本帖最后由 waywaychan 于 2012-1-29 09:25 编辑
一、准备一台DS或一台DS Lite(不能使用DSi或3DS)和一张能够使用的烧录卡(有记忆卡的)。
二、访问AK2i官方的网站的下载页(http://www.acekard.com/download.php?lang=zh_cn),点击名叫“DSi 1.41固件升级包”的链接,下载文件。
四、把那一张能用的烧录卡插入那一台DS或DS Lite,运行ak2ifw_update_141_DSL.nds。
五、当你看到蓝色的画面上出现“Before update, please eject the card and insert it again. press B to continue.”时,不关机,弓单出烧录卡,然后插入需要修理的烧录卡,然后按下B键。
六、当你看到蓝色的画面上歪着出现“This program may damage your acekard 2i cartridge(it has a very small chance), you should know what you are doing before continue. Are you sure you want to continue? (Press START) OK, I'll do it (Press any other keys) CANCEL”时,按下START键。
七、完成后你会看到蓝色的画面上正着出现“This program may damage your acekard 2i cartridge(it has a very small chance), you should know what you are doing before continue. Are you sure you want to continue? (Press START) OK, I'll do it (Press any other keys) CANCEL Updating. DO NOT turn off DS. Progress 100%... Update is done, press START for the next card or just reboot DS.”,这时不要按START,关闭游戏机的电源。
参考文献:Downgrading the Bootloader - Updating the AK2i Bootloader - WikiTemp(http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/Updating_the_AK2i_Bootloader#Downgrading_the_Bootloader)
后记:如果烧录卡是HWID(Hardware ID)是44的AK2i,那么即使修好了也无法用于DSi1.4.3而只能用于较旧的DSi,因为AK2i官方目前还没有出使HWID是44的AK2i能用于DSi1.4.3的升级。
17:21 2012/1/28 |