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[新闻资讯] DUNE

发表于 2023-7-28 12:00:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-8-5 00:00 编辑

DUNE-ENSP1(UR)Crimson Dragon(红龙)

Quarter Century Secret Rare
DUNE-EN000 Magicians of Bonds and Unity(团结与牵绊之魔导师)

Secret Rares(10/10)
DUNE-EN002 Revolution Synchron(革命同调士)
DUNE-EN025 Nightmare Magician(幻惑之魔术师)
DUNE-EN035 Sleipnir the Runick Mane(神碑之鬣 史莱普尼尔)
DUNE-EN038 Crimson Dragon(红龙)
DUNE-EN039 Visas Amritara(维萨斯-阿密哩多罗)
DUNE-EN043 Evolzar Lars(进化帝·黎明神龙翼龙)
DUNE-EN059 Dark Corridor(暗黑回廊)
DUNE-EN060 Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye(叛逆之罪宝-蛇眼)
DUNE-EN064 Tokusano Shinkyojin(十种神镜阵)
DUNE-EN089 Crystal God Tistina

Ultra Rares(14/14)
DUNE-EN026 Hiita the Fire Channeler(火灵媒师 希塔)
DUNE-EN032 Arahime the Manifested Mikanko(荒日女之御巫)
DUNE-EN033 Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts(幻兽王 奇美拉)
DUNE-EN037 Cosmic Quasar Dragon(宇宙类星龙)
DUNE-EN040 Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms(围绕圣剑的王姬 安洁莉卡)
DUNE-EN044 Epurrely Noir(亲历纯爱妖精·黑暗妖精)
DUNE-EN047 Altergeist Adminia(幻变骚灵·管理提泰妮娅)
DUNE-EN048 Emperor Charles the Great(查理大帝)
DUNE-EN049 Unchained Soul Lord of Yama(破械神王 阎摩)
DUNE-EN056 "Infernoble Arms - Almace"(『焰圣剑-阿尔玛斯』)
DUNE-EN057 Noble Arms Museum(大圣剑博物馆)
DUNE-EN061 Fusion Armament(融合强兵)
DUNE-EN088 Demigod of the Tistina
DUNE-EN090 Divine Domain Baatistina

Super Rares(26/26)
DUNE-EN003 Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws(幻爪之王 加泽尔)
DUNE-EN004 Big-Winged Berfomet(大翼之巴风特)
DUNE-EN006 Mirror Swordknight(镜剑骑士)
DUNE-EN008 Mighty Dino King Rex(龙王 恐龙王)
DUNE-EN009 Altergeist Malwisp(幻变骚灵·恶意软件鬼火)
DUNE-EN010 Altergeist Peritrator(幻变骚灵·渗透佩里)
DUNE-EN011 Mannadium Torrid(末那愚子族·小热情)
DUNE-EN013 Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto(焰圣骑士-里恰尔代托)
DUNE-EN014 Infernoble Knight Turpin(焰圣骑士-杜平)
DUNE-EN015 Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized(梦现之寝姬-妮穆蕾莉娅·圆梦)
DUNE-EN021 Ultimate Bright Knight Ursatron Alpha(天极辉士-熊斗龙巧α)
DUNE-EN023 Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch(邪炎帝王 泰斯塔罗斯)
DUNE-EN034 Chimera the Illusion Beast(幻想魔兽 奇美拉)
DUNE-EN036 Magnum the Reliever(后援魔投手 马格努姆)
DUNE-EN041 Ursarctic Polar Star(北极天熊-北极星)
DUNE-EN045 Thelematech Clatis(泰勒玛科技法师·克拉特斯)
DUNE-EN052 Chimera Fusion(合成兽融合)
DUNE-EN055 New World - Amritara(新世坏-阿密哩多罗)
DUNE-EN062 Duelist Genesis(决斗者创世纪)
DUNE-EN077 Banishing Trap Hole(断绝的落穴)
DUNE-EN080 You're Finished(斩番)
DUNE-EN085 Synchro Forceback
DUNE-EN086 Sentinel of the Tistina
DUNE-EN087 Hound of the Tistina
DUNE-EN095 Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon(真红眼黑星龙)
DUNE-EN098 Magician of Faithfulness(神圣魔术师)

DUNE-EN001 Wheel Synchron(轮子同调士)
DUNE-EN005 Cornfield Coatl(玉米田蛇神)
DUNE-EN007 Double-Headed Dino King Rex(双头龙 恐龙王)
DUNE-EN012 Veda Kalanta(吠陀-迦兰多)
DUNE-EN016 Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil(妮穆蕾莉娅的梦食者-小闹钟)
DUNE-EN017 Evoltile Pholis(进化虫·棱角鳞鳄)
DUNE-EN018 Evolsaur Lios(进化龙·上龙)
DUNE-EN019 Unchained Soul of Sharvara(破械神 萨巴拉)
DUNE-EN020 Unchained Soul of Shyama(破械神 萨玛)
DUNE-EN022 Rescue-ACE Preventer(救援ACE队 火灾防控者)
DUNE-EN024 Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles(百战王 贝希摩斯)
DUNE-EN027 Agnimal Candle(火天兽-烛犬)
DUNE-EN028 Doomstar Ulka(魔星之忧流迦天狗)
DUNE-EN029 Greed Jar(强欲壶)
DUNE-EN030 Click & Echo(小滴答与小回声)
DUNE-EN031 The Cuckoo Commanded to Croon(欲闻其鸣杜鹃)
DUNE-EN042 Gaia Blaze, the Force of the Sun(烈日之骑士 盖亚烈焰)
DUNE-EN046 Grenosaurus Giga-Cannon(魔头炮 红莲恐龙)
DUNE-EN050 Synchro Overtop(同调破顶)
DUNE-EN051 Synchro World(同调世界)
DUNE-EN053 Jurassic Power(侏罗纪力量)
DUNE-EN054 Realm Resonance(世坏同心)
DUNE-EN063 Beta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance(超越进化药β)
DUNE-EN065 Overexaggeration(夸大化)
DUNE-EN066 Million-Century Ice Prison(亿年冰墓)
DUNE-EN067 Aqua Chorus Round(水之轮唱)
DUNE-EN068 Scrap-Iron Sacred Statue(废铁神像)
DUNE-EN069 Altergeist Revitalization(幻变骚灵复苏)
DUNE-EN070 New World Formation(新世坏成劫)
DUNE-EN071 New World Stars(星满的新世坏)
DUNE-EN072 The Continuing Epic of Charles(查理史诗)
DUNE-EN073 Nemleria Louve(妮穆蕾莉娅的起床)
DUNE-EN074 Vaylantz Wave - Master Phase(群豪波次-主持人阶段)
DUNE-EN075 Purrely Sharely!?(纯爱妖精共享!?)
DUNE-EN076 Mikanko Spiritwalk(御巫神隐)
DUNE-EN078 Small Scuffle(小对抗)
DUNE-EN079 Split Mirror of the Underworld(冥府的两镜相照)
DUNE-EN081 Zuttomozaurus
DUNE-EN082 Finis Terrae, Tower of the Necroworld
DUNE-EN083 Kuibelt the Blade Dragon
DUNE-EN084 Storagepod
DUNE-EN091 Breath of the Tistina
DUNE-EN092 Signs of the Tistina
DUNE-EN093 Daidara-Bocchi(大太郎法师)
DUNE-EN094 Stardust Wurm(星尘亚龙)
DUNE-EN096 Diabolica the Draconique General(魔龙将 迪亚波利卡)
DUNE-EN097 Superheavy Samurai Security(超重武者 同心C-N)
DUNE-EN099 Magikey Deity - Ashtartu(魔键凭神-阿斯塔尔图)





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