Child Arrested for Opening Christmas Present Early
Distraught mother rats on her own son.
by Micah Seff
December 5, 2006 - In a shocking display of parenting prowess, a Rock Hill, S.C. woman reportedly called police and had them arrest her son after he was caught opening a Christmas present early. After receiving the call, police arrested the boy and charged him with petty larceny.
The Rock Hill Herald reported that the child's great-grandmother had warned him repeatedly about opening his present early, protestations that he apparently ignored. The present in question was a Game Boy Advance.
"He took it without permission. He wanted it. He just took it," the 63-year-old great-grandmother told the Herald.
When the boy's mother found the package lying unwrapped and empty under the tree, she immediately approached the child, who proceeded to lie to her. After threatening him with calling the police, the boy apparently returned the toy to his begrudging mother, who then called the police anyway. Although he was not jailed, the two officers responding to the call did charge him with petty larceny.
The boy's mother told the Herald that she had reached the end of her rope with the child, and no longer knew what else to do with him. She claimed that she has been struggling with his constant behavior problems for a while now, and could no longer handle his misconduct.
"I'm trying to get him some kind of help," the 27-year-old mother told the paper. "He's the type of kid who doesn't believe anything until it happens."
According to the boy's mother, he had already been caught shoplifting, stealing money from her, and punching a police officer. She told the Rock Hill Herald that she hopes this arrest will put a stop to his errant ways, because she is worried about his safety. The newspaper reported that the mother plans on having her son placed in the custody of the state Department of Juvenile Justice in Colombia at his court appearance.
该少年的母亲说,这孩子不见棺材不落泪。已经因为在商店偷东西、偷家里的钱、打警察(- -)被送进过局子几次。她说,希望这次能让他长点记性。最好把他送到南卡州的少管所去。
[ 本帖最后由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2006-12-21 16:25 编辑 ] 我也在IGN上看到这则新闻了,懒没有发上来,话说刚看到标题的时候的确是很震惊,不过看了具体内容就觉得很正常,这孩子太不懂事情了,母亲没办法才这样,可以理解 我觉得不可思议的是,提前打开圣诞礼物和盗窃也能划等号 ……什么年代了
还送GBA……要送就送ps3 原帖由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2006-12-6 23:01 发表
西方国家的人对原则是很讲究的,即使对小孩也不例外 原帖由 艾利伍德 于 2006-12-6 23:03 发表
抓走一个 负担还少了不少 原帖由 fantasy_x(暗) 于 2006-12-6 23:04 发表
抓走一个 负担还少了不少
PS: 看来你将来会是个不负责人的父亲 美国警察倒是挺his mother's负责
中国派出所的谁理你啊 原帖由 艾利伍德 于 2006-12-6 23:06 发表
PS: 看来你将来会是个不负责人的父亲
这都被艾兄你发现了~~ 27-year-old mother --
……她那能偷东西 打警察的孩子有多大岁数呢?
这个母亲难道是个负责的母亲 -- 美国是个讲原则不讲人情的地方
fantasy_x(暗) 这MJ的眼光真毒
没你提醒我差点略过27-year-old mother 这句话
果然是fantasy_x(暗) 还有送GBA的- -NDS差不多.....
米国淫的大脑和偶们8一样... 原帖由 fantasy_x(暗) 于 2006-12-6 23:16 发表
27-year-old mother --
……她那能偷东西 打警察的孩子有多大岁数呢?
这个母亲难道是个负责的母亲 --
我以前看过一个专门讲外国教育子女的记录片,里面便是一个母亲完全管制不住自己的孩子而寻求专家的帮助,你如果看到里面那些孩子淘气到什么程度你就明白了,就跟孙悟空大闹天空一样,哪个都管不住.有些候不是光有责任就可以解决问题的,还要注意方法 原帖由 猫耳族 于 2006-12-6 23:22 发表
fantasy_x(暗) 这MJ的眼光真毒
没你提醒我差点略过27-year-old mother 这句话
也许是暗属性更适合我吧 XD 原帖由 艾利伍德 于 2006-12-6 23:33 发表
我以前看过一个专门讲外国教育子女的记录片,里面便是一个母亲完全管制不住自己的孩子而寻求专 ...
艾兄以后一定是个好父亲 == - -
其实我更喜欢那种教育。。。。 原帖由 fantasy_x(暗) 于 2006-12-6 23:34 发表
艾兄以后一定是个好父亲 ==
我不过是说一个我过去见过的事实而已,我还年轻,太"父亲"这两个字太早了 礼物还未送出之前,所有权仍属于母亲,所以此时打开礼物属盗窃是正确的 于情这母亲就是一XX,于理她倒的确有报警拿下自己儿子的权利。
这位母亲自己才27,估计还没活明白呢;为那个小孩可惜,摊上这么个妈。 原帖由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2006-12-6 11:06 PM 发表
美国警察倒是挺his mother's负责