本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-4-6 08:24 编辑
FLOD-EN087( R )F.A. Dark Dragster() 暗 7星 机械 0 2000
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by having a Level 7 or higher "F.A." monster on the field, but no "F.A. Dark Dragster" in your Monster Zone. Gains ATK equal to its Level x 300. Each time a "F.A." Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated: You can increase this card's Level by 1. Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; reduce this card's Level by 3, and if you do, destroy that target.
这张卡不能通常召唤。场上有7星以上的“F.A.”怪兽存在并且自己的怪兽区域没有“F.A. Dark Dragster”存在可以特殊召唤。这张卡的攻击力上升这张卡的等级×300。每次“F.A.”魔法/陷阱卡的效果或者卡的发动:可以把这张卡的等级上升1星。1回合1次:可以选择场上1张卡;这张卡的等级下降3星,破坏那张卡。

FLOD-EN088( R )F.A. Dawn Dragster() 光 7星 机械/同调 0 2000
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Gains ATK equal to its Level x 300. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage. Each time a "F.A." Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated: You can increase this card's Level by 1. Once per turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or effect (Quick Effect): You can reduce this card's Level by 2, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy that card.

FLOD-EN089( R )F.A. Winners() 永续魔法
If you control a "F.A." monster, this card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. When your "F.A." monster whose Level is at least 5 higher than its original Level battles an opponent's monster and inflicts battle damage to them: You can banish 1 card from your hand, field, or GY. You can only activate this effect of "F.A. Winners" once per turn. If 3 of your "F.A." Field Spells with different names are currently banished, and were all banished by the effect of "F.A. Winners", you win the Duel.
自己场上有“F.A.”怪兽存在的场合,这张卡不会被对方的卡的效果破坏。持有比原本等级高5以上的等级的自己的“F.A.”怪兽和对方怪兽进行战斗并给与对方战斗伤害时:可以从自己的手卡·场上·墓地把1张卡除外。“F.A. Winners”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。除外的自己的“F.A.”场地魔法卡因为“F.A. Winners”的效果而除外有3种类的场合,自己决斗胜利。

FLOD-EN090 F.A. Dead Heat() 永续陷阱
When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: You can Special Summon 1 "F.A." monster from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "F.A. Dead Heat" once per turn. Once per battle, if your "F.A." monster battles an opponent's monster, before damage calculation: You can have both players roll a six-sided die. If your result is higher, increase the Level of your battling monster by 4, until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). If your result is lower, destroy your battling monster. If it's a tie, both players roll again.
对方怪兽的直接攻击宣言时:可以从卡组把1只“F.A.”怪兽特殊召唤。“F.A. Dead Heat”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。自己的“F.A.”怪兽和对方怪兽进行战斗的伤害计算前1次:可以让双方掷1次骰子。自己出现的数目比对方高的场合,那只进行战斗的自己怪兽的等级直到回合结束时上升4星。自己出现的数目比对方低的场合,破坏那只进行战斗的自己怪兽。自己出现的数目和对方相同的场合,双方再掷1次骰子。

FLOD-EN091( R )F.A. Overheat() 通常陷阱
If only your opponent controls a monster: Special Summon 1 "F.A." monster from your hand, and if you do, increase its Level by 3 until the end of this turn. If this card is in the GY and you control no cards in your Field Zone: You can banish this card from the GY; activate 1 "F.A." Field Spell directly from your hand or GY. You can only use this effect of "F.A. Overheat" once per turn.
只有对方场上才有怪兽存在的场合:从手卡把1只“F.A.”怪兽特殊召唤,那只怪兽的等级直到回合结束时上升3星。这张卡在墓地存在并且自己的场地区域没有卡存在的场合:可以把墓地的这张卡除外;从手卡·墓地选1张“F.A.”场地魔法卡发动。“F.A. Overheat”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。