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[下载] [PSP 2000/3000]Custom Firmware Enabler 3.70 for ChickHEN

发表于 2009-5-26 15:08:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2009-12-25 19:43 编辑


CustomFirmware Enabler 3.70 to 5.03 for Xenogears.



What is MHU2D?
- It's official support Web Enabler Custom Firmware among other interesting things that we will be publishing shortly.
All questions concerning this program will be answered in the forum MHU2D.Net, new versions will be published there too.
Watch for new news, because there are very interesting developments to emerge.

But not only supports this program, the forum also allowed to comment other programs, news, ideas, and more from any platform or technology in general. Updated news and more from http://MHU2D.Net

What Is It?
- A program that activates the functions of the custom firmware using ChickHen MHU.

What do I need?
- A PSP (Model 2000 or 3000)
- Firmware version 5.03.
- ChickHen R2 (at least MHUSpeed is recommended).

What should I do to upgrade?
There are two ways:
- If you have a version between 3.10 and 3.51 can use the update via network, but first you must download the program NetUpdate CFWEnabler Fixer 1.01 "and install it.
  and then in the xmb go to the "Network Update"
- If you have version 3.60 you can use the Network Update directly from the XMB.

- If you have another version:
Install the program as follows and sobreesecribe.
No matter which version you have before (even if you have another custom firmware).

- Copy the folder to your psp CFWEnabler in X: / PSP / GAME /
Example X: / PSP / GAME / CFWEnabler / EBOOT.PBP

Changes 3.70:
- Improved uninstalling system.
- Improved the internal patching.
- Fixed internal errors.
- Code restructured.
- Patch MHUSpeed.
- Menu of change of custom.
- Mac switch menu customized.
- Menu MHUFS.

Clarification of version 3.70:
The version 3.70 does not bring the game support than 5.03 because it is better to respect the dates in the current market.
When you pass these dates take out a version with the support.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but programmers need to eat ...

Changes 3.60:
- Now Free UMD Region option works properly
- French Language
- Fixed bug in network update
- Improved the system version
- SHA1 verification on files to be installed in flash
- Improved flash system of custom firmware
- Improved the core of flasher
- Improved the Pops flashing system
- Eboot.pbp of minor size

3.51 Changes:
- Fixed a bug that was making problems on net gaming.
- Improved the Pops flashing system.
- New system version.
- Changed updates server

3.50 Changes:
- Fixed a bug with the game for the networkinfrastructure (if you fail to function properly it is necessary toreturn to change the version.txt in this version, simply reescribelo inthe menu)
- Improved system for updating network.
- Improved system distorts the direction of Mac
- Improved system plugins (yes, again ...)
- Enhanced the program's inception, is now a second faster.
- Increase the limit of error in the installation 10.

3.30 Changes:
- Improved menu options.
- Fixed bug in network update.
- Now you can change version.txt to 5.51.
- Spoof Mac address in XMB.
- Improved the ChikHEN patch system.

3.20 Changes:
- Now you can use plugins that are not on seplugins folder
- Now we use our own modules, not GENyUS ones.
- Version is now 5.00M33-6
- Native 5.03 Pops is now supported.
- MS Speed Patch available
- Fixed bug that did not patch version.txt properly
- Quick Start mode (Autostart if you dont press R Trigger)

3.10 Changes:
- Improved system flasheo is now much safer.
- Improved uninstalling system, it is now much safer.
- Added Spanish language.
- Added Internet Update.
- Improved startup (now a little faster)
- The Eboot.pbp now occupies less.
- Fixed internal problems.

3.01 Changes:
- Fixed bug that did not let you load plugins in vsh.

3.00 Changes:
- PSP 3000 is now supported.
- Graphical interface improved.
- Network update option added (Server Needed)
- Official network update blocking option.
- New configuration options.
- Free UMD Region.
- Pic0/Pic1 Hide.
- version.txt
- Registry Hacks.
- CPU overclocking.
- Solved several bugs

2.51 Changes:
- Solved the bug that didn't allow some plugins to be enabled.

2.50 Changes:
- Fixed bug that prevented version of patching Hen and leaving a game.
- Improved system pops, now you can install a version flash (whether it is 5.00)
- Fixed a bug that prevented either activate the plugins.
- Improved system of detection version, you can install over previous versions (not recommended).
- Improved detection system ף n model, no longer crashes with modified versions of the hen (original versions are recommended).
- Fixed a bug that crashed into the configuration men randomly.
- Improved the patching system ChickHEN.
- It is not necessary that the folder is called CFWEnabler.

2.10 Changes:
- Fixed to a problem when changing options of plugins.
- Fixed internal problems.
- Fixed a problem that caused a crasheo when acceding to plugins and not having no plugin.
- Improved the detection of version.

2.02 Changes:
- Fixed a bug in the installation of the Pops (The PRX MD5 is different in each PSP, which is why the test works, but not in the other consoles)

2.01 Changes:
- Fixed a bug not detect either a previous installation (caused that could not be installed above the new version)

2.00 Changes:
- System pops native activation.
- System configuration Custom Firmware.
- Verification MD5 of files that are installed in flash, if you have not installed either, re-install.
- Nice interface.
- Safety flasheos unnecessary.
- Protection from ChickHen load the Custom Firmware.
(It is necessary that this ChickHen in a folder called "ChickHEN inside Photo or Pictures.)
- Changed version of the system (now shows 5.03 M33)

- Copy the folder to your psp CFWEnabler in X: / PSP / GAME /

Activate Pops:
To enable compatibility with Native Pops, it is necessary to remove some modules of the firmware 5.00 official.

- Required --
- A PSP that enables homebrew loading (or PSP 2000 with Hen CFWEnabler voucher)
- The 5.00 update from Sony. (http://rapidshare.com/files/154173870/500.PBP)
- PsarDumper with support for 5.00. (http://rapidshare.com/files/165390935/psardumper500_3000_too.zip)

1.-The PsarDumper copy of our report.
2.-copy the firmware 5.00 to the root of the PSP under the name "EBOOT.PBP"
3.-execute the PsarDumper.
4.-click on "X" and waited.
5.-When finished, enter usb from pc and have a root folder called F0.
6.-looking pops.prx files in the folder and popsman.prx kd (in F0)
7.-The Copy To Folder Pops within CFWEnabler (X: / PSP / GAME / CFWEnabler / Pops)
8.-Run the CFWEnabler.
9.-click on the option "Enable Support Pops."
10.-We followed the instructions.
11 .- Done, and you can delete the files from the Memory Stick Pops, both the EBOOT.PBP and the F0 folder as the files in the folder CFWEnabler / Pops.

Warning: Using the Firmware M33 can be accessed freely by the USB Flash0 care because you can cause a brick, you are advised not to change anything to the internal memory.

- A Dark_AleX for the M33 modules.
- Especially him, who knows who he is, and that is part of the credit for helping him




  在2009年6月6日,GEN发布5.03GEN FOR HEN,让玩家们通过5.03GEN-A系统完成了PSP3000运行ISO游戏的美好愿望。到了6月8日,M33加载器CWFEnable的作者Xenogears似乎也按捺不住了,随机放出第二个PSP3000可运行ISO程序,——CWFEnable3.00,随后亦更新至CFWEnable3.01,这个基于HEN R2的M33加载器,通过这个往F0刷写M33的部分模块让我们可以运行ISO,PS游戏,加载插件等如同M33的功能,且相比GEN的5.03GEN-A,该系统的界面则更显得友好,现在就来为大家讲解详细的使用方法。

-CPU 频率可改变

-先对你的PSP3000(5.03官方系统)使用HEN R2漏洞进入5.03 ChickHEN


!—Flash And Start    写入M33模块
!—Flash Pops Modules  写入POPS的模块
!—Changelog  说明文本
!—Uninstall  卸载M33模块
!—Exit  退出





《死神 BLEACH 灵魂升温 6》中文版


《怪物猎人 便携版 2nd G》

M33 MENU界面说明
在系统界面按SELECT即可呼出M33 VSH MENU
  !—CPU CLOCK XMB  XMB下的CPU频率,建议333/166,读取速度快
  !—CPU CLOCK GAME 游戏中的CPU频率,建议333/166,读取速度快
  !—USB DEVICE 连接USB时的路径,调成Memory Stick(记忆棒)即可
  !—UMD ISO MODE 免引导设置,推荐设置成M33 DRIVE,如果发现游戏无法运行的话就改成SONY NP9660
  !—ISO VIDEO MOUNT 这个是看UMD VIDEO的选项,在有引导盘的前提下在这项里选择好你需要看的UMD VIDEO之后,在视频那项可以看到你需要的UMD VIDEO(UMD VIDEO的ISO放在ISO/VIDEO文件夹里)
  !—SHUTDOWN DEVICE 关闭电源。就是关机咯
  !—RESET DEVICE 重新启动PSP,相当于关机再开机
  !—EXIT 退出VSH菜单


里面有setting(设置)flash pops modules(写入POPS模块)changelog(更新说明)


!—Hide Corrupt Icons  屏蔽破损的图标
!—Autorun program    自动运行程序
!—UMD MODE  免引导模式
!—Fake  Region  伪装PSP场地
!—Use VshMenu  使用VSHMENU
!—XMB Usb Device  XMB是USB的连接目标。千万别乱设置,默认MEMORY STICK即可
!—USB charge  插上USB线时就开始充电
!—Free UMD Region  取消UMD的区域限制
!—CFWEnabler Online Updated  CFW在线升级
!—Hide Pic0 and Pic 1  屏蔽PIC0.PNG和PIC1.PNG
!—Use version.txt  使用version.txt,可以跳过PSN的检测。

CPU SPEED(调整在游戏或者XMB下CPU的频率)

Registry Hacks(注册信息破解)
!—Enter Button    设置确定键为X或者O
!—WMA               激活WMA
!—Flash Player      激活Flash播放

Change Version(改变version.txt,然后在configuration里面开启就可以达到欺骗目的)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-26 15:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2009-7-13 23:32 编辑

ChickHEN R2下载

- UMD电影可以全区了
- 添加法语支持
- 修复网络升级BUG
- 改良了系统版本功能
- 安装CFW到flash加入的校验功能,防止文件缺损
- 改进了闪存内定制固件系统
- 改进了刷写部分的核心
- 改进了PS模拟
- Eboot的尺寸更小了

- 修正了一个联机 游戏的决策性错误。
- 改进了刷写POPS系统。
- 新的系统版本。
- 更改了升级服务器

- 修复了联机游戏时的一个bug
- mac伪装系统改进
- 插件功能改进
- 启动速度提高1秒
- 安装过程的错误处理改进
- ps游戏的pops文件刷写改进

- 改进了菜单选项
- 修复了网络升级的bug
- version.txt可以更改到5.51,连接PSN不再障碍
- XMB隐藏mac地址
- ChickHEN补丁系统改进

- 可以用放在seplugins文件夹之外的插件
- 使用自己编写的模块,不再用GENyUS的东西
- 系统显示5.03M33-6
- 原生5.03的pops支持
- 增加记忆棒加速功能
- version.txt的bug修复
- 快速启动功能(当在HEN R2下启动CFWE3.20时,如果不按R键的话程序就自动进去5.03M33-6系统,不用进入设定再选start了)

- 现在支持psp3000
- 图形界面进一步美化
- 网络升级功能添加(需要服务器支持)
- 破解系统升级功能添加
- 防止升级成官方系统功能添加
- 新的设定选项添加
- UMD电影全区功能
- CFWEnabler在线更新
- 隐藏pic0.png和pic1.png(为了让游戏显示的更快)
- 使用version.txt(自制系统破解PSN版本检测)
- 修复了之前检测不到插件就死机的问题
- 经典恢复模式中的registry hacks选项添加(改变圆圈或者叉为确定键,激活wma和flash)
- 增加了选项设定version.txt
- 增加选项设定cpu频率
- 修复了3.00版本在vsh不能读取插件的问题





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发表于 2009-5-26 15:47:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-6-10 07:53:10 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-10 14:30:07 | 显示全部楼层

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