OH - If you're at the con, stop by the Konami booth. They've got a working Duel Terminal, in English, giving out English Language DT cards.
Konami apparently brought their Duel Terminal with them to show it off to the American Markets (I can't wait to try it tomorrow!)
It does NOT contain any new cards, just reprints of some cards we already have.
You can all stop worrying and freaking out now (that includes me)
DTP1-EN001 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(蓝眼白龙)
DTP1-EN002( ? )Dark Magician(黑魔导士)
DTP1-EN003( ? )Red Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
DTP1-EN004( ? )Ojama Yellow(扰乱黄)
DTP1-EN005( ? )Elemental Hero Neos(元素英雄 新生)
DTP1-EN006( ? )Buster Blader(破坏者布雷特)
DTP1-EN007 Kuriboh(栗子球)
DTP1-EN008( ? )Winged Kuriboh(羽翼栗子球)
DTP1-ENP09(UR)Cyber Dragon(电子龙)
DTP1-EN010 Soul Exchange(灵魂交换)
DTP1-EN011( ? )Malevolent Nuzzler(恶意红唇)
DTP1-EN012 Nobleman of Extermination(扑灭的使徒)
DTP1-EN013( R )Burst Stream of Destruction(爆流破灭弓单)
DTP1-EN014( ? )Dark Magic Attack(黑魔攻击)
DTP1-EN015( ? )Inferno Fire Blast(黑炎弓单)
DTP1-EN016( ? )Dust Tornado(沙尘龙卷)
DTP1-EN017( ? )Mask of Weakness(虚弱化假面)
DTP1-EN018( ? )Magic Jammer(魔法干涉台)
DTP1-EN019( ? )Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
DTP1-EN020( ? )Negate Attack(攻击无效)
Anyways, here's what I understand about Duel Terminal, and I can't guarantee any of it is 100% and totally accurate and perfectly true, because some of it is second hand. So please don't quote me as an authority on anything I say here, I'm just posting what I understand to be correct, and you never know, I might have gotten incorrect information.
1) It's not fair!! They put the Duel Terminals in only one place!! What about where I live!?!?
Konami put the Duel Terminals in their booth, and had players fill out surveys evaluating the machine, I believe as a test run to see what the initial reaction to the machines would be outside Japan. It's a fair sampling - Comic Con is the largest convention in the US, and people come from all over. People seemed to respond very positively to their experience with the machines, so we'll have to wait and see if that influences Konami's decision to put the machines in countries outside Japan.
2) This sucks!! Other people are going to have broken cards and I didn't get a chance to get them!!
It's my understanding that Dan confirmed with Konami that the only cards being distributed in the machine are cards already available in the TCG, so anyone screaming about the rabid unfairness of the good exclusive cards being released can calm down.
Konami is distributing these cards, not Upper Deck, so again any ranting and raving about unfairness shouldn't be directed at us, and honestly it's premature. They need to test the machines someplace, and Comic Con is a good choice.
3) Will there be Duel Terminals at Comic Con?!?!
I do not know if the Duel Terminals will be at GenCon. Does Konami have a booth at GenCon? Check and see, it's not something they advertised that I can tell for Comic Con, so I guess you never know, right?
4)How much does it cost to play?
It was free at Comic Con. One of the survey questions was "What would be a fair cost to play?" No idea what the cost will be if and when the machines make it to other territories.
5)Is it fun?
Actually it is, I only played the Speed Duel mode but it was fun to play. Very intuitive and easy to figure out.
Well, there you go!
[ 本帖最后由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2008-7-30 13:36 编辑 ] |