 1/200/200/plant/water and effect of "when destroy in battle and send to graveyard, select 2 M/T and ?????????. ??????"
035 might be a Normal Rare(i nver get it from my box)
037 is rare
040 is also rare
041 is also rare
CSOC-JP056 Oldest Type Telekinesis is rare and has an maybe has an effect of "select one Psychic sub type and ???????, destroy one card and heal/damage 1000?"
JP-046 is a quickplay which special summons a lvl 2 or below plant sub type from ur hand to the field
061 is rare
063 is alos rare
067 is also rare
JP070 is a common cont.
CSOC-JP072 Deformer Gazer and its cont. and has effect of "when a Deformer monster is summoned, turned it to defence??"
CSOC-JP076 Plant Connection nomal trap... |