19. CD Database:
There are 100 CDs detailing each character that has ever appeared in the Classic Mega
Man installments, including those from the Game Boy games, the Megadrive 'Wily Wars',
and any other miscellaneous character you can think of.
If using Mega Man, finding these is much easier if using the CD Finder power-up, the
item that creates a little sparky effect whenever you enter a room containing a buried
CD. There are others that are accessible only with one character; fortunately, the CDs
aren't single-game exclusive. You can be simultaneously playing two games, one with Mega
Man and one with Bass, and still save CDs to the same Database.
During the hints on how to get them, I'll generally list if it's preferable to get it
with a particular character. If not, then it can be gotten with both, but just remember
that a few of the high ones or the ones over spikes are easier with Bass.
You can view your found CDs from the Main Menu by selecting the 'Database' Option, or
from the Stage Select Screen by selecting the CD icon.
You can also clear your Database by holding L, R, Select, and Start on the save screen.
CD Guide (by Stage)
-Robot Museum - 092, 100, 026.
-Cold Man - 041, 094, 014, 040, 002, 044, 067, 049, 062, 088, 005, 083.
-Burner Man - 043, 076, 054, 020, 061, 086, 045, 015, 004, 081, 097, 016.
-Pirate Man - 064, 080, 031, 011, 071, 042, 070, 034, 077, 085.
-Ground Man - 075, 051, 091, 055, 093, 017, 078, 028, 059, 013, 027, 035, 084.
-Tengu Man - 006,096,010,047,036,057,073,032,072,046,052, 090.
-Magic Man - 003,036,066,098,087,009,068,030,050,021,056,060.
-Astro Man - 048, 074, 029, 069, 058, 037, 007, 065, 079,019,024, 095.
-Dynamo Man - 023, 053, 008, 089, 025, 033, 082, 001, 039, 099, 063, 018, 012.
CD Names and Locations
001. Mega Man
Dynamo Man's stage; it's buried on the ledge between the spike traps after the
first conveyor section. Ride an Ice Wall over to the ledge and have Rush Search dig
it up.
002. Roll
Cold Man's stage; it's that one in plain sight after the tricky section involving
the fragile ice platforms and floating cannons. Mega Man should use the Ice Wall as
a boost, or Bass can double jump up to it.
003. Cut Man
Magic Man's stage; dig it up immediately to your left with Rush Search once you see
the Sparks for it.
004. Guts Man
Burner Man's stage; use Bass for this one. There's a point in the stage where you
drop down a long corridor after fighting one of the giant rhinos. The CD is sitting
next to an energy capsule, and unless someone comes up with a conventional method
of getting it besides a double jump, Bass is the way to go for this one.
005. Ice Man
Cold Man's stage; this one is near the end, in the part of the stage with the ice
block shooters. The sparks may be difficult to see, but the CD is hidden on an
upraised ledge between two of the dispenser machines. Use Rush Search to dig away.
006. Bomb Man
Tengu Man's stage; it's near the end of the first scrolling section. As you get to
the last suspended platform, use Rush Search to dig it up.
007. Fire Man
Astro Man's stage; starting from CD 037, head down to find a wall-clinging robot.
Destroy the robot and use Rush Search under where it was to find this one.
008. Elec Man
Dynamo Man's stage; near the middle of this stage, you'll find an area with two blue
explosive blocks to your right and one of those green cylinder robots coming in
from the left. The CD is directly to the left on the lower portion of the floor.
009. Metal Man
Magic Man's stage; there's one of the moving platforms that blocks this one. Either
use Bass to double jump to it, or equip Mega Man with a Shock Guard and let him hit\
the spikes, then run to the CD.
010. Air Man
Tengu Man's stage; it's in the area with the green balloons. Ride the first one up,
then climb the ladder. Use the Ice Wall and ride across the spikes to the left, then
climb the next ladder and head right. Finally, use Rush Search to dig where you see
011. Bubble Man
Pirate Man's stage; it's in the room with the long bridge. Cross it and fall down,
destroying all the enemies to reach it.
012. Quick Man
Dynamo Man's stage; near the end of the stage, on the last conveyor, you need to be
quick to grab the CD as it falls from the ceiling. As you reach the last section
(with the spiked ceiling), use Bass and the High Speed Dash to grab it as you fly
through the air towards the gate.
013. Crash Man
Ground Man's stage; in the section with the rising spike bars, use Bass to quickly
shoot the three heads after the two ladders and grab the CD. Having a Shock Guard
on hand can really help here.
014. Flash Man
Cold Man's stage; the first CD you come across is in plain view. Just use the Spread
Drill to crack the ice block and give you access to it.
015. Heat Man
Burner Man's stage; another really tough one. After you get through the section
where the spears stick out of the wall, you'll come to a section where you have to
fight a giant rhino. Defeat it, and position yourself where the sparks were (or
directly under where the midsection of the rhino was, if you don't have Sparks) and
shoot as many of the flying birds as you can to give Rush to required time to dig it
up. Getting this one without Rush getting hit takes a bit of time and patience, so
don't give up.
016. Wood Man
Burner Man's stage; in the final part of the stage, you'll see those huge machines
dropping the firebombs all over the place. Partway through here, you'll see a ledge
high up. Use the Ice Wall to get up there, then use Rush Search to dig up the hidden
017. Needle Man
Ground Man's stage; use Bass for this one. During the section where you're working
around the worms, you'll see it in plain view across some spikes. Use Bass to double
jump off the ladder and grab this one.
018. Magnet Man
Dynamo Man's stage; after you clear the last spotlight section, sparks will appear
under the Mettool in the next room. Go and dig away for it.
019. Gemini Man
Astro Man's stage; it's after the first bout of disappearing blocks, before the
vertical part. Use the Wave Burner to destroy the Claptrap, and use Rush Search to
dig up where he was.
020. Hard Man
Burner Man's stage; this CD is on the ascent in the vertical room with all the
false floors. Use Bass to double jump off the ladder to reach it.
021. Top Man
Magic Man's stage; it's in the vertical area with the rotating spike blocks. Use
Rush Search to dig just to the left of the first block.
022. Snake Man
Tengu Man's stage; it's in plain sight near the beginning, just drop to get it.
023. Spark Man
Dynamo Man's stage; it's the first CD you find in the stage. To get it, shoot the
electrical block when it's barely on the screen to avoid blowing up the dynamite
behind it, then use an Ice Wall to get up to the ledge, then slide to the CD.
024. Shadow Man
Astro Man's stage; start in the vertical room with the disappearing blocks and take
the path up and left when the disappearing blocks branch off. Follow the path up
and through the ceiling, then use the next two blocks to reach it.
025. Bright Man
Dynamo Man's stage; use Bass for this one. Midway through the conveyor section,
you'll see a ladder too high for you to reach. Equip the Treble Boost to fly up
there and find the CD.
026. Toad Man
Robot Museum stage; as you head into the rainy part of the stage, look for the first
Sniper Joe and use Rush Search to dig up the CD directly underneath where he was.
027. Drill Man
Ground Man's stage; you need a Shock Guard equipped here. In the room where the
spikes move in from the left, step onto the spikes and head through them to reach
this CD.
028. Pharaoh Man
Ground Man's stage; in the first section with the collapsing ceiling, there's a head
built into the floor. Shoot it, with Bass preferably, and climb down the ladder that
is revealed. Fall through the quicksand and head left to find a chest that contains
this CD.
029. Ring Man
Astro Man's stage; start from CD 074, then head down until you reach a Sniper Joe.
Defeat the Joe and use Rush Search to dig for the CD.
030. Dust Man
Magic Man's stage; Near the beginning, you'll see this CD high on a ledge. Use Bass
to double jump or the Treble Boost to gain the required height.
031. Dive Man
Pirate Man's stage; along the path outlined in the walkthrough, you'll come across a
lone sea mine. Use the Wave Burner to get it out of the way, then have Rush Search
dig the CD up.
032. Skull Man
Tengu Man's stage; in the room with the green balloons, head to the lower right and
use Rush Search on the sparks.
033. Gravity Man
Dynamo Man's stage; after the first set of conveyors, go up the ladder rather than
use Ice Wall to cross the spikes. Climb the upper left ladder and slide to the CD.
034. Wave Man
Pirate Man's stage; destroy the upper left treasure chest in the room with the
bubble generators.
035. Stone Man
Ground Man's stage; it's in the room with the burrowing robots. Look for a ladder
above you and use Bass to either dash jump or use Treble Boost to reach the ladder.
The farthest of two chests holds the CD.
036. Gyro Man
Tengu Man's stage; from CD 10, use the Ice Wall to cross the spikes, then go down to
the right hand wall to find the CD.
037. Star Man
Astro Man's stage; it's after the first game of 'follow the leader'. Use an Ice Wall
to reach the high ledge, then slide to the CD.
038. Charge Man - Magic Man's stage; only Bass can reasonably get this one. It's during
the first set of train rides, just use Bass to double jump to the ledge where it
039. Napalm Man
Dynamo Man's stage; use Rush Search and dig in the middle of the passage before you
get to the mini-boss.
040. Crystal Man
Cold Man's stage; this one is in the short area where you're dealing with the
rabbits. It's easier to find with the Sparks upgrade, but if you insist, it's right
before the ice platform with the 1-Up. Use Rush Search to dig it up.
041. Blizzard Man
Cold Man's stage; use the Spread Drill on the ice block at the very beginning to
reveal this CD.
042. Centaur Man
Pirate Man's stage; as you make your way downward through the large octopi robots,
you'll need to use Rush Search to dig it up near where two of them are swimming in
opposite directions. Use Sparks to locate it easier.
043. Flame Man
Burner Man's stage; this one is right before the first ladder (while still outside).
Destroy the lower Bubble Bat and use Rush Search to dig this CD up.
044. Knight Man
Cold Man's stage; right after you get CD 002, and right before the Snowman mini-
boss, hold right as you drop down to land inside a small alcove. You'll see it in
plain sight, so just slide to it.
045. Plant Man
Burner Man's stage; After you get through the section with the spears poking out of
the walls, fall through the hole and head left to find the CD.
046. Tomahawk Man
Tengu Man's stage; when you start encountering the green floating robots in the
second part of the stage, you need to use Rush Search to dig on the left side of
the orange platform.
047. Wind Man
Tengu Man's stage; Bass can get this the easiest, but Mega Man has to have the Ice
Wall and a Shock Guard. In the section with the green balloons, jump on the second
one from the right and climb up the ladder. Jump to the right and land on the ledge,
then either double jump (Bass) or Ice Wall + Shock Guard (Mega) to get to the ledge
holding the CD.
048. Yamato Man
Astro Man's stage; near the end of the first section, you'll see this one in plain
view under an overhang. Have Bass double jump to it, or Mega Man can slide an Ice
Wall off the preceding ledge and leap to it.
049. Freeze Man
Cold Man's stage; right after you defeat the Snowman mini-boss, it's to the left as
you drop down. As you land on the ice platform, slide under the small passage and
grab the CD in the next room.
050. Junk Man
Magic Man's stage; during the vertical drop with the trains, this CD is buried on
the fourth track down (just above the final level). Use Rush Search to dig it up.
051. Burst Man
Ground Man's stage; As you start heading down at the beginning of the stage, you'll
see this one in plain view near a flying mask. Mega Man has a tough time reaching
this one, so use Bass and double jump to it.
052. Cloud Man
Tengu Man's stage; found near the end of the stage, in plain view near one of the
little cloud robots. Defeat the cloud, then grab the CD.
053. Spring Man
Dynamo Man's stage; near the beginning of the stage, and after CD 023, have Bass
either double jump to the high area, or have Mega Man use an Ice Wall to get to the
tall ladder. Climb down to get the CD.
054. Slash Man
Burner Man's stage; when you reach the vertical room that has the first of the
grasshopper robots in it, jump to where the grasshopper was originally standing and
drop through to a secret room containing one of the huge rhino enemies. Bass can
just double jump to the CD; Mega Man will have to use the Ice Wall to reach it.
055. Shade Man
Ground Man's stage; this one is near the beginning, during the vertical drop. It's
partially buried in the sand on the right as you fall down, just under a spiked
056. Turbo Man
Magic Man's stage; after the vertical climb near the end, destroy the grabber robots
and walk into the right side of the train track to grab this CD.
057. Tengu Man
Tengu Man's stage; it's in the section with the green balloons. Take the path that
leads to the upper right, and destroy the robot in the next room. Head right some
more to find it on a ledge.
058. Astro Man
Astro Man's stage; after the first game of 'follow the leader' and right next to
CD 037, use the Wave Burner on the ice block to get it.
059. Sword Man
Ground Man's stage; follow the instructions for CD 028, and continue on down to the
bottom until you see another treasure chest in the lower right corner. Blast it open
to get this CD.
060. Clown Man
Magic Man's stage; use Rush Search and dig directly beneath CD 056.
061. Search Man
Burner Man's stage; I'll admit this one took me a good long while to figure out.
It's at the top of the vertical room sitting on a rather tight spike pit. To get it,
just equip a Shock Guard and trek across the trap to reach the CD.
062. Frost Man
Cold Man's stage; right after CD 049, you'll drop into another room. The CD is in
plain view in the water.
063. Grenade Man
Dynamo Man's stage; after the last spotlighted room, this one is sitting in plain
sight on a high ledge.
064. Aqua Man
Pirate Man's stage; near the very beginning, shoot the second octopus off of its
perch, and dig under where it was sitting.
065. Enker
Astro Man's stage; right before the first disappearing block, use Rush Search to
dig it up on the right side of the upper platform, or use Sparks to guide yourself
to it.
066. Quint
Magic Man's stage; during the opening train rides, leap onto the platform that has
spikes on the bottom, and have Rush Search dig it up.
067. Punk
Cold Man's stage; when the path splits along the upper and lower ladders, go the
lower route and trek left across the spikes to reach it.
068. Ballade
Magic Man's stage; in the second part of the stage, the path splits between left and
right on the moving lift platforms. Take the left path and grab the CD from the
ledge at the top.
069. Terra
Astro Man's stage; use Bass for it. After the part where you had to jump across some
falling blocks, you'll see it behind a explosive block. Jump down, use Wave Burner
to light the wick, then quickly use your second jump to get back to the ledge. Wait
for the block to explode and head into the alcove to reach it.
070. Mercury
Pirate Man's stage; in the section where the whales cross the screen. Let the first
one pass, and use Rush Search where the sparks were to dig up the CD.
071. Venus
Pirate Man's stage; in the drop area full of octopi, you'll see this one off to the
right. Destroy the Octopus guarding it, then run and collect.
072. Mars
Tengu Man's stage; midway through the level, this one sits in plain sight after you
destroy the snaking dragon robot.
073. Jupiter
Tengu Man's stage; in the room with the green balloons, take the upper-right path.
Look for the energy capsule and the CD across the gap, then use Bass' double jump
to get to the ledge you need (or Treble Boost over there). Mega Man *might* be able
to use Ice Wall, but it's very tricky the few times I tried.
074. Saturn
Astro Man's stage; after the first drop, you'll see this one in plain view near the
top of the room. Hop on the falling platform and leap up to it. Bass' double jump
helps here if you can't make it with Mega Man.
075. Uranus
Ground Man's stage; near the start, leap onto the platform that's closest to the
first Mettool, and slide left to grab the obscured CD.
076. Pluto
Burner Man's stage; it's underneath the first giant strongarm robot that you meet
in the stage. Eliminate it however you want, then use Rush Search to dig the CD up.
077. Neptune
Pirate Man's stage; this one is located in the room with the bubble generators. Make
a bubble, float to the upper center of the room and look for the platform that
vaguely resembles a lightpole. Use Rush Search to dig it up.
078. Sunstar
Ground Man's stage; after you get past the section immediately following the Cater-
pillar mini-boss, don't go to the right through the gate; instead, drop down through
the alternate passage and use the Wave Burner to blow up the dynamite. The treasure
chest behind it hides the CD.
079. Buster Rod.G
Astro Man's stage; right after you pass the single disappearing block, you should
look for a green section sticking out of the wall. Jump into it and head through the
secret passage to reach the CD.
080. Mega Water.S
Pirate Man's stage; you need Bass, and it's during the first section of the stage
filled with sea mines. Use the ladder to climb up, then go to the second platform
on the right, and dash jump off the edge, then as your momentum slows, execute
another jump to clear the spikes on the mines, and you'll be able to get to the CD
which lies further to the right.
081. Hyper Storm.H
Burner Man's stage; it's after the long vertical drop after the birds. Drop down
and head left, using the Spread Drill on the bricked wall to gain access to this CD.
082. Dynamo Man
Dynamo Man's stage; this one is in the room with the long ladder and the spike
traps, after the first conveyor section. As you make the ascent, you'll see the CD
in the next room over. Use the Wave Burner to ignite the wicks on the bombs you
find, then weave your way around into the room to claim the CD.
083. Cold Man
Cold Man's stage; it's near the end of the stage. Look for a lone ice block sitting
behind one of the machines spitting out ice blocks. Shoot this block with the Spread
Drill for the CD.
084. Ground Man
Ground Man's stage; this one is borderline insane. In the section with the burrowing
robots, you'll see some sparks underneath the Sniper Joe. Defeat the Joe, then use
Rush Search to dig it up while trying to avoid fire from the drillers. It may take
a long time to get, this one.
085. Pirate Man
Pirate Man's stage; in the room with the bubbles near the end, go up to the upper
right section and destroy the treasure chest to reveal the CD.
086. Burner Man
Burner Man's stage; right after grabbing CD 061, keep heading left and use the Ice
Wall to ride across a spike pit to reach this CD at the far end.
087. Magic Man
Magic Man's stage; in the first room with the moving platforms (immediately after
the Bouncing Coin), you'll see sparks on the upper level. Go up and use Rush Search
to dig up the CD.
088. Dr. Thomas Light
Cold Man's stage; after you defeat the Snowman mini-boss, head down and use the
Spread Drill on the ice block to your right to reveal this CD.
089. Rush
Dynamo Man's stage; during the first long set of conveyor belts, dig under the only
Sniper Joe to find this CD.
090. Eddie
Tengu Man's stage; use Rush Search and dig under the Sniper Joe by the boss gate.
091. Beat
Ground Man's stage; in the first long drop down, you'll need to use Rush Search to
dig on a platform that the fourth Mettool is on. Look for the sparks to make it
092. Tango
Robot Museum stage; it's located on the ship. Right after you get off the first
float, deal with a few of the cannons and use Rush Search to dig up the CD right
underneath one of the cannons.
093. Auto
Ground Man's stage; in the section with the second worm encounter, use Rush Search
to dig to the left of the area with the weapon and energy refill.
094. Dr. Albert W. Wily
Cold Man's stage; use Bass for this one. After you find the spinning penguin in the
small room with the Bubble Bat and the Met, jump onto the middle platform and head
to the right, through the wall into a secret room. Then just double jump across the
spikes to reach the CD.
095. Bass
Astro Man's stage; start where you got CD 024 and use Bass' Treble Boost to fly to
the upper right corner. The CD sits waiting for you on a ledge.
096. Treble
Tengu Man's stage; it's at the end of the first scrolling part of the stage. If
you have Bass you can double jump or use Treble Boost; Mega Man should use an Ice
wall off the last platform and jump up to the ledge, then climb the hidden ladder
to find this one.
097. King
Burner Man's stage; after getting CD 081, use the Wave Burner to ignite the wicks
on the dynamite blocks, then use the Ice Wall to get up to the ledge, grab the 1-Up
if you need it and jump to the right to reach a hidden room where the CD sits.
098. Protoman
Magic Man's stage; it's during the battle with the Bouncing Coin. Let the Coin
destroy all the blocks, then start firing at the Coin trying to keep it away from
the right-hand side while you try to buy time for Rush to dig this CD up.
099. Duo
Dynamo Man's stage; it's in the first darkened room. Use Rush Search to dig on the
elevated platform in the center.
100. Mega Man & Bass
Robot Museum stage; you'll have to come back for this one. After riding the two
floats, use Rush Search in the next cornscrew robot-infested hallway. The sparks
are near impossible to see, but it's about three Mega Man-lengths to the right of
the first drop-off. Position yourself so Rush lands in the right spot, then stand
over Rush so he doesn't get beaten up by the cornscrews, and Rush will dig it up for
20. Secrets and Tips:
1. Easy Screw Collecting Method: Go to Astro Man's stage and stand on the farthest right
section of the area where the enemies drop at a constant pace from the white screen
in the background. Within about five minutes, I'd gotten up to 999 Screws by just
firing away at the constantly respawning enemies.
2. If using Mega Man, try having the Auto Charge equipped before entering a boss fight
so you have a slight advantage. You can always use this to concentrate more on boss
attacks instead of whether or not you're keeping a charged shot.
3. Again, if using Mega Man, the Auto Recharge item helps a lot, especially if you can
find quiet spots to refill your meter. Try using it in the hallways before boss
4. Bass can refill easily by standing under the worm dispensers and rapid-firing his
Buster straight up.
5. As Mega Man, Beat can often provide good cover in any section overrun with enemies
(such as some areas in Burner Man's stage).
6. Some excellent item layouts include the Super Recover, Energy Saver, Energy Balancer,
Super Armor, and Cost Attack as primary parts; Com System and CD Counter as some
secondary items; equip Mega Man with Sparks, Rush Search, Beat, Eddie, Auto Recharge,
and Auto Charge; equip Bass with the Super Blast and Treble Booster; and always have
a Shock Guard handy. If you feel like it, you can stick Item Presents in stages and
buy an Exit Unit to save time when hunting for CDs. |