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发表于 2024-4-27 12:00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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LEDE-ENSP1(UR)Silent Magician Zero(沉默魔术师·零)

Quarter Century Secret Rare
LEDE-EN000 Magicians of Bonds and Unity(团结与牵绊之魔导师) ※新版插图

Secret Rares(10/10)
LEDE-EN001 Gandora-G the Dragon of Destruction(破坏龙 甘多拉·禁忌)
LEDE-EN003 Silent Magician Zero(沉默魔术师·零)
LEDE-EN012 Diabellze the Original Sinkeeper(原罪之迪亚贝尔西)
LEDE-EN013 Ragnaraika the Evil Seed(蕾祸之毬首)
LEDE-EN029 Nightmare Apprentice(幻惑之见习魔术师)
LEDE-EN042 Centur-Ion Auxila(骑士皇 奥克西拉)
LEDE-EN045 Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times(终戒超兽-武尔德拉斯)
LEDE-EN051 Shining Sarcophagus(光之黄金柜)
LEDE-EN054 Future Silence(对未来的沉默)
LEDE-EN058 Ragnaraika Bloom(蕾祸缭乱狂咲)

Ultra Rares(14/14)
LEDE-EN002 Silent Swordsman Zero(沉默剑士·零)
LEDE-EN004 Gadget Trio(三色零件)
LEDE-EN011 Snake-Eyes Diabellstar(蛇眼大炎魔)
LEDE-EN022 Selettrice Vaalmonica(天魔之声选姬)
LEDE-EN023 Lightsworn Dragonling(光道之龙)
LEDE-EN034 Saffira, Divine Dragon of the Voiceless Voice(肃声之龙神 萨菲拉)
LEDE-EN041 Gold Pride - Eradicator(金傲大奖赛-灭杀者)
LEDE-EN043 Minerva, the Athenian Lightsworn(光道雅典娜 密涅瓦)
LEDE-EN050 Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign(蕾祸之大王鬼牙)
LEDE-EN053 Ties That Bind(同伴的牵绊)
LEDE-EN061 Nightmare Throne(噩梦之玉座)
LEDE-EN064 Wake Up Centur-Ion!(觉醒吧百夫长骑士!)
LEDE-EN087 Vouiburial, the Dragon Undertaker
LEDE-EN092 Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness

Super Rares(26/26)
LEDE-EN005 Moremarshmallon(增量棉花糖)
LEDE-EN006 Ancient Gear Dark Golem(古代的机械暗黑巨人)
LEDE-EN016 Tenpai Dragon Paidra(天杯龙 白龙)
LEDE-EN020 Gold Pride - Eliminator(金傲大奖赛-暗杀者)
LEDE-EN032 Fishborg Harpooner(电子鱼人-鱼叉手)
LEDE-EN036 Flowering Etoile the Melodious Magnificat(幻奏的华歌神 花开之埃图瓦勒)
LEDE-EN038 Enlightenment Dragon(神光之龙)
LEDE-EN040 Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion(灿幻超龙 三超戟龙军王)
LEDE-EN044 Goblin Biker Troika Griare(百鬼罗刹 格里亚雷三杰)
LEDE-EN049 Ragnaraika Chain Coils(蕾祸之锁蛇巳)
LEDE-EN052 Turn Silence(时间沉默)
LEDE-EN062 Blessing of the Voiceless Voice(肃声之祝福)
LEDE-EN067 Way Where There's a Will(仇极生智图)
LEDE-EN069 Metaltronus(共界神渊体)
LEDE-EN078 Mirage Mirror Force(幻惑防护罩 -幻象之力-)
LEDE-EN081 Pyrite Knight
LEDE-EN082 Battleguard Echoes
LEDE-EN086 Multi-Universe
LEDE-EN090 Shaman of the Ashened City
LEDE-EN091 Spearhead of the Ashened City
LEDE-EN093 Embers of the Ashened
LEDE-EN094 Rekindling the Ashened
LEDE-EN097 Dandy Whitelion(蒲公英白狮)
LEDE-EN098 Pendulum Witch(灵摆魔女)
LEDE-EN099 Code of Soul(炽魂代码人)
LEDE-EN100 Supreme King Z-ARC - Synchro Universe(霸王龙 扎克-同调宇宙)

LEDE-EN007 Ancient Gear Tanker(古代的机械战车兵)
LEDE-EN008 Ancient Gear Commander(古代的机械司令)
LEDE-EN009 Refrain the Melodious Songstress(幻奏的歌姬 勒弗兰)
LEDE-EN010 Couplet the Melodious Songstress(幻奏的歌姬 库普莱)
LEDE-EN014 Ragnaraika Samurai Beetle(蕾祸之矢筈天牛)
LEDE-EN015 Ragnaraika Armored Lizard(蕾祸之铠石龙)
LEDE-EN017 Tenpai Dragon Fadra(天杯龙 发龙)
LEDE-EN018 Tenpai Dragon Chundra(天杯龙 中龙)
LEDE-EN019 Gruesome Grave Squirmer(地狱墓场蠕动者)
LEDE-EN021 Centur-Ion Gargoyle II(龙骑兵 石像怪2)
LEDE-EN024 Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend(光道恶魔 魏丝)
LEDE-EN025 Wightlord(白骨领主)
LEDE-EN026 Golgoil the Steel Seismic Smasher(钢铁大魔人 轱戈伊尔)
LEDE-EN027 Mikazukinoyaiba, the Moon Fang Dragon(月牙龙-新月龙)
LEDE-EN028 Talons of Shurilane(纹影魔爪)
LEDE-EN030 Dinovatus Docus(恐龙侵略者·双梁龙)
LEDE-EN031 Cyclos the Circular Sprite(圆唤妖精 蘑菇圈)
LEDE-EN033 Cooling Embers(冷却之火)
LEDE-EN035 Bacha the Melodious Maestra(幻奏的音姬 壮丽之巴赫)
LEDE-EN037 Mementotlan Twin Dragon(莫忘双头龙)
LEDE-EN039 Sangenpai Bident Dragion(灿幻升龙 双叉戟龙军王)
LEDE-EN046 Tantrum Toddler(怒小儿)
LEDE-EN047 Ragnaraika Skeletal Soldier(蕾祸之武者髑髅)
LEDE-EN048 Ragnaraika Mantis Monk(蕾祸之御拜神主)
LEDE-EN055 Ancient Gear Advance(古代的进军)
LEDE-EN056 Melodious Concerto(幻奏协奏曲)
LEDE-EN057 Sinful Spoils Struggle(罪宝合战)
LEDE-EN059 Sangen Summoning(杯满的灿幻庄)
LEDE-EN060 Sangen Kaimen(灿幻开门)
LEDE-EN063 Mementotlan Fusion(冥骸融合-莫忘融合)
LEDE-EN065 Vaalmonica Invitare(异响鸣的邀请)
LEDE-EN066 Vaalmonica Disarmonia(异响鸣的不调和)
LEDE-EN068 Blink Out(闪烁连接离熄)
LEDE-EN070 In Papa's Footsteps(踩着雪鞋印 顺着足迹追呀追 一个接一个)
LEDE-EN071 Stronghold the Hidden Fortress(隐藏城 堡垒)
LEDE-EN072 Ancient Gear Duel(古代的机械竞斗)
LEDE-EN073 Goblin Biker Grand Pileup(百鬼罗刹大重叠)
LEDE-EN074 Sinful Spoils Subdual(轮回的罪宝)
LEDE-EN075 Sinful Spoils of Slumber - Morrian(微睡之罪宝-魇鸦)
LEDE-EN076 Ragnaraika Hunting Dance(蕾祸大轮首狩舞)
LEDE-EN077 Lightsworn Aegis(光道埃癸斯盾)
LEDE-EN079 Zoma the Earthbound Spirit(地缚死灵 佐玛)
LEDE-EN080 Simultaneous Equation Cannons(联栗炮固定式)
LEDE-EN083 Double Dai
LEDE-EN084 Krishnerd Witch
LEDE-EN085 Jungle Dweller
LEDE-EN088 Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion
LEDE-EN089 Haggard Lizardose
LEDE-EN095 Extinguishing the Ashened
LEDE-EN096 Ashened to Endlessness

LEDE-EN088 Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion 炎 4星 龙/效果 1500 0
If this card is Special Summoned: You can place 1 Deranged Counter on 1 face-up monster your opponent controls, and it cannot be used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Summon while it has that counter. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's monster with a Deranged Counter: You can destroy that opponent's monster, and if you do, both players take damage equal to its original ATK, also destroy this card at the end of this Battle Phase. You can only use each effect of "Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion" once per turn.
这张卡特殊召唤的场合:可以给对方场上1只表侧表示怪兽放置1个Deranged(错乱)指示物,有Deranged(错乱)指示物放置的怪兽不能作为融合·同调·Xyz·连接召唤的素材。这张卡和有Deranged(错乱)指示物放置的对方怪兽进行战斗的伤害步骤开始时:可以把那只对方怪兽破坏,双方受到那只怪兽的原本攻击力数值的伤害,这张卡在这次战斗阶段结束时破坏。“Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

LEDE-EN092(UR)Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness 暗 10星 炎/融合/效果 3000 1700
"Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction" + 2+ Level 9 or lower Pyro monsters
Cannot be destroyed by card effects, also your opponent cannot target it with monster effects. If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls. When your opponent activates a card or effect on the field (Quick Effect): You can send 1 face-up "Ashened" card you control to the GY; destroy that card. You can only use this effect of "Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness" once per turn.
“Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction”+9星以下的炎族怪兽2只以上
场上的这张卡不会被效果破坏,对方不能把这张卡作为怪兽的效果的对象。这张卡融合召唤的场合:可以把对方场上的魔法·陷阱卡全部破坏。对方把场上的卡的效果发动时:可以把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Ashened”卡送去墓地;那张卡破坏。“Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

TKN5-EN001(SR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「武藤游戏」(破灭龙 甘多拉X) 版插图)
TKN5-EN002(SR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「克洛诺斯·德·美第奇」(古代的机械巨人) 版插图)
TKN5-EN003(SR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「柊柚子」(幻奏的华歌圣 花之蒂娃) 版插图)
TKN5-EN004(SR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「黑咲隼」(急袭猛禽-究极猎鹰) 版插图)
TKN5-EN005(SR)Token(衍生物) 衍生物卡(「武藤游戏」(沉默剑士&沉默魔术师) 版插图)





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