本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-6-9 12:40 编辑
2016年10月7日 Legendary Decks II
1 (SCR)Dark Burning Attack(黑·魔·导·爆·裂·破)
1 (SCR)Dark Burning Magic(黑·爆·裂·破·魔·导)
1 (SCR)Eternal Soul(永远之魂)
1 (UR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「暗游戏」版插图)
1 (UR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「海马濑人」版插图)
1 (UR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「城之内克也」版插图)
(召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)
Slifer the Sky Dragon(奥西里斯之天空龙) ※非观赏卡
Obelisk the Tormentor(欧贝利斯克之巨神兵) ※非观赏卡
The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙) ※非观赏卡
Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
Red-Eyes B. Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon(真红眼黑炎龙)
Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(真红眼凶雷皇-邪性恶魔)
Coming off the success of last year’s inaugural release, Konami Digital Entertainment Inc, is proud to bring you the latest product offering, Legendary Decks II which brings together 3 legendary characters all in one box. “Exodia, obliterate!” The words that ended Yugi’s first Duel in the original animated series are just the beginning in Legendary Decks II! Legendary Decks II traces the journeys of Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey from Duelist Kingdom to Battle City and beyond, with three unique Decks that let you employ each of their greatest strategies!
Each Legendary Decks II box set includes:
• 43-card Deck based on Yugi and his unstoppable Exodia, the Forbidden One. For the first time in more than 8 years, brand-new cards to help assemble the five pieces of Exodia are included! This Deck ALSO contains all 3 playable versions of the Egyptian God Cards, available together in one place for the first time ever!
• 43-card Deck based on Kaiba and his legendary engine of destruction, Blue-Eyes White Dragon! For Seto Kaiba, might always made right, so this Deck is packed with powerful monsters and destructive Spell and Trap Cards!
• 43-card Deck based on Joey and his ferocious Red-Eyes B. Dragon! No one grew more as a Duelist and a person during the original series than Joey, so this Deck includes cards that grow and change from turn to turn like Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon and Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning.
• 3 brand-new Secret Rare cards to enhance Decks built around Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl: Eternal Soul, Dark Burning Attack, and Dark Burning Magic.
• 3 Ultra Rare Token Cards. Each one depicts one of the three legendary Duelists of the original animated series with their signature monsters!
What if Weevil never threw Yugi’s Exodia cards overboard? Is there any way Kaiba could ever lose to Joey? Would Joey have been able to defeat all 3 Egyptian God Cards like Yugi did? With Legendary Decks II, players and fans of the original series can try out these fantasy scenarios while also grabbing cards that can power up strategies introduced in Clash of Rebellions, Breakers of Shadow, Shining Victories, The Dark Illusion, and Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh!
