
繼各大遊戲網站紛紛公布自家評審推薦的 E3 最佳獎項之後,由 E3 主辦單位的娛樂軟體協會(Entertainment Software Association,ESA)所主持,IGN、GameSpot、GameSpy 等美國各大遊戲網站,與 Yahoo、CNN/Money、時代雜誌以及各主機官方雜誌相關新聞媒體等資深編輯與記者擔任評審團的 E3 官方評審獎項,現終於正式公布,供玩家參考。
本次得獎產品中,由 SONY PSP 獲得本屆 E3 最佳展出產品以及最佳硬體,《最後一戰 2》獲得三個獎項居冠,《縱橫諜海 3》則是以兩個獎項與一項特別推薦獎緊追在後,得獎名單如下:
- Sony PSP (Mobile Gaming System - Sony Computer Entertainment)
- 戰憟時空 2 (Valve/Vivendi Universal Games for PC)
- 最後一戰 2 (Bungie/Microsoft for Xbox)
- Nintendo DS (Mobile Gaming System - Nintendo Co. Ltd)
- 縱橫諜海 3 (UbiSoft Montreal/UbiSoft for PC)
- 大金剛 叢林律動 (Nintendo for GameCube)
- Destroy All Humans! (Pandemic/THQ for PlayStation 2, Xbox)
- 戰神 (SCEA Santa Monica/SCEA for PlayStation 2)
- 翡翠帝國 (Bioware/Microsoft for Xbox)
- 大玉 (Vivarium/Nintendo for GameCube)
◆最佳 PC 遊戲:
- 縱橫諜海 3 (UbiSoft Montreal/UbiSoft for PC)
- 戰憟時空 2 (Valve/Vivendi Universal Games for PC)
- 魔戒: The Battle for Middle Earth (EALA/Electronic Arts for PC)
- Rome: Total War (Creative Assembly/Activision for PC)
- 模擬市民 2 (Maxis/Electronic Arts for PC)
- 最後一戰 2 (Bungie/Microsoft for Xbox)
- 戰神 (SCEA Santa Monica/SCEA for PlayStation 2)
- 翡翠帝國 (Bioware/Microsoft for Xbox)
- 銀河戰士 2: Echoes (Retro Studios/Nintendo for GameCube)
- 惡靈古堡 4 (Capcom for GameCube)
- Sony PSP (Mobile Gaming System - Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Alienware Video Array Technology (Alienware for PC)
- 大金剛鼓控制器 (Nintendo for GameCube)
- Nintendo DS (Mobile Gaming System - Nintendo Co. Ltd)
- Phantom Gaming Service (Infinium Labs, Inc.)
- 最後一戰 2 (Bungie/Microsoft for Xbox)
- 毀滅戰士 3 (Vicarious Visions/id/Activision for Xbox)
- F.E.A.R. (Monolith Productions/Vivendi Universal Games for PC)
- 戰憟時空 2 (Valve/Vivendi Universal Games for PC)
- 銀河戰士 2: Echoes (Retro Studios/Nintendo for GameCube)
- 縱橫諜海 3 (UbiSoft Montreal/UbiSoft for PC)
- 戰神 (SCEA Santa Monica/SCEA for PlayStation 2)
- 波斯王子 2 (UbiSoft Montreal/UbiSoft for All Systems)
- 惡靈古堡 4 (Capcom for GameCube)
- 拉傑特與克拉克 3 (Insomniac Games/SCEA for PlayStation 2)
- Def Jam: Fight for New York (EA Canada/EA for All Console Systems)
- Guilty Gear Isuka (Arc System Works/Sammy Studios for PlayStation 2)
- 真人快打 6 (Midway Games for PlayStation 2/Xbox)
- 玫瑰鬥士 (KCET/Konami for PlayStation 2)
- 快打旋風 Anniversary Collection (Capcom for PlayStation 2/Xbox)
- 翡翠帝國 (Bioware/Microsoft for Xbox)
- Fable (Big Blue Box/Microsoft for Xbox)
- Final Fantasy XII (Square-Enix for PlayStation 2)
- 星際大戰:舊共和國的武士 II: The Sith Lords (Obsidian/LucasArts for PC/Xbox)
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Troika Games/Activision for PC)
- 橫衝直撞 3 (Criterion Games/Electronic Arts for PlayStation 2/Xbox)
- 狂熱賽車 (Konami for PlayStation 2)
- Forza Motorsport (Microsoft for Xbox)
- 跑車浪漫旅 4 (Polyphony Digital/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 2)
- Street Racing Syndicate (Eutechnyx/Namco for All Console Systems)
- 模擬市民 2 (Maxis/Electronic Arts for PC)
- 全方位戰士 (Pandemic/THQ for PC/Xbox)
- Pacific Fighters (1C/UbiSoft for PC)
- The Movies (Lionhead Studios/Activision for All Platforms)
- 模擬市民:上流社會 (Maxis/Electronic Arts for All Console Systems)
- Madden NFL 2005 (EA Sports/Electronic Arts for All Platforms)
- ESPN NFL 2005 (Visual Concepts/ESPN Videogames for PS2/Xbox)
- FIFA Soccer 2005 (EA Sports/Electronic Arts for All Platforms)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (EA Sports/Electronic Arts for All Platforms)
- Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 (Neversoft/Activision for All Platforms)
- 魔戒:中土戰爭 (EALA/EA Games for PC)
- 皮克敏 2 (Nintendo for GameCube)
- Rome: Total War (Creative Assembly/Activision for PC)
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (Relic/THQ for PC)
- 大金剛 叢林律動 (Nintendo for GameCube)
- 大金剛鼓 (Nintendo for GameCube)
- EyeToy: AntiGrav (Harmonix Music Systems/SCEA for PlayStation 2)
- Karaoke Revolution Volume 2 (Harmonix Music Systems/Konami for PlayStation 2)
- WarioWare, Inc. DS (Nintendo for Nintendo DS)
- 最後一戰 2 (Bungie/Microsoft for Xbox)
- Battlefield 2 (Digital Illusions/EA Games for PC)
- EverQuest II (Sony Online Entertainment for PC)
- 星際大戰 Battlefront (Pandemic Studios/LucasArts for PC, PS2, Xbox)
- World of Warcraft (Blizzard/Vivendi Universal Games for PC)
- 縱橫諜海 3 (UbiSoft Montreal/UbiSoft for PC)
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