本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-1-25 06:11 编辑
RATE-EN086(UR)SPYGAL Misty(秘谍女郎 米丝蒂) 暗 4星 魔法师 1500 1600
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap); reveal the top card of your opponent's Deck, and if you do, draw 1 card if it is a card of that type. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 "SPYRAL Super Agent" you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; return both monsters to the hand.
这张卡召唤·特殊召唤成功的场合:可以宣言卡的种类(怪兽·魔法·陷阱);对方卡组最上面的卡翻开,翻开的卡是宣言的种类的卡的场合从卡组抽1张卡。1回合1次,在自己或者对方回合:可以选择自己场上1只“SPYRAL Super Agent”和对方场上1只怪兽;那些怪兽回到持有者手卡。