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[金手指] 求勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇2金手指下载地址

发表于 2004-7-9 20:45:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-10 11:44:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-10 22:41:14 | 显示全部楼层
017CC9D1 [D1C9 017C] : 拉米亚Lamia(ラーミア)代码xx
0101CAD1 [D1CA 0101] : 拉米亚Lamia(ラーミア)代码yy
010ACBD1 [D1CB 010A] : 改系别为???系
017CC9D1是什么? D1C9 017C又是什么?  代码xx 这个呢??请详细教一下我搞出那3个???怪!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-11 14:39:46 | 显示全部楼层
Codes: Hacking Exp gained at the end of a battle goes like this:
01xx6BDA + 01xx6CDA + 01xx6DDA
If I were you I wouldn't exceed 10,000,000 points though. (80 96 98 in hex) otherwise they will
not gain the exp mentioned. And of course theres growth limitations, so use this code wisely till
someone finds the code that controls growth (There was such a code in DWM)

To always have 99,999 gold try:
019F17C6 + 018618C6 + 010119C6

Codes for items are:
01xx1DC6 to 01xx34C6, 24 slots total.
# Item Name
0 No Items
1 Herb
2 LoveWater
3 WorldDew
4 Potion
5 ElfWater
6 Antidote
7 MoonHerb
8 Laurel
9 AwakeSand
a Skybell
b Sagerock
c WorldLeaf
d ATKseed
e DEFseed
f AGLseed
10 INTseed
11 LifeAcorn
12 MysticNut
13 Quest Book
14 Horror Book
15 BeNice Book
16 Cheater Book
17 Smart Book
18 Comedy Book
19 BeefJerky
1a PorkChop
1b Rib
1c Sirloin
1d BadMeat
1e MeteOrb
1f BeastTail
20 Repellent
21 ShinyHarp
22 Mist Staff
23 Friend Staff
24 Wind Staff
25 Bolt Staff
26 Snow Staff
27 Fire Staff
28 Warp Staff
29 WarpWing
2a ExitBell
2b Bookmark
2c TinyMedal
2d GoldPass
2e LogTwig
30 WaterCall
31 MoonRock
32 Crest
33 YunaSoul
34 SleepHerb
35 Change Staff
36 TidalBell
37 HarMirror
38 Sky Shield
39 Heaven Helmet
3a Heaven Armor
3b Heaven Sword
3c WizStone
3d Pretty Ring
3e VITbelt
3f VITbelt
40 VITbelt
41 DracoBelt
42 MagicBelt
43 OddBelt
44 StoneFang
45 SteelFang
46 MermScale
47 DrakScale
48 AGL Ring
49 Starry Ring
4a Smart Hat
4b Wise Hat
4c MagicCape
4d DracoCape
4e SilvrCape
4f GoldCape
50 PltnmCape
51 OrcaCape
52 BraveCape
53 D-Scale
54 Life Ring
55 Life Ring
56 Life Ring
57 Life Ring
58 Life Ring
59 Life Ring
5a Life Ring
5b Divine Ring
5c War Ring
5d Mage Ring
5e Fight Ring
5f Sailor Ring
60 Thief Ring
61 Cleric Ring

01xxC9D1 (Icon1) + 01xxCAD1 (Icon2) + 01xxCBD1(Family) + 01xx60D9 (Title1) +
01xx61D9 (Title2)

0119C9D1 (Icon1 - Is for Map sprite)
0100CBD1 (Family - see list. 00=Slime, 01=Dragon, etc)
011960D9 (Title - Monster name + In-Battle Sprite)

0161C9D1 - Icon1
0101CAD1 - Icon2 (The 01 sets it on the high bit)
010ACBD1 - Family (???=0A)
016160D9 - Title1
010161D9 - Title2 (01 Just like Icon2, easy peasy!)

00 – Slime Family
01 DrakSlime
02 SpotSlime
03 WingSlime
04 TreeSlime
05 Snaily
06 SlimeNite
07 Babble
08 BoxSlime
09 PearlGel
0A Slime
0B Healer
0C FangSlime
0D RockSlime
0E SlimeBorg
0F Slabbit
10 KingSlime
11 Metaly
12 Metabble
13 SpotKing
14 TropicGel
15 MimeSlime
16 HaloSlime
17 MetalKing
18 GoldSlime
19 GranSlime
1A WonderEgg
1B Butch (Spotslime you give to someone)*
1C ?
1D ?
1E ?
1F ?
20 ?
21 ?
22 ?
23 ?
01 – Dragon Family
24 DragonKid
25 Tortragon
26 Pteranod
27 Gasgon
28 FairyDrak
29 LizardMan
2A Poisongon
2B Swordgon
2C Drygon
2D Dragon
2E MiniDrak
2F MadDragon
30 Rayburn
31 Chamelgon
32 LizardFly
33 Andreal
34 KingCobra
35 Vampirus
36 SnakeBat
37 Spikerous
38 GreatDrak
39 Crestpent
3A WingSnake
3B Coatol
3C Orochi
3D BattleRex
3E SkyDragon
3F Serpentia
40 Divinegon
41 Orligon
42 GigaDraco
43 ?
44 ?
45 ?
46 ?
02 – Beast Family
47 Tonguella
48 Almiraj
49 CatFly
4A PillowRat
4B Saccer
4C GulpBeast
4D Skullaroo
4E WindBeast
4F Beavern
50 AntBear
51 SuperTen
52 IronTurt
53 Mommonja
54 HammerMan
55 Grizzly
56 Yeti
57 ArrowDog
58 NoctoKing
59 BeastNite
5A MadGopher
5B FairyRat
5C Unicorn
5D Goategon
5E WildApe
5F Trumpeter
60 KingLeo
61 DarkHorn
62 MadCat
63 BigEye
64 Gorago
65 CatMage
66 Dumbria
67 ?
68 ?
69 ?
03 – Bird Family
6A Picky
6B Wyvern
6C BullBird
6D FloraJay
6E DuckKite
6F MadPecker
70 MadRaven
71 MistyWing
72 AquaHawk
73 Dracky
74 KiteHawk
75 BigRoost
76 StubBird
77 LandOwl
78 MadGoose
79 MadCondor
7A Emyu
7B Blizzardy
7C Phoenix
7D ZapBird
7E Garudian
7F WhipBird
80 FunkyBird
81 RainHawk
82 Azurile
83 Shantak
84 CragDevil
85 ?
86 ?
87 ?
88 ?
89 ?
8A ?
8B ?
8C ?
04 – Plant Family
8D MadPlant
8E FireWeed
8F FloraMan
90 WingTree
91 Cactiball
92 Gulpple
93 Toadstool
94 AmberWeed
95 Slurperon
96 Stubsuck
97 Oniono
98 DanceVegi
99 TreeBoy
9A DeviPine
9B FaceTree
9C HerbMan
9D BeanMan
9E EvilSeed
9F ManEater
A0 Snapper
A1 GhosTree
A2 RoseVine
A3 Egdracil
A4 Warubou
A5 Watabou
A6 Eggplaton
A7 FooHero
A8 ?
A9 ?
AA ?
AB ?
AC ?
AD ?
AE ?
AF ?
05 – Bug Family
B0 GiantSlug
B1 Catapila
B2 Gophecada
B3 Butterfly
B4 WeedBug
B5 GiantWorm
B6 Lipsy
B7 StagBug
B8 Pyuro
B9 ArmyAnt
BA GoHopper
BB TailEater
BC Armorpede
BD Eyeder
BE GiantMoth
BF Droll
C0 ArmyCrab
C1 MadHornet
C2 Belzebub
C3 WarMantis
C4 HornBeet
C5 Sickler
C6 Armorpion
C7 Digster
C8 Skularach
C9 MultiEyes
CA ?
CB ?
CC ?
CD ?
CE ?
CF ?
D0 ?
D1 ?
D2 ?
06 – Devil Family
D3 Pixy
D4 MedusaEye
D5 AgDevil
D6 Demonite
D7 DarkEye
D8 EyeBall
D9 SkulRider
DA EvilBeast
DB Bubblemon
DC 1EyeClown
DD Gremlin
DE ArcDemon
DF Lionex
E0 GoatHorn
E1 Orc
E2 Ogre
E3 GateGuard
E4 ChopClown
E5 BossTroll
E6 Grendal
E7 Akubar
E8 MadKnight
E9 EvilWell
EA Gigantes
EB Centasaur
EC EvilArmor
ED Jamirus
EE Durran
EF Titanis
F0 LampGenie
F1 ?
F2 ?
F3 ?
F4 ?
F5 ?
07 – Zombie Family
F6 Spooky
F7 Skullgon
F8 Putrepup
F9 RotRaven
FA Mummy
FB DarkCrab
FC DeadNite
FD Shadow
FE Skullpent
FF Hork
00 01 Mudron
01 NiteWhip
02 WindMerge
03 Reaper
04 Inverzon
05 FoxFire
06 CaptDead
07 DeadNoble
08 WhiteKing
09 BoneSlave
0A Skeletor
0B Servant
0C Lazamanus
0D Copycat
0E MadSpirit
0F PomPomBom
10 Niterich
11 ?
12 ?
13 ?
14 ?
15 ?
16 ?
17 ?
18 ?
08 – Material Family
19 JewelBag
1A EvilWand
1B MadCandle
1C CoilBird
1D Facer
1E SpikyBoy
1F MadMirror
20 RougeNite
21 Puppetor
22 Goopi
23 Voodoll
24 MetalDrak
25 Balzak
26 SabreMan
27 CurseLamp
28 BrusHead
29 Roboster
2A Roboster 2
2B EvilPot
2C Gismo
2D LavaMan
2E IceMan
2F Mimic
30 Exaucers
31 MudDoll
32 Golem
33 StoneMan
34 BombCrag
35 GoldGolem
36 DarkMate
37 ProtoMech
38 CloudKing
39 ?
3A ?
3B ?
09 – Water Family
3C Petiteel
3D Moray
3E WalrusMan
3F RayGigas
40 Anemon
41 Aquarella
42 Merman
43 Octokid
44 Putrefish
45 Octoreach
46 Angleron
47 FishRider
48 RushFish
49 Gamanian
4A Clawster
4B CancerMan
4C RougeWave
4D Scallopa
4E SeaHorse
4F HoodSquid
50 MerTiger
51 AxeShark
52 Octogon
53 KingSquid
54 Digong
55 WhaleMage
56 Aquadon
57 Octoraid
58 Grakos
59 Poseidon
5A Pumpoise
5B Starfish
5C ?
5D ?
5E ?
0A – ??? Family
5F DracoLord
60 DracoLord (Dragon)
61 LordDraco
62 Hargon
63 Sihdoh
64 GenoSihdoh
65 Baramos
66 Zoma
67 AsuraZoma
68 Pizzaro
69 PsychoPiz
6A Esterk
6B Mirudrass
6C Mirudrass (Transformed)
6D Mudou
6E Deathmore
6F Deathmore (Transformed)
70 Deathmore (Final Form)
71 Darkdrium
72 Orgodemir
73 Orgodemir (Transformed)
74 Darck
75 Tatsu (Summon)*
76 Diago (Summon)*
77 Samsi (Summon)*
78 Bazoo (Summon)*
79 ?
7A ?
7B ?
7C Lamia*
7D Dimensaur*
7E Kagebou*
7F ?

My infinite monster HP codes:
Monster 1:
Monster 2:
Monster 3:

And a tinymedal code (always have 250 Medals at the medal man)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-11 14:43:28 | 显示全部楼层

D1C9 017C又是什么?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 15:45:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-11 16:55:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-11 18:46:18 | 显示全部楼层

01xxC9D1 怪物图片1
01xxCAD1 怪物图片2(和图片1一样数值)
01xxCBD1 种族
01xx60D9 怪物资料1
01xx61D9 怪物资料2(和资料1一样数值)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-11 19:45:02 | 显示全部楼层
01xx6BDA + 01xx6CDA + 01xx6DDA 经验
019F17C6 + 018618C6 + 010119C6 金钱
01xx1DC6 到 01xx34C6 物品

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 23:20:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 23:34:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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