本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-8-12 05:33 编辑
2016年12月9日 Invasion: Vengeance Special Edition
3包 910
1 SR(复刻卡,全2种)
1 SR(911预览版卡,全2种)
(SR)Dystopia the Despondent(绝望神 安提霍普)
(SR)Crystron Rion
Each Invasion: Vengeance Special Edition contains: 3 Invasion: Vengeance Booster Packs, 1 of 2 Super Rare Cards, either Dystopia the Despondent or Relinkuriboh, and 1 of 2 foil preview cards of non-foil cards, Crystron Rion or Yokotuner, from the upcoming 2017 booster set!
