Vertigo Entertainment Developing U.S. Death Note Remake
posted on 2008-06-02 15:58 EDT
CW's Undercover writers/producers Vlas and Charles Parlapanides to pen script
The production notes for the recent horror films Shutter and The Strangers both reveal that America's Vertigo Entertainment is developing a remake of the Death Note franchise and has hired Vlas and Charles Parlapanides to write the screenplay. In Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's hit Death Note manga, a teenager finds a notebook with which he can put people to death by writing their names. He begins a self-anointed crusade against the criminals of the world, and a cat-and-mouse game begins with the authorities and one idiosyncratic genius detective.
Vertigo Entertainment (no relation to DC Comics' Vertigo imprint or the United Kingdom's Vertigo Films) has developed or is developing remakes of Ju-on (The Grudge), Dark Water, Infernal Affairs (The Departed), Gin gwai (The Eye), Shutter, My Sassy Girl, Jungdok (Possession), and Janghwa, Hongryeon (The Uninvited). The Parlapanides brothers are writers and executive producers of Undercover, an update of the 21 Jump Street television series which is under development for the CW network.
The Death Note manga has already been adapted into two Japanese live-action films with one spinoff film, an animated television series, assorted television specials, and novels. Viz Media is releasing the manga, the anime series, and a novel, while Viz Pictures released the first Japanese live-action film in theaters in May.
Source: ShockTillYouDrop.Com

Over 65,000 Watch 1st Death Note Film in U.S. Theaters
posted on 2008-06-04 15:19 EDT
VIz Pictures considers plans for theatrical release of 2nd film in the fall
The Variety Japan news source reports that over 65,000 ppl watched the first Death Note live-action film adaptation in 300 theaters on May 20 and 21. By contrast, over 6,000 ppl in 166 American theaters watched Viz Media's first foray into nationwide digital theater distribution (Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow) on June 6, 2007. Viz Pictures Director of Marketing Manami Iiboshi noted that the NCM Fathom promotional agency had the Death Note film's trailer running in theaters across the nation for a month before the screenings. The film reportedly sold about 20,000 tickets in advance and about 40,000 tickets on the screening days. Viz Pictures has begun exploring the possibility of releasing the second live-action film, Death Note: The Last Name, in theaters this fall after the first movie ships on DVD in North America on September 16. Viz's next nationwide theatrical screenings will be next week's Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody.
Both Death Note movies adapt Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's hit supernatural suspense manga about a boy who discovers a notebook that can put ppl to death when their names are written in it. Over 800,000 copies of the 12 manga volumes have been sold in the United States, and the first volume has spent 89 weeks in the top-50 charts for all books. The Death Note: Another Note spinoff novel spent three weeks in the top-10 charts in the science fiction novel category.
Several million viewers watch Adult Swim's weekly television airings of the 37-episode anime adaptation. The five currently available volumes of the anime DVDs have so far sold about 200,000 copies in Wal-Mart and other retailers, and consistently rank in the top 5 in anime sales charts. A third spinoff film has since been released in Japan, and American film production company Vertigo Entertainment (The Grudge, Dark Water, The Departed) is developing a possible remake of the story with writers Vlas and Charles Parlapanides.

( 经济通 5月22日 03:00AM)
( 经济通 5月20日 01:21AM)
忧心通膨与房市 美股大幅下挫
(法新社) 05月 21日 星期三 09:20AM
(法新社纽约 二十日电) 由於令人担忧的通货膨胀数据与美国 最大居家用品建材零售商「家得宝」(HomeDepot)公司营收疲软,凸显房屋市场问题,美股信心今天遭受打击。
【美联社】美国西部受到破纪录的热浪侵袭,俄勒冈州以南地区气温超过华氏一百度,促使农作物快速生长;迅速融化的雪则引起水灾,尤其是落矶山脉北部。图为亚利桑纳州的购物者20日在坦培市的坦培市场(Tempe Marketplace)户外购物中心,走过喷洒水雾的洒水器凉快一下。
(明报) 06月 10日 星期二 08:35AM
美国 近日天气反常,中西部多个州暴雨成灾,东部就受热浪袭击,气温高达摄氏40度。
东部就受热浪袭击,由乔治亚州至纽约 州,气温料高达摄氏40度。
原帖由 stnchen 于 2008-6-11 13:45 发表 
通货膨胀, 房市的大量Foreclosure, 油价高涨导致企业支出增高(特别是航空公司), 美国SUV销售急跌, 结果裁员, 公司破产, 把工厂撤走, 市民减少消费, ...

去年10月20日 DN动画登陆美国前一週 杜指連跌五天。 见顶
先前8月17日 DN动画登陆HK前一週, 恒指亦是史上最大跌幅。
關連:動画版於當晚在美國swim Adult Swim頻道首播。

日期:2007/08/18 晚上
天氣突變多處大樹被吹倒 ,本港出現強烈陣風,多處有連續閃電,新界有多棵大樹被吹倒,3人受傷。
[ 本帖最后由 colonelblair 于 2008-6-11 15:36 编辑 ] |