To All Our Players,
You may have recently become aware to some changes in the basic rules of Dueling that are being adopted in Japan and other OCG territories. At this time, there are no changes to announce for all TCG territories. The next update to the rules will occur this summer when we’ll be introducing a brand new type of card to the game that blurs the line between monsters and spells! We hope you’ll look forward to this very exciting Dueling development!
Happy Dueling!
Your Friends at Konami Digital Entertainment
顺便在这里贴两张韩版垫子图, 因为还没有资料帖...
资料帖进度嘛, 仍在龟速整理中, 其实已经收集了资料及图片, 但不知道怎样写才好。因为有150张以上, 怎样才可以令到帖子较易看。
