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[金手指] [精品]Fire emblem (u) 密籍

游戏迷001 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-6-29 11:24:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Prologue:A Girl from the Plains
Lyn (lv 2 lord exp:23 item:iron sword 39/46E Vulnerary 2/3 Vulnerary

ch.1:Footsteps of Fate
Kent (Lv 1 Cavalier exp:0 item:iron sword 46/46E iron lance 45/45
Vulnerary 3/3)
Sain (lv 1 cavalier exp:0 item:iron lance 45/45E iron sword 46/46)

ch.2:Sword of Spirits
Vulnerary 3/3(Enemy)
Mani Katti 45/45(others)

Ch.3:Band of Mercenaries
Wil (lv 2 Archer exp:0 item :iron bow 45/45E)
Florina (lv1 peg knight exp:0 item:slim lance 30/30E Vulnerary 3/3)
2000 gold(village)
Armory sell:
Iron sword  46  460G
Iron lance  45  360G

ch.4:In Occupation's Shadow
Dorcas (lv 3 Fighter exp:0 item:hand axe 20/20E Vulnerary 3/3)
iron axe 45/45(Enemy)

ch.5:Beyond the Borders
Serra (lv 1 Cleric exp:0 item:heal 30/30 Vulnerary 3/3)
Erk (lv 1 Mage exp:0 item:fire 40/40E)
iron sword 46/46(Enemy)
Armory sell:
Javelin  20  400G
Hand axe 20  300G
Iron bow 45  540G

ch.6:Blood of Pridez
Rath (lv 7 Nomad exp:13 item:short bow 22/22E Vulnerary 3/3)
Matthew (lv 2 Thief exp:0 item:iron sword 46/46E lockpick 15/15)
door key 1/1(village)
Angelic robe 1/1(chest)
door key 1/1(Enemy)
Armorslayer 18/18(Chest)
5000 gold(Rath)

ch.7:Siblings Abroad
Lucius (lv 3 Monk exp:0 item:lightning 35/35E)
Nils (lv 1 Bard exp:0 item:Vulnerary 3/3)
iron lance 45/45(Enemy)
pure water 3/3(village)
Vendor sell:
Vulnerary  3   300G
Heal       30  600G
Fire       40  560G

side quest require:
All people that get must be in the battle

ch.7x:The Black Shadow
Vulnerary 3/3(Enemy)
Hammer 20/20(Chest)
Vulnerary 3/3(Steal)
Vulnerary 3/3(Steal)
Lockpick 15/15(Steal)

ch.8:Vortex of Strategy
Lancereaver 15/15(village)
Armory sell:
Iron sword   46  460G
Iron lance   45  360G
Iron axe     45  270G
Iron bow     45  540G

ch.9:A Grion Reunion
Wallace (lv 12 Knight exp:0 item:iron lance 45/45E iron axe 45/45 Vulnerary 3/3 Knight crest 1/1)!{will become lv 1 General the first turn}!
Torch 5/5(village)

ch.10:The Distant Plains
Energy ring 1/1(village)
Vendor sell:
Vulnerary  3    300G
Heal       30   600G
Fire       40   560G
Thunder    35   700G
Lightning  35   630G

Armory sell:
Steel bow   30    720G
Armorslayer 18   1260G
Heavy spear 16   1200G
Hammer      20    800G

ch.11:Taking Leave
Eliwood (lv 1 Lord exp:0 item:rapier 40/40E Vulnerary 3/3)
Marcus (lv 1 Paladin exp:0 item:steel sword 30/30E steel lance 30/30)
Lowen (lv 2 Cavalier exp:0 item:iron sword 46/46E Javelin 20/20)
Rebecca (lv 1 Archer exp:0 item:iron bow 45/45 Vulnerary 3/3)
Dorcas (lv xx Fighter exp:xx item:steel axe 30/30E Energy ring 1/1)
Bartre (lv 2 Fighter exp:0 item:iron axe 45/45E hand axe 20/20)
Dragonshield 1/1(village)
Vendor sell:
Vulnerary   3   300

ch.12:Birds of a Feather
Hector (lv 1 Lord exp:0 item:wolf beil 30/30E Vulnerary 3/3
Oswin (lv 9 Knight exp:0 item:iron lance 45/45E Javelin 20/20)
Secret book 1/1(village)
Vendor sell:
Vulnerary   3   300

Armory sell:
Iron sword   46   460G
Iron lance   45   360G
Iron axe     45   270G
Iron bow     45   540G

ch.13:In Search of Truth
Matthew (lv xx Thief exp:xx item:iron sword 46/46E lockpick 15/15)
Serra (lv xx Cleric exp:xx item:heal 30/30 Vulnerary 3/3)
Guy (lv 3 Myrmidon exp:0 item:killingedge 20/20E Vulnerary 3/3)!{use Matthew to talk to him,don't get yourself killed or you kill Guy}!
Torch 5/5(village)
Mine 1/1(village)
Vulnerary 3/3(steal)
Armory sell:
Iron sword   46   460G
Javelin      20   400G
Hand axe     20   300G
Iron bow     45   540G

Vendor sell:
Vulnerary  3    300G
Heal       30   600G

side quest require:
must go to the village where the torch was taken

ch.13x:The Peddler Merlinus
Vulnerary 3/3(steal)
Vulnerary 3/3(steal)
Vulnerary 3/3(steal)

ch.14:False Friends
Erk (lv xx Mage exp:xx item:thunder 35/35E goddess icon 1/1)!{use Serra to talk to him,be careful don't get yourself killed}!
Priscilla (lv 3 Troubadour exp:0 item:mend 20/20 Vulnerary 3/3)!{use any one to go to the village near the sea and you will get her but once the village is destoryed you will never get her and her brother(ch.16)}!
Iron blade 35/35(village)
Sliver lance(Enemy)
Armory sell:
Iron sword   46   460G
Iron lance   45   360G
Iron axe     45   270G
Iron bow     45   540G

Vendor sell:
Vulnerary  3   300G
Heal       30  600G
Fire       40  560G

Lyn (lv xx lord exp:xx item:Mani Katti 45/45E Vulnerary 3/3 white gem 1/1)
Florina (lv xx peg knight exp:xx item:slim lance 30/30E Javelin 20/20 Vulnerary 3/3)
Kent (Lv xx Cavalier exp:xx item:javelin 20/20E steel sword 30/30)
Sain (lv xx cavalier exp:xx item:steel lance 30/30E iron sword 46/46)
Wil (lv xx Archer exp:xx item :iron bow 45/45E steel bow 30/30 Vulnerary 3/3)
red gem 1/1(village)

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