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[金手指] 求SFC的DQM6金手指!!

shuzhao 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-5-30 00:48:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2004-5-30 07:47:41 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

shuzhao 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-30 18:17:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-5-31 19:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
Experience Modifier - Submitted by DarkPalestine, Created by ???

Replace xx with any digits. Use 01/00 for 1 XP, or FF/FF for a ton of XP.

Gold Modifier - Submitted by DarkPalestine, Created by ???

Replace xx with any digits. Use 01/00 for 1 GP, or FF/FF for a ton of GP.

Random Battle Modifier - Submitted by Bulbasteve, Created by General Hawk

Replace xx with FF for no random battles, or 00 for random battle with every

Infinite Casino Coins - Submitted by Dragon Wizard, Created by ???

The following codes were hacked by Paulygon. They are in Game Genie format.

Any battle is 'good enough' to count towards job mastery

DD8B-8FD6 + 688D-EFA6:
After any 'good enough' battle, the 1st character in the lineup will keep
advancing job levels until mastery! At each advancement, the appropriate
skills/spells are learned. The only downside is that after mastery, these 2
codes must be turned off in order to exit the battle. If combined with the
above code, any battle is considered 'good enough'. They work for any

All but the most difficult-to-recruit monsters will always offer to join your
party, within the normal restrictions.

Monsters that are considered difficult to recruit will always offer to join
your party, within the normal restrictions. This may not work for the 2nd or
3rd monsters of the same type.

The first code should always be used, even if you don't want to use the 2nd
one. Also, I could be wrong about the recruiting-difficuly for the codes, as
these were only tested on a few monsters (slimes, rotting corpses, healers,
and lamp demons).
                            3c. Character Codes
Hero Codes
7E402EFF - infinite HP
7E4032FF - infinite MP
7E403AFF - 999 Attack/Defense; 500 Style (See Note 1)
7E402540 \
7E402626  \ Hero is Level 1
7E402741  / (Use All 4 Codes)
7E402800 /

Hassan Codes
7E4058FF - infinite HP
7E405CFF - infinite MP
7E4064FF - 923 Attack; 533 Defense; 500 Style (See Note 1)

Muriel Codes
7E4082FF - infinite HP
7E4086FF - infinite MP
7E408EFF - 999 Attack; 377 Defense; 500 Style (See Note 1)

Barbara Codes
7E40ACFF - infinite HP
7E40B0FF - infinite MP
7E40B8FF - 59 Attack; 73 Defense; 120 Style (See Note 1)

Note 1: As you can see by the numbers, I think that these codes boost up your
Attack, Defense, and Style to their maximum values for your current level. At
the time I hacked these codes, Hero and Hassan were at Level 13, Muriel was at
Level 11, and Barbara was at Level 2.
                              3d. Name Modifiers
Whee! These are fun codes! Did you give the Hero a name you thought was cool,
then later come up with a cooler name? Do you think Hassan is a stupid name?
And what about Muriel? Well, with these codes, you can change their names!
While you can give the Hero and Muriel a name up to 8 letters long, it seems
that Hassan is limited to 6 letters...

Hero Name Modifier Base Codes

Hassan Name Modifier Base Codes

Muriel Name Modifer Base Code

Barbara Name Modifier Base Codes

Name Modifier Digits
00 - Blank Space?
01 - Name End (See Note 1)
02 - 0
03 - 1
04 - 2
05 - 3
06 - 4
07 - 5
08 - 6
09 - 7
0A - 8
0B - 9
0C - +
0D - ~
0E - P (See Note 2)
0F - G (See Note 2)
10 - A
11 - B
12 - C
13 - D
14 - E
15 - F
16 - G
17 - H
18 - I
19 - J
1A - K
1B - L
1C - M
1D - N
1E - O
1F - P
20 - Q
21 - R
22 - S
23 - T
24 - U
25 - V
26 - W
27 - X
28 - Y
29 - Z
2A - 2A (See Note 3)
2B - 2B (See Note 3)
2C - 2C (See Note 3)
2D - 2D (See Note 3)
2E - 2E (See Note 3)
2F - 2F (See Note 3)
30 - 30 (See Note 3)
31 - 31 (See Note 3)
32 - 32 (See Note 3)
33 - 33 (See Note 3)
34 - 34 (See Note 3)
35 - 35 (See Note 3)
36 - 36 (See Note 3)
37 - 37 (See Note 3)
38 - 38 (See Note 3)
39 - 39 (See Note 3)
3A - 3A (See Note 3)
3B - 3B (See Note 3)
3C - 3C (See Note 3)
3D - 3D (See Note 3)
3E - 3E (See Note 3)
3F - 3F (See Note 3)
40 - 40 (See Note 3)
41 - 41 (See Note 3)
42 - a
43 - b
44 - c
45 - d
46 - e
47 - f
48 - g
49 - h
4A - i
4B - j
4C - k
4D - l
4E - m
4F - n
50 - o
51 - p
52 - q
53 - r
54 - s
55 - t
56 - u
57 - v
58 - w
59 - x
5A - y
5B - z
5C to 5F - Straight (See Note 4)
60 to 65 - Royal Flush (See Note 4)
66 to 6A - Full House (See Note 4)
6B to 6F - 3 of a Kind (See Note 4)
70 to 73 - Two Pair (See Note 4)
74 to 76 - Joker (See Note 4)
77 - '
78 - -
79 - ?
7A - !
7B - Down Triangle
7C - Right Triangle
7D - Right Arrow
7E - r. (See note 4)
7F - .
80 - `
81 - ...
82 - /
83 - Garbage
84 - Garbage
85 - :
86 - Ex
87 - Lv
88 - -
89 - *
8A - 8A (See Note 3)
8B - ,
8C - 8C (See Note 3)
8D - 8D (See Note 3)
8E - 8E (See Note 3)
8F - 8F (See Note 3)
90 to A5 - Blank Space
A6 - Cross (Dead Character)
A7 - Skull (Poisoned)
A8 - Wavy Lines (Paralyzed)
A9 - Star
AA - E
AB - Top Left Corner of Menu Border
AC to AF - Blank Space
B0 - -
B1 to B5 - Garbage
B6 - Underlined Down Triangle
B7 - ~
B8 - +
B9 - Blank Space
BA to BB - Japanese Characters
BC to C8 - Garbage
C9 - F
CA - G
CB - H
CC - I
CD - J
CE - K
CF - L
D0 - M
D1 - N
D2 - O
D3 - P
D4 - Q
D5 - R
D6 - S
D7 - T
D8 - Z
D9 - 2A (See Note 3)
DA - 2B (See Note 3)
DB - 2C (See Note 3)
DC - 2D (See Note 3)
DD - c
DE - f
DF - g (See Note 2)
F0 - ig (See Note 4)
F1 - ht (See Note 4)
F2 - Z
F3 - 2A (See Note 3)
F4 - 2B (See Note 3)
F5 - 2C (See Note 3)
F6 - 2D (See Note 3)
F7 - z (See Note 2)
F8 to FB - Straight (See Note 4)
FC - ~
FD - +
FE - S
FF - Gabage

Note 1: Any codes to modify a character's name used after you use 01 will not
show up. The best use for this digit is if you want to give a character a
shorter name. For example, if you wanted to rename Hassan to Bob, instead of
putting in 6 codes, you only have to put in 4 codes, as long as the 4th code
uses 01 for the xx slot.

Note 2: These letters are in a different font than what the game normally

Note 3: The letter/number combination listed is small, and takes up about 3/4
of the letter's height. The bottom 1/4 is an underline of the letter/number

Note 4: Most of these are for the Poker game in the Casino. Each charcter is
either two letters, one letter, and half of a 2nd one (example, 60 looks like
'Rc', but it's actually 'R' and half of 'o', while 61 is the other half of
the 'o' and the 'y'.), or one letter and a space (62 looks like 'l', but it's
really 'l ').
                                3e. Item Codes
Items in Sack Modifier Base Code 1

Items in Sack Digits
yy = 0 - 63 (Use 63 for infinite)

00 - Nothing
01 - Nothing
02 - Nothing
03 - Nothing
04 - Nothing
05 - Nothing
06 - See Note 1
07 - See Note 2
08 - Nothing
09 - Nothing
0A - Nothing
0B - Cypress Stick
0C - Bamboo Spear
0D - Club
0E - Bronze Knife
0F - Copper Sword
10 - Chain Sickle
11 - Iron Cane
12 - Stone Axe
13 - Sharpened Bone
14 - Poisoned Knife
15 - Board Sword
16 - Holy Sword
17 - Dragon Killer
18 - Sword of Temptation
19 - Sword of Slumber
1A - Falcon Sword
1B - Sword of Miracles
1C - Zombie Killer
1D - Blizzard Sword
1E - Platinum Sword
1F - Metal King Sword
20 - Spear of Glacos
21 - Flame Sword
22 - Thorn Whip
23 - Chain Cross
24 - Morning Star
25 - Steel Whip
26 - Gringham Whip
27 - Calbero Boot
28 - Moon Folding Fan
29 - Sun Folding Fan
2A - Boomerang
2B - Bladed Boomerang
2C - Sword of Decimation
2D - Iron Ball of Destruction
2E - Staff of Thunder
2F - Staff of Punishment
30 - Staff of Anitmagic
31 - Magma Staff
32 - Gent Cane
33 - Staff of Revival
34 - Staff of Echoing
35 - Flame Boomerang
36 - Iron Claw
37 - Fire Claw
38 - Ice Blade
39 - Stone Fang
3A - Steel Fang
3B - Orihalcon Fang
3C - Demon Claw*
3D - Magic Fang
3E - Big Mallet
3F - Giant Hammer
40 - Battle Axe
41 - War Hammer
42 - Demon Hammer
43 - Sword of Thunder
44 - Saw Blade
45 - Poison Needle
46 - Killer Earring
47 - Demon Spear
48 - Big Bowgun
49 - Rusted Sword
4A - Sword of Ramias
4B - Sword of Ramias
4C - Sword of Ramias
4D - Dragon Killer
4E - Falcon Sword
4F - Sword of Miracles
50 - Zombie Killer
51 - Flame Sword
52 - Sword of Thunder
53 - Calbero Boot
54 - Sun Folding Fan
55 - Flame Boomerang
56 - Iron Ball of Destruction
57 - War Hammer
58 - Saw Blade
59 - Demon Spear
5A - Big Bowgun
5B - Spear of Glacos
5C - Piece of Cloth
5D - Tunic
5E - Wayfarer's Clothes
5F - Shell Armor
60 - Leather Suit
61 - Leather Armor
62 - Scale Armor
63 - Fur Mantle
64 - Leather Dress
65 - Chain Mail
66 - Half Plate
67 - Bronze Armor
68 - Iron Armor
69 - Full Plate
6A - Draon Mail
6B - Swordegde Armor
6C - Silver Breastplate
6D - Magic Armor
6E - Silver Mail
6F - Flame Armor
70 - Armor of Orgo
71 - Mystic Armor
72 - Demon Armor
73 - Mirror Armor
74 - Metal King Armor
75 - Slime Clothes
76 - Boxer Shorts
77 - Royal Clothes
78 - Armor of Ende
79 - Spirit Armor
7A - Slime Armor
7B - Giganto Armor
7C - Magical Skirt
7D - Silk Robe
7E - Dancer's Clothes
7F - Clothes Hiding
80 - Water Flying Clothes
81 - Mysterious Bolero
82 - Dress of Radiance
83 - Angel's Leotard
84 - Platinum Mail
85 - Sage's Robe
86 - Princess' Robe
87 - Dragon Robe
88 - Thick Armor
89 - Silk Tuxedo
8A - Sexy Underwear
8B - Bunny Suit
8C - Dragon Mail
8D - Full Plate
8E - Magic Armor
8F - Silver Mail
90 - Flame Armor
91 - Giganto Armor
92 - Thick Armor
93 - Armor of Ende
94 - Armor of Orgo
95 - Leather Shield
96 - Scale Shield
97 - Bronze Shield
98 - Iron Shield
99 - Magic Shield
9A - Dragon Shield
9B - Flame Shield
9C - Shield of Strength
9D - Aeolus's Shield
9E - Shield of Reflection
9F - Pot Lid
A0 - Shield of Ende
A1 - Silver Tray
A2 - Shield of Ruin
A3 - Ogre Shield
A4 - Metal King Shield
A5 - Shield of Sufida
A6 - Platinum Shield
A7 - Magic Shield
A8 - Dragon Shield
A9 - Aeolus's Shield
AA - Flame Shield
AB - Shield of Ende
AC - Ogre Shield
AD - Pointed Cap
AE - Leather Cap
AF - Wooden Hat
B0 - Shell Hat
B1 - Fur Hood
B2 - Iron Helm
B3 - Iron Mask
B4 - Headband
B5 - Silver Tiara
B6 - Hat of Wind
B7 - Helm of Cevas
B8 - Helmet of Ende
B9 - Helm of Happiness
BA - Helm of Wisdom
BB - Golden Tiarra
BC - Great Helm
BD - Metal King Helm
BE - Echoing Hat
BF - Usamimi Band
C0 - Slime Helm
C1 - Platinum Mask
C2 - Iron Helm
C3 - Iron Mask
C4 - Helm of Cevas
C5 - Helmet of Ende
C6 - Great Helm
C7 - Meteorite Armband*
C8 - Speed Ring
C9 - Star Fragment
CA - Armband of Sacrifice
CB - GiveLife Armband
CC - Slime Earrings
CD - Glass Shoes
CE - Silver Bracelet
CF - Pink Pearl
D0 - Fishnet Stockings
D1 - Super Necktie
D2 - Ruby of Power
D3 - Stylish Bandana
D4 - Wiard's Ring
D5 - Gold Ring
D6 - Broken Heart
D7 - Rusted Pipe
D8 - Longadeseo Pass
D9 - Orb of Truth
DA - Antique Ring
DB - Medical Herb
DC - Antidote Herb
DD - Fairy Water
DE - Wing of the Wyvern
DF - Leaf of the World Tree
E0 - Sap of the World Tree
E1 - Full Moon Herb
E2 - Sage's Stone
E3 - Sands of Time
E4 - Recovery Stone
E5 - Strength Seed
E6 - Agility Seed
E7 - Wisdom Seed
E8 - Defense Seed
E9 - Nut of Life
EA - Nut of Magic
EB - Beauty Plant
EC - Water of Amoru
ED - Village Goods
EE - Spirit Crown
EF - World Map
F0 - Pass
F1 - Dream-Seeing Drops
F2 - Ticket
F3 - Mirror Key
F4 - Mirror of Ra
F5 - Royal Letter
F6 - Seed of Reasoning
F7 - Small Medal
F8 - Magic Carpet
F9 - Golden Pickaxe
FA - Fragment of Courage
FB - Mermaid Harp
FC - Watergate Key
FD - Magic Map
FE - Sand Container
FF - Ceremonial Offering

Items in Sack Modifier Base Code 2

Items in Sack Digits
yy = 0 - 63 (Use 63 for infinite)

00 - Reigns of Pegasus
01 - Ende's Tools
02 - Beautiful Carpet
03 - Prison Key
04 - Soldier's Uniforms
05 - Thief's Key
06 - Magic Key
07 - Final Key
08 - Book of Dragons
09 - Book of Babbles
0A - Nothing
0B - Nothing
0C - Nothing

Note 1: With this code, you can change the number of people in your party. If
you set yy to 01, then you will be left with only the character you placed in
the first spot when you used the Order option under the Tactics Menu. Any
value greater than the actual number of party members seems to freeze the

Note 2: This code will empty the inventory of the characters in the 2nd and
3rd positions, and freezes the game! If you use this code YOU WILL NOT BE
ABLE TO RESUME A SAVED GAME, EVEN IF YOU RESET! If you reset the yy value to
the actual number of members in your party, you will have to have that code
on at all times, or the game will freeze when you press a button. Also, if
you have less than 4 characters in your party, you will have to increase the
code by 1 when a character joins.

Note 3: The Demons Claw and the Meteorite Armband have a * after them because
that's how they're named in the game.

Note 4: Yes, I know that some items repeat themselves. No, I don't know why.
As far as I can tell, there's no difference...

*Update for Note 4:
Paulygon was kind enough to provide the following information about the
duplicate items:

'I wondered about the duplicate items for a bit. However, when I compared
them to a weapon/armor FAQ on GameFAQs, I noticed that some equipment can
receive a style upgrade. The number and type of items that can be upgraded
seem to correspond perfectly with those duplicates in the game. So, the later
duplicate items have the same function as before, except they have a higher
style bonus.'

Thanks, Paulygon!
                              3f. Job Change Codes
                         Created & Submitted by Zenyagi
Base Job Change Code

yy Digits:
2D - Hero
57 - Hassan
81 - Muriel
AB - Barbara
8- 153
9- 17d
10- 1a7
11- 1d1
12- 1fb

xx Digits:
00 - Nothing
01 - Classless
02 - Soldier
03 - Fighter
04 - Wizard
05 - Priest
06 - Dancer
07 - Thief
08 - Beastmaster
09 - Merchant
0A - Jester
0B - Battlemaster
0C - FighterMage
0D - Paladin
0E - Sage
0F - Ranger
10 - Superstar
11 - Hero
12 - Dragoon
13 - Metal
14 - Without
                           3g. Character Change Codes
                         Created & Submitted by Zenyagi
Class Change Base Code

0D - Hero
0E - Hassan
0F - Muriel
10 - Barbara

xx (See Note 1):
00 - Nothing
01 - Hero
02 - Hassan
03 - Muriel
04 - ??? (Boy of Gent) (See Note 2)
05 - Barbara
06 - ??? (Swordsman) (See Note 2)
07 - ??? (Village Hero) (See Note 2)
08 to 0B - Lipps
0C to 0F - Slime Knight
10 to 13 - Killer Machine 2
14 to 17 - Dark Horn
18 to 1B - Wind Mage
1C to 1F - Lamp Demon
20 to 23 - Lesser Demon
24 - Battle Rex
25 to 28 - Boss Troll
29 to 2D - Slime
2E to 31 - Metal Slime (Babble)
32 to 35 - Healer
36 to 39 - King Slime
3A to 3B - Tensk
3C to 3D - Super Tensk
3E to 41 - Rotting Corpse
42 to 45 - Mud Doll
46 to 49 - Bomb Crag
4A to 4D - Wyvern
4E to 51 - Furrat
52 to 8F - Glitch

Note 1: If you turn the codes off, the character(s) will return to what they
were before, but they will still have learned the skills of the class you
made them, assuming you gained the applicable level.

Note 2: I have no idea who these characters are. I'm assuming that I haven't
made it far enough into the game where they join you, so I don't know their
names. If anyone knows their names, please let me know, so I can add them. Of
course, you will get full credit for telling me. See 4. Contact Info to find
out how to get ahold of me.

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