本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2015-10-27 05:29 编辑
DOCS-EN081(SCR)Painful Escape(苦涩的逃走) 通常陷阱
Tribute 1 monster; add 1 monster with the same original Type, Attribute, and Level, but with a original different name, from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

DOCS-EN087( R )Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju() 暗 7星 恶魔 2800 2500
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. Once per turn: You can remove 2 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; Special Summon 1 "Radian Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2800/DEF 0), but it cannot be used as a Synchro Material.
可以把对方场上1只怪兽解放,从手卡把这张卡在对方场上攻击表示特殊召唤。对方场上有“Kaiju”怪兽存在的场合,可以从手卡把这张卡攻击表示特殊召唤。“Kaiju”怪兽在自己场上只能有1只表侧表示存在。1回合1次:可以把场上2个大怪兽指示物取除;把1只“Radian Token”(恶魔族·暗·7星·攻2800/守0)特殊召唤,这只衍生物不能作为同调素材。
DOCS-EN088( R )Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju() 水 8星 水 2200 3000
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect, except "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju": You can remove 2 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; negate the activation, and if you do, banish that card.
可以把对方场上1只怪兽解放,从手卡把这张卡在对方场上攻击表示特殊召唤。对方场上有“Kaiju”怪兽存在的场合,可以从手卡把这张卡攻击表示特殊召唤。“Kaiju”怪兽在自己场上只能有1只表侧表示存在。在自己或者对方回合,对方把“Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju”以外的魔法·陷阱·怪兽的效果发动时:可以把场上2个大怪兽指示物取除;那个发动无效并除外。
DOCS-EN089 Kaiju Capture Mission(大怪兽捕获作战) 永续陷阱
Once per turn, if there are less than 3 Kaiju Counters on this card: You can target 1 "Kaiju" monster on the field; change it to face-down Defense Position, then place 1 Kaiju Counter on this card (max. 3). If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card and sent to your Graveyard: You can draw 2 cards. You can only use this effect of "Kaiju Capture Mission" once per turn.
1回合1次,这张卡放置的大怪兽指示物少于3个的场合:可以选择场上1只“Kaiju”怪兽;那只怪兽变成里侧守备表示,之后给这张卡放置1个大怪兽指示物(最多3个)。这张卡被对方破坏送去墓地的场合:可以从卡组抽2张卡。“Kaiju Capture Mission”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。
DOCS-EN076(SCR)Blazing Mirror Force(业炎防护罩 -火焰之力-)