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楼主: mikesan

[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

发表于 2020-7-11 07:02:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 五十岚太子 于 2020-7-11 07:03 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-11 07:14:33 | 显示全部楼层
The Lost Art Promotion 2020
LART-EN021(UR)Harpie Queen(鹰身女王) ※OCG版插图


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-16 20:55:40 | 显示全部楼层
Official Tournament Stores (OTS) will soon begin to host events where you can obtain an exclusive OTS Game Mat and Deck Box! These cannot be obtained by any other means and are in limited supply, so head to your nearest OTS and take part in their tournaments!

The exact way to obtain these items will vary per store, check with your local OTS to see how they will offer their Game Mats and Deck Boxes to you!


This list will be updated periodically – if you don't see your local store listed, reach out to and encourage them to participate in Remote Duels. As an additional incentive for your store to participate in Remote Duel, we are sending out exclusive Game Mats and Mini Mats to be used by your store for a future in-store event.

In addition to the Game Mats and Mini mats, selected stores will also receive exclusive Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Token Chips to use as prizing for Remote Duel – Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links events. Reach out to your local store and ask about Remote Duel – Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links events for a chance to win these prizes!

Remote Duel 远程决斗Duel Links赛奖品:Duel Links代币


Speed Duel活动

2020年8月~ Trials of the Pharaoh - Match of the Millennium & Twisted Nightmares


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-16 21:04:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-7-16 21:46 编辑

Secret Rares(33/33)
BLAR-EN001 Dark Spell Regeneration(暗黑之魔再生)
BLAR-EN002 Powered Crawler(强化履带车)
BLAR-EN005 Weathering Soldier(风化战士)
BLAR-EN006 Fossil Warrior Skull King‎(古生代化石骑士 骷髅国王)
BLAR-EN007 Fossil Warrior Skull Knight(中生代化石骑士 骷髅骑士)
BLAR-EN008 Fossil Warrior Skull Bone(新生代化石骑士 骷髅兵卒)
BLAR-EN009 Fossil Dragon Skullgios(古生代化石龙 骷髅屠魔龙)
BLAR-EN010 Fossil Dragon Skullgar(新生代化石龙 骷髅岩壁龙)
BLAR-EN011 Fossil Fusion‎(化石融合)
BLAR-EN012 Time Stream(时间流)
BLAR-EN013 Specimen Inspection(标本阅览)
BLAR-EN014 Miracle Rupture(奇迹之穿孔)
BLAR-EN016 Armored White Bear(铠装白熊)
BLAR-EN018 High Rate Draw(高速率抽卡)
BLAR-EN021 Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya(混沌No.1 混沌源数门-空)
BLAR-EN026 Numeron Network(源数网络)
BLAR-EN027 Numeron Calling(源数直系)
BLAR-EN031 Glacial Beast Blizzard Wolf(极冰兽 雪暴狼)
BLAR-EN032 Glacial Beast Polar Penguin(极冰兽 极地企鹅)
BLAR-EN033 Glacial Beast Iceberg Narwhal(极冰兽 冰山一角鲸)
BLAR-EN046 Number F0: Utopic Future Slash(未来No.0 未来皇 霍普-未来斩)
BLAR-EN047 Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel(暗钢龙 暗钢)
BLAR-EN048 Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment(冰狱龙 三叉龙)
BLAR-EN049 Judgment, the Dragon of Heaven(炽天龙 裁决)
BLAR-EN050 Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation(击灭龙 暗黑武装)
BLAR-EN051 Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon(终焉龙 混沌帝)
BLAR-EN069 Number C92: Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon(混沌No.92 伪骸虚龙 心地心混沌龙)
BLAR-EN056 Elemental HERO Escuridao(元素英雄 幽冥女郎)
BLAR-EN073 Madolche Anjelly(魔偶甜点·果冻天使)
BLAR-EN074 Artifact Ignition(古遗物运动机构)
BLAR-EN084 Invocation(召唤魔术)
BLAR-EN085 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon(嵌合巨舰龙)
BLAR-EN088 Danger!? Jackalope?(未界域的鹿角兔)


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-20 00:05:38 | 显示全部楼层
OTS Tournament Pack 13
OP13-PT027 Furtivoroide(隐形机人)
OP13-PT028 Dharc, o Encantador das Trevas(暗灵使 达克)
OP13-PT029 Lyna, a Encantadora da Luz(光灵使 莱娜)
OP13-PT030 Dragão Branco de Olhos Azuis Pernicioso(罪 青眼白龙)
OP13-PT031 Dragão da Poeira Estelar Pernicioso(罪 星尘龙)
OP13-PT032 Dragão Final Cibernético Pernicioso(罪 电子终结龙)
OP13-PT033 Mecanismo do Paralelo Pernicioso(罪 平行齿轮)
OP13-PT034 Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi"(机巧小町 二二四)
OP13-PT035 Nação Ojama(扰乱之乡)
OP13-PT036 Mundo Pernicioso(罪 世界)


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发表于 2020-7-20 11:27:18 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-21 00:08:21 | 显示全部楼层
2020年8月28日 2020 Tin of Lost Memories(TN20)

3包 Mega Pack(每包18张卡,1SER、2UR、2SR、1R、12N)
- Mega Pack收录2019年发售的卡包(SAST、DANE、RIRA、CHIM)的人气复刻卡、新卡「Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon(超魔导龙骑士-真红眼龙骑士)」以及3张TCG先行卡。

2020年9月25日 Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra(LED7)

UR 9种
SR 8种
R  10种
N  30种


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-22 07:46:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-7-22 14:20 编辑

Celebrate Comic-Con@Home with KONAMI and the Yu-Gi-Oh TRADING CARD GAME!

We’re proud to stand with SDCC in safely bringing convention fun to everyone in the comfort of their homes! Visit https://www.comic-con.org/, stop by our digital booth to browse through upcoming products, and then head on over to http://www.coretcg.com/konami to purchase the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Limited Edition Toon Black Luster Soldier Game Mat!!
On sale starting Wednesday, July 22nd at 9am PST.

Celebrate the first-ever Comic-Con@Home with the Limited Edition Toon Black Luster Soldier Game Mat! Initially released in the smash Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG hit Toon Chaos, Toon Black Luster Soldier headlines the booster set as the ultimate titan of toonacity! This full-sized, rubber Game Mat is the same size as Game Mats used as prizing in various KONAMI-sanctioned events, so it is perfect to Duel your way to the top. Made with high-quality materials, your Dueling experience will be as smooth as possible!

This Game Mat will exclusively be available in limited supply during the 2020 San Diego Comic-Con@Home, so make sure to get yours while you still can!

*Limit 3 per customer

San Diego Comic Con 2020 美国圣地亚哥动漫展 限定卡垫

因为疫情今年在线上举行,听说价格是$30美元,每人限购3张,北京时间 2020年7月23日 12:00 AM 开始发售

SDCC 「卡通混沌战士」卡垫


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发表于 2020-7-22 13:42:52 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2020-7-21 00:08

https://www.yugioh-card.com/uk/products/de ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-22 14:45:08 | 显示全部楼层

TCG的Prismatic Secret Rare是OCG的正碎Secret Rare,像去年的铁盒、15年的O独卡包World Superstars

TCG的Starlight Rare才是OCG的Prismatic Secret Rare


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-23 03:18:06 | 显示全部楼层
The Lost Art Promotion 2020

LART-EN026(UR)Harpie Conductor(鹰身引导者) ※OCG版插图


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-24 20:06:15 | 显示全部楼层
ROTD-EN001( ? )Gaia the Magical Knight(魔道骑士 盖亚)


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-25 20:05:23 | 显示全部楼层
ROTD-EN003(UR)Artillery Catapult Turtle(炮击的弹射龟)


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发表于 2020-7-25 22:57:43 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2020-7-22 14:45
TCG的Prismatic Secret Rare是OCG的正碎Secret Rare,像去年的铁盒、15年的O独卡包World Superstars

TCG ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-26 03:32:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-7-28 01:09 编辑


2020年8月~10月 Speed Duel Trials of the Pharaoh - Match of the Millennium & Twisted Nightmares(EU

Tier 1奖品(8名):收纳盒
Tier 2奖品(4名):OPTP-EN002(UR)Jinzo(人造人-念力震慑者)
Tier 3奖品(2名):T恤

- Use 'Spiral Spear Strike' while you control 'Gaia the Dragon Champion'
- Destroy a Toon Monster by destroying 'Toon World' with 'Spell Shattering Arrow'
- after using the effect of 'Backup Squad' Summon a 'Gaia' Monster next turn
- Banish a total of 30 Cards using 'Soul Release'
- Negate 'Toon World' with 'Magic Jammer'
- Use 'Spellbinding Circle' on 'Manga Ryu-Ran'
- Win a Duel while you control 3 Normal Monsters
- Destroy “Illusionist Faceless Mage” or “Illusionist Faceless Magician” in battle using “Dark Magician” 2 times

- Win a Duel during the turn you activated 'Toon Rollback'
- Summon 'Thousand-Eyes Restrict'
- Use the effect of 'Illusionist Faceless Magician'
- Use 'Security Orb' 3 times in a single Duel (Using either effect is counted)
- Summon 'Relinquished' using a 'Djinn' Monster as the tribute for the Ritual Summon
- Use 'Toon Mask' to Summon 'Toon Dark Magician' after targeting your opponents 'Dark Magician'
- Win a duel while you control 3 'Toon' Monsters
- Activate 'Seven Tools of the Bandit' 7 times

- Inflict 10000 total damage with the effect of 'Lava Golem'
- Win a Duel only using effect damage
- Summon 'Dark Lucius LV8'
- Destroy 'Lesser Fiend' with 'Legendary Fiend'
- Negate a total of 25 Monsters effects using 'Dark Lucius' Monsters
- Destroy a total of 3 Monsters using the effect of 'Viser Des'
- Return 3 set cards to your opponent's hand using the effect of 'Byser Shock'(A single activation) and win during that turn
- destroy a total of 5 Monsters by battle using 'Dark Jeroid' where the original ATK of each monster is greater than 'Dark Jeroid's' ATK

- Tribute Summon 'Dark Ruler Ha Des' by tributing a Monster you control that is owned by your opponent
- Win a Duel whilst controlling only Monsters which are owned by your opponent
- Draw 2 cards using the effect of 'Dark Mimic LV3'
- Attack directly with 'Prometheus, King of the Shadows' and inflict 4000 damage
- Win the Duel while you control 'Dark Necrofear' as an equip spell card
- Special summon 2 'Dark Mimic' Monsters using the effect of 'Puppet Master'
- Draw 20 cards using 'Common Charity' or 'Into the Darkness below'
- Use 'Forceful Checkpoint' to discard 'Lava Golem' while you control 2 or more monsters


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-26 20:05:22 | 显示全部楼层
ROTD-EN005(UR)Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous(教导的圣女 艾克莉西娅)


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-27 20:00:38 | 显示全部楼层

ROTD-EN100 D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)

Secret Rares(8/10)
ROTD-EN008 Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted(教导的骑士 弗勒德莉丝)
ROTD-EN011 Fallen of Albaz(阿不思的落胤)
ROTD-EN038 Titaniklad the Ash Dragon(灰烬龙 落胤龙)
ROTD-EN043 Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon(混沌魔龙 混沌支配者)
ROTD-EN061 Adamancipator Friends(魔救之奇缘)
ROTD-EN062 Triple Tactics Talent(三战之才)
ROTD-EN065 Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)
ROTD-EN083 Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(超天新龙 异色眼革命龙)

Ultra Rares(14/14)
ROTD-EN003 Artillery Catapult Turtle(炮击的弹射龟)
ROTD-EN005 Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous(教导的圣女 艾克莉西娅)
ROTD-EN030 Koa'ki Meiru Supplier(核成供给者)
ROTD-EN032 Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon(机巧辰-高暗御津羽靇)
ROTD-EN033 Lifeless Leaffish(摇海鱼 枯叶海龙)
ROTD-EN042 Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles(焰圣骑士帝-查理)
ROTD-EN044 Melffy of the Forest(森之童话动物家族)
ROTD-EN046 Rikka Queen Strenna(六花圣 力量女神花圈)
ROTD-EN053 "Infernoble Arms - Durendal"(『焰圣剑-杜兰达尔』)
ROTD-EN076 Shaddoll Schism(影依的伪典)
ROTD-EN079 Ice Dragon's Prison(天龙雪狱)
ROTD-EN086 Wynn the Wind Channeler(风灵媒师 薇茵)
ROTD-EN087 Seleglare the Luminous Lunar Dragon(眩月龙 塞勒格莱尔)
ROTD-EN090 Speedroid CarTurbo(疾行机人 涡轮歌牌)

ROTD-EN000 Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin(暗黑骑士 盖亚本源)
ROTD-EN001 Gaia the Magical Knight(魔道骑士 盖亚)
ROTD-EN002 Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon(被诅咒的龙-诅咒之龙)
ROTD-EN003 Artillery Catapult Turtle(炮击的弹射龟)
ROTD-EN004 Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight(暗黑骑士 盖亚战士)
ROTD-EN005 Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous(教导的圣女 艾克莉西娅)
ROTD-EN006 Dogmatika Theo, the Iron Punch(教导的铁锤 特奥)
ROTD-EN007 Dogmatika Adin, the Enlightened(教导的天启 阿东)
ROTD-EN008 Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted(教导的骑士 弗勒德莉丝)
ROTD-EN009 Dogmatika Maximus(教导的大神祇官)
ROTD-EN010 Dogmatika Nexus(教导枢机 神龙四教导)
ROTD-EN011 Fallen of Albaz(阿不思的落胤)
ROTD-EN012 Infernoble Knight Astolfo(焰圣骑士-阿斯托尔福)
ROTD-EN013 Infernoble Knight Ogier(焰圣骑士-奥吉尔)
ROTD-EN014 Infernoble Knight Oliver(焰圣骑士-奥利佛)
ROTD-EN015 Infernoble Knight Maugis(焰圣骑士-莫吉斯)
ROTD-EN016 Melffy Rabby(童话动物·小兔子)
ROTD-EN017 Melffy Fenny(童话动物·小阔耳狐)
ROTD-EN018 Melffy Catty(童话动物·小猫)
ROTD-EN019 Melffy Puppy(童话动物·小狗)
ROTD-EN020 Melffy Pony(童话动物·小马)
ROTD-EN021 Fluffal Dolphin(毛绒动物·海豚)
ROTD-EN022 Edge Imp Scythe(锋利小鬼·大镰刀)
ROTD-EN023 Capricious Darklord(享乐之堕天使)
ROTD-EN024 Indulged Darklord(悦乐之堕天使)
ROTD-EN025 Darklord Nergal(堕天使 内尔伽勒)
ROTD-EN026 Machina Resavenger(机甲破坏预备兵)
ROTD-EN027 Unauthorized Bootup Device(奇动装置 无许可因子)
ROTD-EN028 Mathmech Diameter(斩机 径武)
ROTD-EN029 Nemeses Keystone(星义关键兽)
ROTD-EN030 Koa'ki Meiru Supplier(核成供给者)
ROTD-EN031 Thunder Hand(雷电手)
ROTD-EN032 Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon(机巧辰-高暗御津羽靇)
ROTD-EN033 Lifeless Leaffish(摇海鱼 枯叶海龙)
ROTD-EN034 Red Potan(红面波波)
ROTD-EN035 Dracoon Lamp(龙狸灯)
ROTD-EN036 Megalith Phul(巨石遗物·富尔)
ROTD-EN037 Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons(龙魔道骑士 盖亚)
ROTD-EN038 Titaniklad the Ash Dragon(灰烬龙 落胤龙)
ROTD-EN039 Frightfur Cruel Whale(魔玩具·残虐虎鲸)
ROTD-EN040 The First Darklord(黎明之堕天使 路西法)
ROTD-EN041 Infernoble Knight Captain Roland(焰圣骑士导-罗兰)
ROTD-EN042 Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles(焰圣骑士帝-查理)
ROTD-EN043 Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon(混沌魔龙 混沌支配者)
ROTD-EN044 Melffy of the Forest(森之童话动物家族)
ROTD-EN045 Melffy Mommy(童话动物·魔魅妈咪)
ROTD-EN046 Rikka Queen Strenna(六花圣 力量女神花圈)
ROTD-EN047 Drill Driver Vespenato(旋坏之贯破黄蜂巢)
ROTD-EN048 Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords(战华盟将-双龙)
ROTD-EN049 Galloping Gaia(走破的盖亚)
ROTD-EN050 Spiral Fusion(螺旋融合)
ROTD-EN051 Dogmatika Nation(教导国家 教导龙国)
ROTD-EN052 Nadir Servant(天底的使徒)
ROTD-EN053 "Infernoble Arms - Durendal"(『焰圣剑-杜兰达尔』)
ROTD-EN054 "Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"(『焰圣剑-奥特克莱尔』)
ROTD-EN055 "Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse"(『焰圣剑-咎瓦尤斯』)
ROTD-EN056 Melffy Tag(童话动物的追逐游戏)
ROTD-EN057 Melffy Hide-and-Seek(童话动物的捉迷藏)
ROTD-EN058 Frightfur Repair(魔玩具修复)
ROTD-EN059 Magellanica, the Deep Sea City(深海之都 墨瓦腊泥加)
ROTD-EN060 Ancient Warriors Saga - East-by-South Winds(战华史略-东南之风)
ROTD-EN061 Adamancipator Friends(魔救之奇缘)
ROTD-EN062 Triple Tactics Talent(三战之才)
ROTD-EN063 Blizzard(雪暴)
ROTD-EN064 Fury of Kairyu-Shin(海龙神的激昂)
ROTD-EN065 Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)
ROTD-EN066 Heavenly Dragon Circle(天幻之龙轮)
ROTD-EN067 Diced Dice(从骰挑战)
ROTD-EN068 Spiral Discharge(螺旋炮击)
ROTD-EN069 Spiral Reborn(螺旋苏生)
ROTD-EN070 Dogmatika Punishment(教导的惩罚)
ROTD-EN071 Dogmatika Encounter(教导的遭遇)
ROTD-EN072 Horn of Olifant(象牙角笛)
ROTD-EN073 Melffy Playhouse(童话动物时间)
ROTD-EN074 Frightfur Jar(魔玩具厄瓶)
ROTD-EN075 Darklord Uprising(叛逆的堕天使)
ROTD-EN076 Shaddoll Schism(影依的伪典)
ROTD-EN077 Dragonmaid Tidying(半龙女仆的整理)
ROTD-EN078 Redeemable Jar(可回收瓶)
ROTD-EN079 Ice Dragon's Prison(天龙雪狱)
ROTD-EN080 Junk Sleep(垃圾睡眠)
ROTD-EN081 Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star(魔界剧团-闪烁小明星)
ROTD-EN082 Performapal Card Gardna(娱乐伙伴 纸牌守卫者)
ROTD-EN083 Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(超天新龙 异色眼革命龙)
ROTD-EN084 D/D Ark(DD 方舟)
ROTD-EN085 D/D Evil(DD 邪恶)
ROTD-EN086 Wynn the Wind Channeler(风灵媒师 薇茵)
ROTD-EN087 Seleglare the Luminous Lunar Dragon(眩月龙 塞勒格莱尔)
ROTD-EN088 Ret-time Reviver Emit-ter(活回忆之羽衣精)
ROTD-EN089 Speedroid Block-n-Roll(疾行机人 摇滚积木)
ROTD-EN090 Speedroid CarTurbo(疾行机人 涡轮歌牌)
ROTD-EN091 D/D Dog(DD 猛犬)
ROTD-EN092 Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw(娱乐伙伴 异色眼钢爪狼)
ROTD-EN093 Rampaging Smashtank Rhynosaber(蓦进装甲 剑角犀牛)
ROTD-EN094 Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon(急袭猛禽-武库猎鹰)
ROTD-EN095 Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon - Air Raid(急袭猛禽-革命猎鹰-大空袭)
ROTD-EN096 Linkerbell(叮当铃连接星)
ROTD-EN097 Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow(超重武者 案山子-C)
ROTD-EN098 Yaminabe Party(暗味锅派对)
ROTD-EN099 Revenge Rally(卷怒重来)
ROTD-EN100 D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)

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发表于 2020-7-27 23:41:30 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2020-7-27 20:00

PSER? ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-27 23:45:42 | 显示全部楼层

The Lost Art Promotion 2020

LART-EN020(UR)The Legendary Fisherman(传说的渔人) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN028(UR)Alluring Mirror Split(魅惑的两镜相照) ※OCG版插图

LART-EN019(UR)Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女) ※YAP1版插图
LART-EN022(UR)Harpie Channeler(鹰身通灵师) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN025(UR)Frightfur Leo(魔玩具·轮锯狮) ※OCG版插图

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-28 00:30:29 | 显示全部楼层
冰夜星辰 发表于 2020-7-27 23:41
其实这个scr位是怎么得出来的,数据库里这种银色名字的有十几个,但是这盒子又没有银字,总不能都是scr吧 ...





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使用道具 举报

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