本帖最后由 砂之赌徒 于 2012-7-9 04:25 编辑
全篇内容翻译,改写,补充自 https://tcg.konami-europe.net/co ... schos-chaos-dragon/
Stefano Memoli (Wind-Up) vs. Michail Paraschos (Chaos Dragon)
You know I love to write this every single time, but well, it’s always true: IT ALL CAME DOWN TO THIS!
Milan’s very own Stefano Memoli has been to the World Championship before; he accompanied Dario Longo when he made the trip to Tokyo. If he would win, this time would certainly be different, after all, there’s nothing like playing in the World Championship. That’s most likely what’s been going on in Michaeil Paraschos’ head as well and you could tell he wanted to win this match badly!
Memoli was playing Wind-Up while Paraschos was the only remaining Chaos Dragon Duelist in the field.
Memoli only rolled a 1, so Paraschos didn’t have a hard time beating the result and earning the right to go first.

【Michail Paraschos looked forward to his trip to Tokyo, but he wanted to fly there as EUROPEAN CHAMPION!】
Solar Recharge with Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter kicked things off. He Normal Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and ended, milling another 3 cards to his Graveyard. Among them Darkflare Dragon. He also lost Dark Hole when he activated Solar Recharge.
Michail发动了【太阳交换】,COST了【光道猎犬 雷光】。通招【光道魔术师 莉拉】回合结束。堆墓效果不详,只有1个暗耀斑,并且损失了黑洞
It was Memoli’s first turn. He took a while to figure out the ideal play and he eventually decided to just pass the turn.
Paraschos wanted to enter his Main Phase and that’s when Memoli discarded Maxx "C". Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress attacked directly, play proceeded with Main Phase 2 and Paraschos Set a monster. 3 more cards from his Deck were sent to his Graveyard.

【Paraschos didn't mind more of his cards getting sent to the Graveyard!】
Memoli used Mind Control on Paraschos face-down monster. He Flip Summoned Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, sending Maxx "C", Solemn Warning and Bottomless Trap Hole to his Graveyard and destroying Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress. Tour Guide From the Underworld followed and Paraschos had to consider his response. He decided to discard Effect Veiler. Tour Guide From the Underworld attacked directly and that concluded the turn, so Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter switched sides again.
Memoli的回合。对盖怪发动了【精神操作】,翻转NTR来的【光道猎犬 雷光】,破坏对面莉拉,堆下了群C,神警和奈落。通招导游,对面丢出丝袜。导游直击,回合结束,雷光还给对手
“You’re at 6300, right?”, Paraschos asked. Would he be able to make a big play and aim for the win? He activated Allure of Darkness, searching for the right cards. He checked the contents of his Graveyard and banished Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon after some consideration.
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and Tour Guide From the Underworld were banished so Chaos Sorcerer would hit the field. Chaos Sorcerer and Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter left the Graveyard and Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning came down! The crowd went wild. Paraschos wanted to enter the Battle Phase, but Memoli used Effect Veiler on Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning to make sure it could only attack once. That allowed Memoli to draw another card!

【The field descended into CHAOS!】
He had Wind-Up Magician and when Wind-Up Shark followed, Paraschos discarded Maxx "C"!
Memoli activated the effect of Wind-Up Shark and he started searching his Deck for Wind-Up Magician‘s effect. This got him a second Wind-Up Magician, which then gave him another Wind-Up Shark. Paraschos drew 2 cards off his Maxx "C". Both Wind-Up Shark were used to Xyz Summon Tiras, Keeper of Genesis and both Wind-Up Magician were then used to Xyz Summon Maestroke the Symphony Jinn. More cards for Paraschos, he was now up on 7.
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis was supposed to attack, but Effect Veiler from Paraschos before Memoli could enter the Battle Phase would throw a huge obstacle in his way. Therefore, Memoli activated Pot of Avarice, looking for different answers. He then attacked with Maestroke the Symphony Jinn over the Chaos Sorcerer he flipped face-down earlier and Tiras, Keeper of Genesis attacked over the face-up Defense Position Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter.
Memoli的回合。通招发条魔术师,手牌发条鲨鱼的效果发动,此时对面丢下了【群C】。发条魔术师效果触发,卡组特招魔术师二号,发条鲨鱼效果发动(你倒是说清楚变了几级啊!),魔术师二号从卡组特招鲨鱼二号。这个操作让对手白抽2卡。2个鲨鱼叠【始祖守护者 提拉斯】,2个魔术师叠【交响魔人 剑击指挥】,对面继续抽卡。进入战阶时始祖继续被丢丝袜,卷回M1,MEMOLI发动了贪欲之壶,回收了些啥之后抽2,发动交响魔人效果盖了小KP,之后剑击打掉小KP。始祖A掉光道狗。(此处请勿吐槽 )

Memoli discarded Maxx "C" again. Paraschos Special Summoned Lightpulsar Dragon anyway. Dark Armed Dragon followed! It’s effect allowed Paraschos to destroy Maestroke the Symphony Jinn and he then proceeded with the Battle Phase, declaring an attack with Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning into Tiras, Keeper of Genesis. Memoli went for his Side Deck.

his Duel seemed to come down to who had more copies of Maxx "C". The little monster was providing both Duelists with a stream of new cards, giving them both the opportunity to unleash their strongest combos on the following turns – that is, if they ever saw them. This time it was Stefano Memoli who ended up one turn short, while Michail Paraschos didn’t fear his opponent drawing into cards that might still turn it around.
The second game, Stefano Memoli would be allowed to go first, which might give him a crucial edge and help him to overcome Paraschos’ Dragons.

【Stefano Memoli now had to win 2 Duels in a row!】
Memoli’s opening hand featured no Maxx "C". He Set Sangan and passed. He was holding on to Tour Guide From the Underworld and 2 Wind-Up Magician.
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress came down on Paraschos’ opening turn. It attacked into Sangan and Memoli added Wind-Up Shark to his hand. During the End Phase , another Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress, Card Trooper and Eclipse Wyvern were sent to Paraschos Graveyard and he banished Dark Armed Dragon for the effect of the latter.
Wind-Up Magician came down and Memoli followed it up with Wind-Up Shark. Paraschos had the perfect response: Maxx "C". Both monsters were used to summon Maestroke the Symphony Jinn, it attacked over Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress, Memoli Set 2 and he passed. He had 3 more cards in hand.

Now with 7 cards, Paraschos Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. He added Sangan to his side of the field, attacked with Sangan and Memoli had to consider his response. It worked, which meant Paraschos would fall to 7100, but he could search his Deck for Maxx "C". Yep, that little monster was working overtime this match! Paraschos ended and he had to discard Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Maestroke the Symphony Jinn attacked over Tour Guide From the Underworld and Wind-Up Rabbit, which had been Normal Summoned just a second earlier, followed. Paraschos had 4900 Life Points remaining.
Paraschos’ Mystical Space Typhoon destroyed Dimensional Prison. Another Tour Guide From the Underworld followed and its effect got Paraschos a second copy. Soul Taker was activated, targeting Wind-Up Rabbit. Memoli opted to lose it in exchange for 1000 Life Points. Paraschos Xyz Summoned Temtempo the Percussion Djinn, he activated its effect, detaching Wind-Up Shark from Maestroke the Symphony Jinn, he attacked and that cause Maestroke the Symphony Jinn to lose another Material. Paraschos ended his turn.
MICHAIL发动了小旋,点掉对面的1张次元幽闭。通招导游二号娘,拖出卡组导游三号。发动手牌【灵魂捕获者】,对象是发条兔子。MEMOLI选择接受效果并回复了1000LP。导游二三号超量【交响魔人 咚咚拍子】,效果触发,消除剑击指挥的一个素材(发条鲨鱼),攻击指挥,指挥素材送墓代破。回合结束。
Memoli Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, but Paraschos discarded Effect Veiler! That meant the Italian Duelist wouldn’t get to add another Fiend to his side of the field. Maestroke the Symphony Jinn was switched to Defense Position and that concluded the turn.

Paraschos Normal Summoned Card Trooper. He used the effect and lost Effect Veiler, Lightpulsar Dragon and Darkflare Dragon. He attacked with Temtempo the Percussion Djinn over Tour Guide From the Underworld, taking the Fiend down and reducing Memoli’s Life Points to 7400.
Memoli was patiently waiting for his opening. He activated Dimensional Fissure, most likely providing him with an opportunity to finally unleash his combo! Wind-Up Magician came down and Memoli added Wind-Up Shark from his hand. He searched his Deck for Wind-Up Hunter. Wind-Up Magician was Tributed and this cost Paraschos Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. An Xyz Summon followed, Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity hit the field, this got Memoli Wind-Up Rat, he then got back Wind-Up Hunter, he Tributed Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and he hit Maxx "C" this time. Another repetition resulted in Paraschos losing his last card in hand: Dark Hole. That meant he was basically all out of outs for what was to come!
Memoli checked Paraschos’s Graveyard before he went for the Xyz Summon of the third Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity. Once again, Wind-Up Rat came out of his Deck, he used it to return Wind-Up Shark, both were then used to Xyz Summon Muzurhythm the String Djinn and it used its effect to strip Temtempo the Percussion Djinn of a material. Attacks followed, leaving Paraschos with no field and no hand!
MEMOLI的回合。发动【次元裂缝】!通招发条魔术师,发条鲨鱼效果跟进,魔术师卡组特招发条猎人。猎人解放魔术师,对方舍弃暗铁。猎人鲨鱼超量航母,航母拉老鼠,老鼠拉猎人,猎人解航母,击破对方手牌群G,同样操作继续,击破对方手牌黑洞。检查了对手墓地后航母三号机出现,卡组拉老鼠,老鼠苏生墓地鲨鱼,同样超量【交响魔人 咚咚拍子】,全员攻击后结束。此时对方空场空手!
Paraschos drew into Darkflare Dragon and he Special Summoned it to the field. Memoli activated Torrential Tribute as he would struggle to overcome the monster!
The following turn, he Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit and attacked. He Set a Spell or Trap.
Paraschos didn’t draw into an answer and started shuffling up his cards for the deciding game!

【Paraschos ripped Darkflare Dragon from the top of his Deck! 神之手:我说这不一定有它的道理!】
Wow, this match was intense! Just when it seemed like both players were stepping on the break, another flurry of Special Summons was started, causing cheers and screams from the crowd.
Paraschos wanted to kick things off the final game. Memoli waited patiently for his chance. Or at least he wanted to, but when Paraschos Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, Memoli discarded Effect Veiler!
Paraschos Set 4 Spells or Traps and ended. An interesting way to avoid getting “looped” and losing your hand.
Memoli Normal Summoned Sangan and he attacked into Tour Guide From the Underworld. He searched his Deck for Wind-Up Magician. He Set 2 Spells or Traps, activated Dimensional Fissure and ended.
Paraschos Set a monster and passed.
Memoli Normal Summoned Wind-Up Magician and Wind-Up Shark followed. The crowd went wild, predicting what would follow next. Another Wind-Up Magician hit the field as well as another Wind-Up Shark. So far no response from Paraschos. Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh made an appearance and it destroyed Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter and Heavy Storm!!! Memoli followed it up with Maestroke the Symphony Jinn and he attacked directly.
MEMOLI通招了魔术师,继续跟进发条鲨鱼。魔术师特招卡组魔术师2号基,鲨鱼效果等级变5,触发魔术师二号机效果特招鲨鱼二号机,同样变为LV5。魔术师魔术师超量剑击指挥,鲨鱼鲨鱼超量【发条装攻 发条王】!发条装攻效果发动,破坏盖着的小狗和大岚。指挥和装攻直击后结束。

【Memoli stepped on the gas big time!】
Soul Taker on Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh was met with Solemn Judgment. The Italian fans roared. Paraschos seemed to run out of options with only 2 more cards in his hand. He checked his Set cards, activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Solemn Warning, he Normal Summoned Sangan and flipped Monster Reborn, targeting Memoli’s Sangan. Both were then used to Xyz Summon Temtempo the Percussion Djinn, he used its effect, targeting Maestroke the Symphony Jinn and an attack on the same monster followed, causing it to lose his last Xyz Material. Paraschos passed the turn. Both players were on 3600.
MICHAIL发动灵魂捕获者试图破坏发条装攻,对面翻开神宣,意大利的粉丝沸腾了!对着仅有的2张手卡思考了人生后,发动盖着的旋风破坏了对手的神警。通招三眼,死苏对方三眼,三眼和三眼搞基成为新的力量!【交响魔人 咚咚拍子】!效果发动摘掉指挥的一个素材然后攻击指挥,灭掉2个素材后结束。
Memoli declared an attack with Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh. Paraschos used the effect of Temtempo the Percussion Djinn to make sure his monster would stay on the field. Memoli wanted just that as this gave him the opportunity to activate Pot of Avarice in his Main Phase 2!
Memoli checked both Graveyards and thought for a while what he should do next. He shook his head, reached for Paraschos’ Graveyard once again and then Wind-Up Rat came out. It brought back Wind-Up Shark, which allowed Memoli to Xyz Summon the first Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity of this game. Wind-Up Magician was Special Summoned from his Deck, he added Wind-Up Shark from his hand, Wind-Up Magician got him yet another Wind-Up Shark and both were then used to Xyz Summon Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon. This finally cleared the way for Memoli as he got rid of Temtempo the Percussion Djinn.
MEMOLI使用发条装攻发动攻击宣言,对方发动咚咚拍子的效果摘掉装攻的素材提升攻击力后和装攻相杀。M2,好戏以贪欲壶开场。MEMOLI检查了双方墓地后通招发条老鼠,苏生墓地鲨鱼,超量G3的第一只航母。航母发效果拉魔术师,这个动作再次触发手牌发条鲨鱼效果,魔术师特招卡组另一只鲨鱼,鲨鱼全部变LV5后超量【末日守护者 阿德琉思】,发动效果破坏对手的咚咚拍子。
Paraschos only Set a monster.
Memoli seemed to have this. He activated Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity‘s effect, Special Summoning Wind-Up Hunter from his Deck. It’s effect discarded Paraschos’ last card in hand and when Memoli announced that he would enter the Battle Phase, Paraschos extended the hand.
MEMOLI的回合,发动航母效果,卡组特招发条猎人,这个动作消灭了MICHAIL的最后一张手牌,当MEMOLI宣告进入战斗阶段时,MICHAIL摊手,GAME OVER。

【Memoli seemed to have this one in the bag!】
Wow, what a final! Stefano Memoli had to beat the odds and win 2 games in a row after Michail Paraschos was able to find a way around his defenses in the first game. He waited patiently for his chance and made perfect use of his few options to take the game away, just like all his friends that were rooting for him in the crowd were hoping!
We can expect a strong showing from these elite Duelists at the World Championship, so give it up for Team Europe!