本帖最后由 wowayeah 于 2009-11-21 14:59 编辑
carly 发表于 2009-11-21 14:37 
After this Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto consulted together, saying, "We have now produced the Great eight-island country, 13 with the mountains, rivers, herbs, and trees. Why should we not produce someone who shall be lord of what is below Heaven? They then together produced the Sun Goddess, who was called Oho-hiru-me no muchi. 14
Called in one writing Ama-terasu no Oho kami. 15
In one writing she is called Ama-terasu-oho-hiru-me no Mikoto. 16
The resplendent luster of this child shone throughout all the six quarters. 17 Therefore the two Deities rejoiced, saying, "We have had many children, but none of them have been equal to this wondrous infant. She ought not to be kept long in this land, but we ought of our own accord to send her at once to Heaven, and entrust to her the affairs of Heaven."
At this time Heaven and Earth were still not far separated, and therefore they sent her up to Heaven by the ladder of Heaven.
They next produced the Moon-god.
Called in one writing Tsuki-yumi no Mikoto, or Tsuki yomi no Mikoto. 18
His radiance was next to that of the Sun in splendor. This God was to be the consort of the Sun-Goddess and to share in her government. They therefore sent him also to Heaven.
Next they produced the leech-child, which even at the age of three years could not stand upright. They therefore placed it in the rock-camphor-wood boat of Heaven, and abandoned it to the winds.
Their next child was Sosa no wo no Mikoto. 19
Called in one writing Kami Sosa no wo no Mikoto or Haya Sosa no wo no Mikoto. 20
This God had a fierce temper and was given to cruel acts. Moreover he made a practice of continually weeping and wailing. So he brought many of the people of the land to an untimely end. Again he caused green mountains to become withered. Therefore the two Gods, his parents, addressed Sosa no wo no Mikoto, saying, "You are exceedingly wicked and it is not appropriate that you should rule the world. Certainly you must leave far away to the Lands Below." 21
So they at length expelled him.
In one writing it is said,
"After the sun and moon, the next child Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto gave birth to was the leech-child. When this child had completed his third year, he was nevertheless still unable to stand upright. The reason why the leech-child was born was that in the beginning, when Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto went round the pillar, the female Deity was the first to utter an exclamation of pleasure and the law of male and female was therefore broken.
They next gave birth to Sosa no wo no Mikoto. 1 This God was of a wicked nature, and was always fond of wailing and wrath. Many of the people of the land died, and the green mountains withered. Therefore his parents addressed him, saying:, "Supposing that you were to rule this country, much destruction of life would surely ensue. You must govern the far-distant Land Below. 2
Their next child was the bird-rock-camphor-wood boat of Heaven. They took this boat and, placing the leech-child in it, abandoned it to the current.
Their next child was Kagu-tsuchi. 3
Now Izanami no Mikoto was burnt by Kagu-tsuchi, so that she died. When she was lying down to die, she gave birth to the Earth-Goddess, Hani-yama-hime, 4 and the Water-Goddess, Midzu-ha-no-me. 5 Upon this Kagu-tsuchi took to wife Hani-yama-hime, and they had a child named Waka-musubi. 6 On the crown of this Deity's head were produced the silkworm and the mulberry tree, and in her navel the five kinds of grain. 7 |