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[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

发表于 2020-1-21 01:36:53 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-21 21:35:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-21 22:57 编辑

Speed Duel活动 Trials of the Pharaoh

(SR)Floodgate Trap Hole(无底的落穴)



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-22 06:03:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-23 06:06 编辑

Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom steps forward on this Judge Travel Mat, new for 2020!

Registered Konami Judges can get an opportunity to receive this mat by judging at a Tier 3 event (such as a YCS or WCQ) beginning in February 2020.

2020 裁判旅费补助「死界王战 赫尔女王」卡垫


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-23 04:43:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-23 06:06 编辑

Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light takes her place on this Judge Travel Mat, new for 2020!

Registered Konami Judges can get an opportunity to receive this mat by judging at a Tier 3 event (such as a YCS or WCQ) beginning in February 2020.

2020 裁判旅费补助「光界王战 玛多尔女王」卡垫


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-24 04:03:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-24 09:00 编辑

A card that any judge can relate to, Head Judging is our third Judge Travel Mat for 2020.

Registered Konami Judges can get an opportunity to receive these mats by judging at a Tier 3 event (such as a YCS or WCQ) beginning in February 2020.

2020 裁判旅费补助「头位审判」卡垫


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-24 10:20:32 | 显示全部楼层

2020年3月7日~3月8日 OTS Championship 公认店锦标赛


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-24 22:01:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-25 06:35 编辑


2020年1月~4月 Trials of the Pharaoh

Tier 1奖品(8名):贴纸
Tier 2奖品(4名):塑料杯
Tier 3奖品(2名):OPTP-EN001(SR)Floodgate Trap Hole(无底的落穴)

完成Tier 1挑战表上的任务才能进入Tier 2,完成者将获得奖品:贴纸
完成Tier 2挑战表上的任务才能进入Tier 3,完成者(前4名)将获得奖品:塑料杯
完成Tier 3挑战表上的任务者(前2名)将获得奖品:(SR)Floodgate Trap Hole(无底的落穴)

Tier 1
- Summon 'Crazy Fish' 5 times
- Destroy 10 monsters with 'Sasuke Samurai'
- Summon 'Skull Knight' 3 times
- Activate 'Share the Pain' 5 times
- Activate 'Time Machine' 5 times

- Summon 'Kairyu-Shin' 5 times
- Shuffle your deck 3 times using the effect of 'Tainted Wisdom'
- Summon 'Black Ptera' 3 times
- Activate 'Iron Draw' 3 times
- Activate 'Tutan Mask' 5 times

- Summon 'Giant Mech-Soldier' 3 times
- Activate the effect of 'Blood Sucker' 10 times
- Activate 'Tail Swipe' 3 times
- Activate the effect of 'Shore Knight' 3 times
- Activate 'Assault on GHQ' 3 times

Tier 2
- Gain a total of 10,000LP using the effect of 'Golden Ladybug'
- Prevent 2,000 battle damage using 'Bashing Shield'
- Destroy your'Double Cyclone' with another 'Double Cyclone' of yours
- Activate 'Floodgate Trap Hole' 5 times
- Win a Duel after you activate 'Waking the Dragon'

- Special Summon 20 Dinosaur Monsters (This includes Tokens)
- Activate 'Surface' 3 times in 1 Duel
- Special Summon 'Despair from the Dark' and Destroy an opponent's Monster with it.
- Activate the effect of 'Maryokutai' 3 times
- Win a Duel attacking with 'Metal Armored Bug'

- Summon 'Sasuke Samurai' with the effect of 'Time Machine'
- Activate the effect of 'Cyber Raider' 5 times
- Activate the effect of 'Helping Robo for Combat' 3 times
- Activate the effect of 'Golden Ladybug' 3 times in a single turn
- Activate 'Terror from the Deep!' Skill card

Tier 3
- Activate 'Zombie Master' skill card then use the targetted monsters gained effect 2 times in 1 Duel
- Activate both effects of 'Haunted Shrine' in 5 different Duels (both in each Duel)
- Win a Duel after activating 'Flint' during your first turn and controlling it for each of your turns during the Duel
- Special Summon 'Metal Armored Bug' using the effect of 'Parasite Paranoid' and win the Duel
- Win 3 Duels after Summoning both 'Super War-Lion' and 'Magician of Black Chaos'

- Activate 'Switcheroo' Skill 20 times
- Destroy 10 Monsters by battle using 'Sasuke Samurai' (Without using its effect)
- Summon 'Black Ptera' after using its effect
- Activate the effect of 'Black Ptera' after tributing it with 'Share the Pain'
- Destroy 3 'Spinos Token' in battle using 'Jurrac Spinos'

- Activate 'Cocoon of Ultra Evolution' Skill card by tributing your opponents monster
- Win a Duel after Ritual Summoning a 'Fortress Whale' that was added to your hand using the effect of 'The Legendary Fisherman II'
- Gain 2000ATK using the effect of 'Energy Drain' in a single Duel
- Banish 5 cards from your opponent's GY using the effect of 'Sealing Ceremony of Suiton'
- Win 3 Duels by your opponent being unable to draw after activating the effect of “Don Zaloog” (Effect: Send the top 2 cards of their Deck to the Graveyard)


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-25 06:54:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-28 10:30 编辑

2020年5月15日 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium

1盒 暗游戏卡组(31张,技能卡2张)
1盒 帕伽索斯·J·克劳福德卡组(31张,技能卡2张)
2张 UR卡

Gaia The Fierce Knight(暗黑骑士 盖亚)
Black Luster Soldier(混沌战士)
Thousand-Eyes Restrict(千眼纳祭神)

2020年5月15日 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares

1盒 暗貘良卡组(30张,技能卡2张)
1盒 暗马利克卡组(30张,技能卡2张)
2张 UR卡

Dark Necrofear(暗黑人偶 妮可罗菲娅)
Dark Ruler Ha Des(冥界的魔王 哈·迪斯)
Lava Golem(熔岩魔神)

Arriving May 15, Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium & Twisted Nightmares (SRP: $9.99) each contain 2 fully customizable Decks, 4 brand-new Skill Cards, and 2 Ultra Rare variant cards.

Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium is themed after the epic clash between Yugi and Pegasus from the end of Duelist Kingdom, while Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares pits two masters of the Shadow Realm – Bakura and Marik – against each other.

Return to the Shadow Realm with the brand-new Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium & Twisted Nightmares!
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium & Twisted Nightmares each contain 2 fully customizable Decks, 4 brand-new Skill Cards, and 2 Ultra Rare variant cards. Choose your side and relive two of the darkest Duels from the original series!

Yugi and Pegasus face off in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium, themed after their epic clash from the end of Duelist Kingdom! Each Duelist brings a 31-card Deck that can be modified depending on which Skill Card you want to play. Yugi brings support for both Gaia the Fierce Knight and his Ritual Monster, Black Luster Soldier to fight off Pegasus' army of "Toon" monsters and Thousand-Eyes Restrict! With each character having access to 2 brand-new Skill Cards to support their strategies, you decide the outcome!

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares pits two masters of the Shadow Realm against each other. With two 30-card Decks designed to be customized around whichever of their 2 brand-new Skill Cards you want to play, you can relive their sinister Duel from the end of Battle City! Wield the power of Bakura's corrupt Dark Necrofear and Dark Ruler Ha Des against Marik's devious Lava Golem and "Dark Lucius" monsters! Featuring brand-new Skill Cards infused with the power of signature Spell Cards from their legendary Duel, their fate is in your hands!

Speed Dueling is a great way to get a taste of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME while also providing compelling new gameplay options for existing fans. Keep an eye out on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME events page to find out where you can play Speed Dueling events!

Each Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium contains:
1 x 31-Card Yugi Deck
1 x 31-Card Pegasus Deck
4 Skill Cards (2 for Yugi and 2 for Pegasus)
2 Ultra Rare variant cards

Each Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares contains:
1 x 30-Card Bakura Deck
1 x 30-Card Marik Deck
4 Skill Cards (2 for Bakura and 2 for Marik)
2 Ultra Rare variant cards

To use a card in Speed Dueling it must have the Speed Dueling Symbol on the card, other versions of the same card are not legal.
Skill Cards may only be used in Speed Dueling events.

*Name and content subject to change.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-25 07:20:50 | 显示全部楼层
What’s on this Judge Reward Mat for 2020? You’ll have to wait and see…this mat will debut at the 225th YCS in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

From March 2020, registered Konami Judges can get an opportunity to receive this mat by judging at a Tier 3 event (such as a YCS or WCQ).

From Judge Mama
2020 Judge Mat Breakdown!

We have announced 4 different mats this week, and I know many of you want to know what the different mats are for.
I am not certain of KDE-E's plans for mats this year, typically the Travel Assist mats are the same.

Judge Reward Mat 2020
"Mystery Mat!"
Judges can get the Judge Reward mat by judging at a Tier 3 event such as a WCQ or YCS. It is part of the gift we give you for being on staff.
This mat will debut at the 225th in Rio! Latin America rarely gets first crack at a mat, and this is a nice big event and a great opportunity to launch the mat in style.
It will not be a grey mat with a ? on it, you'll see the image later and I think you will like it.
It fills the same role as the 2019 "Summon Sorceress" mat.
**this is the reward mat for KDE-US (North and Latin America). KDE-E usually does their own mat**

Judge Travel Assist Mat 1
"Head Judging"
Judges can get this mat as part of their travel assist for a Tier 3 event, such as a WCQ or YCS. This mat is generally available to judges who submit their properly verified travel costs, in the required format and by the requested deadline.  
It fills the same role as the 2019 "Tenth Anniversary Judge Program Logo" mat.
This mat will be available beginning with the UDS Invitational - Winter 2020.

Judge Travel Assist Mat 2
"Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom"
Judges can get this mat as part of their travel assist for a Tier 3 event, such as a WCQ or YCS. This mat is generally available to judges with a higher travel cost, who submit their properly verified travel costs, in the required format and by the requested deadline.
It fills the same role as the 2019 "Harpie Elegance" mat.
This mat will be available beginning with the UDS Invitational - Winter 2020.

Judge Travel Assist Mat 3
"Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light"
Judges can get this mat as part of their travel assist for a Tier 3 event, such as a WCQ or YCS. This mat is generally available to judges with an even higher travel cost, who submit their properly verified travel costs, in the required format and by the requested deadline.
It fills the same role as the 2019 "Trickstars" mat.
This mat will be available beginning with the UDS Invitational - Winter 2020.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-28 06:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
The Lost Art Promotion 2020

1月/2月(EU):LART-EN013(UR)Super Rejuvenation(超再生能力) ※OCG版插图
2月/3月(EU):LART-EN014(UR)Solemn Judgment(神之宣告) ※OCG版插图


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-30 08:17:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-1-30 08:19 编辑


SDSH-EN001(SR)Qadshaddoll Keios(神圣之影 商神杖使)
SDSH-EN002(SR)Reeshaddoll Wendi(影灵之翼 文蒂)
SDSH-EN003(SR)Naelshaddoll Ariel(影依巫女 艾莉娅儿)
SDSH-EN004 Shaddoll Falco(影依猎鹰)
SDSH-EN005 Shaddoll Hedgehog(影依刺猬)
SDSH-EN006 Shaddoll Squamata(影依蜥蜴)
SDSH-EN007 Shaddoll Dragon(影依龙)
SDSH-EN008 Shaddoll Beast(影依兽)
SDSH-EN009 Shaddoll Hound(影依猎犬)
SDSH-EN010 Shaddoll Zefranaga(救影依-神数纳迦)
SDSH-EN011 Shaddoll Zefracore(绊影依-神数原核)
SDSH-EN012 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning(混沌战士 -开辟的使者-)
SDSH-EN013 Lava Golem(熔岩魔神)
SDSH-EN014 Dark Armed Dragon(暗黑武装龙)
SDSH-EN015 Fairy Tail - Sleeper(妖精传姬-塔利娅)
SDSH-EN016 Performage Trick Clown(娱乐法师 戏法小丑)
SDSH-EN017 Armageddon Knight(终末之骑士)
SDSH-EN018 Felis, Lightsworn Archer(光道弓手 费莉丝)
SDSH-EN019 Electromagnetic Turtle(超电磁龟)
SDSH-EN020 Mathematician(数学家)
SDSH-EN021 Kuribandit(盗贼栗子)
SDSH-EN022 Peropero Cerperus(舔舔三舌犬)
SDSH-EN023 Curse of the Shadow Prison(影牢之咒缚)
SDSH-EN024 El Shaddoll Fusion(与神之假身的接触)
SDSH-EN025 Nephe Shaddoll Fusion(假魂的同化)
SDSH-EN026 Super Polymerization(超融合)
SDSH-EN027 Instant Fusion(简易融合)
SDSH-EN028 Allure of Darkness(暗之诱惑)
SDSH-EN029 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SDSH-EN030 Living Fossil(活化石)
SDSH-EN031 Pot of Avarice(贪欲之壶)
SDSH-EN032 Twin Twisters(双龙卷)
SDSH-EN033(SR)Resh Shaddoll Incarnation(影光的圣选士)
SDSH-EN034 Shaddoll Core(影依的原核)
SDSH-EN035 Sinister Shadow Games(堕影的蠢动)
SDSH-EN036 Purushaddoll Aeon(通向魂源的影劫回归)
SDSH-EN037 Lost Wind(迷途风)
SDSH-EN038 Unending Nightmare(长眠不醒的噩梦)
SDSH-EN039 Necro Fusion(死魂融合)
SDSH-EN040 Subterror Succession(地中族的继承)
SDSH-EN041(UR)El Shaddoll Grysta(神影依·神子晶)
SDSH-EN042 El Shaddoll Wendigo(神影依·文迪戈)
SDSH-EN043 El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis(神影依·异花莉莉丝)
SDSH-EN044 Shaddoll Construct(影依·拿非利)
SDSH-EN045(UR)El Shaddoll Apkallone(神影依·七贤巨鲲魔)
SDSH-EN046(UR)El Shaddoll Construct(神影依·拿非利)
SDSH-EN047(SR)El Shaddoll Winda(神影依·米德拉什)
SDSH-EN048(SR)El Shaddoll Shekhinaga(神影依·舍金纳迦)
SDSH-EN049(SR)Shaddoll Fusion(影依融合)


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-31 14:55:11 | 显示全部楼层
Spielwarenmesse 2020 纽伦堡国际玩具展

[Duration]: 1/31 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 2/16 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PST)
It’s time to duel! The Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Collab arrives in Puzzle & Dragons! Pull from the 10 Magic Stones! Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Egg Machine for a chance to get characters like Yugi Muto & Silent Magician and Joey Wheeler & Red-Eyes B. Dragon. Additionally, all characters from the 10 Magic Stones! Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Egg Machine have received Assist Evolutions! Select characters have also received Ultimate Evolutions! See below for full details.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-4 06:12:05 | 显示全部楼层
The Ultimate Duelist Series program launched in 2015, and during the last five years we’ve watched the best of the best come together and compete for the title of Ultimate Duelist. Eighteen different champions have walked away with amazing title belts and the rich rewards that come with being an Ultimate Duelist.

The 2019-2020 season for the Ultimate Duelist Series will be its last so there are just two more opportunities to be crowned the Ultimate Duelist.

Please join us for the final North America Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational in Tulsa, OK at the Cox Business Center on February 14th-16th, and the final South America Ultimate Duelist Invitational in Bogota, Colombia at Compensar on February 29th and March 1st!

Current (and upcoming) Ultimate Duelists will continue to enjoy the perks that come with your title*, including

    Free entry to Tier 2+ events
    VIP seating at Tier 3 events
    2 round Bye at Tier 3 events (through 2025 WCQs)

*As always, Ultimate Duelists must have won a UDS Invitational and must be in possession of the belt and bring it with them to events in order to receive these perks. You will also need to bring your belt to participate in the special exhibition tournament.

In addition, Ultimate Duelists will be invited to a special exhibition tournament this fall in Southern California to crown the “Undisputed” Ultimate Duelist – watch for more details! You will need your title belt in order to participate.

Duelists with UDS Points –
Point redemption for prize items will continue while supplies last, at select Tier 3 events beginning with the 2020 World Championship Qualifiers.
See individual event FAQs for additional details.

2020年2月14日~2月16日 Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Winter 2020
地点:Tulsa, OK(俄克拉何马州,美国)
2020年2月29日~3月1日 Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational South America
地点:Bogota, Colombia(波哥大,哥伦比亚)


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发表于 2020-2-4 13:08:24 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-2-4 13:50:49 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-4 15:20:14 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-5 01:55:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-2-5 06:15 编辑


2020 World Championship Qualifiers: National Championships 欧洲国家赛

2020 World Championship Qualifiers: State Championships 大洋洲洲赛

Latin American World Championship Qualifiers - Nationals 2020 拉丁美洲国家赛


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-6 09:38:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-2-6 11:55 编辑

Beginning with the Eternity Code booster set release, Sneak Peek events will now be called Premiere! events, a brand-new event series offering Duelists a superior launch experience for all quarterly, core booster releases. This is what you can expect from the Eternity Code Premiere! event:

- Duelists can purchase more packs of the new set than ever before. While Sneak Peeks limited Duelists to just 5 boosters, Premiere! events will include 5 packs with registration and give attendees the option to purchase additional packs, while supplies last.
- The promo card for each Premiere! event will be far more exclusive at a rate of 4 promos per Premiere! kit, which will also include 2 Premiere! Mouse Pads as additional player support.
- The hosting OTS can choose to run their Premiere! event in the format that best serves their community: tournament play, open Dueling or a mix of both. If the OTS chooses to host a tournament, the promo cards and Mouse Pads will be split between prizing and random giveaways to make sure competitive and casual attendees both get a chance.

With highly desirable promo cards, more freedom in event formats and increased opportunities to purchase more of the new release, Premiere! events will raise the bar for pre-release experiences in 2020 and beyond.

Eternity Code Premiere!:2020年4月25日~4月26日

- 除报名时获得5包卡包,参加者可以购买额外卡包,限购数可由店家自行决定
- 每箱Premiere! kit有4张特典卡,2张鼠标垫
- Premiere!赛制可由店家自行决定

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-8 16:28:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-2-10 14:46 编辑


K社邀请了一些人在某酒吧举行的Duel Links3周年庆祝活动,每人拿到的礼物有橡胶制卡垫



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-15 07:48:40 | 显示全部楼层
Structure Deck赛「神影依·拿非利&七贤巨鲲魔&米德拉什」卡垫


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