MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 02:55:20

神秘主机 Nintendo Revolution 传闻+讨论 (update/原主题改)



(all the relevant contents are sourced from the internet, please inform me immediately if you have concerned about the copyright,confidentiality or exclusiveness of the information)

-----------原主题,Nintendo Fans, Do your Part--------------------------------------------
Dear Nintendo gamers,

My appologize for not using Chinese here, because i am using university library's crappy computer which is not capable for typing our language.

The idea of this post was adopted from ign-cube.

As we know, Big N has no plan to support HD format on the Revolution. This is not a very smart move, obviously. Next-Gen is supposed to be high tech, Nintendo can not reverse the trend of being technologically advancing. Every single HDTV owner, I believe, will buy a PS3 or XBOX360 instead of Rev if they prefer, quite simple, little extra money to make the multi-thousand-dollar TV more useful. Consider the number of HDTV owners, and Nintendo certainly kind of give up on that market.

You are loyal N-fellas,you can do your part for the fantastic Revolution dream! Get up and give Nintendo more comments, show your willing about the Revolution as a consumer. this address:

I have done so, I have done my little job for the Rev.

ALSO, equally importantly but more seriously, I have emailed Ninty and talked about the SHENG-DA "Poptang"'s POKEMON Copyright issues, am now waiting for NOA's reply.

I rarely go online this year and did not register any accounts on TGFCER or the like, PLEASE FORWARD or POST THIS to SOME TV-GAME SITES for me,use proper Chinese if you like,let all N-gamers do their jobs.

Please do me this favour as for Nintendo's Sake!




[ Last edited by MR.Nintendo on 2005-6-26 at 00:40 ]

LeSomeGuy 发表于 2005-6-17 03:23:27

But they do raise a good point.Technology-wise, there is not that much difference between HDTV and normal TV, the only thing that's different is the screen ratio (9:12 VS 3:4).

By not using HDTV, Nintendo can develop games more efficiently, allocate more speed and resource to devote to making the game more intensive, interesting, and fruitful (story-wise).

Nintendo follows a tradition of making quality game, not just games that's designed to impress those young kids who are impressed with flashy graphic.I am an old school gamer, I believe the story, the game play, and the innovation idea are the most important qualities of the game, not graphics.

Sony and MicroSoft devoted so much time and energy on making the game have better graphic, they put a heavy burden on the developer.Which increase the cost, which the costs will come out from consumer's pockets.By not adopting to HDTV, Nintendo is saving money for gamers.

Besides, Nintendo Revolution not "adopting" HDTV, they never did said anything about not "able" to play on HDTV.

The technological analysis comes from my knowledge gained from bachelor degree in computers, and getting masters.

So in conclusion, you are right to be concerned, but I would still get Nintendo Revolution regardless of this issue.As the matter of fact, from the technology point of view, I'll be able to affort more games from Nintendo than any other console, so I believe Nintendo is making a risky, yet smart decision.

P.S. 小岛秀夫示SONY期待能够在PS3上表现出极高的画面素质,但其实并不是每个游戏厂商都能够达到这个质量。与之相比,Xbox360的游戏制作起来就比较容易了,他将PS3比喻成1年只能吃2到3次的高级料理,而Xbox360则是1个月能吃个2到3次的特制套餐,Revolution则是每天都能在家吃到的美味家常菜。

G.L.Sandro 发表于 2005-6-17 03:45:05


LeSomeGuy 发表于 2005-6-17 03:45:51

Originally posted by LeSomeGuy at 2005-6-17 03:23
But they do raise a good point.Technology-wise, there is not that much difference between HDTV and normal TV, the only thing that's different is the screen ratio (9:12 VS 3:4).

By not using HD ...


但他們有一個好觀點.技術上, HDTV 和正常電視之間沒有多大的區別, 是不同的唯一的事是屏幕比率(9:12 對3:4).

如果不 HDTV, Nintendo 更可提高開發遊戲的效率, 調撥更多速度和資源使遊戲更刺激, 有趣, 並且卓有成效 (故事方面).

Nintendo 追逐遊戲的傳統, 設計出好而耐玩的遊戲, 並不是以華麗的聲光效果來打動一些無知的小孩.我是一個傳統的玩家, 我相信故事, 劇情, 並且創新想法是遊戲的要點, 不是畫面。

索尼和微軟花了非常多的時間和金錢在做比賽畫面上的比賽, 他們給開發商加了很多負擔.而哪些負擔, 則加附於自消費者的口袋.Nintendo 不採取 HDTV 可省玩家很多的錢.其外, Nintendo Revolution "不採取" HDTV, 並不代表它"不能" 在 HDTV 上玩.

總之如此, 您的關心是應該的, 但我更會得到 Nintendo Revolution 不會有問題.事實上, 從技術觀點, 我能買的任天堂遊戲其他任何主機還多, 如此我相信 Nintendo 做了一個危險而聰明的決定。

P.S. 小岛秀夫示SONY期待能够在PS3上表现出极高的画面素质,但其实并不是每个游戏厂商都能够达到这个质量。与之相比,Xbox360的游戏制作起来就比较容易了,他将PS3比喻成1年只能吃2到3次的高级料理,而Xbox360则是1个月能吃个2到3次的特制套餐,Revolution则是每天都能在家吃到的美味家常菜。

ronaldwang888 发表于 2005-6-17 05:20:01


wishreborn 发表于 2005-6-17 06:54:13


onlynintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 07:59:28


Samanosuke 发表于 2005-6-17 09:06:06

hardware for sure is an issue, but that's not what creates the soul of a game. would you prefer a game full of amazing visual effect but lacks something in depth, or a game has the same performance like the ones on GC/PS2/XBOX, but more meaningful? as technology advances, we will have something more powerful,something can even create visual reality.we may forget about the games on PS3,XBOX360,even REV. but something like MARIO,u will always remember.
the current technology is capable enough of making the graphics we need for a game,what's important is how we play the game, how we interact with the cyber-world, not what a game looks like.
Nintendo's always been trying to shape the soul of the game, while others just doing the make-up.
what i want from REV is something more enjoyable,not for our eyes but mind.

PENNYSHAW 发表于 2005-6-17 09:25:53


MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 11:42:18





2,对Rev的技术规格不能过于保守。由于预定发售比较晚,Tech-Spec不能低于对手,至少不能最低。HD电视的拥有者数量不少,而且比例逐年增加,等HD成规模的将来几年,正是次时代主机的生命周期。如果这些拥有者都因此考虑PS3而不是Rev,那么将是任天堂的失败。哪怕不支持某些功能,大可以保持沉默,而不是无端发布那些“我们不支持HD”之类的silly announcement。必定总是说“我们有什么优势”,而不是说“我们在什么方面不行”。至于实际缺点的部分,厂商自己不说,大部分购买者不会注意的。

3,Rev的定名问题,必须慎重再三。比如“PlayStation”之类比较有号召力的名称为最理想,而不是Qbe或者类似的云云。Revolution已经是很好的名称,如果任天堂能想出更具有吸引力的名字,自然是上佳。用一点花哨的语言,把自己装扮成高端电子,不需要什么太多的投资,更没有什么潜在的风险。除了创新,任天堂现在更需要掌握“the Sony Tricks”。

以上,本贴的目的就是号召广大任迷切实为Rev提点建议,说点想法,用电子邮件的方式,直接告诉任天堂。尤其是这里的LSG, PENNYSHAW兄等还有那位纽西兰的兄弟。邮件地址见顶楼。TA.





Thanks for letting us know how you feel.We appreciate you giving us your
feedback and we will be forwarding it on to the appropriate people for review.

There will be more details released about the Revolution in the future so stay
tuned to for more information.We are confident that gamers
and non-gamers alike will support our focus on fun, innovation, and
affordability.Once you have a chance to play games on the Revolution, we
think you will!


Nintendo of America Inc.

MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 11:49:58

Originally posted by LeSomeGuy at 2005-6-17 03:23
Besides, Nintendo Revolution not "adopting" HDTV, they never did said anything about not "able" to play on HDTV....

Originally posted by LeSomeGuy at 2005-6-17 03:23
Nintendo follows a tradition of making quality game, not just games that's designed to impress those young kids who are impressed with flashy graphic.

not only kids are impressed by fancy visual effects. remember the 1st moment of playing RE on the cube...shocking...

MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 11:53:31

Originally posted by PENNYSHAW at 2005-6-17 09:25

MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 11:57:43

Originally posted by Samanosuke at 2005-6-17 09:06
what i want from REV is something more enjoyable,not for our eyes but mind.

that's what the Cube has already offered, think about the nintendo sales in NZ...we certainly want something more than that.


ssdy 发表于 2005-6-17 11:58:43


PENNYSHAW 发表于 2005-6-17 12:07:20

Originally posted by MR.Nintendo at 2005-6-17 11:53


賽爾達傳說 发表于 2005-6-17 12:41:47

Originally posted by wishreborn at 2005-6-17 06:54




PENNYSHAW 发表于 2005-6-17 12:49:05


Samanosuke 发表于 2005-6-17 14:22:24

Originally posted by MR.Nintendo at 2005-6-17 11:57

that's what the Cube has already offered, think about the nintendo sales in NZ...we certainly want something more than that.



sure nintendo has offered many things, but as you know, greedy people can never be satisfied :)
about the cube sales in NZ...that's a bit hard to say, but i can't even find a new GC controller at EB now, and the GC GAME shelf keeps shrinking...
just hope that nintendo could really bring out another revolution,a real one.

MR.Nintendo 发表于 2005-6-17 16:23:18

Originally posted by PENNYSHAW at 2005-6-17 12:49


PENNYSHAW 发表于 2005-6-17 16:40:44

Originally posted by MR.Nintendo at 2005-6-17 16:23

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