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楼主: zhaoshangmei


发表于 2014-3-25 20:13:55 | 显示全部楼层

TOP 16 永火

Monsters: 13
3x archfiend 恶魔
3x necromancer 死灵师
2x Summoner Monk 僧
2x Stygian Street Patrol 地狱公路
1x heiress 诡计恶魔
1x knight 终末
1x grepher 暗痴汉

Spells: 15
3x Night Beam 夜摄
3x mst 旋风
2x Instant Fusion 杯面
1x rota 增援
1x foolish 愚埋
1x launcher 炮
1x transmodify 升级转变
1x Book of Moon 月书
1x archfiend palace 伏魔殿
1x Monster Gate 怪物之门

Traps: 12
3x barrier 罩子
3x break 雷破
2x Breakthrough Skill 技能突破
1x warning 神警
1x torrential 激流
1x compulsory 强脱
1x bottomless 奈落

Side deck: 15
2x Twister 龙卷
2x Dust Tornado 沙卷
2x Debunk 透破拔
2x DNA Surgery DNA改造手术
2x Swords of Concealing Light 暗之护封剑
2x Overworked 性能过剩
2x Black Horn of Heaven 黑角笛
1x Soul Drain 魂抽

Extra Deck: 15
2x Lavalval Chain 做牌龙
2x dire wolf 恐牙狼
2x leviair 虚空海龙
1x maestroke 剑击
1x ark knight 101
1x blackship of corn
1x cowboy 木仓手
1x dweller 深渊栖息
1x ouroboros 黑三叉
1x key beetle 霸键
1x Fusionist 融合体
1x Darkfire Dragon 暗黑火炎龙

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发表于 2014-3-25 21:02:03 | 显示全部楼层
暗创界 这个有点意思 蛮不错的  
不是很多水精鳞吗 TCG 怎么side没魂抽

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发表于 2014-3-25 22:16:08 | 显示全部楼层
田村奈叶 发表于 2014-3-25 21:02
暗创界 这个有点意思 蛮不错的  
不是很多水精鳞吗 TCG 怎么side没魂抽


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-3-26 18:35:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 一一得一123 于 2014-3-26 18:49 编辑

http://yugiohtcgzone.blogspot.co ... 3th-march-2014.html

1st Place Tom Mak (Bujins)
冠军(TOP 16) 武神

3 Bujin Yamato 大和
2 Bujin Mikazuchi 御雷
3 Bujingi Crane 羽羽斩
2 Bujingi Hare 品
2 Bujingi Turtle 边津甲
1 Bujingi Quilin 丛云
2 Effect Veiler 丝袜
1 Honest 人渣

3 Pot of Duality 壶
3 Mystical Space Typhoon 旋风
3 Fire Formation - Tenki 天玑
2 Forbidden Lance 圣木仓
2 Bujincarnation 降临
2 Upstart Goblin 成金
1 Book of Moon 月书
1 Dark Hole 黑洞

2 Fiendish Chain 魔链
2 Mind Crush 精崩
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 奈落
1 Torrential Tribute 激流
1 Solemn Warning 神警

2 Bujintei Susanowo 须佐
1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi 迦具土
1 Constellar Omega 欧米伽
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn 黑玉米
1 Number 85: Crazy Box 疯盒子
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 101
1 Diamond Dire Wolf 恐牙狼
1 Starliege Paladynamo 辉光子
1 Steelswarm Roach 蟑蠊
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight 励亏士
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn 剑击
1 Abyss Dweller  深渊栖息
1 Gagaga Cowboy 木仓手
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries 幻层守护

3 Maxx "C" 群C
1 Swift Scarecrow 速攻稻草人
1 Twister 龙卷
3 Debunk 透破拔
2 Full House 满堂红
2 Dust Tornado 沙卷
1 Black Horn of Heaven 黑角笛
1 Needle Ceiling 吊顶
1 Memory of an Adversary 好对手的记忆

Top 4 Jordan Palmer ( Bear Deck)
TOP 4 (TOP 16)  +1炎星

3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear 杨志
3 Coach Soldier Wolfbark 狼吠
2 Cardcar D 卡车
2 Effect Veiler 丝袜
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla 关胜
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh 雷王

3 Fire Formation - Tenki 天玑
3 Upstart Goblin 成金
3 Forbidden Lance 圣木仓
3 Pot of Duality 壶
3 Mystical Space Typhoon 旋风
1 Fire Formation - Tensu 天枢
1 Dark Hole 黑洞
1 Fire Formation - Gyokku 玉衡

3 Fiendish Chain 魔链
2 Mind Crush 精崩
2 Mirror Force 圣防
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 奈落
1 Torrential Tribute 激流
1 Solemn Warning 神警

2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King 宋江
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal 公孙胜
2 Abyss Dweller 深渊栖息
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 101
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn 剑击
1 Gagaga Cowboy 木仓手
1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi 迦具土
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn 黑玉米
1 Number 85: Crazy Box 疯盒子
1 Diamond Dire Wolf 恐牙狼
1 Daigusto Emeral 大薰风 翠玉
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight 励亏士

3 Light-Imprisoning Mirror 光镜
2 Memory of an Adversary 好对手的记忆
2 Full House 满堂红
2 Mistake 岔子
1 Dimensional Fissure 裂缝
2 Black Horn of Heaven 黑角笛
2 DNA Surgery DNA改造手术

Top8 Joe Bogli ( Bear Deck)
TOP 8(TOP 16) +1炎星

3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear 杨志
3 Coach Soldier Wolfbark 狼吠
3 Cardcar D 卡车
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla 关胜
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh 雷王

3 Fire Formation - Tenki 天玑
3 Upstart Goblin  成金
3 Forbidden Lance 圣木仓
3 Pot of Duality 壶
3 Mystical Space Typhoon 旋风
1 Fire Formation - Tensu 天枢
1 Book of Moon 月书

3 Fiendish Chain 魔链
2 Dust Tornado 沙卷
2 Dimensional Prison 幽闭
2 Mirror Force 圣防
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 奈落
1 Torrential Tribute 激流
1 Solemn Warning 神警

2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King 宋江
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal 公孙胜
2 Abyss Dweller 深渊栖息
2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 101
1 Number 106: Giant Hand 巨岩掌
1 Gagaga Cowboy 木仓手
1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi 迦具土
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn 黑玉米
1 Number 85: Crazy Box 疯盒子
1 Daigusto Emeral 大薰风 翠玉
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight 励亏士

3 Maxx "C" 群C
3 Debunk 透破拔
2 Black Horn of Heaven 黑角笛
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror 光镜
2 Memory of an Adversary 好对手的记忆
1 Full House 满堂红
1 Retort 以牙还牙

Top8 Scott Sheahan (Fire Kings)
TOP 8(TOP 16) 炎王

3 Fire King Avatar - Yaksha 夜叉
3 Fire King Avatar - Barong 巴隆
2 Fire King Avatar - Garunix  小鹏
2 Fire King High Avatar - Garunix 大鹏
2 Coach Soldier Wolfbark 狼吠
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear 杨志
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh 雷王

3 Fire Formation - Tenki 天玑
3 Mystical Space Typhoon 旋风
3 Onslaught of the Fire Kings 急袭
2 Circle of the Fire Kings 炎环
2 Forbidden Lance 圣木仓
2 Rekindling 真炎
1 Book of Moon 月书

2 Skill Drain 技抽
2 Mind Crush 精崩
2 Generation Shift 世代交替
1 Memory of an Adversary 好对手的记忆
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 奈落
1 Torrential Tribute 激流
1 Solemn Warning 神警

2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist- Tiger King 宋江
2 Number 85: Crazy Box 疯盒子
2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 101
2 Diamond Dire Wolf 恐牙狼
1 Abyss Dweller 深渊栖息
1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi 迦具土
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros 黑三叉
1 Gagaga Cowboy 木仓手
1 Daigusto Emeral 大薰风 翠玉
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight 励亏士
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn 剑击

3 Maxx "C" 群C
2 D.D. Crow 乌鸦
2 Dust Tornado 沙卷
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror 光镜
2 Imperial Iron Wall 铁壁
2 DNA Surgery DNA改造手术
2 Overworked 性能过剩

Top32 Christopher Gonzalez (Chain Gadgets)
TOP 32 召唤连锁机甲齿轮

3 Kagetokage 影蜥蜴
3 Green Gadget 绿
3 Red Gadget 红
3 Yellow Gadget 黄
3 Tin Goldfish 金鱼
2 Traptrix Myrmeleo 特莱恩
1 Machina Gearframe 骨架
1 Machina Fortress 要塞
1 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders 岩征龙

3 Mystical Space Typhoon 旋风
3 Chain Summoning 召唤连锁
2 Forbidden Lance 圣木仓
1 Mind Control 精操
1 Dark Hole 黑洞
1 Book of Moon 月书

3 Fiendish Chain 魔链
2 Trap Hole 落穴
2 Dimensional Prison 幽闭
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 奈落
1 Torrential Tribute 激流
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device 强脱
1 Solemn Warning 神警

1 Gear Giant X 齿巨人
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn 黑玉米
1 Gem Knight Pearl 珍珠
1 Diamond Dire Wolf 恐牙狼
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros 黑三叉
1 Daigusto Emeral 大薰风 翠玉
1 Lavalval Chain 做牌龙
1 Steelswarm Roach 蟑蠊
1 Abyss Dweller 深渊栖息
1 Gagaga Cowboy 木仓手
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight 励亏士
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 101
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn 剑击
1 King of the Feral Imps 精怪王
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack 大飞机

2 Fossil Dyna Pachicephalo 肿头龙
2 D.D. Crow 乌鸦
2 Maxx "C" 群C
1 Swift Scarecrow 速攻稻草人
2 Smashing Ground 地碎
2 Prohibition 禁止令
2 Overworked 性能过剩
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror 光镜

Top 32 Chase Cunningham - (Geargia)
TOP 32 机巧齿轮齿


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发表于 2014-3-26 18:48:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-3-27 08:35:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2014-3-27 09:07 编辑

Top 16 鬼计甜点

Main Deck:
2 Effect Veiler(效果遮蒙者)
2 Ghostrick Jackfrost(鬼计霜精)
3 Ghostrick Jiangshi(鬼计僵尸)
3 Ghostrick Mary(鬼计妖魔·玛丽)
3 Madolche Hootcake(魔偶甜点·热香饼猫头鹰)
3 Madolche Magileine(魔偶甜点·马郁兰魔女)
3 Madolche Messengelato(魔偶甜点·胶凝冰糕邮递员)
1 Madolche Mewfeuille(魔偶甜点·千层酥猫咪)
1 Dark Hole(黑洞)
1 Madolche Chateau(魔偶甜点城堡)
1 Madolche Ticket(魔偶甜点券)
2 Mystical Space Typhoon(旋风)
1 Bottomless Trap Hole(奈落的落穴)
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device(强制脱出装置)
2 Divine Wrath(天罚)
1 Madolchepalooza(魔偶甜点佳节)
2 Mirror Force(神圣防护罩-反射镜力-)
2 Mistake(岔子)
1 Solemn Warning(神之警告)
1 Torrential Tribute(激流葬)
2 Trap Stun(陷阱无力化)
2 Vanity's Emptiness(虚无空间)

Side Deck:
2 D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)
2 Maxx "C"(增殖的G)
2 Debunk(透破拔)
2 Fiendish Chain(魔族之链)
2 Full House(满堂红)
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror(吸入闪光的魔镜)
2 Overworked(性能过剩)
1 Soul Drain(灵魂抽取)

Extra Deck:
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries(幻层守护者 阿玛迪斯)
1 Abyss Dweller(深渊的潜伏者)
1 Blade Armor Ninja(机甲忍者 刃心)
1 Diamond Dire Wolf(恐牙狼 钻石恐狼)
1 Gagaga Cowboy(我我我木仓手)
1 Ghostrick Alucard(鬼计妖魔·阿鲁卡德)
1 Ghostrick Dullahan(鬼计无头骑士)
2 Leviair the Sea Dragon(虚空海龙 利维艾尔)
1 M-X-Saber Invoker(失X-剑士 招来者)
2 Madolche Queen Tiaramisu(魔偶甜点后·后冠提拉米苏)
1 Mechquipped Angineer(机装天使 引擎天兵)
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn(No.50 黑玉米号)
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK(No.101 寂静荣誉方舟骑士)


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-3-30 22:58:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-1 23:58:08 手机用户 | 显示全部楼层
大大 求top16魔导

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发表于 2014-4-2 10:43:05 | 显示全部楼层
潍坊TCG 发表于 2014-4-1 23:58
大大 求top16魔导


32nd place: Jordan Stempel - Spellbook
3x High Priestess of Prophecy(魔导法士 朱诺 )
3x Justice of Prophecy(魔导教士 朱丝蒂)
3x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy(魔导书士 巴特尔)

3x Spellbook Library of the Crescent(魔导书库 科瑞森)
3x Spellbook of Secrets(奥义之魔导书)
3x Upstart Goblin(哥布林暴发户)
2x Spellbook of Eternity(蜡板之魔导书)
2x Spellbook of the Master(创造之魔导书)
2x The Grand Spellbook Tower(魔导书院 拉迈松)
2x Pot of Duality(强欲而谦虚之壶)
1x Spellbook of Fate(恶灵之魔导书)
1x Spellbook of Life(死灵之魔导书)
1x Spellbook of Power(水卜之魔导书)
1x Spellbook of Wisdom(律法之魔导书)

3x Reckless Greed(无谋的贪心)
3x Fiendish Chain(魔族之链)
1x Torrential Tribute(激流葬)
1x Bottomless Trap Hole(奈落的落穴)
1x Dimensional Prison(次元幽闭)
1x Solemn Warning(神之警告)

1x Daigusto Phoenix(大薰风凤凰)
1x Downerd Magician(扫兴书呆魔术师)
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu(硬邦邦岩铁)
1x Herald of Pure Light(圣光之宣告者)
1x Hierophant of Prophecy(魔导法皇 海隆)
1x Shining Elf(光辉精灵)

3x Maxx "C"(增殖的G)
3x Mystical Space Typhoon(旋风)
3x Overworked(性能过剩)
2x Effect Veiler(效果遮蒙者)
1x Jowgen the Spiritualist(升灵术师 奘玄)
1x Dimensional Fissure(次元的裂缝)
1x Twister(龙卷)
1x Soul Drain(灵魂抽取)

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发表于 2014-4-2 11:33:45 | 显示全部楼层
孤火花 发表于 2014-4-2 10:43

32nd place: Jordan Stempel - Spellbook

我去= =丧病率抽啊

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-7 21:08:34 | 显示全部楼层
孤火花 发表于 2014-4-2 10:43

32nd place: Jordan Stempel - Spellbook

谢谢, ,    tcg果然都是抽滤打发,,

使用道具 举报

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