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[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-2 06:41:29 | 显示全部楼层
2019年2月1日 Savage Strike(1007)

SCR 8种
UR 10种
SR 14种
R   20种
N   48种

Heat things up this winter with Savage Strike, the first 100-card booster set of 2019! Cybernetic Horizon revitalized Ritual Summoning, and Soul Fusion created powerful Fusion Summoning strategies. Now, Savage Strike is primed to do the same for Synchro Summoning strategies! Here’s a taste of what you’ll be seeing when Savage Strike launches on February 1st.

Synchro Summoning crashes into the VRAINS!
Duelists closely following the simulcast of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS know that Synchro Summoning has made its first appearance in the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! anime! The first Synchro Monsters from the series will make their real-life debut in Savage Strike!

This winter belongs to the undead!
Following on from Hidden Summoners and Structure Deck: Zombie Horde, Savage Strike introduces even more Synchro-based Zombie monsters. The Shiranui theme has been inexorably linked to Zombie Decks since the original release of Shiranui Solitaire, and now it returns in force with both a new Synchro Monster and a new Link Monster that pay dividends in Zombie Synchro strategies!

Return to Neo Space!
Elemental HERO Nebula Neos and Neo Space Connector were just the beginning! More new cards to power up Decks based on Jaden’s Elemental HERO Neos are on their way in Savage Strike! You can also find the basic cards you need to build a Neos Deck in Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge and Shadows in Valhalla.

And that’s not even half of what awaits you in Savage Strike! You can also find a card that annihilates your opponent’s hand and field if they negate a Summon or the activation of a card or effect, a Spell that lets you trade part of your Extra Deck for card drawing, new “T.G.” monsters, and more!

The Savage Strike booster set contains 100 cards:
48 Commons
20 Rares
14 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
8 Secret Rares

2019年3月8日 Savage Strike Special Edition

3包 1007
1张 SR特典卡(全2种随机1种,复刻卡)
1张 SR特典卡(全2种随机1种,1008预览卡)

The Savage Strike Special Edition is jam-packed with value! Not only does it include 3 booster packs of Savage Strike, each box is guaranteed 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards, as well as 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards of non-foil cards from the upcoming Spring 2019 booster set!

Heat things up this winter with Savage Strike, the first 100-card booster set of 2019! Cybernetic Horizon revitalized Ritual Summoning, and Soul Fusion created powerful Fusion Summoning strategies. Now, Savage Strike is primed to do the same for Synchro Summoning strategies! Here’s a taste of what you’ll be seeing when Savage Strike launches on February 1st.

Synchro Summoning crashes into the VRAINS!
Duelists closely following the simulcast of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS know that Synchro Summoning has made its first appearance in the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! anime! The first Synchro Monsters from the series will make their real-life debut in Savage Strike!

This winter belongs to the undead!
Following on from Hidden Summoners and Structure Deck: Zombie Horde, Savage Strike introduces even more Synchro-based Zombie monsters. The Shiranui theme has been inexorably linked to Zombie Decks since the original release of Shiranui Solitaire, and now it returns in force with both a new Synchro Monster and a new Link Monster that pay dividends in Zombie Synchro strategies!

Return to Neo Space!
Elemental HERO Nebula Neos and Neo Space Connector were just the beginning! More new cards to power up Decks based on Jaden’s Elemental HERO Neos are on their way in Savage Strike! You can also find the basic cards you need to build a Neos Deck in Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge and Shadows in Valhalla.

And that’s not even half of what awaits you in Savage Strike! You can also find a card that annihilates your opponent’s hand and field if they negate a Summon or the activation of a card or effect, a Spell that lets you trade part of your Extra Deck for card drawing, new “T.G.” monsters, and more!

Each Savage Strike Special Edition contains: 3 Savage Strike booster packs, 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards and 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards from the Spring 2019 booster set.

2018年12月7日 Soul Fusion Special Edition

3包 1006
1张 SR特典卡(全2种随机1种,复刻卡):「Summon Sorceress(召唤女巫)」、「Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights(圣骑士的追想 伊索德)」
1张 SR特典卡(全2种随机1种,1007预览卡):「Prank-Kids Rocksies(调皮宝贝·岩石娃)」、「Neo Space Connector(新宇宙连接者)」

Soul Fusion Special Edition is jam-packed with value! Not only does it include 3 booster packs of Soul Fusion, each box comes with 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards: Either Summon Sorceress or Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights! Summon Sorceress is an all-star at every level of competition thanks to her ability to Summon a monster from your Deck with the same Type as a monster she points to. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights is a perfect fit in any Warrior-based Deck, but especially powerful with Soul Fusion's new "Noble Knight" cards! Each box ALSO comes with 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards from Winter 2019's Savage Strike booster set to strengthen your existing Decks, like Prank-Kids Rocksies for the Hidden Summoners' "Prank-Kids" strategy and Neo Space Connector.

Fall's 100-card booster set, Soul Fusion, returns to the roots of Yu-Gi-Oh! with new Fusion Summoning strategies! Deck themes from the earliest years of Dueling get a new lease on life, and there are more new cards to bolster strategies from recent releases as well. Here's some of what you can find in Soul Fusion!

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon was one of Dueling's first Fusion Monsters. Lauded for the ease at which you could assemble its Fusion Materials, this classic monster has been reborn for a new era! But that's not all: an entire new family of Thunder Dragons based on the strong but simple effect of the original one arrives to add a charge to your Duels!

Cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS animated series, including Duelists' first chance to get cards used by Soulburner and his AI partner, Flame. Playmaker's Cyberse Fusion Monster, Cyberse Clock Dragon also makes its real life debut. This monster's ATK can easily clear 10,000 if you choose the right Fusion Materials!

12 World Premiere cards continue the tale of the Noble Knights and allow Duelists to return to a realm full of Danger!

You can also find cards for strategies from Dark Saviors, Cybernetic Horizon, Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss, Structure Deck: Powercode Link, and more!

Each Soul Fusion Special Edition contains: 3 Soul Fusion booster packs, 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards, either Summon Sorceress or Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Night, and 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards, either Prank-Kids Rocksies or Neo Space Connector, from the Savage Strike booster set.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-2 09:48:01 手机用户 | 显示全部楼层
mikesan 发表于 2018-10-2 06:41


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-3 05:34:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-3 06:07 编辑

Hello Everyone,

Today we are going to be looking into our upcoming new products; Speed Duel Stater Decks: Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow.

For those of you who may not have tried out Speed Dueling before here is a summary of the rules.

The standard rules of Speed Dueling is not too different from regular Duels, the summary of the changes are as follows: –

    Each player begins the game with 4000 LP (Life Points)
    Each player starts the game with 4 cards in the starting hand
    The Main Deck size is 20 to 30 cards
    5 cards maximum size in the Extra Deck
    Each player has 1 Skill Card
    Skill Card’s effects do not use the chain
    Extra Deck monsters can be placed in the Main Monster Zone (there are no Extra Monster Zones on the field)

Each player has 3 Main Monster Zones, 3 Spell and Trap Zones, 1 Field Zone and a Graveyard.

The first player doesn’t draw on their first turn, the hand size limit is 6. Both players can have an active Field Spell Card and a maximum of 3 copies of any card with the same name in both the Main Deck and the Extra Deck.

Each player will have one Skill Card that they place near the Dueling field at the start of the Duel.

There is no Main Phase 2, so remember to set any Spells or Traps you want to use before you enter your Battle Phase!

Speed Duel Stater Decks come in 2 versions, Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow. Each of the Decks contain 3 character Decks so that you can try out a few different strategies right out of the box, or mix and match cards from the Decks to build something new entirely. In Destiny Masters, you will find Yami Yugi, Maximillion Pegasus and Ishizu Ishitar. Duelists of Tomorrow on the other hand contains Decks for Seto Kaiba, Mai Valentine and Joey Wheeler. In each of the Starter Decks you will find each character Deck in its own box to keep it clear when you start which cards belong to which Deck. Each character Deck also contains 3 Skill Cards. When you Duel, you will only choose one of these Skills for your Duel, but try mixing it up and trying out all of them to see what fits your Deck the most. Each Starter Deck also contains 3 Ultra Rare variant cards to power up your Decks further, so be sure to think which ones would make your Decks stronger!

After the specifications for the upcoming Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow were released, we have seen lots of questions and speculations throughout the community, and we wanted to take some time to give you guys some more information about what Speed Dueling is and how it will fit into how we all enjoy playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

Speed Duels have Skill Cards (there are 9 included in each Starter Deck), these will affect your Deck building decisions and will be very impactful on the Duel, so consider which Skill fits with your overall strategy and build your Decks in a way to get the most from your Skill. Also, you will be able to modify and build Decks for Speed Dueling. The card pool will be different from Advanced Constructed format; however, you will have freedom within that pool of cards to build your Decks however you like. For Speed Dueling it is very easy to know if a card was legal for the format. All you have to do is to look for this Speed Duel Logo on the card. If your card has this, it will be legal for play in Speed Duels. It’s also worth noting that all your Speed Duel cards (except Skill Cards) can be used in regular advanced constructed tournaments and events.

Today we will give you the first look at a Skill Card and explain a bit about how they work.
We hope to see this as a format for all kinds of players to pick up and try out. For the new players, Speed Dueling will be a good entry point to learn the basics of the game whilst finding the depth of it through Deck building and in game decision making. For the digital players, it should feel familiar but give them direct contact with the other side of the community to enjoy the game. Lastly for the existing players, the Skill Cards will affect player’s card evaluation and completely shake up Deck building presenting new challenges and engaging gameplay.

We will have a lot of content coming out to share with you all to promote the release of Speed Dueling over the coming months where we will share the Skills and the Decks and talk a bit about the strategies you can use to get ahead. Thank you for reading!
SS02-ENCS3 Tribal Synergy 舞/技能
If you have an “Amazoness” monster and a “Harpie” monster in your hand, reveal them and draw 1 card.
If you control an “Amazoness” monster and a “Harpie” monster, draw 2 cards.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.


At the beginning of the game you will place your Skill Card face down near the playing area, your opponent should be able to see your character but not which Skill you have chosen to use. Almost all the card backs for each character will conceal what your Skill is at the beginning of the game so your opponent will have to guess which Skill you decided to use and keep it in mind as they are making their plays.

Once you meet the activation requirements, when there are no cards resolving on the Chain, you can announce that you are activating your Skill and then flip it over and resolve the effect. Skills do not use the Chain and cannot be responded to.  So, with that explained here is an exclusive look at the brand-new Skill for Mai Valentine!

“If you have an “Amazoness” monster and a “Harpie” monster in your hand, reveal them and draw 1 card.

If you control an “Amazoness” monster and a “Harpie” monster, draw 2 cards.

Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.”

So, this Skill has 2 once per Duel effects that reward the player for mixing a strategy of using both “Harpie” and “Amazoness” monsters into a single Deck. Normally mixing strategies would cause your Deck to draw many miss-matched hands, but this Skill turns those hands into more cards to help you overwhelm your opponent. For Deck building, there are a couple of directions you could go in to make the most of this Skill, we would recommend trying to keep a balance of “Harpie” and “Amazoness” monsters to improve the odds that you can use your Skill on the very first turn and begin setting up to get the second effect. After you get your extra card, you want to consider some Trap options to help keep the first monster you Summon on the field so that you can follow up with another Normal Summon to draw 2 more cards. As soon as you can use these effects, you absolutely should get ahead as quickly as possible.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-3 10:36:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-4 21:22:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-5 21:42 编辑

NYCC 1006卡图
SOFU-EN083(SR)Danger! Dogman!(危险!犬人!) 暗 7星 兽战士 2400 1000
You can reveal this card in your hand; your opponent randomly chooses 1 card from your entire hand, then you discard the chosen card. Then, if the discarded card was not "Danger! Dogman!", Special Summon 1 "Danger! Dogman!" from your hand, and if you do, draw 1 card. If this card is discarded: You can have all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls lose 1000 ATK until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Danger! Dogman!" once per turn.
可以把手卡的这张卡给对方观看;自己的手卡由对方随机选1张,之后自己把选择的卡丢弃。那之后,丢弃的卡不是“Danger! Dogman!”的场合,从手卡把1只“Danger! Dogman!”特殊召唤,自己从卡组抽1张卡。这张卡被丢弃的场合:可以让对方场上的全部表侧表示怪兽的攻击力直到回合结束时下降1000。“Danger! Dogman!”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

SOFU-EN084(SR)Danger! Mothman!(危险!天蛾人!) 暗 4星 昆虫 1800 400
You can reveal this card in your hand; your opponent randomly chooses 1 card from your entire hand, then you discard the chosen card. Then, if the discarded card was not "Danger! Mothman!", Special Summon 1 "Danger! Mothman!" from your hand, and if you do, draw 1 card. If this card is discarded: You can have both players draw 1 card, then both players discard 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Danger! Mothman!" once per turn.
可以把手卡的这张卡给对方观看;自己的手卡由对方随机选1张,之后自己把选择的卡丢弃。那之后,丢弃的卡不是“Danger! Mothman!”的场合,从手卡把1只“Danger! Mothman!”特殊召唤,自己从卡组抽1张卡。这张卡被丢弃的场合:可以让双方玩家各自从卡组抽1张卡,之后双方玩家丢弃1张手卡。“Danger! Mothman!”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

SOFU-EN085(SCR)Danger!? Tsuchinoko?(危险!?野槌蛇?) 暗 3星 爬虫类 1300 0
You can reveal this card in your hand; your opponent randomly chooses 1 card from your entire hand, then you discard the chosen card. Then, if the discarded card was not "Danger!? Tsuchinoko?", Special Summon 1 "Danger!? Tsuchinoko?" from your hand, and if you do, draw 1 card. If this card is discarded: You can Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Danger!? Tsuchinoko?" once per turn.
可以把手卡的这张卡给对方观看;自己的手卡由对方随机选1张,之后自己把选择的卡丢弃。那之后,丢弃的卡不是“Danger! Tsuchinoko!”的场合,从手卡把1只“Danger! Tsuchinoko!”特殊召唤,自己从卡组抽1张卡。这张卡被丢弃的场合:可以把这张卡特殊召唤。“Danger! Tsuchinoko!”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

SOFU-EN086(UR)Danger! Response Team() 通常魔法
Target 1 "Danger!" monster you control and 1 monster on the field; return them to the hand. If this card is in the GY: You can discard 1 "Danger!" monster; place this card on the bottom of the Deck, then draw 1 card. You can only use each effect of "Danger! Response Team" once per turn.
选择自己场上1只“Danger!”怪兽和场上1只怪兽;那些怪兽回到持有者手卡。这张卡在墓地存在的场合:可以从手卡丢弃1只“Danger!”怪兽;这张卡回到卡组最下面,之后自己从卡组抽1张卡。“Danger! Response Team”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

SOFU-EN087(SR)Second Expedition into Danger!() 永续陷阱
Discard 1 card, then target 1 "Danger!" monster you control; it gains 500 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. If this card is in the GY: You can discard 1 "Danger!" monster; place this card on the bottom of the Deck, then draw 1 card. You can only use each effect of "Second Expedition into Danger!" once per turn.
丢弃1张手卡,之后选择自己场上1只“Danger!”怪兽;那只怪兽的攻击力·守备力直到回合结束时上升500。这张卡在墓地存在的场合:可以从手卡丢弃1只“Danger!”怪兽;这张卡回到卡组最下面,之后自己从卡组抽1张卡。“Second Expedition into Danger!”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

SOFU-EN088(SR)Noble Knight Iyvanne() 光 4星 战士 1700 1600
If a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell becomes equipped to ths card: You can Special Summon 1 "Noble Knight Token" (Warrior/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1000), also you cannot Special Summons monsters for the rest of this turn, except "Noble Knight" monsters. You can only use this effect of "Noble Knight Iyvanne" once per turn. While this card is equipped with a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell, all other "Noble Knight" monsters you control gain 500 ATK.
“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡给这张卡装备的场合:可以把1只“Noble Knight Token”(战士族·光·4星·攻1000/守1000)特殊召唤,直到这个效果的发动后的回合结束时自己不是“Noble Knight”怪兽不能特殊召唤。“Noble Knight Iyvanne”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。只要这张卡有“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡装备,其他的自己场上的“Noble Knight”怪兽的攻击力上升500。

SOFU-EN089(UR)Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon() 暗 3星 魔法师 1300 1600
When your opponent activates a card or effect, while you control a "Noble Knight" monster and a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; destroy 1 "Noble Arms" Equip Spell you control, and if you do, negate the activation. You can only use this effect of "Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon" once per turn.
自己场上有“Noble Knight”怪兽以及“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡存在,对方把魔法·陷阱·怪兽的效果发动时(在自己或者对方回合):可以把这张卡从手卡送去墓地;破坏自己场上1张“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡,那个发动无效。“Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

SOFU-EN090(UR)Heritage of the Chalice() 通常魔法
Add 1 "Noble Knight" monster or 1 "Noble Arms" card from your Deck or GY to your hand. If your "Noble Knight" monster equipped with a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY, while this card is in your GY: You can add this card to your hand. You can only use 1 "Heritage of the Chalice" effect per turn, and only once that turn.
从自己的卡组或者墓地把1只“Noble Knight”怪兽或者1张“Noble Arms”卡加入手卡。这张卡在墓地存在,有“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡装备的自己的“Noble Knight”怪兽被战斗破坏送去墓地的场合:可以把这张卡加入手卡。“Heritage of the Chalice”的效果1回合只能有1次使用其中任意1个。

SOFU-EN091 Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again() 通常陷阱
Excavate cards from the top of your Deck, equal to the number of "Noble Arms" Equip Spells you control, and if you do, add 1 of them to your hand, also place the remaining cards on top of your Deck in any order. You can banish this card from your GY, except the turn this card was sent to the GY; Special Summon from your Deck, 1 "Noble Knight" monster with a different name from the cards you control or in your GY. You can only use this effect of "Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again" once per turn.
把自己场上“Noble Arms”装备魔法卡数量的卡从自己卡组上面翻开,从那之中选1张卡加入手卡,剩下的卡用喜欢的顺序回到卡组上面。这张卡送去墓地的回合以外,可以把墓地的这张卡除外;从卡组把和自己场上以及墓地的卡卡名不同的1只“Noble Knight”怪兽特殊召唤。“Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-4 23:46:33 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-4 23:55:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 银龙幽影 于 2018-10-4 23:57 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-4 23:55:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-5 00:50:33 | 显示全部楼层
曾经zz出的人物主题卡 闪亮登场!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-5 01:36:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-5 01:51:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-5 21:47 编辑
SOFU-EN081( R )Consolation Prize() 通常陷阱
If a monster(s) is sent from the hand to the GY: Target 1 of them; Special Summon it to your field. You can only activate 1 "Consolation Prize" per turn.
有怪兽从手卡送去墓地的场合:选择那之中的1只怪兽;那只怪兽在自己场上特殊召唤。“Consolation Prize”在1回合只能发动1张。

Secret Rares(8/8)
SOFU-EN025 Chaos Dragon Levianeer(混源龙 巨涡始祖神)
SOFU-EN028 (失乐之魔女)
SOFU-EN036 Thunder Dragon Colossus(超雷龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN037 Thunder Dragon Titan(雷神龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN058 Orcustrated Return(自奏圣乐的主音)
SOFU-EN078 Trap Trick(蛊惑谋陷)
SOFU-EN082 Danger! Thunderbird!
SOFU-EN085 Danger!? Tsuchinoko?

Ultra Rares(10/10)
SOFU-EN019 (雷电龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN020 (雷鸟龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN021 (雷兽龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN034 Cyberse Clock Dragon(电子界时钟龙)
SOFU-EN042 Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon(银河眼煌星龙)
SOFU-EN045 Orcustrion(自奏圣乐·管弦乐琴机械乐团)
SOFU-EN060 Thunder Dragon Fusion(雷龙融合)
SOFU-EN086 Danger! Response Team
SOFU-EN089 Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon
SOFU-EN090 Heritage of the Chalice

Super Rares(14/14)
SOFU-EN022 (雷劫龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN026 (幻妖 胡尔德拉)
SOFU-EN043 Galatea, the Orcust Automation(自奏圣乐·伽拉忒亚)
SOFU-EN044 Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestration(自奏圣乐·朗基尔苏)
SOFU-EN047 Folgo, Justice Fur Hire(空牙团的大义 福尔戈)
SOFU-EN049 Some Summer Summoner(常夏的避暑雷神)
SOFU-EN055 Necrovalley Throne(王家长眠之谷的玉座)
SOFU-EN061 (闪刀术式-爆风偏向)
SOFU-EN063 Herald of the Abyss(深渊的宣告者)
SOFU-EN065 Extra-Foolish Burial(愚蠢的重葬)
SOFU-EN083 Danger! Dogman!
SOFU-EN084 Danger! Mothman!
SOFU-EN087 Second Expedition into Danger!
SOFU-EN088 Noble Knight Iyvanne

SOFU-EN001 Clock Wyvern(时钟翼龙)
SOFU-EN012 (守墓的神职)
SOFU-EN014 (自奏圣乐·卡农曲大炮)
SOFU-EN015 (自奏圣乐·谐谑曲骷髅)
SOFU-EN016 (自奏圣乐·嬉游曲恶魔)
SOFU-EN018 (雷源龙-雷龙)
SOFU-EN030 (蟑螂柱)
SOFU-EN031 Token Collector(衍生物收集者)
SOFU-EN035 (守墓的异能者)
SOFU-EN039 Clock Spartoi(时钟地生人)
SOFU-EN040 Salamangreat Heatleo(转生炎兽 炽热多头狮)
SOFU-EN050 Cynet Fusion(电脑网融合)
SOFU-EN056 (银河天翔)
SOFU-EN057 (自奏圣乐的通天塔)
SOFU-EN068 (王家长眠之谷的神殿)
SOFU-EN072 (百雷之雷龙)
SOFU-EN073 (雷龙放电)
SOFU-EN077 (通行增税)
SOFU-EN081 Consolation Prize
SOFU-EN099 Frightfur Patchwork(魔玩具补缀)

SOFU-EN000 Alviss of the Nordic Alfar
SOFU-EN002 Salamangreat Meer(转生炎兽 狐獴)
SOFU-EN003 Salamangreat Foxy(转生炎兽 狐狸)
SOFU-EN004 Salamangreat Falco(转生炎兽 猎鹰)
SOFU-EN005 Salamangreat Jack Jaguar(转生炎兽 灯火美洲豹)
SOFU-EN006 Dinowrestler Capaptera(恐龙摔跤手·卡帕扑翼龙)
SOFU-EN007 Dinowrestler Capoeiraptor(恐龙摔跤手·卡波耶拉盗龙)
SOFU-EN008 (恐龙摔跤手·西斯特玛剑龙)
SOFU-EN009 (恐龙摔跤手·潘克拉辛角龙)
SOFU-EN010 (银河修道师)
SOFU-EN011 (银河剑圣)
SOFU-EN013 (守墓的灵术师)
SOFU-EN017 (星遗物-『星杖』)
SOFU-EN023 (魔神仪-羽毛刀钢笔)
SOFU-EN024 (魔神仪-能量石书本)
SOFU-EN027 (光之精灵 狄阿娜)
SOFU-EN029 (熊掌魔手卫)
SOFU-EN032 (通贩卖员)
SOFU-EN033 Salamangreat Emerald Eagle(转生炎兽 翠玉鹰)
SOFU-EN038 (双工器奇美拉)
SOFU-EN041 Dinowrestler King T Wrextle(恐龙摔跤手·摔跤暴龙王)
SOFU-EN046 (剑巫之圣像骑士)
SOFU-EN048 (龙绝兰)
SOFU-EN051 Salamangreat Sanctuary(转生炎兽的圣域)
SOFU-EN052 Rise of the Salamangreat(转生炎兽的降临)
SOFU-EN053 (转生炎兽的意志)
SOFU-EN054 World Dino Wrestling(世界恐龙摔跤)
SOFU-EN059 (自奏圣乐的合奏起音)
SOFU-EN062 (巨强棒球场)
SOFU-EN064 (集中插座)
SOFU-EN066 (并行装甲车炮)
SOFU-EN067 (转生炎兽的赠礼)
SOFU-EN069 Eternal Galaxy(永远的银河)
SOFU-EN070 (自奏圣乐的起音)
SOFU-EN071 (自奏圣乐的硬核)
SOFU-EN074 Crusadia Krawler(机怪虫之圣像骑士)
SOFU-EN075 Necro Fusion(死魂融合)
SOFU-EN076 (无敌光环)
SOFU-EN079 (一色即发)
SOFU-EN080 (迅疾三分利)
SOFU-EN091 Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again
(捕食植物 犀角龙)
(DDD 烈火大王 决策铁木真)
(DDD 超死伟王 紫地狱终末神)


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发表于 2018-10-5 08:34:44 手机用户 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-5 11:57:30 | 显示全部楼层

2019年2月15日 Structure Deck: Soul Burner


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-7 00:57:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-10 23:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-11 07:55 编辑




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 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-13 12:03:16 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-10-13 14:34:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-10-13 16:56:45 | 显示全部楼层
fallaway 发表于 2018-10-13 14:34
本家最大强化伊索德依旧是他人的嫁衣,新卡看齐很强,然而是上个时代的卡了。O了收一套看画了。话说能不能出 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-15 23:04:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-16 08:02 编辑
2018/7/24~2018/11/2期间订阅 1年Shonen Jump订阅特典

JUMP-EN086(UR)Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End(混沌帝龙 -终焉的使者-)


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-18 00:17:45 | 显示全部楼层

欧洲/大洋洲 2018 LLDS Finals奖品


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