本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-8-21 07:21 编辑
2016-EN001(ESR)Juno, the Celestial Goddess(天之女神 朱诺) 光 8星 天使/灵摆 3000 3000
Cannot be Special Summoned, except by Pendulum Summon. Requires 3 Fairy-Type Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot be Normal Set). If this card attacks your opponent directly and reduces their LP to 0, while you control no other monsters, you win the Match.
1 魔法卡 1
Once per turn: You can banish 3 Fairy-Type Pendulum Monsters you control, then target 1 Pendulum Monster you control; if it attacks your opponent directly and reduces their LP to 0 this turn, you win the Match.
1 魔法卡 1

2016-EN002(ESR)Shelga, the Tri-Warlord(三角军神 谢尔加) 水 7星 念动力/灵摆 2800 2500
The shockwaves of powerful battles have warped reality, allowing the proud valiant to emerge from the Dimensional Sea.
10 魔法卡 10
Once per turn: You can banish 3 Psychic-Type Pendulum Monsters you control, then target 1 Pendulum Monster you control; if it attacks your opponent directly and reduces their LP to 0 this turn, you win the Match.
10 魔法卡 10
