本帖最后由 砂之赌徒 于 2017-4-11 09:42 编辑
绝望皇-Hope 发表于 2017-4-11 08:39 
Master Peace, the 【True draco】slayer (真龙剑士 卓辉星·拼图)
【True King】 Bahrastos, the Fathomer (真龙皇 巴哈斯督·统领)
Metaltron XII, the 【True Draco】mbatant(真龙机兵 十二炼机圣)
【True King】 of All Calamities(真龙皇 法·王·兽)
2 or more Level 9 monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and declare 1 Attribute; this turn, all face-up monsters on the field become that Attribute, also all monsters in your opponent's possession with that Attribute cannot activate their effects or attack. Monsters that "【True Draco】" and "【True King】" monsters in your hand would destroy with their effects can be chosen from your opponent's field.
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