EA announces Need for Speed Underground 2
EA announces the development of a free-roaming sequel to Need for Speed Underground, scheduled for release this fall. First screen inside.
Electronic Arts has today announced that it will release Need for Speed Underground 2 for all current-generation consoles and the Game Boy Advance this fall. Currently in development at EA Canada, the street racing sequel will boast a number of new features, including a free-roaming city environment composed of five distinct neighborhoods.
As they explore the city, players will encounter rival racers who can initiate contests, point them in the direction of racing hotspots, and show them where to buy the most sought-after, licensed aftermarket parts for their cars. The game will feature 30 licensed vehicles and more than double the number of visual customization upgrades than were present in Need for Speed Underground--thus making for an impressive 70 billion possible car combinations.
We'll bring you more information on Need for Speed Underground 2 as soon as it becomes available.
By Justin Calvert, GameSpot POSTED: 04/23/04 06:55AM
EA Games 计划今秋放出Need For Speed2:Underground(中文应该是极品飞车2:地下)在各大系统上(包括GBA,XBOX,PS2,和GC)