本帖最后由 神之虚无 于 2014-4-2 12:52 编辑
DRLG-EN004(SCR)Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight(龙骑士 黑魔术少女) 暗 7星 龙·融合 2600 1700
"Dark Magician Girl" + 1 Dragon-Type monster
Must be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material Monsters or with "The Eye of Timaeus", and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard, then target 1 face-up card on the field; destroy that target.
DRLG-EN005(SCR)The Eye of Timeaeus(蒂迈欧之眼) 通常魔法
(This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".)
Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material Monster, using it as the Fusion Material. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn.
而不是说融合的时候可以把提玛欧斯之眼这张卡当做素材,不可能发动龙镜除外黑魔女和这张魔法卡进行融合召唤 |