本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-8-4 15:36 编辑
SHVA-EN011(SCR)Ninja Grandmaster Saizo() 光 战士/连接 2000 2 [↙][↘]
2 “Ninja” monsters
During your Main Phase: You can Set 1 “Ninjitsu Art” Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use this effect of “Ninja Grandmaster Saizo” once per turn. While this card points to a monster(s), this card cannot be targeted for an attack, also your opponent cannot target it with card effects.
自己主要阶段时:可以从卡组选1张“Ninjitsu Art”魔法/陷阱卡在自己场上盖放。“Ninja Grandmaster Saizo”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。只要这张卡所连接区有怪兽存在,这张卡不会成为攻击对象,不会成为对方的卡的效果的对象。

SHVA-EN012(SR)Yellow Ninja() 风 4星 战士 1900 1800
If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower “Ninja” monster from your hand in Attack Position or face-down Defense Position, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except “Ninja” monsters. You can only use this effect of “Yellow Ninja” once per turn.
这张卡召唤·反转的场合:可以从手卡把1只4星以下的“Ninja”怪兽攻击表示或者里侧守备表示特殊召唤,直到这个效果的发动后的回合结束时自己不是“Ninja”怪兽不能从额外卡组特殊召唤。“Yellow Ninja”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

SHVA-EN013(SCR)Yellow Dragon Ninja() 风 8星 恐龙 3000 1500
Cannot be Special Summoned, except with the effect of a “Ninja” monster or “Ninjitsu Art” card. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can send 1 “Ninja” monster and 1 “Ninjitsu Art” card from your hand and/or face-up field to the GY, then target up to 2 Spells/Traps on the field; destroy them.
这张卡不用“Ninja”怪兽或者“Ninjitsu Art”卡的效果不能特殊召唤。1回合1次(在自己或者对方回合):可以从手卡以及自己场上的表侧表示的卡之中把1只“Ninja”怪兽和1张“Ninjitsu Art”卡送去墓地,之后选择场上最多2张魔法/陷阱卡;破坏那些卡。

SHVA-EN014(SCR)Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts() 场地魔法
If a “Ninja” monster is Summoned to your field: You can target 1 “Ninja” monster or 1 “Ninjitsu Art” card in your GY; add it to your hand, but you cannot activate cards, or the effects of cards, with that name for the rest of this turn. If a “Ninja” monster(s) or “Ninjitsu Art” card(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent’s card effect, you can banish 1 “Ninja” monster from your GY instead. You can only use each effect of “Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts” once per turn.
自己场上有“Ninja”怪兽召唤·反转召唤·特殊召唤的场合:可以选择自己墓地1只“Ninja”怪兽或者1张“Ninjitsu Art”卡;那张卡加入手卡,这个回合自己不能把这个效果加入手卡的卡以及那些同名卡的发动。自己场上的“Ninja”怪兽或者“Ninjitsu Art”卡被战斗或者卡的效果破坏的场合,可以作为代替把墓地的1只“Ninja”怪兽除外。“Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

SHVA-EN015(SCR)Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation() 永续陷阱
Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation / Continuous Trap
Tribute 1 “Ninja” monster, then target 1 monster in your opponent’s GY; Special Summon it to your field. It is also treated as a “Ninja” monster while this card is face-up on the field. When this card leaves the field, send that monster to the GY. You can only activate 1 “Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation” per turn.
把自己场上1只“Ninja”怪兽解放,之后选择对方墓地1只怪兽;那只怪兽在自己场上特殊召唤。只要这张卡在场上表侧表示存在这个效果特殊召唤的怪兽也当作“Ninja”怪兽使用。这张卡从场上离开时,那只怪兽送去墓地。“Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation”在1回合只能发动1张。
