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楼主: mikesan

[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

发表于 2018-1-23 03:26:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-23 08:54:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-1-23 11:55 编辑


★EXFO-EN000 Sumo Spirit Yoko-Zuna() 风 5星 战士/灵摆/灵魂 2400 1000
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can send to the GY all monsters your opponent controls that are in the same column as 1 of your cards in the Pendulum Zones. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return this card to the hand.
1 魔法卡 1
If a monster(s) is Pendulum Summoned, return this card from the Pendulum Zone to the hand.

★EXFO-EN081 Karate Spirit Kuro-Obi() 风 5星 战士/灵摆/灵魂 2400 1000
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can send to the GY all Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls that are in the same columns as the cards in your Pendulum Zones to the GY. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return this card to the hand.
9 魔法卡 9
If a monster(s) is Pendulum Summoned, return this card from the Pendulum Zone to the hand.


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-23 11:02:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-23 11:11:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-23 12:13:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-23 14:57:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-1-23 19:55 编辑



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-23 23:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-1-24 00:56 编辑


Vendread Battlelord
Vendread Core
Vendread Revolution

Vendread Charge


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-24 00:25:13 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-24 01:03:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-1-24 01:24 编辑

000 081 图   


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-24 04:06:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-24 11:32:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-25 10:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-1-25 11:02 编辑


Secret Rares(8/8)
EXFO-EN014 Mekk-Knight Blue Sky(苍穹之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN020 (紫宵之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN027 Mythical Beast Master Cerberus(魔导兽 刻耳柏洛斯尊主)
EXFO-EN035 (冲浪检察官)
EXFO-EN048 Saryuja Skull Dread(锁龙蛇-骷髅四面鬼)
EXFO-EN061 Pendulum Paradox(灵摆悖论)
EXFO-EN062 Hey, Trunade!(局部性飓风)
EXFO-EN098 Heavymetalfoes Electrumite(刚炼装勇士·银金公主)

Ultra Rares(10/10)
EXFO-EN023 Mythical Beast Garuda(魔导兽 迦楼罗)
EXFO-EN026 Mythical Beast Jackal King(魔导兽 胡狼王)
EXFO-EN038 Excode Talker(余码语者)
EXFO-EN044 (三发点射龙)
EXFO-EN047 (星痕之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN049 (副语术士克拉拉与洛希卡)
EXFO-EN053 (旋转引导扇区)
EXFO-EN058 Mythical Bestiary(魔导加速)
EXFO-EN072 World Legacy's Secret(沉眠于星遗物的深层)
EXFO-EN094 Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights(圣骑士的追想 伊索德)

Super Rares(14/14)
EXFO-EN019 (绀碧之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN024 Mythical Beast Medusa(魔导兽 美杜莎水母)
EXFO-EN036 Overtex Qoatlus(超顶科技血神翼龙)
EXFO-EN046 Altergeist Hexstia(幻变骚灵·十六巫赫斯提)
EXFO-EN060 (守护者之力)
EXFO-EN063 (下拍)
EXFO-EN070 Altergeist Manifestation(幻变骚灵物化)
EXFO-EN076 (千查万别)
EXFO-EN082 Vendread Battlelord
EXFO-EN083 Vendread Core
EXFO-EN085 Vendread Revolution
EXFO-EN091 Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion(光道宰制者 基里奥斯)
EXFO-EN092 (宝石骑士·幽晶原核)
EXFO-EN097 Zefra Metaltron(神数炼机圣 梅塔特隆)

EXFO-EN007 (霰弹弹丸龙)
EXFO-EN008 (金属被甲弹丸龙)
EXFO-EN017 (黄华之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN018 (红莲之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN022 Mythical Beast Jackal(魔导兽 胡狼)
EXFO-EN025 Mythical Beast Bashilisk(魔导兽 巴西利斯克冠蜥)
EXFO-EN032 (魅幽鸟)
EXFO-EN033 (死魔袋獾)
EXFO-EN040 Vector Scare Archfiend(矢量恐吓恶魔)
EXFO-EN050 (小懒奇美拉)
EXFO-EN056 World Legacy Scars(星遗物印刻的伤痕)
EXFO-EN057 (通往星遗物的钥匙)
EXFO-EN059 (光荣的圣骑士团)
EXFO-EN071 (星遗物的低语)
EXFO-EN073 Mythical Bestiamorph(魔导变换)
EXFO-EN084 Vendread Charge
EXFO-EN090 (长世国王恶魔)
EXFO-EN093 (侵入魔鬼之源)
EXFO-EN095 (机壳守护神 路径灵)
EXFO-EN096 (圣灵兽骑 山飞隼)

EXFO-EN000 Yoko-Zuna Sumo Spirit
EXFO-EN001 Zombino(僵尸男孩)
EXFO-EN002 Lockout Gardna(封锁守卫者)
EXFO-EN003 (条带化伙伴犬)
EXFO-EN004 (滑动触控王冠人)
EXFO-EN005 (比特骑兵)
EXFO-EN006 (弹带城壁龙)
EXFO-EN009 (廷达魔三角之天使)
EXFO-EN010 (廷达魔三角之底边守卫者)
EXFO-EN011 (廷达魔三角之猎犬)
EXFO-EN012 (廷达魔三角之使徒)
EXFO-EN013 (廷达魔三角之侵入者)
EXFO-EN015 (翠岚之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN016 (灯影之机界骑士)
EXFO-EN021 (星遗物-『星盾』)
EXFO-EN028 (古遗物-雷神锤)
EXFO-EN029 (强壮钓鱼人)
EXFO-EN030 (雀姐妹)
EXFO-EN031 (异次元的探求者)
EXFO-EN034 (电送拟人 电气念动人)
EXFO-EN037 (接触的G)
EXFO-EN039 Underclock Taker(降频承办员)
EXFO-EN041 Flame Administrator(炎上框架管理员)
EXFO-EN042 Recovery Sorcerer(恢复巫师)
EXFO-EN043 Secure Gardna(安全守卫者)
EXFO-EN045 Tindangle Acute Cerberus(廷达魔三角之锐角地狱犬)
EXFO-EN051 (连接洞)
EXFO-EN052 (天火的牢狱)
EXFO-EN054 (奈格尔守护天)
EXFO-EN055 (欧拉回路)
EXFO-EN064 (物体消失)
EXFO-EN065 (身份转换)
EXFO-EN066 Parallel Port Armor(并口护甲)
EXFO-EN067 (电脑网刷新)
EXFO-EN068 (枪管冷却)
EXFO-EN069 (廷达魔三角的德劳内三角化)
EXFO-EN074 (鬼计装修)
EXFO-EN075 (恶魔的呼声)
EXFO-EN077 (粗人舞导)
EXFO-EN078 (看破的极意)
EXFO-EN079 (一击脱离)
EXFO-EN080 (误爆)
EXFO-EN081 Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit
EXFO-EN086 F.A. Auto Navigator
EXFO-EN087 F.A. Motorhome Transport
EXFO-EN088 F.A. City Grand Prix
EXFO-EN089 F.A. Test Run
EXFO-EN099 (截敌蛋)

EXFO-EN000 Yoko-Zuna Sumo Spirit(相扑魂 横纲) 风 5星 战士/灵摆/灵魂 2400 1000
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can send to the GY all monsters your opponent controls in the same column as the card(s) in your Pendulum Zones. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return this card to the hand.
1 魔法卡 1
If a monster(s) is Pendulum Summoned: Return this card from the Pendulum Zone to the hand.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-28 22:13:23 | 显示全部楼层
godvimken 发表于 2018-1-24 11:32


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-1-28 22:53:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-1 05:06:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-2-3 11:03 编辑


2018年3月23日 Extreme Force Special Edition

3包 1003
1 SR(复刻卡,全2种):PSY-Framegear Gamma(PSY骨架装备·γ) 或 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon(银河眼光波刃龙)
1 SR(1004预览版卡,全2种):Mekk-Knight Avram(机界骑士 亚伯拉姆) 或 Called by the Grave(墓穴的指名者)

2018年6月8日 Flames of Destruction Special Edition

3包 1004
1 SR(复刻卡,全2种)
1 SR(1005预览版卡,全2种)

Didn’t get enough of Flames of Destruction? Well, each box of Flames of Destruction Special Edition includes 3 booster packs of Flames of Destruction, along with 1 of 2 Super Rare variants of sought-after cards as well as 1 of 2 Super Rare variant preview cards from the upcoming Summer 2018 booster set!

Flames of Destruction shakes things up with new cards for established Deck themes, a brand-new Link Monster theme that can be played as its own Deck or spliced into existing strategies, the return of the Elemental Lords, and more!

These new Link Monsters have flexible Link Materials that let you use them in any Deck, and each one has two abilities: one that you use when you Link Summon the monster and one that’s always active. These powers range from retrieving any Spell or Trap Card from your Graveyard to changing the number of cards you get to draw each turn. With some strategic card placement, you could be drawing up to 6 cards at the start of your turn instead of just 1!

To make the most of these abilities, you’ll want to keep your Link Monsters co-linked. If you do, you’ll get a refund on the cost of the new monsters’ one-shot abilities and their always-on powers will grow much stronger! Try combining these monsters with cards like Tri-Gate Wizard from Structure Deck: Cyberse Link or Firewall Dragon from Code of the Duelist to gain even more from co-linking your monsters.

For over 5 years, the four Elemental Lords have stood alone as keepers of some of the strongest effects allowed in Dueling. In Flames of Destruction, the fifth Elemental Lord finally arrives, along with the monsters tasked to guard their great powers from those who would misuse them! The newest Elemental Lord can only be Summoned while you have exactly 5 LIGHT monsters in your Graveyard and commands the power of Raigeki – the power to destroy all enemy monsters at once! This Elemental Lord is a great fit in Decks built using the LIGHT monsters from Structure Deck: Wave of Light.

On top of all that, Flames of Destruction is full of cards that are useful in any Deck and cards that elevate popular themes to new heights! You could find…

• Powerful Trap Cards you can activate from your hand.
• A new “Trap Hole” that banishes monsters face down.
• A Spell that revives one of your monsters in a Zone a Link Monster is pointing to.
• A new “Topologic” Link Monster that banishes all Spells and Traps on the field when a monster is Special Summoned to a Zone it points to.
• A Dragon that can erase all the cards in a single column and then render that column unusable.
• A “Trickstar” soloist that shrugs off activated card effects and inflicts big damage every turn.

Each Flames of Destruction Special Edition contains: 3 Flames of Destruction booster packs, 1 of 2 Super Rare variants of sought-after cards, and 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards from the Summer 2018 booster set.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-1 10:11:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-1 10:52:17 | 显示全部楼层

2018年2月3日/4日 Yu-Gi-Oh! Day 游戏王日(北美洲和拉丁美洲)


Top 8奖品:星痕之机界骑士Field Center Card

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-2 02:11:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-2-3 11:02 编辑


2018年5月25日 Dark Saviors

SCR 20种
SR  40种

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Dark Saviors, available starting Friday, May 25, gives a classic horror movie monster the powers it’s known for and introduces brand-new Deck themes for both novice and advanced Duelists. All of the necessary themed cards for each of these Decks can be found in Dark Saviors.

The Dark Saviors booster set contains 60 cards, including:
• 40 Super Rare Cards
• 20 Secret Rare Cards

May’s 60-card booster set, Dark Saviors, gives a classic horror movie monster the powers it’s known for and introduces brand-new Deck themes for both novice and advanced Duelists! All of the necessary themed cards for each of these Decks can be found in Dark Saviors, but they can also be augmented using cards from Flames of Destruction, Extreme Force, and Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness.

Dark Saviors reinvents the Vampires of Yu-Gi-Oh! with a new series of cards that can enslave your opponent’s monsters for your own nefarious schemes with a single bite! You can build a Vampire Deck with just the cards in Dark Saviors, but you can make your Deck even stronger with the new “Vampire” Link Monster from Flames of Destruction and cards from Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness.

A clan of skyfaring demihumans who always have each other’s backs! These swashbucklers are trained to call for backup at the first sign of trouble. As long as you can Summon at least one of them from your hand, the rest are sure to follow! The effects on these cards are strong, but simple, making them a good pick for novice and expert Duelists alike.

A heavily armed heroine arrives! Her high-tech arsenal includes transforming power armor that lets her fly faster than a fighter jet or dodge fluidly like water, and can be equipped with a variety of weapon modules to handle the task at hand. Each module also has a powerful secondary mode that becomes available if you have 3 or more Spell Cards in your Graveyard. Even better, you don’t have to just choose one mode or the other. As long as you have at least 3 Spell Cards in your Graveyard, you get both!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-2 08:45:17 | 显示全部楼层
pegga 发表于 2018-1-21 09:04
居然不送翼神龙,送和一年半前2016 fall一模一样的卡



2018年1月 Weekly Shonen Jump Jump Pack Spring 2018(Scholastic Edition)

- 在美国/加拿大的Scholastic书展发售。

1个 Demo Deck 2015
1张 游戏垫/初学者指南(两面印刷)
1张 特典卡:JMPS-EN003(UR)Dark Magician(黑魔术师) ※WJMP-JP012版插图
1张 特典卡:JMPS-EN006(UR)The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙) ※VJMP-JP046版插图


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-2 14:14:43 | 显示全部楼层

2018年4月13日 OTS Tournament Pack 7

- 收录伯吉斯异兽,秘旋谍 ,星遗物。

(UTR)Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
(SR)Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson(亡龙之战栗-死欲龙)


使用道具 举报

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