well ur close, u just gott awork on dodgeing him. U use charge up on his underbelly tying then missles on his face right? Thats what u should do. To dodge i went to the top left of the area then when he
came up i would go right. But w/e works.
Ok what you have to do is get his mask thing off. Then get on the ladder and repeditly fire missles at his face. do that like 3-4 times and he will turn into the core X shoot him with missles and get the gravity suit. From there i have no clue what to do. I just beat nightmare after months of trying. Yakuza (spider boss) was much harder.
翻译过来大概的意思就是爬梯,向右空间跳跃躲避,看准时机用木仓打先打肚脐,然后用导弓单打脸......如此而已. |