本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-9-3 14:01 编辑
2016年9月2日 2016 Mega-Tins
3包 Mega Pack(每包16张卡,1SCR、1UR、1SR、1R、12N)
3 SR
2 UR
- 游戏和海马两种铁盒。
- 每种铁盒收录2张新卡,灵摆怪兽和D/D/D boss级怪兽。
Mega Pack未收录卡
(SCR)Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)
(SCR)Nekroz of Sophia(索菲娅之影灵衣)
(SCR)El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis(神影依·异花莉莉丝)
(SCR)Oracle of Zefra(神数的神托)
(SCR)Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss(彼岸的巡礼者 但丁)
(UR)Satellarknight Zefrathuban(龙星因士-神数右枢)
(UR)Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing(宝龙星-神数负屃)
(UR)Infernoid Pirmais(狱火机·撒旦)
(UR)Infernoid Devyaty(狱火机·莉莉丝)
(UR)Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio(圣灵兽骑 地火狮)
(UR)Tellarknight Ptolemaeus(星守之骑士 托勒密)
(UR)Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode(魔偶甜点·布丁公主 巧克力布丁拼盘)
(UR)The Terminus of the Burning Abyss(旅人之结彼岸)
(SR)Superheavy Samurai Battleball(超重武者 魂-C)
(SR)Frightfur Leo(魔玩具·轮锯狮)
(SR)Frightfur Sheep(魔玩具·链绵羊)
(SR)Chaofeng, Phantom of the Yang Zing(幻龙星-嘲风)
(SR)Void Vanishment(炼狱的消华)
(SR)Unexpected Dai(粗人预料)
(SR)Zefra Divine Strike(神数的神击)
(SR)Monster Rebone(夺骨苏生)
(SR)Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss(彼岸的恶鬼 德拉基尼亚佐)
(SR)Powerful Rebirth(强化苏生)
(SR)Harpie Harpist(鹰身竖琴师)
( R )Sea Dragoons of Draconia(德拉科尼亚的海龙骑兵)
( R )Edge Imp Tomahawk(锋利小鬼·战斧)
( R )Yosenju Oyam(妖仙兽 大幽谷响)
( R )Stellarknight Zefraxciton(觉星辉士-神数蝇王)
( R )Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing(秘龙星-神数囚牛)
( R )Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi(影灵兽使-神数文蒂)
( R )Schuberta the Melodious Maestra(幻奏的音姬 巨匠之舒伯特)
( R )Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon(急袭猛禽-烈焰猎鹰)
( R )Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon(急袭猛禽-革命猎鹰)
( R )Suture Rebirth(缝合苏生)
( R )Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force(升阶魔法-革命之力)
( R )Melodious Illusion(幻奏的幻像)
( R )Void Purification(溯洸的炼狱)
( R )Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss(彼岸的恶鬼 巴尔巴里恰)
( R )Junk Anchor(废品压阵者)
Yosenju Kodam(妖仙兽 木魅)
Shaddoll Zefranaga(救影依-神数纳迦)
Shaddoll Zefracore(绊影依-神数原核)
Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz(剑圣之影灵衣-神数剑士)
Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz(炎兽之影灵衣-神数艾可萨)
Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica(英灵兽使-神数心皮莉佳)
Infernoid Sjette(狱火机·贝尔芬格)
Yosen Whirlwind(妖仙大旋风)
Zefra Path(神数的辉迹)
Dizzying Winds of Yosen Village(妖仙乡的眩晕风)
Chosen of Zefra(神数的圣选士)
U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(超级运动员 无畏扣篮手)
U.A. Rival Rebounder(超级运动员 角逐篮板手)
U.A. Signing Deal(超级运动员王牌转队)
U.A. Penalty Box(超级运动员受罚)
(SCR)The Black Stone of Legend(传说的黑石)
(SCR)Aromage Jasmine(芳香法师-茉莉)
(SCR)Archfiend Eccentrick(古怪恶魔)
(SCR)Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon(真红眼钢炎龙)
(SCR)Mistaken Arrest(误捕)
(SCR)Storming Mirror Force(神风防护罩 -大气之力-)
(UR)Aromage Rosemary(芳香法师-迷迭香)
(UR)Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond(宝石骑士女郎·亮钻)
(UR)Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(恶魔龙 暗黑魔龙)
(UR)Infernoid Tierra(狱火机·提耶拉)
(UR)Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer(爆龙剑士 点火星·日珥)
(UR)Cards of the Red Stone(红玉之宝札)
(UR)Kozmo Farmgirl
(UR)Absorb Fusion(吸光融合)
(UR)Hi-Speedroid Kendama(高速疾行机人 魔剑玉)
(SR)Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon(真红眼黑炎龙)
(SR)Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(真红眼凶雷皇-邪性恶魔)
(SR)Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer(龙剑士 光辉星·灵摆)
(SR)Igknight Crusader(点火骑士·沙鹰)
(SR)Infernoid Decatron(狱火机十进管)
(SR)Red-Eyes Fusion(真红眼融合)
(SR)Void Imagination(炼狱的虚梦)
(SR)Dried Winds(干渴之风)
(SR)Kozmo Goodwitch
(SR)Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji(超重神鬼 酒吞童子-G)
( R )Sky Dragoons of Draconia(德拉科尼亚的翼龙骑兵)
( R )Crystal Rose(水晶蔷薇)
( R )Igknight Lancer(点火骑士·复仇者)
( R )Igknight Champion(点火骑士·毒刺)
( R )Aromage Bergamot(芳香法师-香蜂草)
( R )Igknight Burst(点火骑士炸裂)
( R )Kozmo Sliprider
( R )Kozmo Forerunner
( R )Kozmotown
( R )Escher the Frost Vassal(冰帝家臣 埃舍尔)
( R )Dragong(铜锣龙)
( R )Mandragon(曼陀林草龙)
Performage Damage Juggler(娱乐法师 伤害杂耍人)
Black Metal Dragon(黑钢龙)
Wavering Eyes(摇晃的目光)
Chicken Game(试胆竞速)
Return of the Red-Eyes(真红眼的铠旋)
(SCR)Blazing Mirror Force(业炎防护罩 -火焰之力-)
(SCR)Urgent Ritual Art(紧急仪式术)
(SCR)Kozmo Dark Destroyer
(UR)Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer(升龙剑士 威风星·圣骑)
(UR)Kozmo Strawman
(SR)The Legendary Fisherman III(传说的渔人三世)
(SR)Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord(龙魔王 魔道矢·灵摆)
(SR)Graydle Dragon(灰篮龙)
(SR)Gateway to Chaos(混沌场)
(SR)Majesty's Pegasus(威风阵·飞马)
(SR)Majespecter Cyclone(威风妖怪旋风)
(SR)Graydle Parasite(灰篮寄生体)
(SR)Kozmo DOG Fighter
( R )Samurai Cavalry of Reptier(雷普提尔的武者骑兵)
( R )Graydle Slime(灰篮史莱姆)
( R )Skilled Red Magician(熟练的赤魔术士)
( R )Giant Pairfish(龙宫的双使者)
( R )Raidraptor - Fiend Eagle(急袭猛禽-恶魔雕)
( R )Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force(升阶魔法-急袭之力)
( R )Pendulum Area(灵摆区)
( R )D/D/D Wave King Caesar(DDD 怒涛王 凯撒)
( R )D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok(DDD 坏薙王 深渊末日神)
Fluffal Wings(毛绒动物之翼)
Performage Plushfire(娱乐法师 火布偶)
Graydle Alligator(灰篮短吻鳄)
Graydle Cobra(灰篮眼镜蛇)
Graydle Eagle(灰篮鹰)
Graydle Impact(灰篮撞击)
Graydle Split(灰篮分裂)
Kozmoll Wickedwitch
Kozmo Lightsword
(SCR)Kozmo Dark Eclipser
(SCR)Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer(娱乐伙伴 灵摆魔术家)
(UR)Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon(异色眼重力龙)
(UR)Enlightenment Paladin(觉醒之魔导剑士)
(UR)Buster Dragon(破戒蛮龙-破坏龙)
(UR)Quaking Mirror Force(沙尘防护罩 -尘埃之力-)
(UR)Kozmo Tincan
(UR)Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier(圣战士 混沌战士)
(SR)Tuning Magician(调律之魔术师)
(SR)Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman(破坏剑士的伴龙)
(SR)Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer(龙剑士 卓辉星·灵摆)
(SR)Majespecter Toad - Ogama(威风妖怪·蛤蟆)
(SR)Guiding Ariadne(解放之阿里阿德涅)
(SR)Pendulum Storm(灵摆风暴)
(SR)Majespecter Supercell(威风妖怪超级单体)
(SR)Kozmo Soartroopers
(SR)Interrupted Kaiju Slumber(遭受妨碍的坏兽安眠)
(SR)Chimeratech Rampage Dragon(嵌合狂暴龙)
(SR)Red-Eyes Retro Dragon(真红眼溯刻龙)
(SR)Dharma-Eye Magician(法眼之魔术师)
( R )Steel Cavalry of Dinon(迪隆的钢铁骑兵)
( R )Goyo Emperor(御用皇帝)
( R )Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer(刚龙剑士 雾动星·强力)
( R )Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi(超重魔兽 九尾-B)
( R )Hi-Speedroid Hagoita(高速疾行机人 马赫羽子板)
( R )Goyo Defender(御用防御者)
( R )Goyo King(御用王)
( R )Odd-Eyes Advent(异色眼降临)
( R )Fiendish Rhino Warrior(魔犀族战士)
Performapal Monkeyboard(娱乐伙伴 琴键猴)
Hi-Speed Re-Level(高速疾行等级再现)
Draco Face-Off(龙呼相争)
Kozmo Delta Shuttle