发表于 2009-11-20 08:06:24
Machina Mayhem introduces the “Machina” series of Machine monsters. “Machina” monsters specialize in Special Summoning other “Machina” monsters, and then equipping themselves to each other to assemble bigger and bigger machines!
As a special bonus, Machina Mayhem includes “The Big Saturn” from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX manga, one of the biggest Machines to ever appear in a Yu-Gi-Oh! manga series.
Besides all the new Machina monsters, MACHINA MAYHEM also reprints several older and sometimes hard-to-get cards, including “Blast Sphere,” “Cyber Valley,” “Card Trader,” “Time Machine,” and “Dimensional Prison.” So it will be easy to add these to your collection if you don’t already have them. |