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楼主: mikesan

[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

发表于 2022-9-1 14:45:20 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2022-9-1 08:01
MP22-EN273(UR)The Revived Sky God(苏生的天空之神) 通常陷阱
The activation of this card, or its effec ...



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-1 23:59:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-9-2 14:00 编辑

MP22-EN274(UR)The Breaking Ruin God(大地之破坏神) 速攻魔法
The activation of this card, or its effects, cannot be negated, nor can its effects be negated. Special Summon 1 "Obelisk the Tormentor" from your hand or GY, and if you do, it is unaffected by your opponent's card effects this turn. If you Tribute 2 or more monsters you control at the same time to activate your card or effect, while you control "Obelisk the Tormentor": You can banish this card from your GY; banish all monsters in your opponent's GY, and if you do, inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each. You can only use each effect of "The Breaking Ruin God" once per turn.
这张卡的发动,效果的发动和效果不会被无效化。从自己的手卡·墓地选1只“Obelisk the Tormentor(欧贝利斯克之巨神兵)”特殊召唤,这个效果特殊召唤的怪兽在这个回合不受对方的效果影响。自己场上有“Obelisk the Tormentor(欧贝利斯克之巨神兵)”存在,自己为让卡的效果发动而把2只以上的怪兽同时解放的场合:可以把墓地的这张卡除外;对方墓地的怪兽全部除外,给与对方这个效果除外的怪兽数量×500伤害。“The Breaking Ruin God”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

MP22-EN275(UR)The True Sun God(真之太阳神) 永续魔法
When this card is activated: Add 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra" or 1 card that mentions it from your Deck to your hand, except "The True Sun God". Monsters, except "The Winged Dragon of Ra", cannot attack the turn they are Special Summoned. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can send this card from the field, or 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix" from your Deck, to the GY, then send 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra" from your Monster Zone to the GY. You can only activate 1 "The True Sun God" per turn.
作为这张卡的发动时的效果处理:除“The True Sun God”外的1只“The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙)”或者1张有那个卡名记述的卡从卡组加入手卡。“The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙)”以外的怪兽在特殊召唤的回合不能攻击。1回合1次,自己主要阶段:可以把场上的这张卡或者卡组的1只“The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix(太阳神之翼神龙-不死鸟)”送去墓地,那之后,把自己的怪兽区域的1只“The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙)”送去墓地。“The True Sun God”在1回合只能发动1张。


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-2 00:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-9-13 14:15 编辑


MP22-EN002 Armed Dragon Thunder LV7(武装龙·雷电 LV7)
MP22-EN006 Tri-Brigade Kitt(铁兽战线 姬特)
MP22-EN028 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World(闭锁世界的冥神)
MP22-EN037 Pot of Prosperity(金满而谦虚之壶)
MP22-EN050 Greater Polymerization(大融合)
MP22-EN056 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)
MP22-EN059 ZS - Ascended Sage(异热同心从者-升华贤者)
MP22-EN060 Roxrose Dragon(十六夜蔷薇龙)
MP22-EN076 Albion the Branded Dragon(烙印龙 白界龙)
MP22-EN077 Ruddy Rose Dragon(红莲蔷薇龙)
MP22-EN084 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir(龙辉巧-扶筐增二μβ')
MP22-EN123 Aluber the Jester of Despia(死狱乡的导化 阿尔贝)
MP22-EN124 Dramaturge of Despia(死狱乡的大导剧神)
MP22-EN141 Despian Quaeritis(死狱乡演员·圣墓访问者)
MP22-EN155 Branded Opening(烙印开幕)
MP22-EN163 Ready Fusion(简素融合)
MP22-EN188 Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous(白之圣女 艾克莉西娅)
MP22-EN205 Lord of the Heavenly Prison(天狱之王)
MP22-EN209 Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer(命运英雄 毁灭凤凰人)
MP22-EN216 Evil★Twin's Trouble Sunny(邪恶★双子克星 麻烦·桑妮)
MP22-EN220 Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map(随风旅鸟与谜之地图)
MP22-EN225 Small World(小世界现象)
MP22-EN253 Lightning Storm(闪电风暴)
MP22-EN254 Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)
MP22-EN255 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)
MP22-EN257 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流丽)
MP22-EN258 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion(屋敷童)
MP22-EN264 Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon(超魔导龙骑士-真红眼龙骑士)
MP22-EN265 Crossout Designator(抹杀之指名者)
MP22-EN266 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
MP22-EN267 Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
MP22-EN268 Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女)
MP22-EN269 Duel Tower(决斗塔 阿尔卡特拉斯)
MP22-EN270 Rainbow Bridge of Salvation(拯救的桥梁)
MP22-EN271 Link into the VRAINS!(进入境智网!)

MP22-EN001 Armed Dragon Thunder LV10(武装龙·雷电 LV10)
MP22-EN014 Machina Unclaspare(机甲未分类备用兵)
MP22-EN016 Heavenly Zephyr - Miradora(风之天翼 米拉多羽蛇)
MP22-EN039 Dogmatika Genesis(教导的创成)
MP22-EN049 Breath of Acclamation(褒誉之息吹)
MP22-EN051 Reinforcement of the Army's Troops(增援部队)
MP22-EN054 War Rock Skyler(战吼斗士·丝姬拉)
MP22-EN067 Scrap Raptor(废铁盗龙)
MP22-EN068 Dark Honest(暗黑欧尼斯特)
MP22-EN070 Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx(王家的守护者 斯芬克斯)
MP22-EN072 Dark Eye Nightmare(暗眼梦魇骑士)
MP22-EN074 Otoshidamashi(落魂)
MP22-EN085 Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager(铁兽战线 块击之贝尔布鲁厄姆)
MP22-EN086 Dark Infant @Ignister(暗幼童@火灵天星)
MP22-EN089 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous(照耀之光灵使 莱娜)
MP22-EN091 Zexal Construction(异热同心构筑)
MP22-EN095 A.I. Meet You(不期而遇-妨“艾”-)
MP22-EN112 D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell(DDD 超视王 零·麦克斯韦)
MP22-EN119 Stardust Synchron(星尘同调士)
MP22-EN120 Stardust Trail(星尘尾迹)
MP22-EN145 Allvain the Essence of Vanity(无之毕竟)
MP22-EN147 Gaiarmor Dragonshell(甲缠龙 地铠古龙)
MP22-EN151 Dragonlark Pairen(告天子龙 百灵)
MP22-EN156 Branded Bond(烙印的牵绊)
MP22-EN164 Synchro Overtake(同调超车)
MP22-EN172 Baby Mudragon(泥龙王宝宝)
MP22-EN186 Heritage of the Light(光之继承)
MP22-EN197 Floowandereeze & Toccan(随风旅鸟×巨嘴鸟)
MP22-EN204 Mimicking Man-Eater Bug(拟态的食人虫)
MP22-EN233 D.D. Assault Carrier(异次元突击舰)
MP22-EN234 Abyss Keeper(深渊怪鱼卫士)
MP22-EN235 Apex Predation(绝对的捕食)
MP22-EN245 Rebuildeer(重建鹿)
MP22-EN246 Threshold Borg(阈电压电子人)
MP22-EN248 Danger! Disturbance! Disorder!(激动的未界域)
MP22-EN250 Contract with the Abyss(与奈落的契约)
MP22-EN251 Earth Chant(大地赞颂)
MP22-EN252 Sprite's Blessing(精灵的祝福)
MP22-EN261 Nibiru, the Primal Being(原始生命态 尼比鲁)
MP22-EN262 Dark Ruler No More(冥王结界波)
MP22-EN263 Dimension Shifter(次元吸引者)
MP22-EN272 Soul Energy MAX!!!(灵魂能量最大级!!)
MP22-EN273 The Revived Sky God
MP22-EN274 The Breaking Ruin God
MP22-EN275 The True Sun God

MP22-EN015 Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat(直播☆双子 璃拉·糖果)
MP22-EN018 Radiant Vouirescence(契珖之荧光亚龙)
MP22-EN042 Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu(电脑堺门-玄武)
MP22-EN057 ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber(异热同心武器-天马双翼剑)
MP22-EN058 ZS - Armed Sage(异热同心从者-武装贤者)
MP22-EN062 Danmari @Ignister(默默妖@火灵天星)
MP22-EN063 Traptrix Vesiculo(吉娜之虫惑魔)
MP22-EN064 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒·霜精)
MP22-EN075 White Knight of Dogmatika(凶导的白骑士)
MP22-EN087 Traptrix Cularia(库拉莉亚之虫惑魔)
MP22-EN088 Paleozoic Cambroraster(伯吉斯异兽·寒武耙虾)
MP22-EN099 Book of Lunar Eclipse(月全食之书)
MP22-EN103 Screams of the Branded(烙印凶鸣)
MP22-EN113 Binary Blader(二进制剑士)
MP22-EN114 Sunavalon Daphne(圣天树之月桂精)
MP22-EN116 Sunvine Cross Breed(圣蔓的交配)
MP22-EN127 Gunkan Suship Shari(舍利军贯)
MP22-EN137 Slower Swallow(投送燕)
MP22-EN162 High Ritual Art(高尚仪式术)
MP22-EN171 Beast King Unleashed(兽王无尘)
MP22-EN185 Gouki Finishing Move(刚鬼终结技)
MP22-EN191 Icejade Tremora(冰水之透闪石精)
MP22-EN196 Floowandereeze & Stri(随风旅鸟×鸵鸟)
MP22-EN198 Floowandereeze & Empen(随风旅鸟×帝企)
MP22-EN203 Machina Ruinforce(机甲部队·毁灭武装力量)
MP22-EN208 Masquerade the Blazing Dragon(赫灼龙 伪装龙)
MP22-EN226 Magical Cylinders(上膛圆筒弹巢)
MP22-EN256 Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries(浮幽樱)
MP22-EN259 Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood(儚无水木)
MP22-EN260 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)

MP22-EN005 Armed Dragon LV10 White(武装龙 LV10-白)
MP22-EN013 Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens(光天之摩诃毗卢)
MP22-EN019 Amanokujaki(天孔邪鬼)
MP22-EN023 Windwitch - Diamond Bell(风魔女-钻石钟)
MP22-EN027 Heavymetalfoes Amalgam(刚炼装勇士·汞齐混融者)
MP22-EN029 Armed Dragon Flash(武装龙的霹雳)
MP22-EN035 Parametalfoes Fusion(混炼装融合)
MP22-EN036 Archfiend's Staff of Despair(恶魔之杖)
MP22-EN053 Synchro Transmission(同调传送)
MP22-EN055 Virtual World Oto-Hime - Toutou(电脑堺嫦-兔兔)
MP22-EN061 Ruddy Rose Witch(红莲蔷薇之魔女)
MP22-EN066 Judge of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的净玻璃)
MP22-EN069 Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance(光之天穿 巴哈路蒂亚)
MP22-EN078 Garden Rose Flora(花园蔷薇花神)
MP22-EN079 Lavalval Exlord(熔岩谷爆烈王)
MP22-EN081 Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray(龙装合体 龙王霍普雷)
MP22-EN082 ZW - Dragonic Halberd(异热同心武器-重型兵装龙王戟)
MP22-EN083 Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe(结晶之魔女 桑德里永)
MP22-EN090 Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force(升阶魔法-异热同心之力)
MP22-EN098 Birth of the Prominence Flame(炎雄爆诞)
MP22-EN105 Proof of Pruflas(恶魔证明之普鲁夫拉斯)
MP22-EN106 Thron the Disciplined Angel(圣座天嗣 坐天使)
MP22-EN107 Pendransaction(事务处理蜈蚣鲸)
MP22-EN117 Beetrooper Scout Buggy(骑甲虫 侦察虫车兵)
MP22-EN126 Clavkiys, the Magikey Skyblaster(魔键铳士-克莱维斯)
MP22-EN135 Glacier Aqua Madoor(冰河之水魔道士)
MP22-EN149 Chronomaly Vimana(先史遗产 维摩那)
MP22-EN150 Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider(黑熔龙骑 沃尔尼吉斯)
MP22-EN152 Stardust Illumination(星尘照射)
MP22-EN154 Despia, Theater of the Branded(烙印剧城 绝望死狱乡)
MP22-EN158 Magikey World(魔键施解)
MP22-EN160 Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend(机巧传-神使记纪图)
MP22-EN165 Pendulum Treasure(灵摆宝藏)
MP22-EN166 Majestic Mirage(救世幻象)
MP22-EN170 Monster Assortment(怪兽集锦)
MP22-EN193 Floowandereeze & Snowl(随风旅鸟×雪猫头鹰)
MP22-EN194 Floowandereeze & Robina(随风旅鸟×知更鸟)
MP22-EN195 Floowandereeze & Eglen(随风旅鸟×白头鹰)
MP22-EN210 Ultimate Flagship Ursatron(天极辉舰-熊斗龙巧)
MP22-EN211 Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine(魔键变鬼-特兰斯佛尔米雷)
MP22-EN213 Magikey Spirit - Vepartu(魔键凭灵-威沛图)
MP22-EN219 Branded in Red(赫之烙印)
MP22-EN221 Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds(随风旅鸟与未知之风)
MP22-EN230 Stained Glass of Light & Dark(圣邪之彩色玻璃花窗)
MP22-EN231 Laundry Trap(洗衣龙女困境)

MP22-EN003 Armed Dragon Thunder LV5(武装龙·雷电 LV5)
MP22-EN004 Armed Dragon Thunder LV3(武装龙·雷电 LV3)
MP22-EN007 Windwitch - Blizzard Bell(风魔女-雪暴铃)
MP22-EN008 Windwitch - Freeze Bell(风魔女-冻铃)
MP22-EN009 Fabled Marcosia(魔轰神 马可西亚)
MP22-EN010 The Fabled Abanc(魔轰神兽 阿凡克)
MP22-EN011 Metalfoes Vanisher(炼装勇士·消灭)
MP22-EN012 Constellar Caduceus(星圣商神杖使)
MP22-EN017 Fairy Archer Ingunar(妖精弓士 因古纳尔)
MP22-EN020 Guitar Gurnards Duonigis(黄纺鮄 黄鲂二重奏)
MP22-EN021 Wightbaking(白骨烤王)
MP22-EN022 Parametalfoes Azortless(混炼装勇士·阿佐特要塞姬)
MP22-EN024 Fabled Andwraith(魔轰神 安德剌斯)
MP22-EN025 Dragunity Knight - Gormfaobhar(龙骑兵团骑士-碧枪龙骑士)
MP22-EN026 Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton(神树兽 许珀利冬)
MP22-EN030 Armed Dragon Blitz(武装龙的袭雷)
MP22-EN031 Armed Dragon Lightning(武装龙的震霆)
MP22-EN032 Tri-Brigade Rendezvous(铁兽的邂逅)
MP22-EN033 Windwitch Chimes(风魔女的铃音)
MP22-EN034 Stairway to a Fabled Realm(魔轰神界之阶)
MP22-EN038 Armed Dragon Thunderbolt(武装龙的万雷)
MP22-EN040 Icy Breeze Refrain(冰风之副歌)
MP22-EN041 Fabled Treason(弑逆的魔轰神)
MP22-EN043 E.M.R.(电磁轨道炮)
MP22-EN044 Angel Statue - Azurune(碑像天使-亚兹卢恩死月弓碑)
MP22-EN045 Materiactor Gigadra(物质炉巨龙)
MP22-EN046 Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon(三相魔神 科迪乌斯)
MP22-EN047 Materiactor Gigaboros(物质炉衔尾巨蛇)
MP22-EN048 Steel Star Regulator(肃星之钢机)
MP22-EN052 Psychic Eraser Laser(念力抹除光)
MP22-EN065 Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide(海造贼-黑翼水先人)
MP22-EN071 Anchamoufrite(迷彩光书签)
MP22-EN073 Yamorimori(壁虎蝾螈)
MP22-EN080 Star Mine(速射连发烟花)
MP22-EN092 Zexal Entrust(异热同心信托)
MP22-EN093 Branded in White(白之烙印)
MP22-EN094 Basal Rose Shoot(馨香蔷薇的发芽)
MP22-EN096 You and A.I.(友情-真“艾”-)
MP22-EN097 Bujincandescence(武神篱)
MP22-EN100 One-Kuri-Way(一键式通路)
MP22-EN101 Hidden Springs of the Far East(极东秘泉乡)
MP22-EN102 Zexal Alliance(异热同心联盟)
MP22-EN104 Judgment of the Branded(烙印的裁决)
MP22-EN108 Expendable Dai(粗人对刺)
MP22-EN109 Terrors of the Underroot(常世离)
MP22-EN110 Eda the Sun Magician(太阳之魔术师 埃达)
MP22-EN111 Staysailor Romarin(支索帆水手·航海迷迭香)
MP22-EN115 Sunavalon Melias(圣天树之灰树精)
MP22-EN118 Converging Wills Dragon(集心龙)
MP22-EN121 Despian Comedy(喜剧之死狱乡演员)
MP22-EN122 Despian Tragedy(悲剧之死狱乡演员)
MP22-EN125 Albion the Shrouded Dragon(黑衣龙 白界龙)
MP22-EN128 Gunkan Suship Ikura(鲑鱼子军贯)
MP22-EN129 Chronomaly Magella Globe(先史遗产 墨瓦腊地球仪)
MP22-EN130 Gizmek Inaba, the Hopping Hare of Hakuto(机巧菟-稻羽之淤岐素)
MP22-EN131 Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler(机巧鸟-常世宇受卖长鸣)
MP22-EN132 Gizmek Taniguku, the Immobile Intellect(机巧蛙-磐盾多迩具久)
MP22-EN133 Gizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer Hog(机巧猪-伊服岐雹荒神)
MP22-EN134 Carpiponica, Mystical Beast of the Forest(森之圣兽 熊四手兽)
MP22-EN136 Master's Diploman(修士号 文凭人)
MP22-EN138 Aeropixthree(健美操妖精Ξ)
MP22-EN139 Magikey Mechmusket - Batosbuster(魔键铳-巴托斯巴斯特)
MP22-EN140 Magikey Mechmortar - Garesglasser(魔键炮-加雷斯维特)
MP22-EN142 Despian Proskenion(死狱乡演员·镜框舞台龙)
MP22-EN143 Magikey Beast - Ansyalabolas(魔键召兽-安希亚拉波斯)
MP22-EN144 Magikey Dragon - Andrabime(魔键召龙-安托比姆斯)
MP22-EN146 Stellar Wind Wolfrayet(星风狼 沃尔夫拉叶狼)
MP22-EN148 Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought(无畏军贯-鲑鱼子级一号舰)
MP22-EN153 Majestic Absorption(救世吸收)
MP22-EN157 Magikey Maftea(魔键-马夫提亚)
MP22-EN159 Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot(军贯处『海战』)
MP22-EN161 Live☆Twin Sunny's Snitch(直播☆双子麻烦桑)
MP22-EN167 Magikey Duo(联结之魔键)
MP22-EN168 Magikey Unlocking(魔键锭-解-)
MP22-EN169 Gunkan Suship Daily Special(随兴捏军贯)
MP22-EN173 Pazuzule(拼图帕祖祖)
MP22-EN174 Beetrooper Scale Bomber(骑甲虫 鳞粉炸弹兵)
MP22-EN175 Beetrooper Sting Lancer(骑甲虫 刺螫长枪兵)
MP22-EN176 Beetrooper Armor Horn(骑甲虫 武装犄角兵)
MP22-EN177 Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas(大骑甲虫 无敌擎天独角仙)
MP22-EN178 Beetrooper Formation(骑甲虫队战术机动)
MP22-EN179 Beetrooper Fly & Sting(骑甲虫空杀舞队)
MP22-EN180 Link Apple(连接苹果)
MP22-EN181 Flying Red Carp(飞鲤)
MP22-EN182 Dinowrestler Iguanodraka(恐龙摔跤手·俄式拳角禽龙)
MP22-EN183 Shinobi Insect Hagakuremino(虫忍 叶隐蓑)
MP22-EN184 Trickstar Festival(淘气仙星音乐节)
MP22-EN187 Rokket Caliber(弹丸口径龙)
MP22-EN189 Icejade Acti(冰水之阳起石精)
MP22-EN190 Icejade Tinola(冰水之阳起石灵)
MP22-EN192 Ad Libitum of Despia(死狱乡的凶剧)
MP22-EN199 Destiny HERO - Denier(命运英雄 否定人)
MP22-EN200 Maginificent Magikey Mafteal(大魔键-马夫提亚尔)
MP22-EN201 Gunkan Suship Uni(海胆军贯)
MP22-EN202 Gunkan Suship Shirauo(银鱼军贯)
MP22-EN206 Undaunted Bumpkin Beast(不屈的兽仆)
MP22-EN207 Meowseclick(触点抖动啁啾猫)
MP22-EN212 Zoroa, the Magistus Conflagrant Calamity(绝火之魔神 琐罗亚)
MP22-EN214 Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought(超无畏军贯-海胆级二号舰)
MP22-EN215 Gunkan Suship Shirauo-class Carrier(空母军贯-银鱼级特务舰)
MP22-EN217 Branded in High Spirits(烙印的气炎)
MP22-EN218 Icejade Cradle(冰水摇篮)
MP22-EN222 Magikey Battle(魔键斗争)
MP22-EN223 Sunvine Sowing(圣蔓的播种)
MP22-EN224 Supernatural Danger Zone(超自然警戒区域)
MP22-EN227 Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town(随风旅鸟与梦之町)
MP22-EN228 Floowandereeze and the Scary Sea(随风旅鸟与恐怖之海)
MP22-EN229 Magikey Locking(魔键锭-施-)
MP22-EN232 Night Sword Serpent(夜刀蛇巳)
MP22-EN236 Beetrooper Assault Roller(骑甲虫 突击滚球兵)
MP22-EN237 Beetrooper Light Flapper(骑甲虫 轻装振翅兵)
MP22-EN238 Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune(重骑甲虫 强劲海神独角仙)
MP22-EN239 Ultra Beetrooper Absolute Hercules(超骑甲虫 绝对大力独角仙)
MP22-EN240 Beetrooper Descent(骑甲虫队降下作战)
MP22-EN241 Beetrooper Landing(骑甲虫队上陆态势)
MP22-EN242 Beetrooper Squad(骑甲虫步兵分队)
MP22-EN243 Flip Frozen(触发器冻结妖)
MP22-EN244 Bravedrive(驱动勇士)
MP22-EN247 Cynet Crosswipe(电脑网交叉清除)
MP22-EN249 Cynet Cascade(电脑网级联)


BLVO-EN000 War Rock Mountain(战吼的奇岩)
BLVO-EN011 S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru(治安战警队 乱破小夜丸)
BLVO-EN040 Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord(黄金狂 黄金国巫妖)
BLVO-EN057 S-Force Bridgehead(治安战警队桥头堡)
BLVO-EN092 Underdog(形势反转)
BLVO-EN014 S-Force Gravitino(治安战警队 引力微子)
BLVO-EN015 S-Force Pla-Tina(治安战警队 铂金女)
BLVO-EN041 Dual Avatar - Empowered Mitsu-Jaku(双天将 密迹)
BLVO-EN046 Springans Ship - Exblowrer(护宝炮妖船 喧闹探险者号)
BLVO-EN048 S-Force Justify(治安战警队 正名者)
BLVO-EN062 Seven Cities of the Golden Land(黄金乡的七摩天)
BLVO-EN097 War Rock Bashileos(战吼斗士·巴西莱奥斯)
BLVO-EN013 S-Force Orrafist(治安战警队 孔口测量员)
BLVO-EN025 Ancient Warriors - Rebellious Lu Feng(战华之叛-吕奉)
BLVO-EN042 Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor(梦魔镜的魇魔-涅伊洛斯)
BLVO-EN054 Springans Watch(护宝炮妖监视)
BLVO-EN055 Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda(大沙海 黄金戈尔工达)
BLVO-EN093 War Rock Fortia(战吼斗士·福蒂亚)
BLVO-EN094 War Rock Gactos(战吼斗士·加托斯)
BLVO-EN006 Springans Rockey(护宝炮妖·小火箭)
BLVO-EN007 Springans Pedor(护宝炮妖·鱼雷)
BLVO-EN008 Springans Branga(护宝炮妖·爆竹)
BLVO-EN009 Springans Captain Sargas(护宝炮妖船长 天蝎尾)
BLVO-EN012 S-Force Professor DiGamma(治安战警队 Ϝ教授)
BLVO-EN020 Parametalfoes Melcaster(混炼装勇士·汞巫)
BLVO-EN023 Digital Bug Registrider(电子光虫-电阻水黾)
BLVO-EN026 Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple(梦魔镜的使徒-涅洛伊)
BLVO-EN032 Gigathunder Giclops(大雷陀螺仪独眼巨人)
BLVO-EN036 Ojama Pink(扰乱·粉)
BLVO-EN037 Knight of Armor Dragon(铠龙之圣骑士)
BLVO-EN038 Sprind the Irondash Dragon(铁驱龙 迅妖龙)
BLVO-EN058 S-Force Showdown(治安战警队对决)
BLVO-EN064 Armor Dragon Ritual(铠龙降临)
BLVO-EN066 Tilted Try(孤注差一掷)
BLVO-EN068 Springans Call!(护宝炮妖呼唤!)
BLVO-EN069 Springans Blast!(护宝炮妖爆破!)
BLVO-EN071 S-Force Specimen(治安战警队样本)
BLVO-EN074 Ancient Warriors Saga - Chivalrous Path(战华史略-大丈夫之义)
BLVO-EN076 Dual Avatar Ascendance(双天的转身)
BLVO-EN077 Dream Mirror Recap(梦魔镜的说梦)
BLVO-EN080 Linear Equation Cannon(一时炮固定式)
BLVO-EN082 Raging Storm Dragon - Beaufort IX(飓风龙-蒲福九风龙)
BLVO-EN091 Pendulum Encore(灵摆返场)
BLVO-EN095 War Rock Orpis(战吼斗士·奥菲斯)
BLVO-EN098 War Rock Ordeal(战吼试炼)

LIOV-EN006 Amazement Administrator Arlekino(惊乐园的支配人 <∀丑角>)
LIOV-EN048 Benghalancer the Resurgent(回生之铁丹尼拘律树)
LIOV-EN056 Amazing Time Ticket(惊奇时段通行证)
LIOV-EN088 War Rock Meteoragon(战吼斗士·迈泰奥拉贡)
LIOV-EN008 Amazement Attendant Comica(惊乐园的案内人 <C丑角>)
LIOV-EN034 Mysterion the Dragon Crown(奥秘之龙冠)
LIOV-EN071 Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster(惊奇游乐设施·∀·旋风过山车)
LIOV-EN075 Amaze Attraction Horror House(惊奇游乐设施·∀·恐怖鬼屋)
LIOV-EN077 S-Force Chase(治安战警队追缉)
LIOV-EN089 War Rock Dignity(战吼威严)
LIOV-EN004 Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda(霸蛇大公 戈尔工达)
LIOV-EN013 Bujin Torifune(武神-鸟船)
LIOV-EN015 S-Force Edge Razor(治安战警队 拔刃者)
LIOV-EN041 Springans Merrymaker(护宝炮妖欢乐制造机)
LIOV-EN058 Amazement Precious Park(惊乐珍宝园)
LIOV-EN070 Amazement Family Faces(惊乐家族脸)
LIOV-EN086 War Rock Wento(战吼斗士·温托)
LIOV-EN090 War Rock Spirit(战吼精神)
LIOV-EN005 Springans Brothers(护宝炮妖兄弟)
LIOV-EN007 Amazement Ambassador Bufo(惊乐园的大使 <B丑角>)
LIOV-EN012 Bujin Mahitotsu(武神-目一箇)
LIOV-EN014 S-Force Dog Tag(治安战警队 组队双犬)
LIOV-EN019 Starry Knight Ciel(圣夜骑士团·西耶勒)
LIOV-EN025 Sky Scourge Cidhels(天魔神 希德赫尔斯)
LIOV-EN028 World Soul - Carbon(地久神-碳素灵)
LIOV-EN030 Clock Arc(变导机咎 弧线钟摆机)
LIOV-EN053 Dogmatikalamity(凶导的福音)
LIOV-EN054 Springans Booty(护宝炮妖战利品)
LIOV-EN057 Amazement Special Show(惊乐特别秀)
LIOV-EN072 Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel(惊奇游乐设施·∀·神奇摩天轮)
LIOV-EN073 Amaze Attraction Majestic Merry-Go-Round(惊奇游乐设施·∀·威风旋转木马)
LIOV-EN074 Amaze Attraction Rapid Racing(惊奇游乐设施·∀·疾速赛车)
LIOV-EN076 A.I. Challenge You(生死决斗-节“艾”-)
LIOV-EN078 One by One(一接一)
LIOV-EN079 Boo-Boo Game(垫底者盗宝游戏)
LIOV-EN080 Fukubiki(福悲喜)
LIOV-EN087 War Rock Mammud(战吼斗士·猛穆德)
LIOV-EN091 War Rock Generations(战吼造育)
LIOV-EN092 War Rock Big Blow(战吼大打击)

DAMA-EN009 The Iris Swordsoul(妖眼之相剑师)
DAMA-EN024 Antihuman Intelligence ME-PSY-YA(人攻智能 救-思-主)
DAMA-EN039 Shooting Majestic Star Dragon(流天救世星龙)
DAMA-EN050 Arrive in Light(光来的奇迹)
DAMA-EN025 Protecting Spirit Loagaeth(守护天灵 洛加埃斯)
DAMA-EN048 GranSolfachord Musecia(大钢琴之七音服·缪塞西娅)
DAMA-EN020 Amazement Assistant Delia(惊乐园的助手 <D丑角>)
DAMA-EN040 Daigusto Laplampilica(大薰风兽使 翼心皮莉佳)
DAMA-EN079 Stall Turn(失速倒转)
DAMA-EN083 Night's End Administrator(夜尽管理者)
DAMA-EN095 Tindangle Jhrelth(廷达魔三角之结界石)
DAMA-EN014 Chronomaly Acambaro Figures(先史遗产 阿坎巴罗土偶)
DAMA-EN019 Gusto Vedir(薰风苍鹰)
DAMA-EN021 Alien Stealthbuster(外星人破坏者)
DAMA-EN027 Konohanasakuya(木花咲弥)
DAMA-EN028 Doombearer Psychopompos(死眼之传灵-普绪科蓬波斯)
DAMA-EN030 Saambell the Star Bonder(绊醒师 塞姆贝尔)
DAMA-EN047 Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll(宇宙铗 泽罗奥尔)
DAMA-EN049 Dispatchparazzi(激摄特派狗仔队)
DAMA-EN059 Chronomaly Temple - Trilithon(先史遗产惊神殿-三巨石)
DAMA-EN061 Tailwind of Gusto(给薰风的追风)
DAMA-EN063 Triamid Loading(古代遗迹的肃静)
DAMA-EN064 Dimer Synthesis(二量合成)
DAMA-EN069 Margin Trading(信用取引)
DAMA-EN071 Springans Interluder(护宝炮妖中间介入)
DAMA-EN075 Chronomaly Esperanza Glyph(先史遗产石纹)
DAMA-EN076 Amaze Attraction Viking Vortex(惊奇游乐设施·∀·征服海盗船)
DAMA-EN080 Jar of Generosity(谦虚之瓶)
DAMA-EN084 Ra'ten, the Heavenly General(罗天神将)
DAMA-EN085 D.D.D. - Different Dimension Derby(异次元赛马)
DAMA-EN097 Two Toads with One Sting(一惜二跳)

BODE-EN003 Swordsoul of Mo Ye(相剑师-莫邪)
BODE-EN041 Swordsoul Grandmaster - Chixiao(相剑大师-赤霄)
BODE-EN005 Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan(相剑军师-龙渊)
BODE-EN036 Borreload Riot Dragon(装弹枪管暴动龙)
BODE-EN042 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying(相剑大公-承影)
BODE-EN050 Borrelcode Dragon(代码枪管龙)
BODE-EN053 Swordsoul Emergence(龙相剑现)
BODE-EN002 Double Disruptor Dragon(双持手枪龙)
BODE-EN004 Swordsoul of Taia(相剑师-泰阿)
BODE-EN006 Swordsoul Auspice Chunjun(相剑瑞兽-纯钧)
BODE-EN043 Reptilianne Melusine(爬虫妖女·梅露辛)
BODE-EN052 Heavy Interlock(重型扳机)
BODE-EN054 Swordsoul Sacred Summit(大灵峰相剑门)
BODE-EN060 Reptilianne Ramifications(爬虫妖女的蛇化分歧)
BODE-EN098 Bayonet Punisher(枪刺处刑刃)
BODE-EN019 Reptilianne Nyami(爬虫妖女·尼亚米尼)
BODE-EN020 Reptilianne Coatl(爬虫妖女·科亚特尔)
BODE-EN024 Penguin Squire(企鹅勇士)
BODE-EN025 Penguin Ninja(企鹅忍者)
BODE-EN026 Penguin Cleric(企鹅僧侣)
BODE-EN027 Starry Knight Orbitael(圣夜骑士团·奥比泰尔)
BODE-EN031 Fengli the Soldrapom(阳龙果 凤梨)
BODE-EN032 Geminize Lord Golknight(重起士道-金骑士)
BODE-EN035 Outstanding Dog Mary(迷犬 小玛栗)
BODE-EN037 Transonic Bird(跨音速鸟)
BODE-EN046 Cupid Pitch(垒球小爱神)
BODE-EN061 Reptilianne Recoil(爬虫妖报应)
BODE-EN063 Royal Penguins Garden(王家企鹅花园)
BODE-EN064 Sonic Tracker(音速的追赶者)
BODE-EN066 Ursarctic Drytron(天斗辉巧极)
BODE-EN068 Night Flight(夜之逃飞行)
BODE-EN071 Detonation Code(导爆代码)
BODE-EN072 Swordsoul Assessment(瑞相剑究)
BODE-EN073 Swordsoul Blackout(相剑暗转)
BODE-EN076 Break the Destiny(打破命运)
BODE-EN079 Giant Starfall(巨星坠)

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-2 01:02:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-9-6 08:00 编辑

We are quickly approaching the release of Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox, the first small box expansion for Speed Duels! Along with Midterm Paradox, Speed Duel Tournament Pack 4 is set to be released towards the end of September.

Last November, we announced that 3 Skill cards would receive text updates. Today we’re announcing the next 6 Skill Cards that will receive card text updates. These Skills are clarified, simplified, or modified to work within the updated rules for Skill Cards introduced with the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box.
All 6 updated Skill Cards will be available in Speed Duel Tournament Pack 4 later this month. Remember to play your original copies of these Skill cards as if they have the updated text.
Skill Card Text Update
The following Skill Cards’ text has been updated to the following text.
These changes are effective immediately as of today, September 1st, 2022.

Skill Card Text Update for Final Draw
Previous Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase.
Once per turn, during your turn, you may place a counter on this Skill. If it has 3 or more counters when you would draw a card, you may search your Deck for any card and add it to your hand instead. At the end of the turn you use this Skill, you lose the Duel.

Updated Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase, by placing 3 counters on this card. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can remove 1 counter from this card. Once, if this card has no counters, the next time you would draw a card(s), do the following instead.
●Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand, but at the start of the End Phase of this turn, you lose the Duel.

Skill Card Text Update for Nightmare Sonic Blast!
Previous Text:
You can activate this Skill while you control “Serpent Night Dragon”.
Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck, use 1 of the following Skills, depending on the number of monsters revealed.
1: Add one of the revealed cards to your hand.
2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
3 or more: Apply both effects.
Then place the rest of the revealed cards on top of your Deck in any order.

Updated Text:
Activate this Skill while the only monster you control is “Serpent Night Dragon”.
Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck and do 1 of the following, based on the number of monsters revealed.
1: Add 1 of the revealed monsters to your hand.
2: Destroy 1 face-up card your opponent controls.
3+: Both of the above, in sequence.
Then place the rest of the revealed cards on the bottom of your Deck in any order.
You cannot Summon or Set monsters the turn you activate this Skill, except “Serpent Night Dragon”.

Skill Card Text Update for Spell Proof Armor
Previous Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. All Machine monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent’s Spell effects. You can Normal Summon Machine Normal Monsters with 1 less Tribute. If a non-Machine monster is in your GY, flip this Skill over. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Updated Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase and apply the following:
●Machine Normal Monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent’s Spell Cards or effects.
While you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon Machine Normal Monsters with 1 less Tribute.
If you have a non-Machine monster on your field or GY, flip this card over. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Skill Card Text Update for Fusion Party
Previous Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Updated Text:
Once per Duel, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card, then Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material.

Skill Card Text Update for Union Combination
(The materials used are the ones listed on the card you’re Summoning, and they are banished.)
Previous Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Once per turn, you can Fusion Summon 1 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your GY or field as Fusion Material. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage.

Updated Text:
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck, then Special Summon 1 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, that cannot be Fusion Summoned, using monsters from your field or GY as material, ignoring its Summoning conditions. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage.

Skill Card Text Update for Ritual Ceremony
Previous Text:
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. You can reveal 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, then add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand whose name is listed on that Ritual Monster. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Updated Text:
Once per Duel, during your Main Phase, you can reveal 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand whose name is mentioned on that Ritual Monster, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck.

Speed Duel技能修改(2022年9月1日适用)

Final Draw(最终抽卡) 暗游戏/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase.
Once per turn, during your turn, you may place a counter on this Skill. If it has 3 or more counters when you would draw a card, you may search your Deck for any card and add it to your hand instead. At the end of the turn you use this Skill, you lose the Duel.

Activate this Skill during your Main Phase, by placing 3 counters on this card. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can remove 1 counter from this card. Once, if this card has no counters, the next time you would draw a card(s), do the following instead.
●Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand, but at the start of the End Phase of this turn, you lose the Duel.

Nightmare Sonic Blast!(梦魇影子音速!) 龙崎/技能
You can activate this Skill while you control “Serpent Night Dragon”.
Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck, use 1 of the following Skills, depending on the number of monsters revealed.
1: Add one of the revealed cards to your hand.
2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
3 or more: Apply both effects.
Then place the rest of the revealed cards on top of your Deck in any order.
只要自己场上有“Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)”存在,可以发动这个技能。1回合1次,可以从自己卡组上面把4张卡给双方确认,确认的卡之中的怪兽数量的以下技能选1个适用。

Activate this Skill while the only monster you control is “Serpent Night Dragon”.
Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck and do 1 of the following, based on the number of monsters revealed.
1: Add 1 of the revealed monsters to your hand.
2: Destroy 1 face-up card your opponent controls.
3+: Both of the above, in sequence.
Then place the rest of the revealed cards on the bottom of your Deck in any order.
You cannot Summon or Set monsters the turn you activate this Skill, except “Serpent Night Dragon”.
自己场上的怪兽只有“Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)”的场合才能发动这个技能。
发动这个技能的回合,自己不能把“Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)”以外的怪兽通常召唤,反转召唤或者特殊召唤。

Spell Proof Armor(耐魔法装甲) 基斯/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. All Machine monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent’s Spell effects. You can Normal Summon Machine Normal Monsters with 1 less Tribute. If a non-Machine monster is in your GY, flip this Skill over. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Activate this Skill during your Main Phase and apply the following:
●Machine Normal Monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent’s Spell Cards or effects.
●While you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon Machine Normal Monsters with 1 less Tribute.
If you have a non-Machine monster on your field or GY, flip this card over. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Fusion Party!(融合派对!) 克莉丝汀/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Once per Duel, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card, then Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material.

Union Combination(同盟合体) 海马/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Once per turn, you can Fusion Summon 1 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your GY or field as Fusion Material. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage.

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck, then Special Summon 1 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, that cannot be Fusion Summoned, using monsters from your field or GY as material, ignoring its Summoning conditions. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage.

Ritual Ceremony(仪式典礼) 艾玛/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. You can reveal 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, then add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand whose name is listed on that Ritual Monster. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Once per Duel, during your Main Phase, you can reveal 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand whose name is mentioned on that Ritual Monster, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck.

2022年9月28日~ Speed Duel Tournament Pack 4

技能卡 Final Draw(最终抽卡)
技能卡 Nightmare Sonic Blast!(梦魇影子音速!)
技能卡 Spell Proof Armor(耐魔法装甲)
技能卡 Union Combination(同盟合体)
技能卡 Fusion Party!(融合派对!)
技能卡 Ritual Ceremony(仪式典礼)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-7 09:00:34 | 显示全部楼层

2022年10月7日~ Funko POP! 玩偶 #1230 Five-Headed Dragon 五神龙

New York Comic Con NYCC限定



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-8 00:10:16 | 显示全部楼层
The Darkwing Blast Premiere! Event is coming up October 15-16, 2022! You can be entered into a drawing to win exclusive prizes, like this Ultra Rare copy of Muckraker From the Underworld (while supplies last)!

2022年10月15日~10月16日 Darkwing Blast Premiere!特典卡

DABL-ENSP1(UR)Muckraker From the Underworld(魔界特派员 死亡主播)


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-8 09:01:22 | 显示全部楼层

2022年10月6日~10月9日 New York Comic Con 2022 美国纽约动漫展限定卡垫



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发表于 2022-9-9 11:10:28 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2022-9-8 11:01

2022年10月6日~10月9日 New York Comic Con 20 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-11 11:00:59 | 显示全部楼层
LART-EN053(UR)Tribute Burial(被埋葬的牲祭) ※OCG版插图


2022年9月24日~9月25日 OTS Championship 公认店锦标赛冠军奖品


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-12 03:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
Serialization is a staple of the sportscard world, where cards are often numerically stamped to make them more fun to open, and more attractive to collectors. A cool looking basketball or hockey card is one thing, but a rare card stamped “1/75”, denoting the first card in a limited series of just 75 copies? That’s even cooler. Some incredibly rare variant cards may even have a “1/1” stamp, meaning the card’s entirely unique.

Serialized cards aren’t just a fad; they’re a standard in non-gaming collectibles, and they’re often some of the most coveted cards in a sports or entertainment release.

Lately that trend of serialized cards has been slowly making its way into the world of Trading Card Games, and this YCS season marks the first appearance of the concept in Yu-Gi-Oh: not as a foil number stamp, but as actual printed text on the Ultra Rare version of the new Prize Card, Anotherverse Dragon. Here’s what the new Prize Card monster looks like, as it appears on the new Top Cut game mat that’ll be given out here at YCS Niagara.

Historically speaking, Prize Cards are a sticky issue. On one hand, winners and collectors want Prize Cards to be desirable, which has always meant exclusive and playable. Years ago, Crush Card Virus was a tournament-defining card that often functioned as a kingmaker. If you had a copy of Crush card in the era of Dark Armed Dragon’s dominance, you had a huge advantage over your opponents.

Later Prize Cards like Gold Sarcophagus, Doomcaliber Knight, Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn, and Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon were all highly sought after, because they were useful in actual competition. A powerful Prize Card’s always encouraged players to compete, and they were a fitting reward for the game’s greatest Champions.

…But on the other hand, giving the game’s winningest competitors a distinct advantage is tricky for everyone who doesn’t have one. Lots of Duelists would rather see those playable cards in booster packs so they have a fair shot at opening one, especially those who can’t travel to big events. So for years, there’ve been two very vocal camps about Prize Cards: one group hoping to see immensely powerful cards offered as Championship exclusives, and another hoping for Prize Cards that are solely eye candy for collectors, instead of playable game pieces.

And until this season there was just no way to please both. But now, thanks to serialization? The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG’s arrived at a spectacular compromise.

This is the Ultra Rare copy of Anotherverse Dragon, which will be awarded this weekend to the 1st Place finisher in the YCS main event. Sure, it’s just a Normal Monster. But check out that extra sentence beneath the flavor text: “This card was awarded to the winner of the 1st North American YCS in the 2022-2023 Season”

Since there’s only one main event winner here at YCS Niagara Falls, the 1st North American YCS of this season, the card pictured above is completely unique. Anotherverse Dragon will never be awarded again with that text. When the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series rolls into Minneapolis next month, the winner of that main event will earn an Ultra Rare Anotherverse Dragon with text reading “…the winner of the 2nd North American YCS…” And so on and so on, with the text changing at every successive tournament in the series.

Every Ultra Rare prize card is uniquely tied to the event it was won at; it’s a piece of Yu-Gi-Oh history with no parallel, and each one will be drool-worthy for collectors. At the same time, this Normal Dragon-type monster with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF, clocking in at Level 8, isn’t going to be overpowering anybody in tournament play.

It’s a clever solution that breaks the boundaries of Yu-Gi-Oh! card design as we knew it, and it solves a problem that’s lasted almost two decades.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what the Super Rare copies look like? The ones awarded to 2nd Place and 3rd Place in the main event, as well as to the winners of the Public Event Playoffs? Take a peek…

The Super Rare copies of Anotherverse Dragon are still awesome, but they’re serialized to the 2022-2023 season. The specific event callout is reserved solely for the Ultra Rare winner’s copy (at least for now). That makes the Ultra Rares even more desirable, so they’re going to be amazing keepsakes for any winner who decides to hang onto theirs. They’ll also be huge grails for any collector daring and determined enough to chase one for their collection.

YCS Niagara Falls奖品卡 & 奖座
*This card was awarded to the winner of the 1st North American YCS in the 2022-2023 Season


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发表于 2022-9-13 09:11:51 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-13 13:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
MP22-EN066 Judge of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的净玻璃)
MP22-EN081 Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray(龙装合体 龙王霍普雷)


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-15 10:30:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-11-19 09:00 编辑


2022年10月7日~10月9日 Remote Duel Extravaganza

10月9日 Speed Duel Main Event


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-15 23:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
SDCB-EN001 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle(宝玉兽 红玉兽)
SDCB-EN002 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat(宝玉兽 紫晶猫)
SDCB-EN003 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise(宝玉兽 翠玉龟)
SDCB-EN004 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger(宝玉兽 黄玉虎)
SDCB-EN005 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth(宝玉兽 琥珀猛犸)
SDCB-EN006 Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle(宝玉兽 钴尖晶鹰)
SDCB-EN007 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus(宝玉兽 青玉飞马)
SDCB-EN008 Rainbow Dark Dragon(究极宝玉神 虹暗龙)
SDCB-EN009 Crystal Master(宝玉的先导者)
SDCB-EN010 Crystal Keeper(宝玉的守护者)
SDCB-EN011 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder(降雷皇 哈蒙)
SDCB-EN012 Dimension Shifter(次元吸引者)
SDCB-EN013 Contact "C"(接触的G)
SDCB-EN014 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流丽)
SDCB-EN015 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion(屋敷童)
SDCB-EN016 Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates(宝玉神觉醒)
SDCB-EN017 Crystal Aegis(宝玉的加护)
SDCB-EN018 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins(虹之古代都市)
SDCB-EN019 Rainbow Bridge(虹之桥梁)
SDCB-EN020 Crystal Beacon(宝玉的引导)
SDCB-EN021 Crystal Blessing(宝玉的恩惠)
SDCB-EN022 Crystal Abundance(宝玉的泛滥)
SDCB-EN023 Crystal Promise(宝玉的契约)
SDCB-EN024 Crystal Tree(宝玉之树)
SDCB-EN025 Crystal Release(宝玉的解放)
SDCB-EN026 Rare Value(珍稀价值)
SDCB-EN027 Rainbow Refraction(飞越虹桥)
SDCB-EN028 Advanced Dark(高等暗黑结界)
SDCB-EN029 The Melody of Awakening Dragon(龙觉醒旋律)
SDCB-EN030 Foolish Burial Goods(愚蠢的副葬)
SDCB-EN031 Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
SDCB-EN032 Crystal Boon(宝玉的祝福)
SDCB-EN033 Crystal Miracle(宝玉的奇迹)
SDCB-EN034 Crystal Brilliance(宝玉的玲珑)
SDCB-EN035 Crystal Pair(宝玉的双璧)
SDCB-EN036 Crystal Conclave(宝玉的集结)
SDCB-EN037 Ultimate Crystal Magic(究极宝玉阵)
SDCB-EN038 Counter Gem(反击宝石)
SDCB-EN039 Ferret Flames(鼬鼠大暴发)
SDCB-EN040 Metaverse(虚拟世界)
SDCB-EN041(UR)Rainbow Dragon(究极宝玉神 虹龙)
SDCB-EN042(UR)Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive(究极宝玉神 虹龙 超越)
SDCB-EN043(SR)Rainbow Overdragon(究极宝玉神 虹桥龙)
SDCB-EN044(UR)Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon(究极宝玉兽 虹龙)
SDCB-EN045(UR)Rainbow Bridge of the Heart(心之桥梁)
SDCB-EN046(UR)Crystal Bond(宝玉的牵绊)
SDCB-EN047(SR)Jesse Anderson - Bonder with the Crystal Beasts(约翰·安德森-与宝玉兽的牵绊-)
SDCB-EN048(SR)Jesse and Ruby - Unleashing the Legend(传说解放者 约翰与小红)
SDCB-EN049 Crystal Beast Token(宝玉兽衍生物)


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-16 17:45:02 | 显示全部楼层

STP4-EN001 Giant Rat(巨大老鼠)
STP4-EN002 Old Vindictive Magician(执着的老魔术师)
STP4-EN003 Dark Magic Curtain(黑魔术的幕帘)
STP4-EN004 Creature Swap(强制转移)
STP4-EN005 Mind Crush(心灵崩坏)

STP4-EN006 Jack's Knight(卫兵骑士)
STP4-EN007 Newdoria(阴间领路人)
STP4-EN008 Breaker the Magical Warrior(魔导战士 破坏者)
STP4-EN009 Djinn Disserere of Rituals(仪式魔人 布置者)
STP4-EN010 The Masked Beast(假面魔兽 鬼面修道士)
STP4-EN011 De-Fusion(融合解除)
STP4-EN012 Pre-Preparation of Rites(仪式的事前准备)
STP4-EN013 Magnetic Field(超电磁场)
STP4-EN014 Magical Hats(魔术礼帽)
STP4-EN015 Union Scramble(同盟紧急出动)

STP4-EN016 Mask of Darkness(暗之假面)
STP4-EN017 Blade Knight(刀锋骑士)
STP4-EN018 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus(海龙-泰达路斯)
STP4-EN019 Gearfried the Swordmaster(剑圣-赤膊的基亚·弗里德)
STP4-EN020 Jurrac Stauriko(朱罗纪南十字龙)
STP4-EN021 Jurrac Herra(朱罗纪艾雷拉龙)
STP4-EN022 The Legendary Fisherman II(传说的渔人二世)
STP4-EN023 Nobleman of Crossout(抹杀之使徒)
STP4-EN024 Book of Life(生者之书-禁断的咒术-)
STP4-EN025 Cost Down(代价降低)
STP4-EN026 Kunai with Chain(附锁链的回力镖)
STP4-EN027 Zero Gravity(重力解除)
STP4-EN028 Champion's Vigilance(王者的看破)
STP4-EN029 Metaverse(虚拟世界)
技能卡 Final Draw(最终抽卡)
技能卡 Nightmare Sonic Blast!(梦魇影子音速!)
技能卡 Spell Proof Armor(耐魔法装甲)
技能卡 Union Combination(同盟合体)
技能卡 Fusion Party!(融合派对!)
技能卡 Ritual Ceremony(仪式典礼)

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-16 23:46:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-9-18 12:00 编辑

2023年2月10日 Photon Hypernova(1111)
2023年2月9日 (欧版发售日)

SCR 10种
UR 14种
SR 26种
N 50种
1st Edition限定:其中5种有STAR版本
- 收录以最危险的竞速比赛为主题的新TCG先行系列。

This 100-card set lets your Deck shine brighter than ever before with brand-new cards for Kite Tenjo’s “Photon” and “Galaxy” strategies from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL! Expect the unexpected in Photon Hypernova with powerful new cards to discover that are truly out of this world! Here is just some of what you can look forward to:

● A new world of strategy opens up thanks to new “Photon” and “Galaxy” cards! Unleash up to 3 attacks on your opponent’s monsters with a brand-new form of Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon! If you’re looking for more “Photon” and “Galaxy” cards to increase your synergies, you can find some in Legendary Duelists: Season 2!

● Brand-new “Chaos” monsters! New Tuner monsters will help you unleash a massive multi-attacking, monster banishing, Synchro Monster powerhouse that can reach 4500 ATK! If Synchro Summons aren’t your thing, you can try a World Premiere monster whose capabilities change depending on where the monsters you banish originate from.

● Visas Starfrost’s journey continues! New cards to complement the “Scareclaw,” “Tearlaments,” and “Kashtira” strategies from Dimension Force, Power of the Elements, and Darkwing Blast!

● Illuminate new strategies and uncover brand-new cards that might seem familiar!

● New cards that explore modern ways to play themes from the past!

● Saddle up, Duelists! Get ready to run the most dangerous race ever devised by man with a brand-new World Premiere theme!

● And more!

The Photon Hypernova booster set contains 100 new cards:

50 Commons
26 Super Rares
14 Ultra Rare
10 Secret Rares

*Set content subject to change


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-22 23:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-9-24 08:00 编辑

Secret Rares(12/12)
SGX2-ENA08 Elemental HERO Bubbleman(元素英雄 水泡侠)
SGX2-ENA16 A Hero Lives(英雄到来)
SGX2-ENA21 Elemental HERO Tempest(元素英雄 暴风侠)
SGX2-ENB04 Drillroid(钻头机人)
SGX2-ENB22 Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill(超级交通机人-巨大钻头)
SGX2-ENC01 Water Dragon(水龙)
SGX2-ENC08 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju(怒炎坏兽 多哥兰)
SGX2-END01 Gate Guardian(门之守护神)
SGX2-END07 Sanga of the Thunder(雷魔神-桑迦)
SGX2-END08 Kazejin(风魔神-修迦)
SGX2-END09 Suijin(水魔神-斯迦)
SGX2-ENE10 UFOroid Fighter(飞碟机人战士)

SGX2-ENA01 Elemental HERO Avian(元素英雄 羽翼侠)
SGX2-ENA02 Elemental HERO Burstinatrix(元素英雄 爆热女郎)
SGX2-ENA03 Elemental HERO Clayman(元素英雄 黏土侠)
SGX2-ENA04 Elemental HERO Sparkman(元素英雄 电光侠)
SGX2-ENA05 Goddess with the Third Eye(心眼之女神)
SGX2-ENA06 Winged Kuriboh(羽翼栗子球)
SGX2-ENA07 Dark Catapulter(暗黑弹射手)
SGX2-ENA08 Elemental HERO Bubbleman(元素英雄 水泡侠)
SGX2-ENA09 Elemental HERO Bladedge(元素英雄 金刃侠)
SGX2-ENA10 Elemental HERO Wildheart(元素英雄 荒野侠)
SGX2-ENA11 Elemental HERO Blazeman(元素英雄 烈焰侠)
SGX2-ENA12 Polymerization(融合)
SGX2-ENA13 H - Heated Heart(H-火热之心)
SGX2-ENA14 R - Righteous Justice(R-正义审判)
SGX2-ENA15 Skyscraper 2 - Hero City(摩天楼2-英雄都市)
SGX2-ENA16 A Hero Lives(英雄到来)
SGX2-ENA17 Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone(贤者之石-萨巴希尔)
SGX2-ENA18 Hero Signal(英雄标记)
SGX2-ENA19 Hero Ring(英雄光环)
SGX2-ENA20 Hero Counterattack(英雄逆袭)
SGX2-ENA21 Elemental HERO Tempest(元素英雄 暴风侠)
SGX2-ENA22 Elemental HERO Electrum(元素英雄 永生侠)
SGX2-ENA23 Elemental HERO Wild Wingman(元素英雄 荒野翼侠)
SGX2-ENA24 Elemental HERO Mariner(元素英雄 水手侠)
SGX2-ENA25 Elemental HERO Nova Master(元素英雄 新星主)

SGX2-ENB01 Cycroid(单车机人)
SGX2-ENB02 Gyroid(旋翼机人)
SGX2-ENB03 Steamroid(蒸汽机人)
SGX2-ENB04 Drillroid(钻头机人)
SGX2-ENB05 UFOroid(飞碟机人)
SGX2-ENB06 Mechanical Hound(机械猎犬)
SGX2-ENB07 Expressroid(特快机人)
SGX2-ENB08 Ambulanceroid(急救机人)
SGX2-ENB09 Submarineroid(潜艇机人)
SGX2-ENB10 Stealthroid(隐形机人)
SGX2-ENB11 Truckroid(卡车机人)
SGX2-ENB12 Rescueroid(救援机人)
SGX2-ENB13 Mixeroid(搅拌机人)
SGX2-ENB14 Weapon Change(武器交换)
SGX2-ENB15 Shield Crush(盾碎)
SGX2-ENB16 Vehicroid Connection Zone(交通机人连接区)
SGX2-ENB17 Twister(龙卷)
SGX2-ENB18 Supercharge(增压)
SGX2-ENB19 Wonder Garage(神奇车库)
SGX2-ENB20 Emergeroid Call(红色机人呼唤)
SGX2-ENB21 Steam Gyroid(蒸汽旋翼机人)
SGX2-ENB22 Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill(超级交通机人-巨大钻头)
SGX2-ENB23 Ambulance Rescueroid(救援急救机人)
SGX2-ENB24 Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union(超级交通机人-隐形合体)

SGX2-ENC01 Water Dragon(水龙)
SGX2-ENC02 Hyozanryu(钻石龙)
SGX2-ENC03 Hydrogeddon(氢素龙) ×2
SGX2-ENC04 Oxygeddon(氧素龙)
SGX2-ENC05 Jurrac Protops(朱罗纪原角龙)
SGX2-ENC06 Jurrac Iguanon(朱罗纪禽龙)
SGX2-ENC07 Carboneddon(碳素龙)
SGX2-ENC08 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju(怒炎坏兽 多哥兰)
SGX2-ENC09 Water Dragon Cluster(水龙-团簇)
SGX2-ENC10 Duoterion(氘素龙) ×2
SGX2-ENC11 Riryoku(原力)
SGX2-ENC12 Scroll of Bewitchment(幻惑之卷物)
SGX2-ENC13 A Legendary Ocean(传说之都 亚特兰蒂斯)
SGX2-ENC14 Bonding - H2O(化学结合-H2O)
SGX2-ENC15 Bonding - D2O(化学结合-D2O)
SGX2-ENC16 Living Fossil(活化石)
SGX2-ENC17 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell(封魔的咒印)
SGX2-ENC18 Bonding - DHO(化学结合-DHO)

SGX2-END01 Gate Guardian(门之守护神)
SGX2-END02 Labyrinth Wall(迷宫壁)
SGX2-END03 Crass Clown(杀人小丑)
SGX2-END04 Dream Clown(梦幻小丑)
SGX2-END05 Jirai Gumo(地雷蜘蛛)
SGX2-END06 Shadow Ghoul(影之食尸鬼)
SGX2-END07 Sanga of the Thunder(雷魔神-桑迦)
SGX2-END08 Kazejin(风魔神-修迦)
SGX2-END09 Suijin(水魔神-斯迦)
SGX2-END10 Stone Statue of the Aztecs(阿兹特克石像)
SGX2-END11 Ryu-Kishin Clown(石像怪道化师)
SGX2-END12 Kaiser Sea Horse(帝王海马)
SGX2-END13 Unshaven Angler(髭须鮟鱇)
SGX2-END14 Whirlwind Prodigy(暴风小僧)
SGX2-END15 Soul Exchange(灵魂交错)
SGX2-END16 Fairy Meteor Crush(流星直击)
SGX2-END17 Tribute Doll(牲祭人偶)
SGX2-END18 Double Summon(二重召唤)
SGX2-END19 Judgment of Anubis(阿努比斯的裁决)
SGX2-END20 Labyrinth of Nightmare(噩梦之迷宫)

SGX2-ENE01 Des Koala(死亡树熊)
SGX2-ENE02 White Magician Pikeru(白魔导士 绒儿)
SGX2-ENE03 Des Wombat(死亡袋熊)
SGX2-ENE04 Frost and Flame Dragon(冰炎之双龙)
SGX2-ENE05 Sea Koala(树熊海獭)
SGX2-ENE06 Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent(扰动骚蛇 响云蛇)
SGX2-ENE07 Fifth Hope(第五幕之希望)
SGX2-ENE08 Disposable Learner Device(一次性学习装置)
SGX2-ENE09 Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment(绒儿的魔法阵)
SGX2-ENE10 UFOroid Fighter(飞碟机人战士)
SGX2-ENE11 Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman(元素英雄 死灵萨满)


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-27 00:02:51 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-28 08:00:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2022-11-12 12:00 编辑

Due to production delays, visit our website for updated release dates for the Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Tournament Pack 20.

North & Latin America: 10/26/22
Europe: 10/19/22

More info: https://bit.ly/3SSahxh

2022年10月5日→2022年10月26日~ OTS Tournament Pack 20


2022年11月30日~12月31日 Structure Deck: Dark World Release Events SR13发售纪念赛



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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 00:23:11 | 显示全部楼层
New #NYCC Prize Added: Yu-Gi-Oh! Rescue Rabbit Plush

Visit us at KONAMI Booth #2019 to play a demo at one of our game stations. You will receive a Token Coin after to claim a random prize! #NYCC2022

More info: https://bit.ly/3DvOKpk
We’re coming to MCM Comic Con London, on 28th – 30th October!

Visit our booth for a chance to win some amazing Yu-Gi-Oh! prizes, including this Rescue Rabbit Plushie!


2022年10月6日~10月9日 New York Comic Con 2022 美国纽约动漫展奖品
2022年10月28日~10月30日 MCM London Comic Con 英国伦敦动漫展奖品



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