本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-9-1 09:00 编辑
2018年8月31日 2018 Mega-Tins
3包 Mega Pack(每包16张卡,1SCR、1UR、1SR、1R、12N)
5张 特典卡(1SCR、4UR)
- 游城十代和不动游星2种铁盒同时发售。
- 收录新卡:十代的新接触融合元素英雄,游星的新同调怪兽卡。
- 游城十代铁盒特典卡:「Elemental HERO Nebula Neos」、「Elemental HERO Solid Soldier」、「Keeper of Dragon Magic」、「Mudragon of the Swamp」、「Arcana Extra Joker」
- 不动游星铁盒特典卡:「Junk Speeder」、「Junk Collector」、「Stardust Assault Warrior」、「Martial Metal Marcher」、「Junk Connector」

Mega Pack未收录卡
(SCR)Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King(真龙剑皇 卓辉星·拼图)
(SCR)Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流丽)
(SCR)Duelist Alliance(决斗者降临)
(SCR)Unending Nightmare(长眠不醒的噩梦)
(SCR)Tornado Dragon(龙卷龙)
(UR)Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior(真龙战士 点火烈·炽热)
(UR)Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter(真龙拳士 雾动轰·铁拳)
(UR)Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General(真龙骑将 得律阿斯3世)
(UR)Performapal Gatlinghoul(娱乐伙伴 机炮食尸鬼)
(UR)Zoodiac Chakanine(十二兽 狗环)
(UR)True King's Return(真龙皇的复活)
(UR)SPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed(秘旋谍装备-特级臂甲)
(SR)Supreme King Gate Zero(霸王门 零)
(SR)Supreme King Gate Infinity(霸王门 无限)
(SR)Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant(真龙机兵 十二炼机圣)
(SR)Fairy Tail - Luna(妖精传姬-辉夜)
(SR)Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale(抒情歌鸲-独立夜莺)
(SR)The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin(幻影骑士团 诅咒标枪)
(SR)Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale(抒情歌鸲-聚集夜莺)
(SR)True King of All Calamities(真龙皇 法·王·兽)
(SR)Subterror Fiendess(地中族妖魔)
(SR)SPYRAL Sleeper(秘旋谍-龙卷风)
( R )Pendulum Switch(灵摆切换)
( R )Performapal Sky Magician(娱乐伙伴 天空魔术家)
( R )Performapal Sky Pupil(娱乐伙伴 天空徒弟)
( R )Performapal U Go Golem(娱乐伙伴 U合石人)
( R )Performapal Coin Dragon(娱乐伙伴 小判龙)
( R )Speedroid Rubberband Plane(疾行机人 56飞机)
( R )Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(捕食植物 蜂兰蝎)
( R )Phantasm Spiral Dragon(幻煌龙 螺旋)
( R )B.E.S. Big Core MK-3(巨大战舰 巨核Mk-3)
( R )Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon(急袭猛禽-异邦猎鹰)
( R )D/D/D Stone King Darius(DDD 磐石王 大流士)
( R )Magician's Restage(魔术师的再演)
( R )Pacifis, the Phantasm City(幻煌之都 帕西菲斯)
( R )Zefra Providence(神数的神意)
( R )Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness(常暗的契约书)
( R )Phantasm Spiral Battle(幻煌龙的战涡)
( R )Subterror Final Battle(地中族的决战)
( R )SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort(秘旋谍装备-绝地胜机)
( R )Bujin Hiruko(武神-蛭子)
Performapal Revue Dancer(娱乐伙伴 时事秀舞者)
Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra(捕食植物 蛇瓶草眼镜蛇)
Predaplant Cordyceps(捕食植物 冬虫夏草)
Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow(抒情歌鸲-钴尖晶雀)
Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow(抒情歌鸲-青玉燕)
Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler(抒情歌鸲-绿松石莺)
D/D Ghost(DD 幽灵)
Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm(霸王眷龙 暗黑亚龙)
Zoodiac Kataroost(十二兽 鸡拳)
Fire Cracker(爆竹鬼)
Zoodiac Hammerkong(十二兽 猴槌)
Phantasm Spiral Crash(幻煌龙的螺旋突)
Phantasm Spiral Grip(幻煌龙的螺旋绞)
Phantasm Spiral Wave(幻煌龙的螺旋波)
B.E.F. Zelos(巨大要塞 泽洛斯)
Zoodiac Gathering(十二兽的相克)
Phantasm Spiral Power(幻煌龙的浸涡)
Phantasm Spiral Assault(幻煌龙的天涡)
Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman(破坏剑士的摇篮)
Dinomists Howling(雾动机龙咆哮)
Zefra War(神数的星战)
Diamond Duston(钻尘妖)
Subterror Behemoth Phospheroglacier(地中族邪界兽·爱奥荧冰精)
Subterror Behemoth Speleogeist(地中族邪界兽·埃琴磁魔神)
SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue(秘旋谍任务-救出)
Gift Exchange(礼物交换)
Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity(辉神鸟 贝努鸟)
Primal Cry(原初的叫唤)
(SCR)Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow(电影之骑士 盖亚剑士)
(SCR)Trickstar Reincarnation(淘气仙星的康乃馨转生术)
(UR)Punishment Dragon(惩戒之龙)
(UR)March of the Dark Brigade(暗之进军)
(UR)Castle Link(王车连接)
(SR)Cyberse Wizard(电子界男巫)
(SR)Traptrix Mantis(兰卡之虫惑魔)
(SR)D/D/D Wave High King Caesar(DDD 怒涛大王 决策凯撒)
(SR)Auram the World Chalice Blademaster(星杯剑士 奥拉姆)
(SR)Missus Radiant(金毛妇)
( R )Vendread Houndhorde(复仇死者·地狱犬)
( R )Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes(霸王眷龙 异色眼)
( R )Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom(霸王眷龙 凶饿毒)
( R )Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing(霸王眷龙 幻透翼)
( R )D/D/D Gust High King Alexander(DDD 疾风大王 决策亚历山大)
( R )Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion(霸王眷龙 暗叛逆)
( R )Blind Obliteration(无差别崩坏)
( R )Revendread Slayer(归魂复仇死者·屠魔侠)
Predaplant Banksiogre(捕食植物 尖牙鱼佛塔花)
D/D Vice Typhon(DD 恶妖提丰)
Twilight Twin Dragons(黄昏之双龙)
Boogie Trap(鬼雷弦阱)
Supreme Rage(霸王的逆鳞)
Transmission Gear(变则齿轮)
Vendread Revenants(复仇死者·归来者)
Revendread Origin(归魂复仇死者的诞生)
Performapal Trumpanda(娱乐伙伴 喇叭熊猫)
(SCR)Akashic Magician(虚空俏丽魔术师)
(UR)SPYRAL Double Helix(秘旋谍-双螺旋特工)
(SR)Gateway Dragon(关口龙)
(SR)Metaphys Ragnarok(玄化神龙 末日龙)
(SR)Metaphys Nephthys(玄化凤凰神)
(SR)Metaphys Executor(玄化执行神)
(SR)Link Bumper(连接缓冲人)
(SR)X-Krawler Qualiark(超机怪虫·方舟感质虫)
(SR)World Legacy Trap Globe(蠢动于星遗物的陷阱)
(SR)Vendread Nights
(SR)Quiet Life(慢活族)
(SR)Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir(No.41 泥睡魔兽 睡梦貘)
(SR)Subterror Behemoth Fiendess(地中族邪界妖魔)
( R )Hallohallo
( R )Metaphys Daedalus(玄化海龙 泰达路斯)
( R )Metaphys Tyrant Dragon(玄化暴君龙)
( R )Fire King Avatar Arvata(炎王兽 甘尼许)
( R )Metaphys Dimension(玄化次元)
( R )Metaverse(虚拟世界)
( R )Samurai Destroyer
( R )Vendread Reunion
Dark Angel(暗黑安琪儿)
Krawler Spine(机怪虫·树突棘虫)
Krawler Axon(机怪虫·轴突虫)
Krawler Glial(机怪虫·神经胶质虫)
Krawler Receptor(机怪虫·受体虫)
Krawler Ranvier(机怪虫·郎飞结虫)
Krawler Dendrite(机怪虫·树突虫)
X-Krawler Synaphysis(超机怪虫·对观突触虫)
X-Krawler Neurogos(超机怪虫·圣言神经元虫)
Mistar Boy(孩星老爷)
World Legacy in Shadow(投射于星遗物的暗影)
Metaphys Factor(玄化因子)
Vendread Striges
Lyrilusc - Recital Starling(抒情歌鸲-吟诵椋鸟)
(UR)Mythical Beast Garuda(魔导兽 迦楼罗)
(UR)Mythical Beast Jackal King(魔导兽 胡狼王)
(UR)Excode Talker(余码语者)
(UR)Triple Burst Dragon(三发点射龙)
(UR)Clara & Rushka, the Ventriloduo(副语术士克拉拉与洛希卡)
(UR)Boot Sector Launch(旋转引导扇区)
(UR)Mythical Bestiary(魔导加速)
(UR)Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights(圣骑士的追想 伊索德)
(SR)Mythical Beast Medusa(魔导兽 美杜莎水母)
(SR)There Can Be Only One(千查万别)
(SR)Vendread Battlelord
(SR)Vendread Core
(SR)Vendread Revolution
(SR)Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion(光道宰制者 基里奥斯)
(SR)Gem-Knight Phantom Quartz(宝石骑士·幽晶原核)
(SR)Zefra Metaltron(神数炼机圣 梅塔特隆)
( R )Mythical Beast Jackal(魔导兽 胡狼)
( R )Mythical Beast Bashilisk(魔导兽 巴西利斯克冠蜥)
( R )Vector Scare Archfiend(矢量恐吓恶魔)
( R )Duelittle Chimera(小懒奇美拉)
( R )Mythical Bestiamorph(魔导变换)
( R )Vendread Charge
( R )Masterking Archfiend(长世国王恶魔)
( R )Steelswarm Origin(侵入魔鬼之源)
( R )Qliphort Genius(机壳守护神 路径灵)
( R )Ritual Beast Ulti-Kimunfalcos(圣灵兽骑 山飞隼)
Tindangle Angel(廷达魔三角之天使)
Tindangle Base Gardna(廷达魔三角之底边守卫者)
Tindangle Hound(廷达魔三角之猎犬)
Tindangle Protector(廷达魔三角之使徒)
Tindangle Intruder(廷达魔三角之侵入者)
Tindangle Acute Cerberus(廷达魔三角之锐角地狱犬)
Nagel's Protection(奈格尔守护天)
Euler's Circuit(欧拉回路)
Tindangle Delaunay(廷达魔三角的德劳内三角化)
Ghostrick Renovation(鬼计装修)